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favorite stuffed bear ● litter introduction [o] - Printable Version

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favorite stuffed bear ● litter introduction [o] - teef - 01-25-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black panther w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai 'pure' shi 'honest' lynn lingré. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting kydobi & idyllfields. marauder of the pitt. demiromantic gray-asexual.
after many hard days of work, bai shi pushed the last of their nest together around their clutch of eggs, the nest dug deep into the sand bank, eight beautifully decorated and divine looking eggs laying upon the sand, with two less vibrant eggs mixed in. exhaling, the great dragon laid down after giving a soft roar, calling their lovers to the sands of the glowworm cave. warm sunlight streamed into the cave onto the hard scaled eggs, the serpent happily guarding their nest as they listened to the eggs beginning to rock in their small holes in the nest. they could hear the tapping in the shells, their brows twitching as they observed the eggs, worry ricocheting through the beast, getting up and shifting into their female jaguar body, waiting uneasily for regina, kydobi and halo to appear.

(naming and hatching order will be posted in the next post -- the hatchlings are free to post their hatching from the egg and order can be decided through discussion)

(short, sorry ^^Wink

Re: favorite stuffed bear ● litter introduction [o] - Cosmic - 01-25-2020

The small feline anxiously answered the call of Bai Shi, approaching quietly and dipping his head respectfully. He looked over at the eggs, his heart rate rising. He looked from them to the jaguar, and began to nervously pace.

I’m here, Bai Shi. I’ll always be here for you and them- whatever you guys need.” He rambled, but his ramblings were purely from his heart and he meant them. He would stay around and be the best dad possible.

Re: favorite stuffed bear ● litter introduction [o] - Kydobi - 01-25-2020


[OOC: ]

Kydobi would be there although he was not entirely happy about it. It wasn’t the fact he had children, he was more than pleased to know that some of those eggs were his babies. But he was also highly irritated that not all of them were.

It seemed as if Bai did not understand Kydobi’s need of monogamy. Nor did the dragon understand the sacred nature of a litter with one sole parent. The fact that his children shared a womb with the spawn of... a house cat bothered him. It also said something of Bai’s nature. And to think there was more than just that siring the litter... it felt cheap. Felt like a mass cremation of bodies. No body was given it’s due respect.

Unlike Mercer, Kydobi would remain silent. There was no need to give verbal confirmation of his support. Everyone who knew him would know that he was father by nature. But he was here for his children and solely that.

Because none of these could even make children that could compare. His were the best because they were his. Because he would make sure of it.

“How do we know who is who’s?”


Re: favorite stuffed bear ● litter introduction [o] - Cosmic - 01-25-2020

If Ky was worried about who’s was who’s, this little egg had begun to make a stubborn ruckus knocking gently against his siblings in an effort to escape this... shield surrounding him. If anything, this ‘shield’ was nothing to the creature inside but holding him back from what he needed to see.

The energy within began to build, and if he could have growled, boy would he have. He was filled with determination- such stubbornness, even at such a ripe young age. He would do this himself. No excuses. He wouldn’t have it any other way, and would use whatever methods he could to unleash himself from this unnecessary binding.

Tink, tink, tink...


His egg-tooth made just the right amount of pressure to create a small opening. It was time for him. Time for him to make a new story, all his own. All of this intensity, all of this energy and personality, stemmed from his soul. His soul, which was old and ready for a new life. A new chance. And he would not be denied this.

It was almost strategic in the way that the hatchling broke through his egg prison- using his egg-tooth and body to essentially push himself through- to regally emerge from the now empty shell. Well, with as much regality as a newborn hatchling could. It was more of a struggle and tumble, but it showed.

And he had quite the personality from the beginning.

He sensed... many bodies. Particularly three in the area around him. One with sustenance. Food. The other... his soul had a feeling was a lot like him, and the last... well, the hatchling’s head moved to face him. He moved- more like wobbled, his head in the direction of Kydobi, then to Bai Shi, and strongly desired milk. If it was a fight to have it, then so be it.

