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HAVE CONSIDERATION •• with Bai - Printable Version

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HAVE CONSIDERATION •• with Bai - Kydobi - 02-01-2020


[OOC: ]

As much as Kydobi didn’t wish to see Bai anymore... as much as he wanted to forget them... the dragon kept finding a way to stay relevant in his life.

Now that they shared children together it would be impossible to do any of that. They agreed on joint membership for the kids with Pittian blood, which was fine enough. They both agreed on open borders for the parents, which was fine.

But at this point the friendliness might as well come with advantage. So the brute came here on a mission, to see his former love with a proposition.

He would chuff at the border, calling for [member=2039]bai shi.[/member]


Re: HAVE CONSIDERATION •• with Bai - teef - 02-03-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai 'pure' shi 'honest' lynn lingré. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting kydobi, regina & idyllfields. marauder of the pitt. demiromantic gray-asexual.
hearing the chuff, the dragon pushed themselves to the border, ears flicking as they recognized his voice. stepping to the border they tipped their head, "kydobi? are things well?", there was ever-present concern in their tone before they caught it, blinking towards him, sniffing the air for the familiar scent of blood.

changing their stance slightly to wordlessly invite him into the territory, they dipped their head slightly, listening to the lands around the duo, as if waiting for some sort of ambush. flicking their tail, they relaxed with a heavy exhale. "you don't have to enter if you don't feel like it." they murmur before rubbing against one of the trees marking their border, "what brings you here?"

Re: HAVE CONSIDERATION •• with Bai - Kydobi - 02-15-2020


[OOC: [member=2039]bai shi.[/member] [member=3043]teef.[/member]  ]

It irked him to be far from his group. He had a feeling bad things would happen when he wasn’t there to manage. But until he found a good diplomat or vicar then only then would he feel safer sending a representative.

“Things are good. I’m here for business.”, he was going to be curt and short but try to remain polite. It was often hard to maintain manners when being blunt.

“I was wondering if you’d like to have an alliance. We’re tied to each other now anyways. Our children.”

Eyes would move to look away, he did not come here for them. But that didn’t stop the flutter in his heart. Or the twang. He would tell himself they bore him children, by the laws of nature he had no use of them anymore. But Kydobi was never a traditional jaguar in that sense.


Re: HAVE CONSIDERATION •• with Bai - teef - 02-27-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai 'pure' shi 'honest' lynn lingré. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting kydobi, regina & idyllfields. marauder of the pitt. demiromantic gray-asexual.
business. what drive the world around. nothing more pleasant than business. their fault really. shaking their mane, they cleared their throat, "an alliance? considering the state of the pitt and how badly off it is currently, i don't see why not. at least for the time being. we will ally ourselves with you for as long as the pitt proves to be recovering and making itself better. i know the state of your lands, kydobi, don't try to play pride with me. i lived there for a while." their voice was distant, holding themselves back.

this was the way it was going to be, it seemed. they would forever love this brute despite their better interests. exhaling, they shook themselves slightly, "our children are indeed our tie. so long as we are allied, we offer you refuge in our land, kydobi. do not mistake our kindness for something more." they had already played the villain once before in his life. why not continue that trend? they knew he would not have them, no, not after the litter they had bore him. they loved their children greater than anything else, and would put their children above themselves, they would give their lives to save them.

Re: HAVE CONSIDERATION •• with Bai - Kydobi - 02-28-2020


[OOC: ]

For once Lady Luck would stroke her hand across Kydobi’s cheek, blessing him to where plans would go accordingly. He smiled at Bai, eyes showing a glimmer of hope.

Of course he wouldn’t deny nor acknowledge the state of the Pitt. He found it much easier for people to see how terrible it was there instead of him verbally confirming it. Perhaps if all saw, there would be a bit more compassion. But he doubted it.

“Food. We need food terribly. I’m trying to come up with ways to fix our land- I really don’t want to move but if I must I will...”, he’d probably give up and renounce his position as Ardent after everyone was situated. He belonged in the jungle and the jungle was where he would die.

Kydobi would looked at Bai Shi, his eyes not lingering into their own for more than a few moments.

