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it can get so much worse - o, language class - Printable Version

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it can get so much worse - o, language class - fulzanin - 01-26-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
Sometimes she really, really was fed up with the language everyone spoke around here. It was not her native language. Nor was it any of the secondary languages that she was comfortable speaking in. No, no, no. Instead, somehow, she'd randomly learned this weird, awkward, gawky language. She detested it. She loathed the pronunciations and the words that she would toil over in her head. It was hard to not sound infuriated when this language was constantly having to be dealt with! It was annoying! She hated it. When the wyvern hated something, she definitely sought to remedy it as quickly as possible. She tried to ease her fury by snarling like her native tongue, but apparently that just made her seem even more angry than she actually was - although in truth such wasn't far off. She was an angry person. Aslisk simply saw it as necessary for what she was having to put up with. People were stupid. Being second in command was something, alright. People came to her with problems. She didn't really have answers for the questions that were thrown her way. She was no diplomat. The position allowed for her to better understand the stupidity present - and only furthered her disgust for this language.

Aslisk would remedy it. She would remedy it today. Right here, right now. Well, not right now. It would take time to actually get through everything. The Sinotyrannus had decided to host this little event of a sort inside. Outside would be way too cold, and that would have been a distraction of the channel of communication. The regent wasn't sure how many would actually attend, or if anyone would actually listen to what she was going to attempt to teach. It would be an excuse to speak in her native tongue. That was more than enough of a reward for her. Sure, she was somewhat revealing some 'secrets' of insults and swears and other demeaning methods that previously had been repeatedly chalked up as nonsense. Aslisk had other languages to use for such a thing. In the long run, it'd be fine. "Okay! It's super lusluing cold outside! No one wants to be out there! Instead of sitting around and doing nothing, I've decided to try and teach everyone here a brand new language. My language, to be exact," Aslisk wound up tapering off with her last statement, her clubbed tail resting on the ground behind her. "Come and take a seat, you might actually be able to use this unlike most things that education teaches or whatever the hask you lot use around here." THe regent's tone was as sharp and fury filled as ever, red eyes awaiting for who she would be attempting to teach to arrive.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: it can get so much worse - o, language class - redvox. - 01-28-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vinny had never really thought much about the language that he and just about everyone else on the island spoke. It was just what had been taught to him since birth, and so he had gotten used to it, the words sounding natural on his tongue. Sure, he had an accent that made it so occasionally he didn't pronounce the English words quite right, like when he dropped the g off of something or didn't pronounce the h as well as he should've. But overall, he liked to think that he was pretty damn good at English, especially considering he had been taught English and Italian in tandem with one another. The majority of his family within the Halls had Italian roots, and ever since he had just been a little tiny kitten – very far removed from his current odd hybrid form – he had been taught the English and Italian words for things at the same time. Thankfully he didn't do it too much anymore, but there had once been a time in his life where he would forget the word for something in one language that he could plainly remember in the other, or he would mix together words messily while speaking to someone else. It had certainly been quite entertaining whenever he had been in the middle of training with Hadley and she had suddenly looked at him like he had three heads when he loudly shouted cazzo in the middle of it instead of fuck when he slipped up.

In many ways, Aslisk reminded him a lot of himself at that awkward phase of life where the two languages had been sloppily battling in his head. Often she mixed together whatever her native language was with the English he was used to, and he would suddenly feel very much like Hadley when he would just stare at the wyvern in confusion. He had taken to calling Aslisk's language "nonsense words" not in some effort to actually insult her or her culture, but mainly just because they didn't sound like any other language he had ever heard. Hell, they didn't even sound a little bit like Latin, a language that Vin had learned a bit of just because it was the basis for so many other languages. Often Vox found himself wondering what the hell Aslisk was saying when she bellowed out words that sounded like nothing else he had ever heard, and it seemed as though now he would finally have a chance to learn. Vox had just been crawling in through the front window of the fortress when he heard Aslisk, still shaking snow from his wings as she announced what she was intent on doing. He was feeling a bit tired from ice fishing earlier in the day, and the cold had seeped down far into his bones... but he was curious, and he couldn't help the way that his mind pulled him towards where the other was. Sitting down nearby, the harbinger had to crane his neck up slightly to look at Aslisk in her strange dinosaur form, his voice soft, "Hey, Aslisk. I suppose that I'll participate, if ya don't mind havin' me... your language got a name?" He was curious to hear if her language actually was one of this world, and he just hadn't recognized it properly. Although he found himself very doubtful that would be the case.