He was a gentle white in color to begin with, as soft yet something powerful about him radiated so strongly from him. His little paws and tails were seemingly dipped in dark gray ash, and there were markings in red on his body- beautiful patterns really, almost resembling stars or galaxies. In this beginning stage, he looked only like a fox, but that was more than likely to change as he grew.

His entire being was definitely one that would be unlikely if going unnoticed. Just radiating hidden power, such intensity, and something about him likely stated that he just knew, on a soul-deep level. Knew what? He and everyone else would figure that out in time.

For now, his top priority was food... and warmth. He felt so cold! Finding his vocals, he gave a pathetic kind of squeal, wondering where his food was! He wanted food, and warmth! They couldn’t ignore him! But exhaustion riddled his body from working to hatch, and he was beginning to feel tired.

Re: favorite stuffed bear ● litter introduction [o] - idyllfields - 01-25-2020

stars did fall
idyll's own feelings about their friends situation was solely supportive. they hadn't known much about all the carriers, they knew bai shi would be a great parent just like they were to eclipse. the scent of the pitt had caused them to slow, their stride becoming delayed and hesitant as the scent crept up further and further. the coyote's mouth went dry on the realization who it belonged to.

idyll kept their head low as they stepped through, eyes only on bai and halo when they approached.

"i made it! it won't be long before they begin to hatch." they smiled at their friend, pressing themselves against their side as the first egg began to break through. "oh..." their eyes went wide seeing the first parts of the shell break apart. "look at that...! they're so strong!" they gasped, curling their paw around the little cub.

"okay, you need to lie on your side now and relax okay? if you need help with that, i have some remedies prepared to help." they glanced back at their friend with a joyful smile, bringing the first cub to their side gently. "there you go... so strong!"


Re: favorite stuffed bear ● litter introduction [o] - teef - 01-25-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black panther w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai 'pure' shi 'honest' lynn lingré. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting kydobi & idyllfields. marauder of the pitt. demiromantic gray-asexual.
eyes on the nest, they purred in greeting to halo and dipped their head as they sensed kydobi, "as they hatch, their bodies will show who their sire is. they should have describing features of each parent. oh. one of them hatched", they purred, moving to help the first hatchling to their belly with a flick of their tail, gently licking leoku's head as he was carried to their belly by idyll, touching their ear with their nose in purring greeting, "thank you for coming, idyll. it's been a while since i've had any hatchlings, my last was xiaohui, and eclipse, but only eclipse has survived this long." they murmured softly, blue eyes closing before smiling down at the cub pressed to their belly and nursing. "this one ... will be named leoku. can one of you tell me how they look?" they ask gently, sniffing the newly hatched cub, enjoying the milky scent despite the strangeness of little mouths at their belly.

hit by a lonely feeling, they rested their head on idyll's flank for a moment, seeking out the comfort. they wished that asteri was here, in some way or another, to see the family that he had helped to make. they listened to each of the eggs rocking, leoku's faint squeaking and felt a warmth that they had long ago lost. they were happy ... and it was a dangerous feeling. but they would protect this family and happiness of theirs until the very end. "halo ... come closer, you're on the very edge of the nest. you too kydobi, your cubs will likely try to find each of you. i hope regina comes soon, she's doted on the eggs since i laid them." they chuckled in warm tones.

Re: favorite stuffed bear ● litter introduction [o] - Cosmic - 01-25-2020

The strange feeling of being lifted made the hatchling squeal just a little louder in protest, tails flicking pitifully. But as soon as the scent of milk hit him, he went to go suckle right away, almost as if he were starving. He heard the voices of four others now, twitching his ear as he heard Kydobi.

Strong. Yes, he was strong, and his soul understood that, but this mortal body at this point in time didn’t understand what they were saying. And he didn’t really have any other focus than on eating and taking a nap close to his parents.

He briefly let go to mewl in Kydobi’s direction, before again returning to feeding, holding on with his paws as best he could to keep warm.

