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HOUSE OF GOLD / treehouse - Printable Version

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HOUSE OF GOLD / treehouse - ROXANNE R. - 01-25-2020

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Finally, a bigger living space!

She felt a large grin appear on her maw as she began to fit everything the way she wanted it, Kalayavan carrying most of the boxes with all the things from the old hut, she breathed quietly under her breath. It didn't take long for her to unpack everything, of course, this wasn't anything like the hut giving her a bit more of a chance for creativity. Now she could give Roan a whole room to himself! The thought made her incredibly happy as she set to work humming a soft tune to herself, Roxanne didn't seem to have any issues with her moving procedure. Eventually everything was falling into place the way she wanted it, she only took a few breaks the whole time during her decorating and setting up of the house. It didn't take her much longer in finishing up the living room, Roxie starting on her own bedroom only to go through her belongings. She stopped finding the folded paper bag that she had kept for a while, the draconic feline found a small frown tugging at her lips before she would murmur to herself "Lo siento pero quiero alguien diferente. . ." The Spanish feeling bitter at that moment on her tongue as she dumped the folded paper bag into the small trashcan in her room, she didn't hesitate to keep herself busy throughout the entire time. With the living room and her own room being finished, she would turn over to the other room blinking her mismatched gaze at the empty space feeling a smile appearing on her maw with her paw brushing against the wall.

Roxie managed to push the few boxes of Roan's stuff into the room, she huffed quietly to herself wondering if she should have asked for help since the task at hand seemed to become a bit more daunting than she would've liked it to be. Shit, she thought opening one of the boxes finding one of Roan's coloring books did she find a smile on her face flipping through a few of the pages. She found a page within the book that had the drawing of a treehouse, huh, she had almost forgotten that she had promised to get Roan his own little hideout. She bit her lip trying to contemplate over the possibility of her spoiling her child. Was she? She shook her head with a sound tsk sound "I promised so I'm keeping to it, no matter how many splinters my paws get!" She hummed gleefully, of course, all of that would have to wait since she had to fix up her son's room first before she would get to anything else. With the new excitement and adrenaline coursing through her body, it didn't take her as much time to complete the room itself. Roxanne would look over everything a few times to see if it was up to her standards, it was nice and clean, most of the toys stowed away in the small toy box. It would stay clean for, unfortunately, it wouldn't last long with Roan's vivid imagination. Soon enough, if she wanted to keep anything clean in his room, she would probably have to give him the chore of cleaning after himself.

She would step outside of her new home feeling the sand underneath her paws as she let out a deep breath knowing she would need certain materials to put together a treehouse for Roan. She knew that she wouldn't be capable of doing it with the current size she had, she shook herself out only to stretch out her back legs. Roxie turned her attention over to Kalayavan with a smirk laced on her maw "Hope you're ready for a good day of work, Kal." The saltwater crocodile simply looked at her, it wasn't like he could refuse or throw a fit about helping out not that his mother bugged him much. Kal for the most part was always behind Roan keeping an eye on him though today he had helped with the move so it was Brunhild and Lorelei, the pesky spoiled tegu, watching after Roxanne's son. Roxie was already trotting away knowing the material she would need for this big project of hers, she'd make sure to take the occasional break but if she wanted to make this move successful well, she'd have to be kept on her toes at all times. Thankfully there was a few trees around the new house, one slightly thicker than the rest, this one not being a palm tree. Collecting the wood didn't prove much of a task either, Roxie having changed to her jaguaress form so she could carry things a bit more easily. She was still smaller than Greed and Goldie in this form, it was frustrating in a way that her shortness would always plague whatever form she took.

Roxanne huffed quietly finally having all of what she needed, the jaguaress got to work wincing at each and every time a small splinter would stab into her paw. Soon enough, Roxie had a starting base for the treehouse that she was pretty proud of. She took a deep breath looking down at her paws not really enjoying the feeling of splinters in her paws but she knew this would be worthwhile.
"character's speech."

Re: HOUSE OF GOLD / treehouse - idyllfields - 01-26-2020

stars did fall
idyllfields had not been too keen on heights when they had first arrived. water no less, when their hydrophobia was at its peak worst. something that had now calmed into a mild fear, thankfully. heights were still something that made them uneasy. the bridges leading to each treehouse were not always sturdy. instances of them catching fire or deteriorating and crumbling apart had officially set the coyote in creating their hut on the beach instead. it had worked pleasantly since then as well.

enough space for all of their belongings and keep a well organized selection of things they needed. not too big or too small. interior decoration was one of the many things idyll had succeeded in growing up. even though the architecture had changed, they still applied it even in the typhoon.

they approached roxanne with a gentle smile, glancing up to take in the height of the tree. it sure was a lot to do by herself, even with the help of her animal companions. "would you like any design advice?" they offered politely. "i haven't had much experience building large projects like this, but i would like to help where i can."