Re: it can get so much worse - o, language class - fulzanin - 01-30-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
The concept of combining two languages together was unfamiliar to Aslisk. Two of the languages she spoke were, in a way, horrifying meshes of each other. Some words didn't exist in one, and had to be fetched from the other. Her third normal language was also an abomination of two languages. Those two languages had fully been combined, though, unlike the first two. Fetching words from languages on a whim was normal to her. Her wife did it all the time without even meaning to, just because one word was easier to pronounce or fit the overall tone of the sentence better. After living with someone long enough, the way of speaking had somewhat been adopted by the wyvern. Even if the featherbrain wasn't with her currently, the habit still resided. The same, sadly, could not be said for not being violent. Ichigo's influence on her was good, but the other simply wasn't around to fully restrain Aslisk's vicious tendencies. The regent was a habitual person. Slamming languages together was one of those many habits that she refused to fix, acknowledge, or debate on fixing.

Of course Redvox was the first to approach. He was, after all, the one who constantly called her words nonsense. Aslisk wasn't certain whether she wanted to smirk over the fact that he would soon know her language was not nonsense, or to hiss because she had near always taken the 'nonsense language' statement as an insult. The wyvern grumbled as she watched him approach, her eyes narrowing in a manner that certainly conveyed the debate within her mind. "Sure." A single word accompanied the grunt that sounded from the regent, her tail slowly swinging behind her. The other then asked to know the name of the language. The nonsense language, she wanted to remark, but swiftly refrained. "It's called Nitisian. It's called that because it's spoken by the Nitisians who live on Nitisia and worship Nitis. Isn't that the most creative naming streak you've ever seen?" Aslisk had always chalked such up to be that a dreary dark and deadly place didn't exactly deserve a name that was different from those who spoke it. She hadn't been around when the name for the language had been coined - it was stuck, and that was that. "I guess we can start off with greetings and introductions. Nitisian is a language of phrases. A lot of your words don't exactly exist in it. Greetings, for example, have to establish hierarchy. Someone higher than you should always be greeted with a 'bisisiy'. Neutral parties should get a 'balayor', but if you don't like them you can add a 'tuk' on the end just to make it a little more insulting. And then, for people that are lower than you and you have absolutely no respect for because they are filth and should be considered such, you probably wouldn't greet or acknowledge them at all. Of course, I'm just giving you the most direct translation. That's certainly not my opinion for what it should be like." The wyvern explained, ending in a somewhat cheeky statement. Her head then tipped a little, thinking. "Well. I guess you could probably use 'barokok'. It essentially means 'hello person one step higher than the rotten bones of my enemies'. You want to give pronouncing 'balayor Aslisk' a go?Or should we get right into how to actually say statements and hask like that."

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: it can get so much worse - o, language class - redvox. - 01-31-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vinny knew very little about Aslisk's old home, and anything he knew about her old wife or family were just brief whispers in the wind, information that was occasionally allowed to slip when Aslisk was feeling generous or emotional. Needless to say, that wasn't exactly an occasion that happened very often, and while Redvox didn't exactly relish it when it did, he did find himself pretty curious about what her old world was like. There were times were Vin wished that Aslisk's family had come with her through whatever strange portal or teleportation had ended up dumping her here on the island. From what he could piece together, her wife was much more kindhearted and better at controlling her, and there were certainly times where the hybrid wished they had a steadying hand like that around. He hadn't really actually heard enough about Aslisk's kids yet to form any mental image of what they could be like, considering the only time he had heard of them for more than a brief moment was when Aslisk went around stealing a bunch of bowls from people. He hardly thought that they could be quite as bad as Aslisk though, if they had at least one other parent to watch over them. He found himself wondering if they all spoke the same language where Aslisk came from, like most of them did here with English, or if there were many different additional languages that existed too. He hoped Aslisk didn't expect them to learn anything beyond Nitisian, because he was fairly sure his brain didn't have enough space for an entire other world's worth of languages.

