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burn out in the night- appearance / intro - Printable Version

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burn out in the night- appearance / intro - deimos - 01-31-2020

[align=center][align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: times new roman; color: black;"]Death was something, supposedly, that floated about him. He had been told a number of times that he smelled like it, his flesh, riddled with matts and blood clots, stank like terror and loomed like eternal sleep. To this, Primus had chuckled, smiling with those bone teeth and his every-staring eyes. Did he blink? No. He stepped into the desert, ignoring the burning sands upon his paw- despite it being the middle of winter. And he continued to walk. It wasn't as if some sand was going to stop him.

The jungle, however, was a contrast to the dry heat just beyond. It became wet, dragging at his skin. At this point, he decided to trade his body. Back to something a bit more original, a lot more.. fitting for these climates. Stalking and climbing mountains had been better in his other shape. However.. his body took on a bulkier stance. The bone muzzle, up to his brow, remained. His ears twitched, rounded. The mane stretched from his forehead to his back, and even on the underside of his tail. His fur was ashen, his paws white and faded from there.

He shook his mane out, growling to himself as his red eyes flashed a bit. Much better, much more.. at home. He was revealed, at last. He chuckled to himself, before letting out a loud grunt to announce his presence. He refused to sit until he was attended to.


Re: burn out in the night- appearance / intro - Mercede - 02-01-2020

diamonds are a girl’s bestfriend -

mercede f. callahan
the pitt
2 months

pronounced: (mur-say-dee)

female - marble cross fox (white, gray, black) - 2 months - Jervis x Fourthwall - no crush - no mentor

mental manipulation
call me your sweet baby —

It most certainly wasn’t a good idea that a child so small was alone. Especially when strangers were about. But she and her sisters practically had no parental guidance. With their father dead, killed by his very own clanmate, and the other seemingly never around... the girls ran wild.

Apart from Kydobi, that... shit always told them no. Well in the manner of Noor, fuck him. He killed their dad! He stole his throne. She wouldn’t bow to anyone.

And she couldn’t fear anyone either. Callahan’s didn’t do that. She was a lady but so many people were mistaken to believe that she meant that in a traditional sense. She was not fragile. She was never a damsel in distress. She had a subtle but sure strength.

She didn’t need to brag or curse or scream or bite to prove a point.

Because queens spoke, they did not need to yell, to be heard. That was power. That was real power. And queens didn’t fear anyone, so she saw Primus and scoffed.

“Why’re you wearing a mask? Are you ugly?”


Re: burn out in the night- appearance / intro - deimos - 02-01-2020

[align=center][align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: times new roman; color: black;"]If Primus would have known Jervis, they might have been good friends. Primus would have been a good defender in these times, perhaps, even chasing up to Kydobi's rank before Jervis's slaughter. But he wasn't, and time and time again Deldrach had managed to rip him to pieces instead.

Well, here he was.

But instead of what he expected- who knows what Primus Akaodon expected- up approached a small.. fox. A child, even, one that had the nerve to look him in the eye and chastise his appearance. His red eyes drifted across her small form and he just about drooled. What meat on her bones.. yes, that was very good. A chuckle, amused, drifted across his lips and he lowered his head, eyes narrowed gently. "I can be much more ugly. But I wear no mask. Tell me, darling, who speaks for the Pitt now."

Oh, if Primus knew that this child belonged to the grave-eater, then he would've delighted in attacking her back. But for now, Primus held his tongue, be it almost too hard for that. "Whether or not you'd like it, bespawler, I'm here to join." Primus's eyes flashed for a moment, and he almost came the bespawler himself, stomach growling on the low.


Re: burn out in the night- appearance / intro - CAUSTIC. - 02-01-2020

Creatures of all strange manner appeared here, and Caustic almost found comfort in the normal ones. The Outlands had been home to their own variety of strange creatures, but he had yet to see anything rivaling the massive power of a Leviathan or the screeching of a flyer.
Scratch that, the strange cicada-dragon screeched just the same.
Caustic was too familiar with administering death. He could never offer love, but he could offer fulfilled promises of demise at the power of his work, whether in the scientific sense or the brutal sense. He was familiar to death, as the times his squad mates let him down and allowed other teams to overpower him. Caustic took in a large inhale at the scattered memories of bullets filling his body, sending him to his knees, filling his brain, choking on his own blood.
Exhale. Green clouds left his mouth. Cough. Caustic found the stranger's scent in his nose, and rolled his eyes on reflex. There was a fellow member's scent too, and knew that he would have to approach now. There was a 50/50 chance there was a tough-acting child trying to greet a stranger.
Caustic trudged out of the trees, approaching from behind the child as the gas leaked from his mouth in a steady stream of smoke. The large, dark, Northwestern wolf towered over the fox, and Caustic moved to place Mercedes under him, between his forelegs. His face twisted into a hard, angry stare with a trapper's gaze focused on the lion.
Something.... primal wanted him to snarl and bark, and Caustic held this reflex with clenched teeth. He squared his shoulders, ears perked forward and tail raised to level. Caustic's gaze was picking apart the lion's anatomy, theorizing the bone structure and organs with each noted mutation.
"Kydobi is the Ardent. He may be along shortly. Take a seat for now."

