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Keep it simple, honey, don't think too much [Check ups] - Printable Version

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Keep it simple, honey, don't think too much [Check ups] - Julian - 01-26-2020

[div style="margin: auto; text-align: right; padding-right: 14%; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; max-width: 600px; margin-top: 40px; font-family: georgia; color: #abbde2;"]I should be on top, but I'm always underground
Things are lookin' up, but I'm making myself drown

[div style="margin: auto; background-color: #040c23; max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; padding-right: 6%; padding-left: 6%;color: #abbde2;"] Julian had the things he needed; the things that would keep them healthy.

The soft foot steps of the man echoed through the lab as he plucked a few medical books off the broken shelves and opened to some random page to see if they were any use or not. Some where good, others were outdated. Others where...unfortunately damaged far beyond repair. It was fine though, he wouldn't let it get to him. Besides, the only thing he needed to look off a book for was dissecting a amphibian. It was winter, no amphibians where going to be around at this time.

With his new arsenal of medical supplies he was now able to do his job, what he wanted; why he came here in the first place. Julian's hands were gloved, the dark leather glistening under what little light his candle gave off. I'll never get anything done with this weak light, i need more candles. His thoughts were interrupted as his eyes wandered and his opposite hand rummaged through drawers and cabinets, though he would spend most of his time in this new place, Julian acted as if he was stocking this place; taking what he needed and getting the hell out of there. That wasn't the mans' intent. With a look of 'ah-ha', he picked up a bundle of autumn red candle. With the single caramel white candle that had been lit, he set fire to the little white threads within the the candles; a dim glow filling the room.

Julian set the candles all around the room and the hall way that led to the room, a landing strip for the eyes; a signal saying 'over here'. The large window, the singular window that led to the outside world; that set free the stagnant air of this old place he now opened. Julian hands rested upon the windowsill, he set a candle in the corner of it.All those struck by the vicious bite of sickness, come. Come into this candle lit room and become cured by my warmth

"Come get cured!"

Re: Keep it simple, honey, don't think too much [Check ups] - fulzanin - 01-26-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
A few months ago or so, the wyvern had done something that perhaps some would be considered stupid. In this odd land, at least. She had constructed a decently sized fire, made out of items that were turned brittle by the cold. Then, she'd tossed herself into the fire. Her goal had been to replicate one of the disasters of her youth in order to become fireproof again. It had charred her purple scales, turned them yellow. Ugly burns. She certainly hadn't helped means by refusing bedrest unless she truly was too exhausted to move. Aslisk was horrifically stubborn, and stubborn in many different ways. She had refused help, originally, because she did not want to be seen as weak. Coming to see if her wounds were healing good a few months later? That was almost different enough for her. The wyvern would stalk over within her regular burned body, the body with mostly healed burns covering her. Aslisk still didn't have great control over her flaming abilities. Her horns and the end of her tail still flickered with bright flames, flames that had been granted to her shortly after her self burning stunt. "Think you could make sure these burn wounds are healing alright?" Sharp were the regent's words, pupils thin. Her tone was laced with disgust - absolutely hating the briefest request for some form of aid evident.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: Keep it simple, honey, don't think too much [Check ups] - Julian - 01-26-2020

I should be on top, but I'm always underground
Things are lookin' up, but I'm making myself drown

How lovely

Aslisk and Julian were two very different creatures but that wouldn't stop him from helping here. True, Aslisk had come off as stubborn and the more he heard about her, the less his opinion about her changed. The man adjusted his gloves, the soft glow from the red candles making their dark leather almost glisten. Julian turned towards a cabinet that held his essential oils and a bowl of Eucalyptus leaves, the man also had a large lop-sided oval shaped rock. The man mumbled a bit as he read of the labels, only plucking one of the small bottles from it shelf. In a separate, smaller bowl he added two of the many Eucalyptus leaves and 4 drops of Juniper Berry Oil. Holding the rock in his hand, he crushed it into a fine, thin poultice.