Stretching out one of his long wings until he heard a pleasant pop and felt the release of pressure from earlier in the day, the harbinger found himself chuckling a little bit as Aslisk introduced the name of her language. He smiled a little bit at the regent, fangs flashing as he spoke, "Well, I can't really say that languages 'round here are much better. English is from England, 'n' the people from there are the... English." He could tell from the way that Aslisk was eying him that she was a little bit pissed at him – not exactly an uncommon occurence, honestly – most likely because of how he had treated her language before. So, he found himself trying to lighten the mood a little bit, joking around with the other so that he wouldn't find his head ripped from his shoulders, although he wasn't sure she'd go that far. Vinny found himself perking his ears up when Aslisk launched into the introduction of greetings, and he listened closely, the bridge of his nose wrinkling a little bit at the whole "don't acknowledge filth" thing. Aslisk launched into a joke about it near immediately afterwards, but Redvox didn't find it very funny. He didn't like to think of others as beneath him, even with his current position as leader. Still, he didn't say anything, not wanting Aslisk to think he was insulting her language further. Instead he just opened his mouth, pressing his tongue against the roof of it experimentally before he spoke, "Balayor Aslisk? I do that right?" As he practiced the greeting – which still honestly just sounded like nonsense to him – he found himself wondering if Aslisk would use 'bisisiy' for him, given their rank difference. Probably not, she never really seemed to think they were anything but equals.

Re: it can get so much worse - o, language class - fulzanin - 02-04-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
Aslisk was not exempt to wishing that her family had come with her in this strange world. She was torn on the prospect of them being here. On the one hand, her homesickness would be rendered almost nonexistent if she had the people that she cared about alongside her where she could keep them safe. On the other, she would have to expend energy to be protective, and having them home where it was safer was for the best in her mind. It didn't mean that she couldn't wish that they were present. She would have loved to show Ichigo the plant display, her children the bowls she'd collected. She would have liked to share her room with the people that she cared about. The universe was cruel, though. They weren't here. They were home in the world of the featherbrains, the place of eternal daylight, the realm of magic and gargantuan beasts. Safer, it was merely a momentary thing. Danger was absolutely everywhere - nowhere was exempt from such a thing within Aslisk's logic. There could be danger in nearly anything. If she was scary, hissy, and terrifying, she could cut down on that danger. Being big and scary would mean weakhearted fools wouldn't mess with her, or her lovable wife, or her adorable children. The wyvern spoke Nitisian best, better than the languages her wife spoke simply because she'd been born into it. Her kids? They could speak the same language, but it was mostly a series of grunts and snorts from them. Adorable in her mind.

The pop caused for one of Aslisk's ears to twitch. The hot shot was briefly confused by the noise, her snout scrunching up from how odd the noise had sounded. It sounded like bone, but yet not so at the same time. "Hm. That's ironic, alright," Aslisk huffed. The name of the language and the name of the people that spoke it being one and the same was certainly a form of irony. Briefly her gaze turned to the side, turning over the word a few times. It sounded familiar, but not entirely. She regained her attention to the lesson after her deliberation, in time to register the other's discomfort with her definition. "Hask, don't give me that look. I'm not the Xiogipa-lover that coined that behavior," Aslisk grumbled. She moved a wing, changing position a little and only ceased after the Gat replicated her greeting. "You need more force behind it. Saying it like that's implying that I'm higher than you, that you're using that tone to appease me. It's an aggressive, cutthroat language. Say it like I'm blocking your way to see your dying family because you didn't sign a sheet of lusluing paper. Bislayor, Redvox." She spoke her example, practically spitting out the greeting term before swinging her head somewhat to the side. "I guess the next most practical thing would be directions. Left," the wyvern hobbled a little so she could raise her left wing, "is 'felz'. Right is 'fepza'." The motion was mirrored, Aslisk raising her right wing. "If you're going to tell someone to go and get you something, you'd say 'gorktoktark selbyesor' followed by what you'd want. If you wanted to do that as an order and instead of just pleasantly asking then you'd probably throw a 'jornatu' before anything." The wyvern's difference in tone between the regular language and that of her native tongue was drastic. From an almost annoyed form of speaking to near hissing, anger entwined with the words of the language she was teaching. Slowly her flaming tail swung behind her - likely the regent waiting to critique Redvox's next attempts to replicate her native words.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: it can get so much worse - o, language class - redvox. - 02-04-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
An aggressive, cutthroat language. This world didn't have many of those, or at least not as far as Vinny was really aware. Any language could be aggressive and cutthroat, depending on how you used it. Even his own first language of Italian could be considered aggressive, if you were able to say things the right way. He had seen many a non-Italian speaker frightened half to death by one of his family members spewing curses in Italian at them faster than they could even attempt to process. However, it seemed as though Nitisian was not a language that one could half ass. Evidently if you were as soft spoken as Vin usually was, it meant that you were of a lesser variety, which was never something that one really wanted to hear. Part of the male wanted to suggest to Aslisk that perhaps the harshness of the language didn't also need to come over in the transfer to this world, considering such hostility was not something he wanted to foster within the Halls, but... well, it wasn't as if Nitisian was about to become their official second language. Plus, it felt disrespectful to ask the wyvern to change the rules of her language just because it didn't quite fit in with the etiquette of this world. He obviously didn't know much about where Aslisk came from, but it was easy to see that it was a far more brutal world than this one – even though this one could be plenty brutal when it wanted to be – and that was reflected in their languages, for better or worse. Perhaps someday he would ask her if she knew some words in other languages of her world, just to compare and see if any of them were a mite softer.

