Beasts of Beyond
HEARTS AND SPADES ;; open - Printable Version

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HEARTS AND SPADES ;; open - beatae - 01-26-2020

  the caracal gently nudged her children's tails as they began to reach further into pitt territory. the old scent of decay worried her, but knowing the recent battles that had gone on she couldn't exactly... mind it. she wished her cubs had been born at a better time. in a better situation, sometimes. seeing them each morning had always been and still was a highlight to her days. she couldn't help the moments where she wished she had given them a proper family, first.

indie sighed tiredly as they took a rest at a pool of water to drink and refresh. "piers, brynn, don't go too far. your father's going to be here soon." she tucked the scarf around her daughters neck snuggly, nuzzling her before turning to her son. she still felt... uncomfortable with what had happened to him. something she still couldn't explain for the life of her. she would do her best to still take care of him, though. "pear... i'm going to ask this as nicely as possible. when he gets here, i need you to behave..." her expression fell slightly. "like before what happened. can you try that for me? i don't want him being concerned about you."

it was bad enough he had to see kydobi be thrown about just weeks before. then for all of that to happen as well. another tired sigh, she sat back to take a rest.

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[member=4490]Kydobi[/member] [member=9250]piers[/member]

Re: HEARTS AND SPADES ;; open - deimos - 01-26-2020

A travel to the Pitt had been the least of concerns. What he was concerned about was the reprocussion, of going against his program. Where did he stand with this emotion, this emotion called guilt? He had been the reason of the fighting at the border, the very thing that brought him to the twisted body, the metal turning up his chest and side, sharply jutting his back at a strange angle, leg partially plated as well. He looked like a twisted monster, but it was what he deserved. Wasn't it?


He shook himself out of this daze as he made it into the area of the drinking fountain, his storm grey eyes searching the area, barely minding the tap at his tail. He exhaled softly, taking exact steps towards the water so that he didn't need to expend extra power. He lowered his muzzle, barely able to smell the scent of it before he drank. He wasn't so concerned with borders anymore, he decided. However, as Indie spoke to him, he rose his gaze and stared at her. Unfeeling, unwavering. Strong, but uncanny. Slowly, he blinked and gave a nod.

"Affirmative. I will try my best." He replied. The humanity in him, what remained, yelled at him he could never be the same. The marred back, his metal grievances, they couldn't ever be taken back. They couldn't just disappear to hide, to convince his father that he was okay. Piers didn't even know if he wanted to see Kydobi after the whole border problem. His father, the very thing he needed in his life, and his friends and Tanglewood family wanted to rip him away from Piers.

He cleared his throat.


template by orion

Re: HEARTS AND SPADES ;; open - fulzanin - 01-27-2020

decisions to decisions are made and not bought
The cicada usually spent most of his time that wasn't spent searching for food was spent following Kydobi around. The Ardent was, really, as close to a friend as the insect was capable of getting. Or perhaps Astiar following him around was simply because he was a familiar and constant face in the sea of people that resided within the Pitt. Constants helped reinforce things in his simplistic mind. Constant presence meant familiarity, familiarity meant comfortable, and comfortable sated his instincts urges of fight or flight and his overall indifference towards practically everything. He was a basic and simple minded creature. He, too, did not mind borders. Cicadas did not have territory. His mind was too simple to understand the concept of owning and patrolling land. Such complexities were so far over Astiar's head that they didn't register to him in the slightest.

The times that he wasn't following after the leader of the group? He was either sleeping, wandering, or looking for something to eat - the latter two choices practically one and the same. The burnt jungle didn't have enough trees to sustain him. They were burnt. They were stripped of any nutrition that he could have digested and used. It led him to wander and leave the group's territory in search of leafy trees that actually would provide him with sustenance. Mostly his approach had been a result of wandering. A noisy approach for sure, the ever constant buzzing of his wings signaling that he was coming long before he came trotting into view. His mandibles clicked, looking over the mother and cubs present. Blue antennae curled from the top of his head. A chittering noise parted from the creature, lowering his head as if to get a better look. "GREETING SMALL NO FOOD SMALL GREETING," Astiar boomed, lashing at the minds of those present with his words to attempt to speak. He spoke through the mind - mental communication in the most basic form of both communication and the power's usage overall - and was as loud as the sharp buzzing of his wings. He was a noisy menace both in the heads of those he was around, and externally by the ever present buzzes. Another chitter parted from his maw. One of them almost looked familiar, almost enough to warrant further curiosity than the norm. The odd metal deterred his mind from making the connection.

control yourself and take only what you need from it

TAGS 9/4/19:

Re: HEARTS AND SPADES ;; open - Kydobi - 01-28-2020


[OOC: warning, Kydobi has no clue about what happened to piers and isn’t gonna take this well ]

He would come of course, having caught the familiar scent of Indie and his children. Nothing would stop him.

Rather quickly his heart rate thundered in anticipation. He hadn’t seen Indie since their little affair. But most of all he was excited to see his children.

The brute had to admit, he admired Indie. She didn’t seem to hate him despite others opinions and the fact she took the time to bring his children? She would only receive respect.

He would see their familiar pelts, his body twitching nearly with happiness. Of course, he had just had another litter of hybrids but... these were always going to be his first borns.

“He-“, his greeting was cut off short when he saw Piers. His heart now thundered for a different reason. His mind was utterly confused. What exactly happened to his son? Fear. Worry. Most of all anger. He barely recognized this child it seemed that some type of metal have been embedded into Piers skin.

He was utterly and completely shocked. For once his eyes did not hide it.

“W-what happened!?”, there was a burning sensation in his eyes. Dear god was he going to cry?


Re: HEARTS AND SPADES ;; open - deimos - 02-02-2020

And here was the hurdle.

His eyes drifted towards the black figure that approached. Something wanted to make him scream, but his tick of a program stopped him. He held his mouth tightly closed, his eyes staring at him blankly, the grey optics unblinking for a longer period of time. But Kydobi did not hold back, did not blank, did not stand unblinking. He reacted out, trying to reach to his son with words, but they drifted past towards Kydobi. One shifting glance towards Indy, and he tried to stutter out words that didn't follow a pattern.

".. Nothing. I am still.. Piers." His teeth ground. Grey eyes dropped, narrowing for a moment before drifting away again. The metal wasn't embedded. It seemed to be his skin. It seemed to tear up at unnatural angles, something that might be painful. Even if it was, Piers didn't seem to recognize it.

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