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Now in light, the world starts spinning - Printable Version

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Now in light, the world starts spinning - RB Graveyard - 01-27-2020

[div style="margin: auto; background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; max-width: 600px; min-height: 450px; padding: 20px;"]
[div style="background: white; opacity: 0.8; font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; max-width: 400px; height: 450px; overflow: auto; padding: 20px; color: #000; margin-left: 180px;"]
      The painted dog padded through the snow, his fur fluffed up to protect him from the cold. He was fairly tall for a pup his age. Wheatley couldn't imagine being any shorter. Where was his sister? The boy didn't like being away from his sister, no matter how independent he thought ht was; he hated the lonesome feeling that came with his sister's absence.

      Wheatley woke up with dreams about his mouth being sewn shut, though he casually dismissed it because it wasn't the first time. He didn't bother dwelling on those things; he had more things to do. Wheatley would often see someone in his dreams, a tall fair women with beautiful brown eyes and big round ears. Mother. She'd often repeat the nams of his siblings. The red-skinned angel of mercy had told him that he should survive and he followed what he think's is best. They were the only words that he remembered clearly, the ones she said clearly enough.

      The boy missed the feeling of thrill, he hadn't felt it for a week. He was bored. There had been little for him as he was new to these lands; he hadn't seen anyone. With big clumsy paws, Wheatley climbed up onto one of the many snowy hills within this mountainous place.

Re: Now in light, the world starts spinning - nemhain. - 01-28-2020

Nemhain could remember Wheatley, but it was not as a result of any of her own interactions with the young canine. No, instead she knew of him through Rin's memories, the other's mind like a handy filing cabinet for whenever the massive bird missed someone new coming around. She could still see him introducing himself to Rin, and his name rolled experimentally off of his tongue. Wheatley. It was odd, but she also supposed it was no more odd than Nemhain. However, what was even more interesting was finding the boy crawling around one of the mountains. He was clumsily stomping his way through the snow that had fallen in a layer over the ground, and Nemhain felt her curiosity pulling her over when she spotted him from up above. Cocking her head to one side, the fenghuang descended to land nearby, chirping at him once she had his attention, "Hello there... Wheatley? That is your name, right? My name is Nemhain. Do you mind if I ask what you're doing?" Normally she wouldn't intrude in on the business of her fellow Elysites, but Wheatley was young, and she doubted Rin would want him to get hurt crawling around the mountains on his own.

Re: Now in light, the world starts spinning - RB Graveyard - 01-28-2020

[div style="margin: auto; background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; max-width: 600px; min-height: 450px; padding: 20px;"]
[div style="background: white; opacity: 0.8; font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; max-width: 400px; height: 450px; overflow: auto; padding: 20px; color: #000; margin-left: 180px;"]The bird came up to the pup and to be honest, it had scared him. It would have scared any pup, a bird flapping at him. But he greeted the bird with a smile. "Yep," he barked. "That's m'name." He jumped onto a small budding rock, it looked stable enough. After all, Wheatley didn't way that much; wasn't that heavy so the rock should hold him.

What was he doing up here? The boy was here to see him mama. He had waited all day to see here, now it was only a matter of getting over these rocks. "'Ello [member=9480]nemhain.[/member]," the boy walked up a small snowy hill. Out of all of the climbing, this was the hardest part. His paws slid and the snow was slick under his paws, he couldn't get a grip. "Goin t'see mama."

Small Side Note: "Mama" is the sun. He's trying to climb up the hill and over a small set of boulders to see the setting sun.

Re: Now in light, the world starts spinning - Warringkingdoms - 01-30-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Wheatley's exploits were already beginning to pile up, from boldly approaching Elysium territory to climbing hills several dozen times his own size. Rin had to admit his intrepid nature was impressive for such a young pup. It was also terrifying, of course, but she had so many things to be terrified of on a daily basis that one kid going out into the territory melded in with the rest of it all.

  At least Nemhain was there, and now Rin was there, climbing up the hill a short distance behind Wheatley. Between the two of them, they could catch Wheatley if he fell. She was halfway tempted to try and lift the pup with her telekinesis, but he had already grown enough in size that lifting him would be challenging, if not impossible.

  "Goin' t'see mama."

