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cherry blossom [★] r&c invite - Printable Version

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cherry blossom [★] r&c invite - aine. - 01-31-2020

I'll come back when you call me
With the path familiar and the faces friendly, the petite vixen insisted on inviting the Halls.  Her ink-colored paws happily crunched the snow beneath her as her hazel hues lit up with the thought of visiting again.  This time, she was offering an invite.

She'd never passed an invite before... Well.  It was to friends... So she hoped it all went well and they came.  Aine found the Halls kinder and more fun than the other groups... They just scared her.  The Halls didn't care if she lived in the Pitt.  And Redvox was her friend.

Unfortunately, Aine found herself a little lost by the snow, trying to figure out if she's already past the border or not.  … Maybe?
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: cherry blossom [★] r&c invite - redvox. - 02-01-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Marking the border of the Halls had been one hell of a task lately, mainly thanks to the fact that they had been getting hit by snowstorm after snowstorm. The harbinger was more than a little eager for winter to finally be over, and he found himself grumbling nearly the entire way as he trudged through snow, shaking out his fur and his thin skinned wings. He knew he was getting close to the border when suddenly a familiar scent invaded his nose, making him perk his head up slightly. Blinking in surprise, the hybrid made his way over to where Aine was, the poor girl looking horribly confused. Biting his lip with a fang to keep from laughing – he really didn't want the poor little fox to think he was laughing at her displeasure – Vinny found himself letting out a soft 'ahem'. Once he seemingly had her attention, he gave her a little toothy grin, his head tilting to one side as he questioned her, "Hello, Aine. What're y'doin' here in th'Halls? Y'need somethin'?" He hoped the poor thing wasn't just lost. It would've been a hell of a long way to just be wandering around without direction, and Vin didn't even want to think about how many things could've been waiting to snatch her up. However, if she was lost, he could always take her back home, since he knew the path between the Halls and the Pitt quite well at this point.

Re: cherry blossom [★] r&c invite - aine. - 02-01-2020

I'll come back when you call me
There he was!  Aine grinned, eyes brightening.  "Salut, Mr. Vinny!" Pleased she had found him, or... Had been found by him, she bounced on her paws.  "'s kinda snowy..." That may be an understatement, but she couldn't wait until he saw the highlands.  Truthfully, she still couldn't quite get over snow, no matter how little or how much there was. "I came to invite you to a big fun bonfire."

"It's with my group." Wait. "Not the Pitt, though 'm inviting them too," she began, soft voice beginning an unusually fast ramble.  "I formed a group with my best friend, Ikaia -- you'd like him, even though he's a pirate, he's a nice pirate.  We're a youth group! About exploring an' helping and we wanted to invite everyone to a fun bonfire.  We're gonna have card games and s'mores too.  If it gets too cold out, because it's real cold there, you can go inside the castle!  That's our base, Mr. Vinny and it's really cool."

"You and the Halls are real nice, and you're part of everyone, so um... You're invited!" Her ears dipped back sheepishly, but she continued to smile.  If she was excited for anyone to come, it would be Redvox.
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: cherry blossom [★] r&c invite - redvox. - 02-01-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
The hybrid wasn't sure he had ever seen Aine so excited. That wasn't to say that Aine wasn't excitable – she was when she was in a good mood, and usually when Gael was around – but she seemed genuinely overjoyed, and Vin couldn't help the grin that came to his face because of it. He listened closely as she began to ramble, smiling slightly at the words that poured forth freely from the young girl's mouth. She was so happy with what she was doing, and it did seem like a legitimately good cause and group... of course he wasn't going to say no to such an invitation. He might try to keep Aslisk away from such an event, however. She had a habit of being... harsh, and he didn't want her making any kids cry with her attitude. Dipping his head to Aine, Redvox mumbled good naturedly, "That sounds like a pretty nice event t'me. 'N' it seems like you've made a real nice group. Th'Halls will be happy ta come, 'n' I'll be sure t'go personally. Thank you for the invitation." Perhaps he was laying on the praise a little bit thickly, but... he knew Aine could be nervous at times, and to have her all the way out here on her own? Inviting a group to something – even if it was a group she had experience with? He couldn't help but be proud, even though he knew he wasn't actually like the girl's father or anything. At best he was like... a distant uncle.

Re: cherry blossom [★] r&c invite - fulzanin - 02-03-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
"A bonfire?" Curious was the tone accompanying the words that came from the wyvern as she landed heavily nearby. A hard grunt sounded as her talons dug into the dirt beneath her, accompanying for her somewhat harsh landing. She hadn't been to an 'official' bonfire before. Aslisk doubted that lighting herself on fire counted as any sort of official bonfire, no matter how big the fire had been. Redvox might have wished for Aslisk's presence to not be present, but the wyvern was certainly showing some interest with attending. "That sounds like a wonderful get-together. I'll be more than happy to attend," the burnt creature rumbled, even managing a small smile across her face. Who wouldn't find adoration in small, nervous yet delightful youths extending an invitation? Aslisk had kids of her own, she saw absolutely no reason to get hissy over such a simple and well-meant event. As furious as Aslisk could be, there were times such as this where her anger was near nonexistent. Her flaming tail slowly swung behind her, head tipping a little afterwards. A castle? She wondered if it would be like the castles from back home. The regent doubted such, but it never hurt to raise hopes barely. It wasn't as if her schedule would forbid her from going - if anything, she needed something to fill her schedule with. A cute bonfire? That was something she was down for.

TAGS 11/19/19: