Beasts of Beyond
I'LL KEEP YOU MY DIRTY LITTLE SECRET -- open; introduction - Printable Version

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I'LL KEEP YOU MY DIRTY LITTLE SECRET -- open; introduction - trojan g. - 01-31-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 60%;text-align: justify;font-size: 8pt;"]If anyone would ask her why it had taken her so long to decide and show herself, properly introduce herself, Sweeney would speak up and say that she was letting her siblings shine for a little on their own first, not wanting to outshine them and get to everything first, she had decided to take her time in doing this, to make sure she didn't come off as too strong, just like the humble little girl she was. Of course, the real reason was that she hadn't thought to do something like this in order to get herself known, and had rather thought that everyone would just kinda know who they were.

The kids of Jervis and Fourthwall! The fox kits that would one day rule the world! But no one cared. Jervis was now dead and seen as a traitor to the Pitt, one who lead them into ruins and started their downfall, and the new leader was one of the ones who had helped to kill him, so resentment and hatred stuck hard in her throat and she decided one day she'd get her revenge for her father, one day she would make it known that although he was dead, Jervis was still around in his children. She knew from his execution that the only ones she could trust would be her family, and only a few of them at that. Fourthwall hadn't seemed to want to do anything to help Jervis out at the time, and Mercede was just a stuck up "princess" who thought she was better than everyone.

The first born would have to make sure things changed about that, and Mercede got put back in line, but that was something for another day. Right now, Sweeney had to make sure she, herself, was known and liked, and she'd do it in any way that she could. "Hello?" The female would call out as she soon sat down, head swiveling around to look at those passing her, "My name's Sweeney and I don't think I've met very many of you yet."

Re: I'LL KEEP YOU MY DIRTY LITTLE SECRET -- open; introduction - Mercede - 01-31-2020

diamonds are a girl’s bestfriend -

mercede f. callahan
the pitt
2 months

pronounced: (mur-say-dee)

female - marble cross fox (white, gray, black) - 2 months - Jervis x Fourthwall - no crush - no mentor

mental manipulation
call me your sweet baby —

It wasn’t that Mercede thought she was the best, she knew she was the best. Because she knew so she never really felt the urge to prove it to anyone apart from the simple statement of being so every now and then.

But she never went out of her way to show it. The opinion of others didn’t concern her too much because she knew who and just what she was and what she was capable of. Hypocritically, she did care for her reputation. Not that she was the best but that people viewed her as regal and special and impressive in her manners. So when she tried to correct her sisters it wasn’t so much because she wanted them to do better for the sake of being better. It was more for  herself. The pup didn’t want to be associated with idiots, pigs, tramps, fools, and failures.

The little girl was always highly aware of her surrounding. Her social background and those people grouped her with.

Much like her sister, Mercede was devoted to restoring greatness to their name. To keep her papa alive through her achievements. But she wasn’t so sure if she wanted to rule. That seemed boring and so overdone. She was going to be someone important though, someone people feared and envied.

“Greetings Sweeney. Finally introducing yourself?”
