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thescleo valdo dryo - presentation - Printable Version

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thescleo valdo dryo - presentation - fulzanin - 01-30-2020

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Feza had thrown many, many parties in her time around Tanglewood. It had all started with a kazoo lesson the beach late at night. She had tooted and dooted away and had come to find the first ever backlash to her first ever party. It had been fierce. It had hurt, severely, but she'd pressed on nonetheless. She was strong in that way - or perhaps just ignorant. The vibrant female ignored what didn't apply to her, ignored what didn't bring joy, and focused on what did. It led to what had happened a little while ago. A conversation, ideas being tossed between two people. For once she was not alone in throwing the festivity. She had help this time! It was going to be great, fun, festive, everything that Feza wanted with a party. Maybe it would even attract a bigger crowd because of how it was thrown by two people instead of just one. That, and who wouldn't want to see magic? Magic was amazing, or so Feza thought. Surely if Feza thought that something was amazing, other people would too? She hoped so. No, that was not the right term, and Feza had to backtrack her thoughts. She knew so! This was going to be one of her best festivities, the highest class of them because of how amazing it would be. With her mindset reassured, her attention returned to the setup that she was finishing.

Making funnel cakes had been hard, especially when the original plan had been cupcakes and Feza not having the materials for the food group. Sure, she could've made cupcakes, but her mind had been derailed to make funnel cakes instead. Most of the details had been forgotten in the process of setting everything up. The ice cream, too, had been altered to be something entirely different than what she'd started out with. She'd managed to get the three 'main' kinds - chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry - and had put them into many different bowls. All the food was set up on a small table that had taken Feza quite a while to lug out of her home. The ice cream surrounded the three funnel cakes that had been made, and ice had been applied to the table via Feza's ice elementals in order to keep them from melting or the cake becoming soggy. For the show part? Feza didn't have a stage or anything for her partner to use. Sure, she could have tried to make a stage out of cardboard boxes, but she didn't think they'd like that. Instead, she'd just took some of the lights left over from the holidays and set up a specific area for all the wonderful magic to occur. "Okay, I think- I think that's everything!" The snow leopard happily chirped, turning to her partner just to ensure that yes, everything was prepared and ready for the party to begin.
//wait for [member=9346]kaito.[/member] to reply first, please!

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Re: thescleo valdo dryo - presentation - charactercemetary. - 01-30-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
kaito had been ready to bolt away from the vibrant creature. Not because she was a bad person - no, her company was quite enjoyable and she had sturdy morals. However, going here was a huge risk. First off, what if he got caught? Second off, what if he ruined the party? The monocle and tophat wearing cat hummed to himself, trying to dispel such worries from his mind. He was up on the roof, pulling the ropes - invisible ropes and such - for the party. He wanted to help her. She seemed like such a nice girl. He hops downward at his call, shit-eating grin and all on his face.

Kaitou KID moved near her, taking in the ice cream, and the funnel cakes which they somehow managed to create. "Looks good, Kanda-san," came his swift reply and a curt nod of his head. "Pardon my rudeness," he begins, tilting his head somewhat. "But what are we going to do for the party now?"

Re: thescleo valdo dryo - presentation - wormwood. - 02-01-2020

There had been many times in the past where Aurum had questioned Feza's intelligence. He tried not to do it too often anymore, since it just seemed cruel after learning about her dedication to her craft, but this particular little event was really calling some things into question. The actual content of this gathering wasn't that bad, considering as of right now it seemed to consist mainly of sweet foods and a stage dressed up in lights, but who was in involved in it had him reeling. He could understand having Kaito help out, since the other was seemingly always amused by antics, and he had his magic to help entertain an audience, but Kaitou KID? What the hell was Feza thinking? Aurum thought of himself as crazy enough for agreeing to keep KID's identity a secret, but this was an entirely new level. Feza was seemingly just going to allow him to help out with whatever event she had going on, and there was no way this want going to attract attention. Negative attention, if KID's track record was anything to go by. The proxy would be surprised if no one came over and tried to grab him while he was relaxed – although that would probably ultimately result in nothing really happening. He supposed he could understand Feza's thought process of two minds being better than one when it came to throwing an event, but this was just ridiculous. Idly, Aurum found himself wondering if Kaito had revealed his identity to Feza as well, or if the snow leopard had just been interacting all nicely with a thief. Either one could've been true, and that was  enough to make Aurum wince.

