Beasts of Beyond
WHAT IS A HOME ? - Printable Version

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WHAT IS A HOME ? - CHILD SOUL - 01-30-2020

[div style="max-width: 500px; margin: auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 1.3; padding: 1%"][align=center][Image: image1.png] [Image: image0.png] [Image: image0.png]

Child of the Feral Smile / Child of the Unknown Gaze

"Your flesh are the walls as your heart is the hearth. You even have the ribcage that embraces the very corners and edges of your soul. Yet with the ashes in your mouth, bones bathed in blood as rich red as your name of starlight, do you feel like home, Child Soul?"


Does not carry any particular name. Can be referred to with anything and everything; does not mind any crude or disrespectful touch to them. Known as the “Child Soul”, deemed as a part of the representation of Protoplast, the “first” sentiment being of the universes. Born sexless, identifying genderless; goes by any pronouns, mainly neutral ( they / it ). Two months old; a mortal. Have over billions of incarnations; is current unaware of this fact. Currently residing in the Typhoon as part of a child member.

Physically and mentally easy. Lacks knowledge of combat and healing, but is curious and eager to learn these skills. Does not wish to start fights as whatever confrontations occur, either they are attempted to be ended or the option of fleeing will be taken. Mercy will always be given with there having no desires to harm or kill. Have all elemental powers, memory manipulation, telepathy, the sight, and shapeshifting. Peaceful / nonviolent powerplay is allowed. Attack in bold and @ account. Stats: (4) strength, (6) dexterity, (6) constitution; (7) intelligience, (8) wisdom, and (11) charisma.

Lone child of Mother Nature and Father Time, the Embodiments of their respective aspects. Have many half siblings along with extended family members. However, they lack full awareness of both their immediate and extended families’ existence. Does believe the forces of nature and time are their parents from how they feel spiritually connected with them as they get older. Will eventually be adopted by Roxanne Roux.

Extremely easy to make friends as anyone interacting with them will automatically be deemed as a friend. Extremely difficult for them to view another as an enemy, does take more than insults and pushes at them to make them view the other as so. Highly affectionate and often desires to express them through physical contacts and compliments, which are given to almost everyone. Will eventually label themselves as demi-pansexual demi-pansexual. Is currently too young to have romance involved in their life, but does tend to develop puppy crushes.

Birth body will forever be unknown. Is always seen as a small ball of light with no features prominent, which is called the Core. Does form a specific form after a character’s image projected onto them. For an example, if a character perceive them as a brown tabby, their core will replicate their image and have them take after it, appearing as a brown tabby only to that character. Smells of metals, herbs, and faintly blood. Sounds gentle and loving, voice full of honey and milk. Often twitches and shakes for no reason. Always giving smiles at everyone and giggles almost about everything.

Currently does not have a history of any physical disabilities and conditions in particular.

Displays most traits of Libra - Associated with element wood and colour magenta - Heavenly virtue is kindness and deadly sin is wraith - The Lover - ENFP, the Campaigner - Lawful Neutral - Sanguine - Type Nine, the Peacemaker
Positive traits: Adventurous, appreciative, considerate, creative, curious, enthusiastic, gentle, generous, observant, passionate, perceptive, playful / Neutral traits: Absentminded, ambitious, amusing, casual, competitive, dreamy, determined, high-spirited, emotional, sensitive, stubborn / Negative traits: Childish, clumsy, distractible, excitable, forgetful, melancholic, moody, overimaginative, impatient, impulsive, rowdy, silly

Currently does not have a history of any mental disabilities and conditions in particular. However, the notable aspects of them are the facts they always speak in third person and refer themselves with plural pronouns.

I. Title - Artist / II. Title - Artist / III. Title - Artist / IV. Title - Artist / V. Title - Artist / VI. Title - Artist / VII. Title - Artist / IX Title - Artist / X. Title - Artist / XI. Title - Artist / XII. Title - Artist

✧ [thread link to be added]
— They wake up to find themselves alone nearby the Typhoon’s territory. With no one to have and no where to go, they are given a chance to live with the pirates and be raised in the sapphire crafted home of the sea.

✧ Will enjoy collecting various of things from something mundane as sticks to more as cards
✧ Have huge passion of mythology, astronomy, and nature
✧ Highly interested in listening to fairytales and real life based stories
✧ Is an absolute cuddle bug
✧ Give gifts and compliments from strangers to loved ones
✧ Anyone breathing at their direction is on their friend already
✧ The lover of love, embracer of stars and dreams
✧ Casually says “I love you”s to everyone
✧ See themselves connected with everything and everyone in life to death

WHAT IS A HOME ? ( WE ARE . ) - CHILD SOUL - 01-30-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; margin: auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 1.3; padding: 1%"]Content warning for a lot of dark and heavy material that focuses on deaths and suffering

“Child Soul? An absolute delight. Definitely, do they have one of the most interesting character concepts I thought of. I just love the idea that with there being Mother Nature and Father Time who are the forces of their names, nature and time, they have a child who is commonly known as Child Soul, the force of the life, the dead, and the unknown. While they may be similar to Life, Child Soul is supposed to represent more than just life itself, that being also the cycle of existence: to born to be reborn, to live to die, to exist since the Beginning forever until the End.

Child Soul is the Protoplast ( of Life ), which is "in a religious context initially referred to the first human". As the Embodiment of creation of the humanity ( such term that is equivalent to so ), They were known to had split their first soul to form Protoplast figures such as Adam and Eve and Noah, Pandora, Pangu, and so forth. Child Soul doesn't have much opinions about them when they would were supposed to create them based on the beliefs and cultures and such from these Protoplasts entities like Humans would form in the future.

