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count of three >> lunar new year [o] - Printable Version

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count of three >> lunar new year [o] - teef - 01-25-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black panther w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai 'pure' shi 'honest' lynn lingré. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting kydobi & idyllfields. marauder of the pitt. demiromantic gray-asexual.
it had been a year already, apparently. the jaguar found themself sitting at the root of the great sakura tree that hung looking over the edge of the cliffside, tongue running over their lips from the delicious scents in the air. settling, they waited for those with interest to join them, planning the nights events in their mind. had this been long ago, they would have held this traditionally, but this was a new time and a new life. calling out in a deep roar, they gave summons, "alithians! gather at the sakura tree for a celebration!" they roared, settling comfortably.

planning the events for the night, they sat silently, pensive. they had already decorated the old village with red couplets and small lanterns, a red ribbon tied about each of their antlers, done so by their eldest daughter. purring slightly, they thought of the tales and stories that would be shared, the lanterns that would be hung up or released, the dinner that was waiting in the abandoned village, and the gifts that they had laid out for everyone. they had the idea of doing something similar to firecrackers, pleased with their most recent power discovery - they could harness electricity. they would use their electricity to make something similar to what they remembered.

Re: count of three >> lunar new year [o] - Cosmic - 01-27-2020

If anything, Leoku was pleased with how everything looked. Well, amazed and in awe, as he had never seen anything like this before. It struck something... familiar deep within him, but to see it in person was a whole other story. The lanterns and decorations made the fox and dragon mix grin with excitement as he raced forward towards Bai Shi.

Mom! It looks great! I’m really happy!” And that wasn’t a lie- he really was genuinely looking forward to the event, even if it would only be for a short while. He was quiet and did enjoy his space, being introverted and all. He wouldn’t mind hanging back later at the gathering with one or two others to relax.

I hope a lot of people show up!

Re: count of three >> lunar new year [o] - redvox. - 01-28-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Despite not being one of the "Alithians" that Bai Shi had requested to come over to the celebration, Vinny still found himself making his way over when he heard the other leader's call. Flanked by several of the other visitors from the Halls, Vin felt his eyes go wide when he saw the way that the area was decorated, all lit up in gold and red with little splashes soft pink occasionally flitting down from the Sakura tree high up above. It was beautiful, and it was a welcome departure from the cold atmosphere that had the Halls in its grip at the moment. Not to say that their forest home was completely devoid of life – it seemed almost comically able to keep itself alive and thriving even in the worst of conditions – but still, this place seemed completely different. The hybrid let his eyes wander all around, just letting it all sink in for a long moment, before his stunned silence was interrupted by the shrill and happy call of a child.

Turning his head, he spotted Leoku, and immediately a small smile curled on his face. He could only assume that was one of the children that Bai Shi had mentioned when they had first come with their invitation. He really was adorable, and Vinny found himself deliriously happy for Bai Shi. After all, both the Halls and Alithis were practically neighbors. It would be best to form a friendly relationship with them. With this in mine, the harbinger made his way over to where Bai Shi was sitting, giving the other a crooked grin before speaking, "Hello, Bai Shi. This place looks... wonderful. I love what you've done with all th'decorations 'n' everythin'. I almost feel like ya one upped the festival the Halls had recently." He chuckled a little bit as he sat nearby, making it clear that he was just joking around. The festival of Bertille and this celebration were quite different, so Vinny didn't actually hold any scorn.

Re: count of three >> lunar new year [o] - Eclipse - 02-03-2020

Eclipse made her way towards the Sakura tree upon hearing the call. She
Bounded towards it happily and giggled even more when she saw her little brother ,tail wagging excitedly. Sneaking up to him she nips his shoulder before leaning against him.

"Hey Leoku isn't it exciting? Heheh"
Eclipse then bounded up to Bai and rubbed against her purring happily before licking her cheek."Its absolutely beautiful Mupa I'm sure this event is going to he awesome!"

Re: count of three >> lunar new year [o] - teef - 02-03-2020


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] trotting up with his nose in the air, scenting the foods, the serval dragon hybrid took in the sight of malak and redvox, politely approaching redvox and dipping his head, "greetings, sir. please enjoy our festival." the smallest of the serval siblings murmured with a slight bow, looking over at bai shi. "da's happy you came, even if they can't see the decorations. they want everyone to feel safe here. da's also got some pretty neat stories. do you got any stories, sir?" laeglin asked with a slight tip of his head, bone colored antlers soft and velvety to the eye, his mane floofed up around his neck, making him look more like a miniature lion.

smiling at eclipse and leoku, he greeted them in turn with head nods before padding up to the base of the tree, looking up at the lanterns, "i wonder if our ghosts will show up tonight." he murmured as he observed the lanterns high above.

Re: count of three >> lunar new year [o] - redvox. - 02-04-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vinny was a bit startled – although not unkindly – from his amazement at the decorations all around him by the sound of a soft and polite voice right next to him. Blinking in surprise, the hybrid turned his head to see Laeglin, seemingly processing what the serval had said to him. Once he was able to, however, he found himself smiling, the little grin upon his mug showing off little flashy bat teeth. He spoke softly, dipping his head to the polite child in front of him, "Hello there, I'm very happy t'be here for th'festival. Your da did an excellent job with th'decorations 'and everything." He then seemed to process the question that he had been asked, glancing down thoughtfully. He supposed that he did have a few stories to tell, considering his life had been pretty eventful up to this point. Still, he found himself shrugging as he spoke, "I do 'ave a few stories. Y'don't get t'where I am without a few excitin' things happenin'. Like when I saved a bunch'a my clanmates from a roarin' fire." That admittedly might've been a bit of a romanticized version of what happened, considering his death afterwards, but he had saved many Halls members that day.

Re: count of three >> lunar new year [o] - Veris - 02-04-2020

Veris couldn’t pass up the celebration. Most of her time was sat around doing nothing except perfecting adult skills like her siblings. One word to describe it? Boring! She wanted to go out and explore. It seemed like nothing was ever going on though, except for now. Now was the chance to go out and do...something! Even if she didn’t exactly know what.

Oh boy was it butiful...beutiful...pretty! Her eyes lit up with such fascination that it looked like an active fire burned within her eyes. Her tail swung around excitedly as she looked at the ribbons and lanterns that decorated every corner. She didn’t know how her siblings could be so calm about how everything looked...or maybe she just didn’t get out enough...but nevertheless it was amazing!

The only thing that broke her from whatever trance she was in, was the fact that Redvox had mentioned stories. Veris was a sucker for stories. ”You have cool stories to share?! Can we hear some?” It was hard for her to curb her excitement and that caused her to be a little less proper then she normally would’ve been. Being part of royalty caused her to feel some sort of obligation to being all regal and...bleh. At this point, she was happy to just be a semi-regular child for once. She wanted to hear some stories is all!