Moving over to where Feza and KID were, the lion allowed himself a moment to look over the festivities, and everything that had been set up. It looked relatively innocent, and the lion could even admit that the funnel cakes and ice cream looked very good – provided there wasn't glitter or something else disgusting hidden in them – but that wasn't really the point. The point was that KID was standing next to her, all casual and asking what they were going to do for the actual party part of throwing a party. He was acting as if he hadn't broken into houses all over Tanglewood on his ill conceived mission to do right by his father, and it sort've pissed the lion off. However, he set his jaw to keep from snarling as he moved over, pawsteps heavy. He settled on the other side of Feza, clearing his throat before speaking in a rumble, "Hey, Feza... I'm guessing this is another event of yours? Why is he involved?" He shot a look over towards KID, his eyes practically screaming what the fuck are you doing? Part of the male knew he shouldn't have even been asking questions, and instead should've just been attacking on sight to capture the other to keep up the cover, but he just couldn't. For one, it would probably greatly upset Feza. And there was also a good chance that he would accidentally injure Kaito if he was successful, which was something he very much did not intend to do. So for now, he just sat there, his one eye narrowed suspiciously.

Re: thescleo valdo dryo - presentation - charactercemetary. - 02-03-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Unfortunately, the thief wanted nothing to do with this. But perhaps, she had blocked out his mentioning of what he does, thinking he was some sort of... cool magician, for lack of a better term. The gentleman thief looked over at the vibrant snow leopard, blinking, and waiting for her answer before the lion had stumbled upon this charade of a mess. "Ah, Kin-keibu!" The boy calls, offering a smile, a true smile, not that smirk that so often pursed his arrogant lips. He notes the man's looks, how he was probably ready to kill the magician of the silver sky.

His body language is nonchalant as he saves the ice cream for others, instead deciding to grab an apple he brought, munching on it. He looked offended at the way the man phrased that question, but decided to go along with it, finishing the crunchy apple and deconjuring it. To somewhere. "Why am I involved?" He repeats, before walking over quickly to the man. He offers him a bowl of ice cream and a spoon before deciding to explain things. "I am a phantom thief, if you haven't noticed. A term synonymous with gentleman thief. I don't just fuck around and steal things, part of my job is helping others when I am not stealing. Besides, uh, it seems... Kanda-san, here, she um - let's just say that I don't know if she knows of me, Kin-keibu." Ugh. This was gonna turn out to be a shitshow.

Re: thescleo valdo dryo - presentation - fulzanin - 02-04-2020

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Feza's attention had shifted over to the lights that she'd set up to make a stage. It was pretty nice looking, or so she'd thing. It was better than using cardboard boxes for sure! Not only was she making her gods happy by throwing a party, but she wasn't having to use them to get things done! It was a double win in her mind, and that was a mighty pleasantry. When Kaito KID had begun to speak to her, the vibrant female's ears had swiveled to listen. "Oh, no, that's not rude at all. We just wait for people to show up and, and then everything gets very festive. Everyone gets to, they get to eat ice cream and cake and watch magic and, and, and they get to hang out!" Feza chattered excitedly, her fluffy tail wagging behind her in a manner most vigorous. Delight shone brightly in her icy blue eyes. The act of throwing a festivity was always glorious. Exhaustion was not hindering her - although perhaps it was the result of her having eaten whatever failed sugar coated funnel cakes that were not currently on display.

