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DAFT PRETTY BOYS ☆ AURUM'S HEART CHART V.2 - wormwood. - 01-23-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]Did this a long ass time ago and it's super out of date, so v2 time babee! Just post down below if you want your character added.

"Eulogy... she's that new tigress, isn't she? She seems... interesting. Maybe a little bit of a klutz, considering how she ended up here in the mud, but otherwise she seems nice. Very refined, and polite... a little bit prissy. I like her though, overall. She just needs to watch her attitude a little bit, especially around newcomers like that Virgil. I know people can be abrasive but... you gotta give them a shot first, you know?"
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Overall, Aurum likes Eulogy and enjoys her company, even if sometimes she's so refined or polite while being a little backhanded that she reminds him of his old family. He's comfortable around her, and would protect her like most new clanmates, but he does think she's gotta learn to relax a bit. Not instantly take offense to people who might be a little rude at first.

"I missed her so much while she was gone... even on the days where I didn't see a lot that reminded me of her, I would think about her. I don't know what it is about Vathmos, but... she's my best friend in the world. Hell, she's the first real friend I had. I can't even imagine why I used to be so mad at her for a little while. Sure, she can definitely be difficult, and her whole eating people thing is a little bit weird, but it's understandable. She's one of the people here I've known the longest, and I'd trust her with my life. I've respected her for as long as I can remember, and I just hope she respects me in turn, somewhat."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Aurum and Vathmos's relationship has certainly been rocky at times in the past, but for the most part, she's still one of his best friends. He's forgiven her for her past mistakes, and would gladly give his life to protect her, just like everyone he cares about. He knows very well how offputting she can seem to those who don't know her, but he just doesn't want people assuming things and making prejudgements before they truly know her.

"Overall, Snarl is... a mixed bag. On one hand, like most of my other clanmates, I would fight for her to the ends of the earth. In addition to that, I respect her and the position she earned, and hell, I even do consider her to be a friend. She's invited me to things, offered me drinks, gave me congrats when I was promoted... I have no reason not to consider her a friend. Still, there's definitely something... off. That makes it so that I'm not entirely sure what's up with her most of the time. Not to mention the fact that her and Vathmos get along as well as a mouse and a housecat... that makes things a bit difficult."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Aurum likes Snarl, based off of first impressions and how she's actually acted towards him in the past. He does consider her to be a friend, and would defend her like most of his other friends, but he's also very conflicted. He doesn't wanna be forced to pick between Snarl and Vathmos some day, not to mention the fact that he doesn't quite trust Snarl sometimes. It just sometimes feels like she's plotting something, to him.

"Feza... what is there even to say? Feza and I joined Tanglewood at practically the exact same time, and we steadily climbed the ladder together for a long time there. She's my friend, and while we've certainly said and done things in the past we both regret, I know that she's a good person, and I fucking hate it when people hurt her or take advantage of  that. Her events can still be a tiny bit weird, but overall I have fun, even though I'm starting to get worried about her. It seems like every event nowadays, she's starting to look more and more tired..."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Feza and Aurum really have been connected, for better or worse, since Aurum first joined Tanglewood. And while he originally really disliked her and everything she stood for, he has since gotten over that, relaxing a little bit. Still, even though now things are okay between them, he still worries about her often, especially since he started noticing how exhausted she's been getting. She's starting to remind him far too much of... well, himself.

"What can I really say about Moth? Just like Feza, I've known her since practically the day that I joined this place, and we've only gotten closer and closer over time. I trust her, and I would gladly spend every day of my life just hanging out with her. I was so happy when we became siblings, and every time something good happens for her I'm excited too. Am I a little bit nervous about her and Selby? Yeah, but that's mostly because I've been hurt in the past. Besides, I'm so excited to be an uncle to their little kits."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Aurum loves Moth with all of his heart, and considers her to be the best little sister a brother could ask for. He'd be willing to defend her to the death, and even though it was a little awkward, he was very happy for her when she and Selby got together. He's wary of Selby, but he'd never say that directly to her, since he knows it's not really because of Selby himself, but rather because of Aurum's own mess of a love life.

"Abathur is probably one of the most interesting members of this group by far, and I really like him already. He hasn't been here long, but he's done enough to get promoted, not to mention how weirdly smart he is in some areas. Plus he's an amazing medic, when the others can't get to someone. I really respect him and consider him a friend, even if he might not know that, or say the same. Honestly I'm just hoping that he'll be a little bit more honest with himself, since he's been acting a little weird lately."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— As said above, Aurum likes Abathur and considers him to be a very interesting and helpful member of the group. He wasn't as terrified by the whole giant spider thing as some people were, and even with Abathur's odd way of doing things and speaking, Aurum never minds being around him. He does want Abathur to be able to confront his problems a little bit more, and not hold himself to such insanely high standards, however.

"Leroy... well, he's the leader of our little group, and so far I think he's done a pretty damn good job of it. He's around often, makes meetings at a regular schedule, and makes sure to check in with his members occasionally to make sure we're not all going crazy. I really consider him a friend these days, and I'm still really flattered he promoted me to be his second in command. He explained his reasoning, but it still all feels so surreal. To be honest, I just really don't want to disappoint him. I also... really don't wanna lose him again."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Aurum respects Leroy a great deal, and has really ever since he joined Tanglewood months ago. He's comfortable around the other, enjoys talking with him, and feels like they make a pretty decent team together as general and proxy. However, he does have his worries about Leroy, especially with the whole Christian thing. After Leroy's temporary death, he really doesn't wanna lose his friend again.