“Whether that be me hosting hunts or trades...” Kydobi looked softly at them. His heart was quite grateful right now and in his excitement he wanted to hug them and hold them and show his appreciation. But he wouldn’t, “Also, I’ll keep our alliance secret. I don’t want to subject your children and mine to the hardships we are enduring at the Pitt. I know Tanglewood would jump at a chance to ruin our ties or wreak havoc on those I love .”


Re: HAVE CONSIDERATION •• with Bai - teef - 02-28-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai 'pure' shi 'honest' lynn lingré. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting kydobi, regina & idyllfields. marauder of the pitt. demiromantic gray-asexual.
right, food was the biggest concern. how could they forget. "do not forget astiar. the brute needs trees. just keep him from our sakura in camp and we should be alright with letting you and yours in." they murmur, before exhaling, gaze fixed onto the ground.

"falling away from our pasts is going to be hard, kydobi. you're doing a good job as a leader, don't give yourself too much grief. keeping word on the low will not help when the wolves sneak into your borders looking for the sick and weak ewes. be careful, for when upon the world spins, and makes monsters out of innocents, slaughter falls. it is a bloody time you must lead in, but believe in your friends and family." they breathed, longing to reach out and comfort him. they wanted to feel him at their side again, to feel the harmony that he brought them, to feel the calmness in all the chaos of everything. extending their neck, they woulf sniff him again, as if unsure about his physical state of being.

"tell your people. we are ready for the coming war. should anyone seek to lay harm to any essence of my, our children, i will personally bring hell upon them. they will find that a parent who loves their children, does not give way. as for the thought of moving, look at it as a way of restoring your land. the tunnels are too small for astiar and prone to collapsing. if you leave the land, it may also begin to recuperate. i would offer you bodies but all i have to give are ghosts and smaller beings. i will lend my efforts if it is required.", they rumble in a soft rolling sound, pulling their head back. "hunt in our lands. we have more than enough food. join us in our celebrations if you so please. i will announce this to my group.", they murmur with a warm exhale. they could not stay cold when it came to him. fickle was their heart.

Re: HAVE CONSIDERATION •• with Bai - Kydobi - 03-11-2020


[OOC: ]

Kydobi would watch them. Ever grateful for Bai Shi’s understanding and kindness. The benefits of being an older soul he assumed.

His ears pinned down when they mentioned a war. He knew the probability was high... yet he didn’t want to speak of it. Bai mentioning such made it only seem like it was going to happen as if a contract was signed and seal with just the word.

Kydobi sighed, “Thank you. I’ll also be going to the Halls and seeking an alliance with Vox.” it hurt him a little to look at them. To be reminded of what could’ve been and maybe what he still could have but his morals wouldn’t bend.

Regardless they would always be his Lynn. Now Kydobi was just waiting for someone to make him forget about what was lost.

“Thank you. Truly. You saved us.”


Re: HAVE CONSIDERATION •• with Bai - teef - 04-04-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai 'pure' shi 'honest' lynn lingré. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting kydobi, regina & idyllfields. marauder of the pitt. demiromantic gray-asexual.
lifting their head to look over at him with a blind gaze, they smiled softly, a tender look on their battle-scarred face, "I hope that your travels go well when you visit. Many things seem so terrifying now. Battles wage in closed spaces more often than open spaces, Kydobi.", they murmur, turning their head away with a faint exhale, their expression faltering.

"I'm only doing what I could have done so long ago. Do not thank me for something that should have been done before it became dire.", they breathe, brow furrowing as they were reminded of simpler times, a gust of wind bringing the scent of early blooms to their nose. they were lost in memories of their first meetings, of their love when it was tender and small, of when they were shy and new to one another. "I have apologies to make. To you. To many. To our children. To yours.", they murmur faintly, a hidden note of sadness ricocheting in their voice as they turned their blue gaze back to him.

"dark warrior... I am sorry that it was your fate to be at my side for as long as you were. It was something that I enjoyed ... and I do not regret it. But I cant help but think of what could have happened if I were a different and better man. If I could be a better parent and a better partner. But those are questions that will always torment this monster. And so I apologize for any pain I have cause you and any pain that I will cause you, my dearest Kydobi.", they rumble, lowering their nose to touch the ground in a formal bow, eyes closed and ears laid forward in a silent appeal.