Shaking his head a little bit in order to collect himself, the hybrid decided to focus on the lesson at hand, taking Aslisk's critique to heart. Taking a deep breath inward, he snapped softly, his voice firm and challenging as his tongue curled against razor sharp fangs, "Balayor, Aslisk." He winced a little bit at the sound of his own voice after that, worried that he had gone a bit too harsh. The greeting sounded more like he was scolding her, which was technically what she had recommended, but still just felt so foreign that he couldn't help but think it was wrong somehow. The next words to come out of Aslisk's mouth were also fairly basic, although they certainly sounded foreign to him. Keeping the same jagged tone from before, he tested them upon his tongue, "Felz. Fepza." The words sounded so odd and strangely similar to him that for a moment, he actually considered that perhaps Aslisk was fucking with him, and was just making stuff up to make him seem ridiculous. However, he didn't much see the point in that at the moment, considering it was doubtful that he would be using the Nitisian greetings and words for things in the presence of others. Not unless all of a sudden far more of Aslisk's world began to bleed and mix into this one. The next phrase was... a bit more difficult. It sounded entirely otherworldly to his large ears, to the point where they nearly pinned down against his head in response. However, he tried his best to replicate her inflection, gesturing one of his wings off at a pencil on the table nearby, "Gorktoktark selbyesor pencil." He doubted the word for pencil in Aslisk's language was pencil – if they even had a word for pencil in her world – but it was the only thing he could think to follow it up with. Once he was done, he tilted his head to one side, allowing his voice to drop back down to its usual monotone polite lilt, "How was that? Honestly, your language just feels like you're yellin' all th'time."

Re: it can get so much worse - o, language class - fulzanin - 02-10-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
The wyvern's ears flicked a little, taking in the harsher attempt that Redvox attempted of the greeting. She had to gauge it against how aggressive she'd heard it in the past. It was decent. Not as vicious as she'd endured in the past. It fit him, the harshness of it. How the language established hierarchy through aggression was quite nice in Aslisk's eyes. It set up hierarchy from past speech and present speakers, allowing for a sense of highs and lows of ranks to be established. Aslisk didn't think most of the other languages that she was knowledgable had such a thing. The language of the featherbrains certainly didn't. A language full of chirps and squawks was incredibly hard to comprehend and especially speak without the correct physical components - and even with substitutions it was hard considering the several different iterations of the language that existed. They were obsessed with having three of everything. Three different letters for every letter, three different words for every word. It was madness. Her wife spoke it and so Aslisk endured, but how deeply she hated it when it took her thrice as long to convey her message. "We'll work on it," Aslisk grunted. It was likely as close to a form of approval that the wyvern was willing to go.