With gloved hands, he scooped a little onto his hands. Hesitant to even approach the wyvren, he had no doubt that, even if the burns were already healing, this would sting. A lot. Julian set the rock and bowl down and started looking through a few drawers. He found the small bag of Poppy Seeds, the man opened the bag and took a handful out from it. He put them into a cup, the cup had a little water left from his previous poultice. Julian turned back towards Aslisk and held the wooden cup to her lips. "Drink." The poppy seeds would act as a pain-reliever. The man turned back to the counter and grabbed the bowl, the cup still to her lips, he scooped it back into his hand and let it over over the wyvren's skin. "Are you going to be a little bitch about this?"

Re: Keep it simple, honey, don't think too much [Check ups] - redvox. - 01-26-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
As Vinny approached Julian's little venture into helping out the Halls, he found himself pausing a bit at what he heard fall from the other's lips. He couldn't imagine that was exceptionally well loved bedside manner, but then again, he was dealing with Aslisk, so perhaps it was best that he was a little bit rough around the edges. The wyvern had a habit of not respecting anybody who was soft – like Vinny himself – and in all honesty, probably would've cussed the hell out of Julian even if he hadn't said something like that. Watching curiously, the harbinger crossed the last bit of distance between he and the set up that the other had created, his eyes dragging across every surface that he could actually see as he sidled beside Aslisk. He offered his regent nothing more than a nod, mainly thanks to the fact that he knew she was probably more focused on the task at hand of getting her burns checked up on. Letting out a low whistle after a long moment of looking around, the hybrid mumbled softly, his green eyes faintly shining in an impressed way, "Wow Julian, I'm surprised y'managed t'set this up. Although it'll definitely be 'elpful..." Although things seemed to be slowing down more as of late in the injury department – thank Bertille – he had no doubt that eventually that would change, whether it be by accident or not.

Truthfully, Vinny wasn't sure he had anything about him that really needed to be addressed urgently. After all, he hadn't gotten too horribly injured by anything lately, unless you counted falling down and very nearly crashing into the ground of the tunnels. He still had a few aches and bruises because of that, but it wasn't anything that rest wouldn't soon dissipate. So, instead of focusing on that, the gat joked lightheartedly, a smile tugging at his face, "Ah... I don't think I need anythin' though. Unless you've got somethin' that stops th'stress of bein' a leader." Things were beginning to lighten up a little bit as of late, and that was reassuring, but there were still looming threats that had been filling the harbinger with anxiety, such as their relationship with Tanglewood and the odd weather.

Re: Keep it simple, honey, don't think too much [Check ups] - fulzanin - 01-26-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
Medicine was a horrifically lost concept to the wyvern. Back where she'd been created, if you got hurt? You were food. No one was going to help you, less you had someone courted and actually was weak enough to care about you. Doctors didn't exist, medicine didn't exist. It was the survival of the fittest, and those that didn't pass natures test were used to fuel those that did. Then, there was where her wife lived. They, too, didn't have a concept of medicine or doctors. The reasoning was different. It wasn't because they didn't care about each other. It wasn't that they wanted to see others suffer. It was the sole fact that they were too stupid. They didn't know anything about the thousands of thousands of plants and materials if they weren't used for bare consumption. Sure, there'd been some deviation - such as 'squish up this plant and you'll get loopy' or 'this might make your electricity fire harder' - but all of it was practically meaningless when it came to health.

One of her webbed ears twitched, watching the other create some strange concoction. Her teeth gritted a little when she was instructed to drink something. Those weird seed things, again. Ew. She was a carnivore, she wasn't supposed to be eating plants. A snort came from the burnt beast, her pupils narrowing. Being commanded to do actions absolutely peeved her off. Aslisk had come to quickly understand that drinking with a snout was far more difficult than it used to be. She'd somewhat gotten the hang of using her forked tongue to drink, but it was absolutely a struggle nonetheless. She stopped at the other's second comment, her burnt body tensing. "I am no bitch, you lusluing hask of an Xiogipa's quartok," Aslisk hissed sharply. Her attention was then captured by Redvox. There went the threat that she had been about to issue, dying in her throat and it's existence coming out as a hissy exhale. "Go ahead and do it." Despite her statement, the burnt wyvern wound up tensing somewhat nonetheless.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: Keep it simple, honey, don't think too much [Check ups] - Julian - 01-27-2020

I should be on top, but I'm always underground
Things are lookin' up, but I'm making myself drown

He made a little 'humph' sound as Aslisk hissed at him, Redvox seemingly right on cue to quite her. Julian began to spread the poultice over her burnt scales, spreading it ever so gently as to not rupture the scabs upon the scales. The man looked over at Redvox as he spoke, still spreading. "Well i can suggest Lavender," he raised his hand towards the bowl to scoop a little more out. "Or Nutmeg if you don't like the smell of Lavender." Julian cocked his head and snickered. "Turn's the ladies' head too."