Although, like any other entities, after they had done their parts, they would soon die, only to be reincarnated in the end. They always have someone who will be the death to them, and it is commonly known as Beast Soul, the Protoplast ( of Death ), as the embodiment of the end from murders, diseases, and so on. No matter what level of power Child Soul's current incarnation have, Beast Soul will always find a way to kill them and find them in their next lifetime after it regenerates and loses its entire memories, even with them.

Which is quite saddening to think about it because there are times when Beast Soul doesn't want to kill them, but for the purpose of the Natural Order, instincts will always conquer over the minds of who were supposed to be monsters in the end. And whatever pleasant moments it has with Child Soul, it will not remember them in the end. Forever is it the wolf to Child Soul as the lamb, constantly being torn apart and be sewed with a different coating every time they die. They will always chase and run after each other until the End.

But with Child Soul as the Protoplast, they are destined to exist. For beyond billions of years, and take this as a fact that as they are the very first as a soul to exist, they will die last with Beast Soul. No words can ever define the amount of incarnations they have, as the Universe is entirely stained with their soul dusts, stained in billions of ashes and dusts from billions of paths they stood and choices they picked. From the best to the worse. They were a lover as a killer, a slave as a ruler. They lived softly just as much as violently. They were everyone and everything.

Can you even imagine living and knowing yourself as an entity who had blessed the world in its glory to cursing it to its extinction? Someone who loved and hated, someone who had been loved and hated. It creates this great sense of paranoia over the decisions you make, even the smallest ones, and how will they affect not just your life, but everyone else's and even the Universe itself. Such littlest decisions can create the biggest impacts, and that is beautiful, and horrifying, and Child Soul would usually experience this very thing everyday after they discover their true identity.

They had lost so many connections from family to friends to lovers because of this true identity. Either through fallout relationships to deaths, something would bleed and die between them and their associates either Child Soul discovers who they were, or the others would first. Child Soul had also lost themselves because of that. In some incarnations, they would do things to themselves so they could no longer associate themselves with their true identity. It had lived and experienced so much— too much. The discovery is always overwhelming to take, even there were some incarnations who died just from remembering everything solely because the discovery would be beyond tolerable.

It is already enough when everything and everyone they face, there are always more than a single story that they are reminded of. Whoever and whatever comes in their life, they always mean something to them from their past experiences, and even when they do not know their true identity, they would still find themselves grasping this familiar sense from their surroundings, and it hurts to think about what could be so familiar about them when they should have been first deemed as the unfamiliar to them in the first place.

To know but do not know at once, and again, this is a thing that occurs to them from everything and everyone that comes to their life. It is an ache somehow small but hurtful that can never go away. And it doesn’t help when others would sense some sort of familiarity from them that they can not tell what is it that others see in them. It is beyond frustrating for them to handle these strange familiar sensations all the time. However, the conditions just gets only worse once they learn about their true identity.

Because they have over billions of incarnations, gradually, as their days goes on, nothing seems to feel real and genuine to them. What were said had been said billions of times, and what were done had been done billions of times. Child Soul had lived and lost their life billions of times and will continue to exist that way for so much more longer. It simply builds this idea of how there is no purpose in life for them because they were so many ways for them to achieve, and it feels like they had gained every single of achievements.

Other health conditions from discovering their true identity does usually develop frequent migraines, dreams and nightmares, and tendency to fall into daydreams and experience periods of feeling disconnected or detached from their body and thoughts. Everything seems a little too heavier to live and breathe with out of the sudden, and it just hurts. Even with the support they would receive from others, they would be too afraid to fall even more in love with them and vice versa before they try push themselves away from them, knowing someone would get hurt in the end.

I just have so much feelings for Child Soul because they just never asked to live and die, only to be reincarnated and experience everything again in a whole new different identity. But as the Protoplast of Life, for the Natural Order to not fall apart and cause the Universe to implode, they have no choice but to exist in that role: Living and dying and reliving and repeating. No matter what incarnations of theirs believe that to be who they are is okay, everyone should come to an agreement that no ones should have this will to eternally live. No one should have lived as long as Child Soul have.

So, they will remain until the End, but how much longer would they have to exist for? The End sounds like a forever, and eventually, time wouldn’t feel concrete anymore with nature being the presences of phantoms embracing their soul, so it’s only the matter of faith that must be relied on for this agony to end for them one day. Although they were said by their family who they rarely received any sorts of support, when they are related to entities who are the forces of the Universe from Life to Death, that they were never alone, and the Universe would always sing for them, with them.

While that is a thing as they exist, what is there for them when they will truly die when, remaining as one of the two very last entities to exist, nothing and no one are left for them to go to? Beast Soul would not really count when it is their death, not a true stranger or lover. It is not utterly fair for Child Soul to exist like this. In the end, they, Soul Child themselves, only wanted to live and leave a big difference in the world behind the fading existence of their presence. Instead they get everything and nothing all at once, making their existence something more than a poem, a fable, a tragedy.

Child Soul deserves so much better than the things they have to go through solely for the sake of keeping the Universe maintained. They just wanted to live. Nothing more or less than that. But everywhere they go, everyone they meet, everything they interact with, they have their body and soul. Child Soul will always be running from themselves in the same manner as they are chasing after themselves. The greatest fear they have in the end is themselves, when they are both the haunter and the haunted. To themselves. From themselves.”