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whatever it takes -- evacuation drills - Printable Version

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whatever it takes -- evacuation drills - Warringkingdoms - 01-29-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Well, she'd come up with a plan. She couldn't see any real way for the Captain to beat it, but it was reliant on everyone knowing what to do and following directions. That included her, in this case. She wasn't going to throw herself into danger- she'd let the Captain come to them, or take the time to mount an offensive once he'd tired himself out.

  Rin stood in the middle of the sea town, with a rough map of the streets sitting in front of her. The more experienced Elysites would know the fastest way out of the town from any given location, but the newer ones could use some help. They would also need to cover what to do if the flood prevented them from leaving town. Luckily Nemhain was capable of airlifting multiple creatures at once, so anyone who was trapped wouldn't be trapped for long.

  "Drill time, come here for instructions," she called out, glancing around.

Re: whatever it takes -- evacuation drills - nemhain. - 01-29-2020

Nemhain had been expecting this, even before the recent meeting had taken place. After all, she knew Rin's head inside and out, and she certainly hadn't missed the way that her thoughts had been constantly churning as of late. Shifting, clicking together and being rearranged over and over again, until the magna had the perfect plan that would work wonders against the Captain's future onslaught. Once or twice Nemhain had focused, closing her eyes briefly as she let her own mind send the ghost of impressions to Rin, just a few ideas that she thought would perhaps be of use. She used them so subtly that it would probably just seem as if they were a new thought freshly popped up in Rin's garden of a mind, rather than planted there by her persona. And Nemhain was perfectly happy with that. She wasn't doing this for credit. She already knew the plan that Rin had run over in her mind constantly the last few hours, but that didn't prevent the fenghuang from finding her way over at Rin's call. She knew that she was to be of use, and she wasn't about to not attend the event and risk insulting her user. Instead she landed nearby, folding her wings in close before speaking, "At your service, Lady Rin." She knew that Rin could occasionally feel rather awkward about how well mannered and old fashioned Nem was, but the words just felt appropriate as they slipped from her beak. An obedient soldier, ready to take on a massive and terrifying enemy.

Re: whatever it takes -- evacuation drills - Mistrim - 01-31-2020

Mistrim didn’t do much in her free time besides wander. She didn’t have very many things to do in the first place. That meant that whenever Rin called for something, Mistrim became curious. It wasn’t like she had anything else to do.

She padded over to Nemhain and Rin, looking over the map, Mistrim tilted her head in concentration. Her ears dropped to the side as her gaze searched through the streets. She recognized most of them, having wandered through them before, although some of them were a bit more obscure to her. She fidgeted a little bit, only guessing what the call was for.

In all honesty, the impending attack made her nervous. She wasn’t exactly sure if she was prepared for what was to come. She had been trying to build up her speed a little bit but with nobody to train with, it was awkward and she was never quite sure if she was doing it correctly.

And so Mistrim waited, saying nothing while she held deep thought.

Re: whatever it takes -- evacuation drills - larkspurkit ! - 02-01-2020

larkspurpaw !
elysium !
tags !
[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]keep your head up !
larkspurpaw arrived on the moment of curiosity, not quite sure what these drills were. he had an idea, though. knowing what they went through with those jungle guys, maybe it was a defense drill. or practicing how to fight them back. he sat beside mistrim, his tail flicking impatiently to begin. the longer he tried to sit still, the harder it became, and the quicker he lost his patience to start.