[div style="width: 500px; height: auto; padding: 0px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 5pt; margin-top: -2px;"]© LEXASPERATED[/div

Re: HOUSE OF GOLD / treehouse - roan ; - 01-26-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — To say that Roan had forgotten about his mother's little comment to give him his own little hideout had been entirely forgotten would be inaccurate. Sure, Roan, like most children his age, did not have much of an attention span, and that had a tendency to reach out to his memory as well, with certain things going in one ear and right out the other. However, for the most part, Roan was able to remember the things that his Mother had said to him. Roxanne, despite allowing the kit to venture out more and more on his own – or rather, with either Kal or Brunhild – lately, was still essentially the center of Roan's entire universe, and because of that he had a tendency to pay special attention to what his mother had to say to him. Whether it just be some random little comment about him looking particularly handsome today – a sweet comment his mother occasionally threw in before seeing him off for the moment that made the kitten preen with pride – or something more substantial, like the whole hideout of his own thing. Although truthfully, he hadn't thought about his little hideout in quite a while, mainly because his attention was usually being pulled in multiple different directions at once by all of the new things he was discovering since leaving the house. He had figured it was a little incidental comment by his mama that was meant to get him pumped up and happy, rather than anything that he was supposed to hold her to. Although honestly the boy probably wouldn't forcibly hold his mother to anything that she said, unless it was something really important, like promising to love him forever.

The majority of Roan's day this far bad been spent out in the sun, going back and forth between the beach and the town with Brunhild and Lorelei obediently following behind him, although obviously getting a little annoyed by the constant circles they were making. Roan couldn't help it, he wanted to see how fast he could run from the beach to the town, and in between these trips, he took time to stop near the edge of the water to find seashells to hand out to passersby. Most of the time when he stretched his paw out with a random little pretty seashell and handed it to a stranger without the Typhoon, they would pause, bewildered or annoyed, and look up at him to see what the hell his deal was. However, when they saw it was just a smiling little child – the son of one who was fairly well known throughout the Typhoon and really wasn't worth messing with – they usually just smiled sheepishly and continued along, taking the shell with them. Roan felt that he was doing a great service with his passing out of pretty shells, and he actually felt a little bit bad when he decided to retire for the day, exhausted from the running back and forth.

With Brunhild and Lorelei following gratefully behind him, Roan had begun to make his way towards home, only to become distracted when he smelled his mother, along with Idyllfields. Perking up with interest, Roan took off through the sand towards the tree that his mother was working in, his eyes gleaming with both curiosity and confusion at Roxie's actions. Stumbling his way over, the kitten came up beside Idyll, plopping down on his butt as he offered them a little crooked smile. Once he felt he had been sufficiently friendly, he turned his attention towards his mama, raising his voice as he called upwards, "Mama! What are you doing up there? Are you looking for pretty colored birds?" He could see the little base platform that his mother had already done quite a bit of work on, but it didn't even occur to him that it could be the base of a treehouse.

Re: HOUSE OF GOLD / treehouse - ROXANNE R. - 01-31-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
The jaguar's curved ears would twitch at the sound of someone's voice, she would turn her gaze over in the direction of Idyllfields, a smile forming on her maw as she would greet them with a slow nod of her cranium "Hey there!" At the sudden offer at designing the treehouse, she could feel a sheepish grin appearing on her maw, she would definitely love to get all the help she could get. Roxanne would nod slowly only to rumble a bit in amusement "I'd love to get all the help I can get, since this is the first time I've tried to build something like this before." A giggle escaped her, she would use one of the pieces of wood she had to use as a way up and down from the base of her treehouse. She would make her way down offering the coyote a thankful smile. She was sure that whatever the treehouse looked like in the end, Roan would absolutely love it or so she hoped anyways.

Ah, there he was!

Her nose would twitch unable to hold back the giggle at what he asked about her being up there to look at pretty birds, she would bring her paw to nesr her face plucking off a few splinters from her pawpads saying with a light shake of her head "No, I didn't see any pretty birds up there. But I did see something else," She curled her tail around her son only to wave her paw to the base of the treehouse with her grin growing wider "It still needs a design, roof, and walls. . . Though this is just the beginning of the treehouse, I promised you."  [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HOUSE OF GOLD / treehouse - roan ; - 02-01-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — One second, Roan had just been staring up at his mother, curious as to why she was up somewhere so high, and wondering if perhaps they were going to be getting a new pretty pet bird. The next second, his mama was giggling a little bit down at him, shaking her head before she smiled warmly down at her son. She seemed excited, from the way that her eyes were twinkling down at him, and he felt excited by extension, his fur puffing up and energy rushing through his veins.

He had a little grin on his face that showed off his sharp tiny baby teeth, and a gasp left him once his mother explained why she was up in a tree far above both he and Idyll. She was making him a treehouse? A really real treehouse that he could invite his friends to and play games in and call his own? Just the thought of it made the boy's blue gaze light up, and he found himself stumbling into the base of the tree, tiny claws digging into the bark. His minuscule wings were flapping away excitedly on his back, but ultimately it was just his young scrambling that allowed him to climb up to where his mother was, landing clumsily on the base of the treehouse that his mother had made. It wasn't long before the kit hopped back up to his paws and rushed forward, embracing one of his mother's short legs in a hug. His voice came out in an overjoyed squeak, trying to properly express just how happy he was, "Mama! I cant believe you're really making me a treehouse! I'm so excited to see what it'll look like... I'll try to help however I can, okay? Thank you, Mama!" He gave his mother another firm hug around her leg before falling back, letting his eyes scan all around as he imagined what it would look like when it was done. He wondered if Roxie would let him decorate the walls his own way once they were done. The young male wasn't quite sure what he would put up yet if he was given the choice, but he'd pick something nice. Something pretty and cool, that the other kids could be impressed by.