Then, the Proxy of Tanglewood approached. Feza was glad that the spats between them was in the past. She liked not having to be worried about the lion swatting or yelling at her anymore. Friends, yes, Feza would consider them friends now. They weren't yelling and screaming at each other, so surely that's what they were! Her expression lightened up, and the festive female pivoted on her paws to face the larger feline. "Hey, hey Aurum! This is, this is another event, yea. Isn't it absolutely festive? I knew getting an, some extra paws to help me would be a great idea!" The guardsman's voice was filled with delight, her feathered wings moving from their position of being loosely held by her sides. "He's gonna perform some magic for, for everyone to watch! Isn't that, isn't that awesome? I think it's awesome." Feza nodded her head, agreeing with her own words. Magic, she had hardly ever seen it before. Getting to watch a performance of magic? It was absolutely thrilling in every single way in her sporadic mind.

Feza's paws kneaded at the ground, hearing Kaito KID's response to Aurum. His words truly did go right over her head, and the snow leopard didn't even have the barest notion of confusion present on her face. Stealing? What had he stolen? The show, maybe - it would be hard not to with magic! Magic was amazing, her mind derailing quickly in a manner that frequented her thoughts. "Yea, see, you, see, he's helping me with this grand event! Just like he said." Feza threw in briefly, her bouncing a little on her paws. "Hm? Of course I know of you! You're a, a great magician, and we're gonna have a super festive time for everyone. Here. With the ice cream and funnel cake." Feza began rambling, a paw lifting to awkwardly wave as if it would somehow help elaborate on the words swiftly pouring from her.

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Re: thescleo valdo dryo - presentation - wormwood. - 02-04-2020

It really shouldn't have been that surprising, finding out that Feza had no idea about what KID had been doing around Tanglewood. After all, it wasn't as if the proxy had seen her at any of the occasions where KID had been attempting to steal something from someone's home, nor had she been a target of it herself, as far as he knew. The lion heavily wished that he could say it didn't feel good to see a genuine smile on Kaito's face for once when he approached, but he honestly just would've been lying at that point. An honest smile, even when the other was in that ridiculous outfit acting like he was all innocent, was far better than any of his false smirks or plastered on grins. The proxy considered greeting the other before he continued, but was swiftly distracted by the bowl of ice cream put down in front of him. It wasn't a commonly known fact that Aurum had a bit of a sweet tooth, but he certainly did, and it wasn't as if KID was actively trying to steal from anyone right now. So, he accepted the ice cream, pulling it a little closer and taking a lick, since the spoon didn't really work for him. When he heard KID, he just snorted, sighing and saying with a little shake of his head, "I guess I should've figured that she wouldn't know... just don't cause any trouble, alright?" He wasn't going to specifically threaten KID or anything, especially since he knew who the other was, but it did seem a bit ridiculous that one of their guardsmen didn't even know about one of the threats facing them at the moment – although KID wasn't exactly a threat, really.

After he had taken a couple more experimental licks of the ice cream – which really did just taste divine – Feza seemed to notice the proxy's presence, her face immediately lighting up at the sight of him. Aurum offered her a bit of a weak smile in response, hoping that his own sluggishness wasn't written all over his face. Hopefully the sugar in the ice cream would help somewhat with that. Nodding his head a little bit as he listened to her excited flood of words coming his way, the lion offered softly, "I'm sure it's very festive, Feza. It looks nice enough to me, anyways, and I'm not even really an event planning guy." That wasn't to say that he was incapable of planning events, of course. He just preferred to have the kind of events he planned be more focused on combat and training and practical things, while leaving the more festive goof off events to Feza. It had been a pretty good system back when they had both been guardsmen, and it continued to be a fairly good one now, at least in his opinion. When she continued her awkward rambling in an effort to justify her event, the proxy found himself glancing from Feza to KID, taking a deep breath before he spoke again in a rumble, "Magic, huh...? Well, I didn't know that he could do magic. Although I suppose I should've figured, considering the things I've seen him do..." He didn't really consider jumping out a wall with powers to be "magic," but he also knew it really shouldn't have been that surprising to hear that KID had some side skills as well.