Beasts of Beyond
゚✧ TWINKLE, TWINKLE, LITTLE STAR ┆ignore please - Printable Version

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゚✧ TWINKLE, TWINKLE, LITTLE STAR ┆ignore please - CHILD SOUL - 01-30-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width: 450px; margin: auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; font-family: nyala; line-height: 1.3; padding: 1%"]01. Winter has been singing for a while now.
It is a song that is built with crystallized tears and hound howls,
Playing through the bled out life from the sun’s cold corpse.
It have many meanings, stitched with dreams and tales and beliefs.
But what they always have something in common with each other is:
There is always a beginning, and there is always an end.

07. Therefore, the wandering shape of starlight,
Its frame of flames, light comes to bless its surroundings,
And a core that ever sings with the Universe,
Does not wish to finish its journey so soon already.
It knows that this cold, cruel part of time
Will be over and the birds can finally sing with it again.

13. Though what a foolish being it is.
This vessel it would form if imagined by anyone,
This fake home for fake organs and bones.
It exists like it have a lungs for a reason: To breathe.
It exists like it have a brain for a reason: To slowly die remembering own life.
The body can bear the World, but as muscles twitches and decay,
Its energy is a ghost that can not always be met with such force.

20. Energy flickers violently within its system,
Disturbing the battle of heavenclouds and hellfire,
And so is the shaped light itself, trembling with pain,
Nearly is its Core trapped between the Death’s iced teeth.
Their heavy, cold breaths caresses its body, reminding it its doom
And if imagined, celestial tears would threaten to fall from it like stars.

26. Hundred bones rattle along with its steps while the organs squirm
From the fire that lives and conquers in the center of its belly,
Madly, horribly, and tragically.
This song soon bleeds into hot madness,
Before it ends with the light falling down,
Its form crashing against the surface and be kissed with agony by Life.

32. Or so it thinks the song is over.
While alone nearby a scented border
It holds little acknowledge of,
Everything is silent to it now
But its own weeps and sniffles.
It thinks when it hopes.
It hopes because it hurts.

— ❝ In life, in survival, when there is pleasure, let there, too, be pain. ❞


Please do not post before Andy with Roxanne!

Re: ゚✧ TWINKLE, TWINKLE, LITTLE STAR ┆ abandoned figure? - ROXANNE R. - 01-30-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne twitched her whiskers, she had been glancing around her new home making sure that everything was in order. Her mismatched gaze fixated onto a few pictures she decided to hang up, most of them being Roan when he was much smaller, she remembered when he had been tinier than her paw. The thought made her heart melt, she walked through her room taking in her decor that was mainly themed after crocodiles and the tropics. This was her home. She hoped it would prove to be a home for everyone who lived here, for Roan, Greed, herself, and maybe. . . Just maybe the sounds of small pitter pattering paws through the house one day. Of course, she didn't want to have kids so soon seeing as most of her time and dedication was mainly on Roan, she wanted to be there for him every moment. She didn't want to miss a single achievement, discovery, or whatever her son did. She just knew that she wouldn't be able to do that if she was heavy with cubs or kittens, she would be much slower and fuck, skittish about being outside to begin with.

Her having more children would wait, not only did she want to spend time with her loved ones but, she didn't think Greed was quite ready to be a father or rather it was much too early to even think on kids in her opinion. She didn't want to end up scaring him off with the mere subject of the two having kids, even if Greed had cried that Roan should have been his kid during his drunken moment though she didn't know entirely how he felt about children. She pushed those thoughts away, she left her house taking the moment to look around at her surroundings. Roxanne found herself trying to search for either the jaguar or her son, her ears twitching at the sudden sound of weeping and sniffles, she frowned wondering if Roan had ended up hurting himself again. Her fur pricked up at the thought, Roxie would trot forward with her ears swiveled forward in the direction of the sound.

"Roan? Did you end up getting hurt again, sweetie? Ro-"

Her words stopped as she took in the sight of them, she didn't know where they came from or what to even think of them. It was odd in a sense yet Roxanne didn't feel it would be right of her to turn them away, she would breathe gently drawing near with heterochromatic gaze fixated onto the being with such curiosity and wonder. Finally, the words slipped from her slightly parted maw, a gentle tone that was normally reserved for kittens or her son as she would ask "Hello. Are you lost, little one?" Roxanne would shift her wings that draped at her sides, her head tilting to the side making sure she didn't invade their space but also hovered to see if they had retained any wounds. They were small like a child. Maybe it was bold of her to make an assumption but that's what she heard, saw, and even her maternal instincts seemed to kick at her slightly. "Are you hurt, sweetie?" She soothed quietly though her gaze saddened at the thought of the child crying because they had gotten hurt, it only reminded her when Roan had recently hurt himself.

"Mama... Mama!"

The memory of his whimper made her heart ache, Roxie was certain that no mother ever liked seeing their own little one or any for that matter, being hurt by a fall or cut. Roxanne found herself in a situation where her mind clicked with that one memory of her child crying, it led her to do the best she could provide; comfort. By now, it was her parental instinct taking control of most her actions, her wings that once rested at her sides now gently making a form of coverage for the small child. A softened gaze with a warm smile etched onto her maw, she would try to further soothe the child with a bit of humming. If she had managed to wrap her wings around them, she would rock her body back and forth, cradling them almost in her grasp. Odd things happened all the time but, she thought this was a form of. . . Blessing. It was weird for her to think such a way though she couldn't entirely help it, her mind enveloped in her motherly instinct. An instinct that found it's way to her the day Roan had been born, she became a mother despite not having one to call her own. And that was fine by her. She had learned.

She continues to learn.  [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]