"Sorry Aslisk."Julian looked at the wyvren, his hand gracing her scales. The poultice was a greenish colour and seeing her any other colour than her own. "You look ridiculous," he then chuckles and moved his hand to spread her wing. "But you smell better." Julian pulled a chair over to her so she could support the rest of her body weight all while the man held her wing. "How did you manage to burn yourself up this badly?"
[member=8727]redvox.[/member] and [member=8864]Aslisk[/member]

Re: Keep it simple, honey, don't think too much [Check ups] - fulzanin - 01-28-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
Aslisk had been through a lot of severe pain before. She'd been stabbed, decapitated, burned, electrocuted, drowned, beaten, ripped apart, and more, and more. The list of brutality that the wyvern had endured was lengthy. Back home she was exempt from the regular healing process of organics. Sitting in a dark room for half an hour would result with everything being patched up and good as new. It was an odd process to some, but to Aslisk it had been the norm prior to coming to this horrifically strange land. The regular methods of healing were painful, and rarely had Aslisk ever dipped into them before. Usually it was because of something severe that she would take longer than half an hour to heal, but even then it had been 'eat this and get to feeling better'. Her red eyes had narrowed, body bracing for when the mess of juices would be spread across her scales. The wounds had healed, mostly, but that didn't make it hurt any less. The wyvern wished she had something to bite down on. Someone's arm would work. A sharp hiss came from the regent, her form flinching and firm stance wavering.

When her wing was lifted, her balance was forced to shift. She was used to being able to stand on her hind feet. Her wyvern body didn't allow for such a thing. Huffy breaths came from the injured wyvern as more of her weight was forced on her other wing. When the chair was wheeled over the regent practically flopped down. Her teeth were biting down hard, something to keep herself from screaming and lashing out at the healer that was helping her. It was hard to understand the other's words when her burn wounds were being touched. They were technically mostly healed, but it wasn't as if Aslisk had exactly cared much about the wounds healing properly before. The wyvern had defied bedrest, defied aid, defied literally everything that could have helped them heal faster. The other was commenting about how she smelled. What exactly the comment was, she didn't manage to catch. Her brief moment of being aware in pain allowed for her to hear the next question. How she had wound up burned this terribly, where her golden burns covered practically all of her. A sharp exhale sounded, Aslisk lifting her head up a little.

"I burned myself," the regent snapped through gritted teeth, "so I could regain my fireproofness that I'd gained when I was a- when I was younger. It worked." The wyvern still insisted for such to be the cause for now having fire like abilities. It had happened when she had been little. Dangled in a pit of fire by metal rods shoved through her wings. She would be left in there for hours and hours, body burning, until one day the fire couldn't burn her anymore. The same thing had been accomplished here, surely. There was no irony, there was no coincidence. The instances were one and the same. "And these burns are not bad. You should've seen what the lusluing firesprink's done to me a couple times over back home," Aslisk then huffed after having to pause to wince once again. She couldn't understand how some silly paste was supposed to help her burn wounds. Yet again, there was good reason behind why she wasn't the medic, and why she had no medical knowledge. Her flaming tail sharply swung behind her as another sensitive wound was slathered with the green colored mush, and a jagged hiss crept forth from her clenched jaws.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: Keep it simple, honey, don't think too much [Check ups] - redvox. - 01-28-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
The harbinger found himself having to resist the urge to wince as he watched Julian work on Aslisk. It wasn't that the other was doing a bad job. No, actually, he was doing a very good job, and Vinny certainly made a mental note to later ask him if he would be a cleric at the next meeting, but the whole thing also certainly didn't look like it was pleasant. He saw the way that Aslisk nearly recoiled from his touch, forcing herself to let him soothe her burn wounds with something that was ultimately good, but probably hurt like hell to feel on such sensitive burnt areas. Redvox found himself immediately grateful that his first body – his small, feline birth body – had died, rather than survived, through the flames that had originally destroyed the Halls. After all, if he had survived that, he wasn't exactly sure that he would've wanted to stay alive. He would've had even worse burns than Aslisk, and he certainly wasn't as stubborn or hearty as Aslisk either. He probably would've crumbled under the pressure of dealing with such wounds, and would've just ended up in his current strange hybrid gat form anyways. Vinny pondered, for a moment, whether or not he should go over and help Aslisk, especially when he saw her wincing and grumbling about having to balance herself on one wing, but the harbinger also knew better. He knew that if he tried to move over and offer her some kind of assistance, he would probably just get unkind words snapped right next to his sensitive ears, or a wing flung out to whack at his face, even if it ended up with Aslisk on the ground right afterwards. She probably still would've been satisfied just with smacking him.

