Beasts of Beyond
prompt [★] THE SOUND OF SILENCE - Printable Version

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prompt [★] THE SOUND OF SILENCE - suvi. - 01-22-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
Once, there was a little wolf.  Born to a large family, and one of a set of triplets, the pup knew nothing but the comforts of a pack.  The wolf was a small pup, the runt of the three and for some reason, she never spoke a word.

For every goodbye the siblings murmured to their father on his travels, she never spoke.  For her mother, who passed when she was terribly young, she never made a word for.

Once, there was a little wolf who was stolen from her family and shipped across the sea.  Enemies who hated the fae, or enemies who hated her father... No one knew.  There was a storm, and the little wolf found her father.  But even then, she didn't say a word.

Once, there was a little fox.  No one knew who she was born to.  The truth was, she hadn't been born at all.  A soul split from a whole.  A piece.  A fragment.  Small and alone and afraid, left to her own devices.

The little fox could speak.  But her voice was soft and her words never left in perfect succession.  And like the little wolf, the fox found no words for every piece of her torn away.  Because most of the time... A goodbye had never came.

The little fox was the echo of a cold, broken and bitter heart.  Meant to hide away the feelings.  And so there was a little fox who felt almost too much.

Once, there was a little fox who ran into a little wolf.  Hard to say what happened the moment two minds intersected.  A soul fragment looking for a piece to be a whole of.  Once, there was a little fox and a little wolf.

Now, a little fox sits in the shadow of a library, with the same unmatched eyes as before.  But she is not the same little fox because so much of her is actually the little wolf.

And the little vixen thinks.  She wonders.

She'd begun sinking.  Sinking and sinking.  But though when you sink you should reach out, she'd begun to feel as though no one would take her paw anyway.  She'd become a silent shadow.  A silent shadow capable of speech, but she wondered.  Would anyone notice the silence?

With a blink, her eyes shifted down on their own.  A silver pendant rested on her chest.  A simple but lovely necklace.  The north star, styled like a compass.  Well.  Maybe someone would notice.  Even if her voice never came out strong, or without stutter.  She had a voice.

Should she work on that?  No one seemed... Bothered by it... But her eyes lingered on the silver pendant, wondering.

Re: prompt [★] THE SOUND OF SILENCE - wormwood. - 01-22-2020

Everything stays, right where you left it.
But it still changes, ever so slightly, daily and nightly.

Silence was a virtue. Some might've thought it was patience, but Aurum had been taught ever since he was a young cub that it was not patience that made you stand out, but silence. Silence while doing what was asked of you. Silence while suffering. Silence while enduring endless pain under those that claimed to love you, but really hated you more than you could ever know. Although Aurum could never be as silent as the little wolf was when she was a young, he had come pretty damn close. He had gotten used to being told to shut his mouth, mostly out of an obligation to keep silent so more important people could do the talking. False promises were waved in front of the young man's face, all in an effort to make him remain silent, and under their thumb. Hell, the only time that the cub had spoken for the majority of his childhood was when he was with his brother, because that was the only time he felt truly safe. But then, even that had been ripped away from him, and he had become angry, getting his revenge by lashing out and speaking his mind, fighting viciously against the silence that had been enforced on him throughout his entire young life. In his furious effort to get back at those who had wronged him, he had hurt some of those that he had loved the most, and he had learned then, the hard way, that silence was a virtue, but one only to be used when it was needed.

Out of all the people who could've noticed Kiira's silence, Aurum would've probably been one of most obvious. After all, he liked to keep tabs on everyone, and Kiira was young. She needed protecting, and watching over, even if she was an accomplished medic and a mature kid all around. To say that he hadn't noticed her silence would be a lie, since he certainly had noticed how quiet the girl could be in comparison to some others, but be had kind of just... figured that was how she was. After all, some people were just quiet, and there wasn't any deeper reasoning behind it, they just only said what was absolutely necessary. However, her silence and her obvious growing disconnect between her and everyone else was what was beginning to worry him. It was obvious that she felt like nobody cared about her, especially after everything that had happened with the Pitt and how long she had been gone, even if she had returned a while ago. He wanted to make sure that she felt heard, and that's why the lion found himself approaching her when he saw her in the library, staring thoughtfully down at her necklace. Settling nearby, Aurum greeted after a moment, "Kiira, hey... are you feeling alright? You look a million miles away." The proxy could certainly relate to the feeling of being lost in deep thought, particularly when he was worrying about something, but this felt... different, somehow.
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