"Miller is another person who hasn't been around for long, but I can already tell is going places. Sure, he can be a little bit abrasive at first, but honestly so can about seventy percent of Tanglewood. I respect the hell out of his worth ethic, and I think he's a pretty good guy, even if I haven't learned much about him yet. He spends a lot of time with Snarl, which worries me a little, but I'm not gonna judge."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Aurum is very curious about Miller, and oftens wonder where the other is from and where he ended up with all of his military training and mannerisms. However, even without knowing, Aurum respects the other's knowledge and is glad they've got somebody other than him around to teach people about fighting and self defense. He does get a little nervous occasionally about Snarl trying to convince Miller to do stupid shit, but he tries not to take favorites.

"Kydobi? Seriously? I fucking hate the guy. I would've figured it was obvious by this point, but I absolutely hate his guts, and if I was ever given the chance to kill him again, I'd take it in a heartbeat. He's so fucking hypocritical, preaching like he's some kind of paragon of goodness while he defended a place that had goddamn slaves. Truthfully at first I just wanted to hurt him to get to Bai Shi, but now I wanna make him suffer too. I wanna make him suffer because of how the Pitt has made us suffer."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Aurum has pretty much nothing but unbridled hatred for Kydobi. He used to respect the other somewhat, but after the huge raid on the Pitt, he no longer thinks of the other as anything more than a dirty bastard Pittian who enjoys making others suffer. He has no desire to ever see Kydobi anywhere near Tanglewood again after that whole thing with Piers, and is just honestly itching for the next battle where he'll be able to fight Kydobi.

"Kaito is... it's hard for me to really express how I feel about Kaito. On one hand, I'd fight to the death for the kid, and I really like having him around. On the other hand, he's a thief and a troublemaker. Even now that I know his motivations, I can't really say that I like his actions at all, and he confuses the hell out of me with his little stunts. Still, even putting that all aside, I will admit that I've grown close to Kaito. I don't know exactly when it happened, but the same thing essentially happened with Roy, so I can't say it's surprising."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Aurum never wants to see any harm come to Kaito, and even though Kaito has a tendency of putting himself in harm's way, Aurum is still willing to do whatever he needs to do in order to help him. Truth be told, he'd adopt Kaito if he ever thought the other would agree, and considers him sort of like a second son already.

SAM ⁠—
"I'm so glad that she's back. I missed Sam for a long time while she was gone, and when I saw the state that she was in when she first showed up... well, it was scary. It was definitely really scary. But she's finally starting to do better, and I'm really glad to see her around Tanglewood again. Hopefully she can just... have a nice peaceful life, from now on. Obviously everything is a process, but I wanna be there for her and make sure we don't lose her again, because I'm so happy she's here again."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Sam was one of the first people to help Aurum back when Judith first tried to join, and ever since then, he's trusted her. He missed the hell out of her whole she was gone, and was very worried when she returned back in such an upsetting state, but now he feels a lot happier to see her around, and is always comfortable when they can hang out.

"Beck? Christ, I don't even really know where to start with the kid. I respect the hell out of him, and I think he was at least decent at some point – after all, he started this place – but other than that? I don't really know what to think of him. He's always so sporadic and unpredictable, and I wish I could help him after what happened to his house, but... it's hard. It's hard to be around him, really. I wish I could just put the past in the past, and I know he wasn't thinking straight when he took my eye out, but... it's just not something I can shrug off easily."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Aurum has very mixed feelings about Beck. He likes Beck and is very grateful to him for having been the one to start Tanglewood, but besides that? He feels nervous whenever he's around him. Beck has always been a wild card that Aurum can never predict, and after the whole eye incident? That just makes it so that Aurum doesn't trust him, and doesn't feel safe around him.

"Poet is... complicated. He's always been complicated, but even more so now. I can't say I feel good around him. I missed him, yeah, but what was I supposed to do? Not miss my little brother? He's family, and I'd never let anybody hurt him, but that doesn't mean he I'm comfortable around him. Every time I see him... all I can see is a room full of blood, and gore, and my Mom's dead body. All I can think of is him running away from Tanglewood and leaving me behind. I can't trust him anymore. I'm not really sure I ever should've."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Aurum is never able to just love his brother unconditionally, and that continues now! He still considers Poet to be family, even if their relationship is extremely strained, but he knows he can't really think of it the way that he used to. He can't feel comfortable brushing pelts with Poet anymore, or joking just between the two of them. It's gonna take some time before he really lets Poet in on a deeper than surface level, and he's not even sure it'll ever happen.

NAME HERE ⁠— hearts <3

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Re: DAFT PRETTY BOYS ☆ AURUM'S HEART CHART V.2 - deimos - 01-23-2020

give me an update b l z

Re: DAFT PRETTY BOYS ☆ AURUM'S HEART CHART V.2 - charactercemetary. - 01-23-2020

Kaito pleaseee

Re: DAFT PRETTY BOYS ☆ AURUM'S HEART CHART V.2 - Kydobi - 01-23-2020

you know why I’m here >Big Grin

Re: DAFT PRETTY BOYS ☆ AURUM'S HEART CHART V.2 - toboggan - 01-23-2020

u no whats up

Re: DAFT PRETTY BOYS ☆ AURUM'S HEART CHART V.2 - trojan g. - 01-23-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: Times New Roman;font-size:10pt;text-align:justify;"]screams

Re: DAFT PRETTY BOYS ☆ AURUM'S HEART CHART V.2 - wormwood. - 01-25-2020

this is finally updated!!!

Re: DAFT PRETTY BOYS ☆ AURUM'S HEART CHART V.2 - selby roux ! - 01-27-2020

please sir may I have an update