When Julian asked how Aslisk had gotten the burns littering her body, the harbinger couldn't help but snort, shaking his head a little bit as he remembered. He could still remember the chaos of finding Aslisk aflame, and the anger of finding out afterwards that she had done it to herself. She had explained her motivations for the event many times before, but no matter how many times she repeated herself, it never made any sense to him. Sure, maybe in whatever crazy world she came from, people made themselves fireproof by burning themselves over and over again, but here? In a world that made sense? That was ridiculous, and all it had ended in was him having to half carry and half drag Aslisk to the fortress, since she could barely walk in the aftermath. Eventually the wyvern had gotten fire elementals, which made it so that the fire that now danced on her scales didn't hurt her, but Vinny was always quick to remind her that fire elementals were a thing of this world, and that one thing hadn't caused the other. When he heard Aslisk repeating the same nonsense once again to Julian, he couldn't help but roll his eyes, a sigh leaving him as he mumbled, "Aslisk, y'still don't have any evidence that burnin' yourself caused your fire elementals. I'm actually very sure that it didn't." He doubted that Aslisk would actually even acknowledge him, since she never really cared whenever he pointed that out. He disliked it when his regent decided to completely ignore him, but he had honestly become pretty used to it.

Tearing his mind away from Aslisk for a moment, the gat seemed to finally process ehat Julian had said to him. Blinking for a moment, the male felt a blush beneath his fur at the mention of the ladies. He laughed weakly, shaking his head a bit as he shifted upon his wings, "I'm... I'm pretty confident that lavender is fine, if y'can really give me some. I don't mind th'smell, plus the ladies arent really... my thing..." He didn't often talk about his own sexuality, since it had little to do with his abilities as the leader of the Halls, but girls had never really been his thing. Even when he had been a kit, he had only ever had crushes on the older boys. Now, with his big crush on Auggie? That trend was pretty much only continuing. He found himself wondering if Auggie would like the smell of lavender.

Re: Keep it simple, honey, don't think too much [Check ups] - Julian - 01-28-2020

I should be on top, but I'm always underground
Things are lookin' up, but I'm making myself drown

As the wyvern balanced herself on the chair, he listened to her ridiculous story. Julian wanted so desperately to kick the chair, he began eyeing the chair's legs, seeing just how stable they were. Maybe one of them would mysteriously slip under all her weight?

The man had spread the last little bit that would be needed in Aslisk's healing process, at this point he was just spreading it evenly among her scales. The last bit made him chuckle, Julian eyed the chair again. "Your an idiot Aslisk," he rumbled. "Worse, your a wyvern." The man's tone made it as if he were joking, in his mind it was an insult. Why? He had no idea, he just felt that it needed to be said. "Redvox might be right, next time you'r firepower goes out, or whatever the hell you call them, come to me first before you throw yourself in a fire."

..Plus the ladies aren't really... my thing...

