Beasts of Beyond
A LITTLE ADVICE FOR ASPIRING FIRES || Self Defense Class - Printable Version

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A LITTLE ADVICE FOR ASPIRING FIRES || Self Defense Class - Blazic - 01-27-2020

Re: A LITTLE ADVICE FOR ASPIRING FIRES || Self Defense Class - toboggan - 01-28-2020

Training sessions. Sparring gatherings. Self defense classes. They all followed a similar itinerary; show up, sit down, listen for a bit, and then fight. Nothing too unique, nothing too special. They weren't a new concept, especially not as of late. Every other week there was a new one, it seemed, and it began brewing a concoction of worry within the hound's gut. Of course, working out and keeping one's physicality in tiptop shape were notably crucial in staying healthy. But, god, he was beginning to fear that the tribe was becoming as combat-focused as their enemies, if not more. Tanglewood's days as a warbound group had passed a lengthy time ago. No longer did their politics revolve around causing trouble and going to war over trivial matters - though, judging by the copious amount of battle-centric activities that transpired on a daily routine, an outsider would not be able to tell any different.

The first to attend Snarl's task, the mongrel leisurely approaches, dips his nod in greeting along with a "Heya, Snarl", before planting his ass in the moist earth and drawing his line of vision towards his current teacher. As a semi-high position, she had been faring quite well. Active, always around. He'd heard reports of a potentially foul attitude coming from her, though he had yet to experience such a thing firsthand, so they became the subject of his ignorance. The general based his viewpoints on what he saw, not heard - however, if what was said existed in fact, then chances were she'd never exceed sHP status.

In spite of his newfound distaste for this sort of activity, the leader hoped that someone from the pacifistic genre (like Kiira or Feza) would make an appearance today. There was one aspect that differentiated today's occasion from the rest, though, and it was that this was a class, not an excuse to brawl with one another. Within Tanglewood lives a group of individuals that liked to pretend that war would not reach them, and it is that group that had the bare minimum when it came to combat experience. An enemy assault could occur at any moment, and they would not go unpunished if they refrained from aiding their comrades.

Re: A LITTLE ADVICE FOR ASPIRING FIRES || Self Defense Class - wormwood. - 01-28-2020

Fighting was far from an unknown to Aurum. Ever since cubhood, the male had been trained to keep himself in top shape, and always on edge. Most of the time it was Aethelwulf pushing him forward to continue his training, but occasionally it was others, like one of the few other lions in the pride he had managed to befriend, or even sometimes Poet. The proxy was fairly sure he had already proven himself in this particular ring, whether it be through his own training or sparring sessions, his beating of Snarl at Miller's, or even his advanced prowess back at the huge Pitt raid that had eventually led to Kydobi's brutal death. Aurum knew well the advantages he had, like his wings, his for elementals, and his sheer massive size, but that didn't mean he wouldn't put them to use. There was no reason not to use all of your assets in a battle, and he had learned that a very long time ago. Back when everyone was out for his head, eager to see if they could beat – or in some cases even try and kill – the son of the great Aethelwulf. The pride had been a mostly friendly place, known for keeping to themselves and their own hierarchy, but they had their own enemies, and knew how to deal with them handily if it came to that. However, much like Leroy, Aurum didn't want Tanglewood turning into a place like the pride, or even worse, the Pitt. He knew it was necessary for them to be able to defend themselves, but if Snarl and Miller were expecting them to raise a full on army to intimidate and shove around everyone else with, the lion was eager to shut that down.

Still, he tried to keep that from his mind as he padded over slowly to where the other was, rolling his shoulders before he sat down. Although he couldn't see inside her head, Aurum knew well of Snarl's constant boredom. It wasn't unusual for him to be flying through the sky and take note of her doing some random stupid bullshit just for the hell of it to fill time, and for the most part he had learned to just ignore it. He equated with Feza's constant parties and antics. Something to take up the time, and interact with others. As long as she wasn't hurting anyone, Aurum didn't much care – although he had begun to see more and more bruises on Miller over time, and he found himself wondering just how much the two of them sparred. Occasionally he tried to remember if he had been as bored as Snarl when he had been a chaser, but he found it difficult to. Sure, it had only really been maybe 5 months since he had held the position, but months seemed to drag by long in Tanglewood, and such a time felt distant and fuzzy to the proxy now. He could only assume he hadn't been, however. Although, at his time of being a chaser, he had actually been beginning to interact more with others, and had been forming his own little miniature family within the swamp dwelling group. He had others whom he had to worry about, and that had never allowed for boredom. Meanwhile, Snarl seemed dead set on not letting another single solitary soul get close to her, with the exception of maybe Miller.