Listening to the other words that Redvox spoke, the wyvern found herself quite pleased. She did well to pronounce all the shark barking noises of the harsh letters of the language to ensure that their replication could be done with ease. Even the complicated one was easily replicated. Pride, perhaps, was the feeling that brought a somewhat small yet jagged grin on her face. "Better. I don't think we actually have a word for pencil in Nitisian," she then muttered, face blanking, "so I guess I'll take one from the featherbrains and call it a trencil." Her flaming tail slowly swung behind her, listening to the other's take of the language. She chuckled, red eyes flickering off to the side. "Because that's what it is, usually. Very loud, gotta make your point quick, biggest is best, all that stuff," Aslisk explained. She rolled one of her shoulders, attention moving to the side to likely figure out what she was going to teach next. "I guess I could move on to probably the most practical part of learning this. Nobody else is gonna know it. I personally think it'd work great for working where you don't want other people to understand what you're saying. Combat for example." Of course her mind went to fighting, the very thing that the flaming wyvern always seemed to be anticipating for. Her talons shifted, lifting and moving after growing tired of where they had previously been. Her head raised up a little, a grin present on her face. "As in, for a lovely little example, someone's got their sorry butt pinned down and they're about to really get hurt. You've got a spear, fire, something, and you're going to get them unpinned. Problem is, they don't know you're about to do that and you sure as luslu don't want a skilled attacker knowing your about to come charging in. You'd probably yell their name, 'torklem', and then the adjective for what you're gonna be doing. Gotta specify, 'cause I doubt anyone would like to charge in to help only to run into your friend that's lit themself on fire to get someone off." Her flaming tail swung slowly behind her as she elaborated, head then craning to the side. "Why don't we give that for charging a go? Charge would be 'hokatark' in this case."

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: it can get so much worse - o, language class - redvox. - 02-11-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vinny never really expected Aslisk to be a teacher that would be eager to go out there and dispense praise like free candy, and he quickly found that he was right when he seemingly got the greeting to at least a somewhat stern level. It was in no way perfect, but Vox was hardly the type to go around screeching greetings at people, really. He knew that Aslisk hated it, but Vinny had always been a soft spoken and thoughtful individual, incredibly charismatic and outgoing, but never really the type to scream for everyone's attention. That was still true even now, with him holding the leader position that had been promised to him ever since he had been chosen to be Hadley's apprentice. He technically shouted for everyone's attention when he brought together meetings, and even then it was just an polite call for everyone to come together, just so that he was able to deliver unto them the news of the last month. He knew that things would probably change a lot when he one day passed and Aslisk took over, but he hoped that he would leave at least somewhat of an impression on the wyvern. After all, here he was attempting to learn at least bits and pieces of her strange and screeching language, and it only seemed fair that she could at least pick up a little bit of his kindness, or his softness. He knew it was a long shot, but a man could hope, at the very least.

He watched as a little crooked grin took up residence on Aslisk's sharp features, and he could practically feel the pride radiating off her in waves at the way his tongue managed to get a hold of the strange, jagged words he was being taught. It was enough to make him smile, and that smile only grew mode when Aslisk spoke about how to say pencil in her world's languages, a soft snicker leaving him at the word 'trencil.' It was just different enough to seem odd to his ears, but too similar for it to not be funny. He then listened to his teacher speak about her understanding of the language was, and what mastery it required. It sounded difficult, especially for a soft spoken soul such as himself, but he found himself nodding anyways, mumbling after a moment, I guess I can see how havin' a language that let's ya get things out fast 'n' furious could be useful, at least in certain situations." He much preferred situations that didn't require shouting frantic and loud words to each other just to get the point across, but that didn't mean he couldn't learn, just in case. It was after he nodded that Aslisk launched into her next explanatio,n beginning to talk about practical uses. Hearing her talk about combat was far from surprising, but he still found himself wincing a little, silently praying that they wouldn't need to call upon this technique anytime soon. He didn't particularly want the Halls involved in anything too chaotic, now or ever, really. Still, he listened intently to what she had to say, not wanting her to think that he was ignoring her or didn't appreciate her teaching him. It took him a moment to parse out what he was supposed to say, really, but eventually he cleared his throat, awkward words slipping past sharp fangs, "Aslisk, torklem hokatark... shit, did I do that right?"