Re: burn out in the night- appearance / intro - Kydobi - 02-01-2020


[OOC: ]

Foreign scents hardly ever slipped past Kydobi. He was more often than not very sharp about these things. Usually he would meet strangers as fast as he could, especially when he smelled the scent of his own people intermingled.

It created urgency. But when there was the milky scent of a child? It was most certainly an emergency accompanied with a groan because there was no doubt to just who’s children were straying and meeting strangers.

With speed and agility he would trek through the burned trees from the green capital with loathing. He was happy to see new people showing interest but the amount of food available was always worrying. As well as the intentions and moral compass of these newcomers. He knew of the tales and reputation, such infant attracted the wrong people to the right place for the wrong reasons. These were the people who were everything Kydobi wanted the Pitt to grow from. To be better than.

And this lion? Kydobi did not get a good feeling about him. From Caustic standing over... of course little Mercede to the brutes overall appearance. Lions reminded him of Aurum in a way. Lions had a habit of being prideful... even more than his folk.

The jaguar let a growl rumble deep in his chest, “who is this Caustic?” naturally he wouldn’t be too hostile or defensive. Never has he been the type to close a door without exploring what’s behind it.


Re: burn out in the night- appearance / intro - deimos - 02-01-2020

[align=center][align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: times new roman; color: black;"]Another approacher. His blooded eyes shifted a bit as another came through the jungle, his ears twitching a bit. Bone teeth clattered for a moment, as if a smile was tugged across his ears. Look at this fellow, wouldn't you? Something green, something black. A vision of plague, as one would relate the color of green to sickness. But also a vision of proceeding, because Primus knew very well the child before him was nothing more then lunch on any other day. The lion shifted his step, watching the male take a.. rather aggressive stance.

To that, Primus chuckled.

"You're rather on edge, aren't you?" Primus responded to him asking to sit. No, Primus would not sit. He wasn't a fool, of course. Letting his guard down, revealing his chest and belly to an enemy- for he posed himself that way- and letting that wall down, once again? Both familiar to death, Primus was sure Caustic could relate the reason back if he knew it so. But for a moment, that grin, which was only implied with his eyebrows and slightly tightened eyes, for those teeth of his never moved, disappeared. His eyes narrowed instead, reading his stance. The shoulders forward, ears raised, tail raised- he was trying to make himself seem bigger, place himself in a place of.. well, authority. Which, of course, simply would not do.

But pride was of another thing. Yes, Primus was prideful. But he was sorely beaten, killed not once, but twice, left to rot in this very desert the second time. But he was only trying to find his mate, to drag her back to their pride. The second death set him straight, however. He realized that he would never get her back to the pride. The black pelted lion had took it upon himself to return.

And that's where pride was shattered.

Deserted, the pride was. No note, no care in the world for Primus. Woe is me, he cried to himself, before growing with anger. He wasn't King. He wasn't where he wanted to be, with a queen, leading the pride and founding an empire. So he returned. To find her, to murder her, to blaze a new torch of a pride. And he was bitterly sore, as well, that they wouldn't be purebred anymore. "My name, is Primus Akaodon." He said, addressing Kydobi. What he did like, though, was the big cat presence. At least it wasn't all mutts and canines. "Not that these two bothered to ask. If I may, who are you?." Primus was absolutely going to play this game. Disrespect traded disrespect, and simply nothing more.


Re: burn out in the night- appearance / intro - CAUSTIC. - 02-03-2020

First Olalla, now this insect? Caustic wasn't fucking impressed. Green eyes narrowed at the lions chuckle, and boredom hit the wolf again. He wondered if running into this sort of personality here would be a regular occurrence and a heavy sigh left him. What did he have to do for these fools to understand that Caustic was not a joke? His ears tilted in the direction of Kydobi, eyes and head following through.
Primus was a stupid name. "I'm not interested in the trivial personalities of insects. Especially one who does not seem to be intent on being tolerable." Could Kydobi deny joining? Probably, but Caustic weighed the pros and cons in his head. Kydobi needed people and adults, and stupid as he appeared, the lion probably had some strength by virtue. That was fine, but the lion needed to know his his place in the grouping.
At the bottom of the food chain.