Re: favorite stuffed bear ● litter introduction [o] - Cosmic - 01-25-2020

Halo gave a smile in the direction of Idyllfields, as well as to Bai Shi, heeding the dragon’s words and approaching the nest more closely. His pawsteps were simultaneously unsure yet confident. He would be a dad now, right? He wanted to do his best.

The first egg that hatched surprised him. He sensed the energy of the multi-tailed fox cub, and it was immense. It was startling, but it struck awe in him, and strangely respect. Mercer, his other half, also took note of this energy and spiritually nodded in response to Halo’s feelings. He too, strangely enough, could respect the power this child held.

The hatchling... they look like a fox, but with... um... five tails? Their fur is a pretty snowy white color, and there’s cool patterns of red on their body. The paws are gray, kind of like soot. Like, ashy colored.” He offered, looking over his own markings, which gave off a faint glow to signify that Mercer too, was observing. The two of them had grown to mutually respect one another finally, instead of one antagonizing the other on a regular basis. They became more balanced.

They are a strong one. I think keeping an eye on them would be the best thing to do as they grow up. They just seem... I can’t describe it...

But his attention then strayed to the other eggs in the clutch, and he kept an eye out for which ones would hatch next.

Re: favorite stuffed bear ● litter introduction [o] - teef - 01-25-2020


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] warmth was the first thing he recognized and a feeling of safety yet urged on by an instinctual need to move and free himself of the safety cocooning himself. he rocked slightly, paws flailing in the fluids inside of the egg, making soft squeaks as his soft paws battered against the hard eggshell confining him in the warm place that he was. struggling a bit, he pattered his paws harder and harder, a sense of panic gripping his chest, he began to move his head to the shell and crack on the shell, using the sharp part on his mouth to hit the shell, listening as it began to make a creaking sound.

he wanted out! wherever this was, as nice and warm as it was, it was too close, too scary and he was aware of the feeling of hunger. finally, the close warmth fell away and he fely something chilly envelop him, causing him to squeak and flail, pain flashing through the cub as his egg-tooth broke and the taste of thick iron filled his mouth, his squeaks turning into pain filled wails and whimpers, unaware of the panick that it caused others, just aware that it hurt so bad.

in his flailing the youth crunched through his eggshell, a chip flying off and cutting his upper lip, his broken egg-tooth having injured his bottom lip. the youth cried out, his paws pattering against the sand,
scenting milk and the mingling scents of all the big bodies around him.

he was hatched in the body of a serval with baby blue scales dispersed throughout his fur. added to his pelt's dark chocolate markings were a few dark chocolate rosettes, inherited from bai shi. his fur held a redder tint, marked as a strawberry coloration, two sets of bone-colored stubby horns emerging from his head fluff, sensitive big bat-like ears flopped down, the iconic white spot a gray smudge. his upper teeth hung past his lower lip, scales lining the area around his mouth and his lower lip, scattered around his eyes and horns with a few just by the top of his nose. were his eyes open, one would notice the stunning teal color, his pink tongue sticking from his jaws as he mewled piteously in fading pain, a bright red cut running down the front of his muzzle and down his chin.

Re: favorite stuffed bear ● litter introduction [o] - EVARHI - 01-26-2020

[Image: images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRKjDGYXHmjCPTLBBzwZ...blnn-xDnjO]
[div style="background-color: #000000; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The third to be born would be the legendary Evarhi. His first moments were fueled with competition, upon hearing others outside his little prison he felt a deep call in his soul to beat them.

To be the first to feel air. Not that he has such a concept. Viciously, nearly savagely his egg began to wiggle as his whole body moved as much as possible.

Of course the first thing to break through was a horn on one of his delicate wings.  No longer able to move his wing he would begin to throw his head against this shell. His little egg beak not doing so much work as head.

The egg would tip over and fall until he finally got through. Emerging would be a rather sizable kitten.

A naturaL scowl was on his face. It was cold. He knew not where to go and so he would just stay.