As if on cue after thinking about his own duties, Aurum felt a yawn stretch his jaws, his head tilting back slowly. When he finished, he shook his head a little bit to wake himself up. He really needed to get some more sleep lately. But it had been difficult, dealing with all of the new things going on in his life. The angel briefly found himself wondering if Poetking would attend this little lesson, and whether or not Aurum would have to make sure he didn't collapse. Part of him wanted the younger lion to get the experience, but the other, more protective part, knew that Poet was fragile, and Snarl was far from caring when it came to things like this. Biting back a grimace, Aurum rumbled from the back 9f his throat in greeting, "I'm pretty sure I've learned plenty of things of use already, but I'll bite. Hey, Snarl." After he finished, Aurum found himself glancing over at Leroy, wondering what the general was thinking at the moment. Surely he had just as much experience as Aurum in this area, or at least the lion assumed.

Re: A LITTLE ADVICE FOR ASPIRING FIRES || Self Defense Class - fulzanin - 01-29-2020

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Despite her guardsman status, Feza didn't know a whole lot. Sure, she was known for her absurd little parties and flamboyant colors, her kazoo noises and her love for noise. Battling? Sparring? All of those attempts had been met with complete and utter disaster. She was tossed around with little effort due to her small size and lightweight body. It was not helped by the fact that Feza knew next to nothing about combat. She knew how to unsheathe her claws and whack at people. All of the festive female's skills with her claws were for absurd things. Unscrewing lids, tying things up, cutting tape. None of those talents would help in the heat of combat. For a while, she'd even had her claws covered in glitter glue. It had been uncomfortable while her claws had been sheathed, but Feza would had claimed it to have made her extremely festive at all times. If it wasn't festive, well, she was certainly doing something wrong. Her outburst over Aurum and her nightmares had forced a smidgen of reality into her festive world. She'd finally gotten rid of the glitter glue and had somewhat sharpened her claws to a state that wasn't absurdly laughable.

As much as the snow leopard liked to convey being the eternal ray of sunshine, parties, festivity, and joy, there were somethings that happened to break through. Being scared of dying was one of those realities that she was able to comprehend. Nightmares had forced her to break down, scream and cry and make assumptions about things that weren't true. Delusional by exhaustion had led her to outrageous claims and faulty logic that, at the time, had seemed entirely faultless to the guardsman. She didn't want to die. Knowing self defense would help that. "Um. I, I uh, I think I'll partake. I'd like to, I'd like to know how to, to defend myself, yea." Feza commented when she got closer. She was small, even by snow leopard standards - absolutely dwarfed. She hoped it wasn't a spar. She really didn't want a repeat of being bested so swiftly. Especially the fake killing blow, the touch. If she could just sit, listen, and get her mind to stop derailing for a few minutes? The guardsman would consider that a win.

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Re: A LITTLE ADVICE FOR ASPIRING FIRES || Self Defense Class - Felibri - 01-29-2020

[Image: oUS2cj8.jpg]

Virgil had an almost Machiavellian or realist view of international relations. Life was a constant power struggle and when one power grew too strong, other powers feel frightened. Having a powerful military kept peace. Nobody wants to fuck with you if you've got an arsenal. It was mainly why her pack managed to stick around for as long as it did. It was large and fierce. Many of her pack-mates bore scars. War was just the easiest and most surefire solution to take care of a problem. She saw nothing wrong with it. She had yet to interact with the more pacifist members of Tanglewood. If she had known what was going through Leroy's and Aurum's minds, she probably wouldn't have liked it.

The lycaon came padding over not because she wanted to learn, but because she wanted to see how Tanglewood people did it. She was dimly aware of the Pitt, it had been mentioned in passing. She had yet to see an actual conflict take place between this group and another. Virgil thought herself adequate in battle and hunting. She was one of the smallest here attending this session at the moment, but she knew well how great numbers could make or break a battle against a larger opponent.

Virgil peered up at the hyena, one that did not at all look like Vathmos. She could hardly understand her, but she had the idea of what was going on. She came right after Feza, who was another oddity in her eyes. It was a good thing she vomited up the rabbit she had first eaten when coming here. The strange atmosphere must be why some of these creatures looked strange. "I guess your name is Snarl." Virgil observed out loud, hearing both Leroy and Aurum address her as such. "I'm Virgil, and I suppose I could learn some new tricks."

Re: A LITTLE ADVICE FOR ASPIRING FIRES || Self Defense Class - suvi. - 01-29-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
Even when a little fox and a little wolf had been separate... Neither enjoyed violence.  Together the abhorrence only found fuel.  Of course, a little wolf remembered playfighting.  Remembered learning how to tumble and hold her own against brothers larger than her.  But it was play.

The little wolf found her father's mastery of peaceful solutions worth far more respect than a bloody victory.  Words were powerful enough to prevent fighting in the first place.  While fighting only seemed to encourage more fighting.  If not more fighting, than hatred and short-tempers.

The little fox agreed.  And she continued to see evidence to fuel her pacifism.  Suvi Kiira Nί Faoláin would never raise her claws against another.  Her mind... Seemed capable of sudden attacks however and she found the idea distressing and frightening.  She was a healer.  It was not within her to accept that she'd made someone feel pain.  Self-defense or not.

Wary, unmatched hues watched the gathering.  Watched Snarl.  Her ears flicked back, she sunk into the very back of the crowd.  Clearly uncomfortable.