Julian didn't know what he meant right away, his eyes widened with an 'oh ah-ha' look crept up onto his face. Huh, your not like most men i see, how come? Who do you have your eyes one? The man lifted his hands from the scaled body of Aslisk and turned to the shelf above one of the candles. A small vase filled with longs stocks of Lavender sat wildly  in it, water crept in circles unnoticed at the bottom. Plucking a handful of the stocks from out of the vase, Julian glanced over at the Harbinger's neck. The man wove together the stocks, tieing them neatly together at the ends. He placed it around the gat's neck. The lavender was still alive, for now, and when it dried up the affect that it had would intensify. Thats what dried herbs did, unless they were too dry. Dead. Then they were useless. Julian smiled, his mask laying far away in a drawer. Redvox and Aslisk were the only two beings who new what his face looked like, and he intended on keeping it that way. He stood back and looked at Redvox, he didn't look terrible in purple. "Alright." He rumbled. "Get out, your using up this precious fresh air." He looked at Aslisk. "The last thing we need is this overgrown lizard getting crabby on stagnant air."
[member=8864]Aslisk[/member] and [member=8727]redvox.[/member]

Re: Keep it simple, honey, don't think too much [Check ups] - fulzanin - 01-29-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
Usually Aslisk was glad that she couldn't look into the minds of other people. Mostly because she knew how it was like to have someone butt in and claim to know absolutely everything about her. Or, at least, this body did. The other one, the calmer one, was omitted from remembering a large string of particular events that had led to the wyvern's heavily weighted attitude of rage, irritation, and fury. Sometimes, though, she was curious about what other people thought of her. Not that Aslisk would ever say that she cared for the opinions of other people. With a lack of the power, Julian's desire to knock the chair leg and cause her to fall went undetected. Not that she would have even noticed where the other's gaze had been focused, for the burnt creature was too busy having to deal with the feeling of scabbed up burns being slathered. Her red eyes snapped over to Redvox when he spoke, claiming that again she had no proof. "I've got all the lusluing evidence in the lusluing world that it caused it," the wyvern snapped in retaliation. Her voice tapered off near the end, the pain a complete and utter annoyance.

Then Julian spoke again. She felt fury swell up, burning her fire in a manner most intense. It made her want to stand up and bite him, tear- no. She had to stomp those thoughts down before they had the chance to further manifest. Hissing again, she turned her gaze to the one that was currently healing her. "I am many things, but an idiot is not one of them." She paused, having to take a moment to register the other's internally meant insult. She didn't register it as an insult, because deep down she did not feel like a wyvern. She was what she was back home deep down, right? A different external body didn't change who she was, or what she really was. Of course, if fireproofing was something that they weren't able to understand, Aslisk decided against a sharp retort to such a statement. "My fireproofness isn't firepower. I've never been able to lusluing control fire before. It's new. Being fireproof was something I'd always had. That sort of thing doesn't 'go out' at random. It was a new body and wasn't fireproof yet. I fixed it. The fireproofness I caused. I don't know where the fire elementals come from. There, I even agreed with you a little bit there. I'm going to repeat it as many times as it takes to hasking assure you that I know what the luslu I'm doing when it comes to my abilities." A deep breath. She was better than this. She had been doing good to keep her temper under check. That was why she had been promoted. At the same time, she didn't want to be walked over. She could resolve it later, once she was healed. Not now.

When the other was finished, the wyvern again fell to her regular stance after sliding off the chair. Her head craned to observe both her now coated burns as well as Redvox being adorned with a lavender plant. The plant was unfamiliar to her, and Aslisk could not refrain the briefest notion of curiosity upon her face. Swiftly she stifled it, again her expression falling to disgruntled. Especially with Julian's last statement. Her teeth gritted again, a hissy breath coming from the parts between her teeth. The air was tinted with flames, a fury that desperately wished to unleash itself. How badly were her violent urges surging forth. Her burnt from trembled, staring with a burning hot fury present in her gaze. Aslisk had to remind herself that she was better than those urges. The wyvern was a stronger and better person because she could deny them. "I've got more important things to do than question what the hask 'crabby' is supposed to mean. Thank you for your help." She whirled, the flames that came from her spiky tail sputtering. The wyvern trudged out out, and took to the air as soon as she had the room to do so. Get away before she said - or did - something that would fall more in line with how she wanted to behave.

TAGS 11/19/19: