Beasts of Beyond
LIVING LIFE FEEDING APPETITES / invite - Printable Version

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LIVING LIFE FEEDING APPETITES / invite - bubblegum - 01-31-2020

Re: LIVING LIFE FEEDING APPETITES / invite - wormwood. - 01-31-2020

The smell of the Typhoon on the border was a but of an unusual occurence, but it certainly wasn't an unwelcome one. Next to Tanglewood, the Typhoon was Aurum's favorite group, and he had often in the past found himself making monthly visits, or even just one every couple of weeks. He hadn't done it in a while, simply because he didn't really have the time for such things anymore, but that didn't mean he loved the island dwelling group any less. He liked to think he was fairly well acquainted with Goldie at this point, and he thought that she was a good captain, who worked hard to make sure that her group was well cared for. She was the type of leader that he wanted to be, at least some day. In addition to that, the tigress was just a joy to hang out with, often coming around with drinks or gifts like she had now. He was sure that Leroy would be glad to see her, as well as a few other group members who would go unnamed. For now, Aurum was the only one on the scene, and he found himself padding over with a smile when he heard Goldie's voice.

The last few days – weeks, really – had been pretty exhausting for the proxy, so the prospect of getting away from it all and just enjoying a nice casual event was appealing. So much so that he actually had a bit of a spring in his step as he settled nearby, offering Goldie a crooked grin. All he could really hope for was that nobody caused any trouble, which was thankfully fairly unlikely. Several people were already in deep shit, and if Snarl or Vathmos chose to go and cause trouble around one of their allies? Leroy would have their heads for sure, even if he did usually try to be easygoing and fair. Shoving that from his mind for now, Aurum sniffed curiously at the basket of gifts before rumbling, "Hey, Goldie. It's good to see you again, and smelling a lot less like death and desert... I'll definitely be there, and I'm sure some others will be as well. You been getting enough sleep?" It was a little personal, but it was also something that the male had been fairly worried about lately. He knew that Goldie couldn't have been sleeping well inside the Pitt, where she was constantly on edge all the time, and he could only hope she was a bit more comfortable now that she was home.

Re: LIVING LIFE FEEDING APPETITES / invite - toboggan - 02-02-2020

A glowing expression of warmth makes a habitat out of Leroy's face while the wolfhound nears the captain. The level of certitude that existed in his fondness for the female triumphed the faith he had in many a Tangler,  simply due to how dependable she proved to be time and time again. And it was such a certitude, such a reverence that he felt for the pirate, that prevented him from grimacing whilst in Goldenluxury's presence.

He arrives in time to hear the news that she bore, his tail's wag picking up in pace at the mention of a get-together of sorts. Specifically, the occasion was a potluck, and perhaps a little bit of good ol' fashioned truth or dare. Hmmm. The leader never quite acquainted himself with the culinary arts - the last time in which he attempted to do so ended in his demise, so he averted cooking ever since - nor did he ever have luck with truth or dare. Nevertheless, it was an excuse to get out, and hang out with some folks he hadn't seen in a blue moon. "Lookin' forward to it, Ms. Goldenluxury," he earnestly states, nodding as he says so, "ya can count on me to show up."