Re: burn out in the night- appearance / intro - Kydobi - 02-08-2020


[OOC: ]

He did not like the way this was going in the least. Perhaps he would need to direct it, but he didn’t want to feed into the hostility.

It seemed everyone was only making it worse. Whether Caustic was retorting back out of pride or for the group collective... Kydobi could not tell. But it wasn’t totally appreciated. It only amplified things. If anything he would’ve thought Caustic, with all his analysis and scientific behavior, would’ve realized the importance each recruit had.

Kydobi was trying not to be irritated, he would hate to miss out on a solid asset. He exhaled slowly before speaking. Allowing a moment of silence to befall upon them.

“Thank you Caustic, but i Can take it from here.”, he would step forward to stand closer to the strange lion. Naturally he reminded the panther of Aurum and that wasn’t pleasant in the least. In fact, his vicious encounters with that particular brute had made him wary of all lions.

It wasn’t out of fear, but he had found big cats were prideful creatures. Lions? We’re the worst. It wasn’t out of fear at all, Kydobi could rival a lion with his size. Not the average jaguar in the least.

With glowing fiery orbs he would look into the crimson ones with fierce calm, “Listen to me and listen to me closely, if you wish to join us I suggest a different approach.”

A change of tone was what he was getting at. The jaguar flicked his ears back, “Because if you wish to be apart of the Pitt there are those above you and you will be expected to respect them. Otherwise you’ll get nowhere fast.”

There was people here he had to respect. And as alien as Caustic was to him, the canine still hadn’t come off this way.

“I am Kydobi, the Ardent if this group and  I’d be delighted to have you join us should you tell me your worth. What you have to offer my group.”


Re: burn out in the night- appearance / intro - deimos - 02-08-2020

[align=center][align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: times new roman; color: black;"]Primus, honestly, wasn't looking to impress someone who's first instinct was to stand over a child like Primus was going to eat them. Well. He might have been thinking about it, but he wasn't actually going to do it, was he? Primus cleared his throat, eyeing Caustic over, picking at every little detail for a moment longer. But, Primus thought for a moment. A sly grin crossed his face for a moment, turning his gaze away from Caustic. Why play the game of the fool when he could simply.. not reply? But, thankfully, someone filled the gap of conversation.

The sigh that Kydobi had released was evident of something else. Some irritation, some restraint. Of course, Primus couldn't read into it completely. He wasn't a mind-reader except.. when he chose to be. His tail flicked, the deep fur tuft at the end of it gently brushing the undergrowth of the jungle. The jungle, where he was rumored to be King in many.. humanic legends. Which, was a joke. The open low growth with a lot of brown foliage was where he ruled before. He wished he could return to his home, before the turning. Before the bitter taste of Einion's blood in his mouth. Before the bitter hate and rage of that ẘ̥̘͙̱̦̘͚̙̓̐̆̆͌̅̈͗͘h̴̡̰̯̣͕̯̣͑̂̋̈̌ǫ̸͉̖̞͉̙̱̯̈́̌̃̚͟͡͝͝r͔̠̦̥̙̹̋̇̃́͡e̩͎̣̖̠͕͐͑̓͆̃͌̍̉̀̕.

He cleared his throat.

"It won't be the first time I've climbed a chain." He spoke with a dull tone. Please, he wasn't an amateur. This happened everywhere. Primus was hated, that was known. He bemused this fact to himself, of course, it wasn't his own fault. There were people, somewhere, who would've gotten along just fine with him. But the people in front of him seemed.. weak. A bit of tone made them angry. He sighed as he got this next question, rather bored with their picking and prodding.

One paw raised, idly observing his claws before settling it back down. "A pleasure to meet you, Kydobi." Finally, something from someone. You see, Primus couldn't work with them if he was given nothing to work with. "Depends on what you truly need. Experience in.. inter-group relations, at the least. A claw to offer, another pair of paws on whatever needs rebuilding. Last I recall, I heard down the grapevine your defenses were shot and weakened? That does need attention, I can help with that." Primus would have blinked very slowly in obvious terms.

Primus knew they needed active people, to actively defend. He wasn't an idiot. A child, and a green-clouded-wolf to defend the border? What if he had been here to actively eat someone? He would have scoffed, but something about respect made his fur bristle on end instead.
