Beasts of Beyond
YOU SHOULD SEE ME IN A CROWN! // open, intro - Printable Version

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YOU SHOULD SEE ME IN A CROWN! // open, intro - Cosmic - 01-26-2020

He had been born with a strong sense of competition and fighting- he loved it. The physical kind, like throwing his siblings around while playing. He had been born with a great amount of strength, and he would use that to his advantage. Though frankly, he saw his siblings as ‘competition’, and treated them as such.

Competition for his rightful spot as The Prince.

Though he didn’t understand the importance of such a title, it was still something he so strongly desired and would claim and protect as his own. That was his to claim, and he decided to himself that he would make it happen.

He cared not what most thought of him at this point in time. He had a goal to accomplish and a reputation to uphold. And now, it was time that Alithis Evgenis met their rightful prince.

Head held high, posture steady and his appearance looking the best as possible, he made his way out of the glow worm cave and let out a harsh bark. He hoped it would get the others’ attentions, as that was the tone he had set. He would meet these people here, and get to know them properly. He wasn’t such a brute at heart, maybe a little prideful, but not a tyrant.

My name is Leoku Lingre-Kyrzoba, son of Bai Shi and Kydobi, a Prince. I would like to meet you all.

Regardless of how pompous he might have seemed, he did care a lot about others and had respect for everyone, unless they earned his spite. He worked hard on that tiny speech, practicing on pronouncing his last names correctly, and listening to his parents speak in order to form the correct wording. He didn’t want his first appearance to the group to be... well, weak, so-to-speak.

The five-tailed fox-dragon kit then took a seat as he waited outside, ethereal green eyes showing a unique depth, energy, intensity and power to them. His horns and antlers were beginning to grow in, as well as his wings, but he didn’t take notice of them yet. That was something new since his hatching.

Re: YOU SHOULD SEE ME IN A CROWN! // open, intro - EVARHI - 02-01-2020

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“You aren’t a prince. You’re a [i]mutt[/i]”, chimed in a prideful brat. He had been growing a little since hatching and took great pride in what he was becoming.

The neon and alabaster bully narrowed his eyes and scowled in mischief.

“You’re not even a cat. Kydobi isn’t your dad you idiot.”

A green forked tongue would flick out for a moment as he waited for a reaction. These things made him feel better and he didn’t like the thought of someone being a prince other than him. But he didn’t care about that either way, he just didn’t want anyone better than him.

Re: YOU SHOULD SEE ME IN A CROWN! // open, intro - Cosmic - 02-01-2020

The moment his ‘brother’ appeared before him he knew there was going to be trouble. The little asshole had a habit of trying to take away his pride, and he would not be having it. He knew Kydobi was his dad- there was no doubt in that. All of their parents had said so, right?

That makes you a mutt too, for sharing the same mother as me, Evhari. I don’t have to be a dumb cat like you to be Kydobi’s son.” His tone was cold, he wouldn’t allow his brother to manipulate him into a fight. Not today, at least not right now.

Why do you have to waste time being a jerk? You could be doing something useful, like leaving me alone.