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SUNFLOWER --- ravens and crows greeting + invite - Printable Version

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SUNFLOWER --- ravens and crows greeting + invite - ikaia - 01-31-2020

[table][tr][td][div style="width: 150px; height: 250px; background-image: url(; background-size: 100%; background-position: 50%; border: 1px white solid;"]
The youth rocked on his paws giddily.  The first group event for the Ravens and Crows was steadily approaching.  A fun introduction so everyone knew who they were.  The young pirate grinned.

While he knew he'd be heading the talking here, he glanced behind him for the other commodores.  His eyes gleamed with intensity and excitement.  He had high hopes everyone would accept their invitation, but knew better than to assume per say.

Instead, the oncilla found a halt at the border and opted to hope for the best.

// [member=4817]aine.[/member] [member=4094]salem[/member]

Re: SUNFLOWER --- ravens and crows greeting + invite - wormwood. - 02-01-2020

Someone new at the border. Several someones, actually, if his eye was to be believed. And they didn't smell quiet right. Well, they did smell of their respective groups, but also... of something else. Like the intermingling of many of the group scents. It put him on edge, just because he had never smelled anything like it before, and... well, it wasn't as if Tanglewood hadn't dealt with some very messed up unfamiliar shit on the border before. Case in point being the massive scar on his chest. Still, when the lion went padding over to the little group of younglings, he wore nothing but a warm smile, not particularly keen on scaring the shit out of a bunch of kids today, "Hello there, little ones... how can I help you? I'm assuming since you're sat all nice on the border, you've got something to tell us." His one good eye scanned over the trio slowly, pausing for a moment on Aine. He tensed slightly at the sight of her, although tried not to let it show as he settled back on his haunches. The last time he had seen Aine, she had been trying her damnedest to get him to stop trying to kill Kydobi, so he couldn't imagine she'd be thrilled to see his face again.

Re: SUNFLOWER --- ravens and crows greeting + invite - aine. - 02-01-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Aine wanted to be far away.  The petite vixen slunk close to her friends' sides, hazel hues flashing with greater intensity the closer they came to the border.  The scent familiar.  The hairs on the back of her neck rose.  Aine wanted to be anywhere else.  Even if she had said they should invite everyone...

As an all too familiar lion approached, the fae dug herself into the snow, hiding behind Ikaia.  She could still taste smoke on her tongue.  She could still remember the tear in her heart.  She remembered everything.  She shouldn't have had to bury a friend.  The lion was the reason she had.  Why did they have to talk to him?

They should have brought her father with them.  Or someone.  She didn't want to be here.  She glanced up at Ikaia, biting the inside of her cheek, her stomach feeling all sorts of twisted.  The sooner they spoke their greetings and invite, the sooner they could move on... To another group who probably hated her home... Maybe this was a bad idea.

[ Mobile ]
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: SUNFLOWER --- ravens and crows greeting + invite - THEM - 02-01-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]He wants to be angry.

He smells traces of the Pitt and something unfamiliar and he wants to lash out - to show everyone here what he'd been preparing them for. To keep the peace. And, more so, to keep the Pitt far, far away from here.

But there's nothing here. A child, a stranger; mixing scents that include the evil, the unknown, and their friendly seafaring neighbors. Kazuhira isn't sure what the make of it, but the festering anger still swells reflexively in his chest all the same. He isn't sure there is anything he can do, here, but sit and watch the conversation play out. Aurum's already on the scene, long before he could make his way over, and he's grateful to know that he won't have to wheeze his way through a dialogue alone. His vocal chords are still weak and the wound in his neck bleeds slow, from time to time - the Chaser should really be on bedrest, but Selby couldn't hold him back even if he tried.

Kazuhira feigns a neutral expression, nods a calm hello. He'd wait for the pair to explain themselves before he jumped to any conclusions.

Re: SUNFLOWER --- ravens and crows greeting + invite - ikaia - 02-12-2020

[table][tr][td][div style="width: 150px; height: 250px; background-image: url(; background-size: 100%; background-position: 50%; border: 1px white solid;"]
A sudden spike of anxiety confuses the boy, his stomach aching.  His eyes, on Aurum, flash in bewilderment before recalling his connection to the girl beside him.  On instinct, the oncilla takes a wary step closer to her, standing carefully in front of her.  His earlier confidence is dwindling but he won't let it show.

They had came with a purpose.  He planned on fulfilling it.  But perhaps more quickly than he originally intended, if to keep his best friend safe.

"Aloha! My name's Ikaia Kalawai'a and my friends are Aine 'n Salem.  We're the Commodores of the Ravens and Crows an' we're here to say hello to everyone an' invite Tanglewood to a mass bonfire.  There'll be snacks 'n card games 'n it's one big peaceful event."

Re: SUNFLOWER --- ravens and crows greeting + invite - wormwood. - 02-13-2020

Aurum could feel the apprehension and anxiety about this whole encounter rolling off Aine in waves, not to mention the tense cheetah currently sat at his side, clearly holding back some angry remark. The proxy tried not to let his personal feelings about the whole matter seep into things, instead focusing solely on Ikaia in front of him. Listening intently to what the oncilla had to say, the lion hesitated before answering, "I suppose that Tanglewood wouldn't mind attending such an event, provided it's going to be all peaceful... I'm assuming you invited other groups, as well?" His eyes flicked over to Aine once he was done speaking, the scent of the Pitt on her pelt making his skin crawl. He knew that Leroy probably wouldn't approve of attending something the Pitt was also at, but... this was just a bunch of kids. It was best to interact with them kindly now, to perhaps get them away from awful places like the Pitt.