  ...If he had a mother living here, Rin would have seen her by now. At the very least, Honey would have mentioned her when Wheatley first arrived. The odds that he was going to see a living, breathing creature were incredibly slim.

  She inhaled deeply, then exhaled slowly. She wasn't going to lose it, not again. "...I don't believe I ever met her," Rin said after a few moments, adopting a stoic expression. It was possible, of course, that he'd taken to calling one of the current Elysites his mother. Adoption was common here, and unofficial adoption even more so. She doubted that was the case here, though. "What was she like?"

Re: Now in light, the world starts spinning - RB Graveyard - 01-30-2020

[div style="margin: auto; background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; max-width: 600px; min-height: 450px; padding: 20px;"]
[div style="background: white; opacity: 0.8; font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; max-width: 400px; height: 450px; overflow: auto; padding: 20px; color: #000; margin-left: 180px;"]The boy hadn't seen much of Rin, but she was a very busy feline. Wheatley didn't even know Nemhain, yet here she was. Talking with him, watching him climb, climbing after him and she seemed moderately calm about it. Sure, they both looked a little worried but they weren't exactly hovering over him and constantly making sure he was okay. The boy smiled a Rin as she also approached him, what was it about this boy who made everyone curry over to him? Was it merely because he was small or what it because he was climbing?

With a small annoyed snort to Rin that soon wore off into a thick smile, Wheatley nodded his head as he climbed over the last little snow bank upon the hill. In all honesty, the boy was tired.  His thin legs ached and his lungs and throat stung from the cold air he quickly took in. "Well," he said between hops. "She bright, and she warm and she makes all the flowers and leaves bloom and grow." He looked up at the darkening sky, if he wanted to see the boy would have to hurry. So he quickened his pace. "Mama wakes up all the animals from their big sleep. She fills the mourning and afternoon skies the brightest. She doesn't talk much, but she doesn't need to." Scaling the last bit of rocks that were needed to get to his mother, Wheatley gave a big sigh. Finally able to relax a bit, the boy looked at the bird and the feline. "Honey doesn't visit her, but mama visits her everyday."

Re: Now in light, the world starts spinning - Honey - 01-30-2020

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong -

She had been following her brothers scent after seeing what direction it was heading. Far away. Well not really but it was an area she hadn’t ventured despite her frequent herbal escapades.

You’d think that she’d be around him all she could. She had thought so too. But she had been alone for a while and it was hard seeing just Wheatley and not seeing the others...he was a reminder of those who were not there. But she did love him, truly.

But she had smelled Rin and a couple others too. This only made the pup even more curious.

Finally she would begin to scale the hill. It was awfully hard. Without anyone to play with or even try to hunt with her muscles weren’t in the best shape. Honey was a rather lean and thin pup.

Ears perked at the sound of “mama”. Her heart raced her eyes burned. Could it really be?

“Where’s mama!”, she called out from the back. Eyes searching but not seeing the familiar painted pelt,

Re: Now in light, the world starts spinning - nemhain. - 01-31-2020

Mama. The word made a faint frown pull at Nemhaim's beak, her head slowly cocking to one side as she observed the pup. She couldn't remember hearing about any sort of mother for the boy and Honey, and her suspicions were only confirmed when Rin approached, asking Wheatley about whom his mother was. Nem knew only the basics about what a mother was, considering personas didn't exactly have mothers or fathers – unless you counted their users, which she personally didn't – but even she could tell that something was off about this whole thing. The child launched into a description of his mother, and Nem felt her wings slump a bit, a conflicted look coming to the massive bird's face. Honey was here now, and the child seemed utterly delighted at the prospect of seeing her mother again, but Nemhain knew there was little chance that description was one of anything other than the sun. She couldn't let this charade continue on in good conscious, so she turned her head towards Honey, chirping softly, "I don't believe he's talking about your real mother, lady Honey. I think he is talking about the sun." She then turned to Wheatley, pointing a wing skyward as she questioned, "Am I right? Are you talking about the big bright orb in the sky?" She was fairly sure she was, but she didn't want her tone to be too harsh or scolding. After all, he was just a child. He didn't know better than to get Honey's hopes up. Rin found herself emotional for a moment, wishing that she could reunite the two children with their real mother, but she swiftly snuffed that out. That wasn't a proper thought, not for a persona.