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A STRONG PERSONA || Snarl Heart Chart - Printable Version

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A STRONG PERSONA || Snarl Heart Chart - Blazic - 01-22-2020


guide for mobile:

I'll Describe her opinion, spoken and non-spoken, for both IC and ICCHAT. Comment below who you want!

TODO: A. J. Crowley, Abathur, Vathmos

A friend, an ally. Kaz can pull his weight - Snarl needs not pick up any of his slack. She'll defend him at any opportunity - of course she would. That's what friends do. He has 'common sense', so she thinks - Street smarts. Life experience. He's a realist, not naive, not pointlessly optimistic. She won't have to console him when he eventually realizes life isn't all roses and ladybugs - that responsibility is not one she cares to have. He doesn't shy from having a good time, whatever trouble Snarl decides to get herself into.
He backs her up, physically and verbally. Makes points more eloquently than she, when it comes to the verbal, and has what she considers the 'right' opinions. He's loyal, and that really scores points with her. He tells it like it is, when it comes to everyone. She assumes, including herself. On top of that, he's in a similar weight class to her, and often up for a fight - a great outlet for her violent tendencies, how she gets antsy if she's not thrown a punch in some time.

She's... Very hopeful, very nervous. It's normally a vague annoyance to the hyena, but on the dwarf it's some form of endearing. Feza is always eager to learn - and there's a lot that she needs to. Considering how receptive she is, Snarl has very little problem explaining. The leopard is eager to please, to the point of annoyance, but is calmed reasonably easily. Snarl finds herself mildly excited to find out what new antics she brings - it's some excitement, in this bog of a swamp.
Snarl finds her coloration interesting - surely it can't be natural, and she's amazed the cat has survived this long. But also... there must be more to her, than Parties. She seems mildly frantic, to get them done. Party, party, party. More. Faster. Snarl can find herself relating, somewhat, though for entirely less wholesome subjects.

Snarl has never liked Authority. Of any type. Instilled into her is a natural distrust, and that extends into Leroy as well. They are not your friends. They are here to 'get' you, to bust you for something. And she is vocal about this distrust, taking an accusatory stance - though not so viciously as in ICCHAT. She has no fear of the dog, and will speak her mind just as much as, or even more so, than she would otherwise. She invites any punishment he's inclined to take upon her, challenges him for it. Authority has power, authority seeks to use it. She's dealt with worse, so she thinks, than they could ever do to her here.
On top of that, she is still unconvinced that this 'Leroy' is truly the one who died. The pieces all fit into place, and there is much more evidence she finds reputable - that she and anyone can logically conclude or observe, that is - supporting the fact that he is a body double, someone seeking power - she's seen the number of people who can shapeshift, it's not a far stretch of the imagination that someone might come to seize power, especially considering how eager the rest of Tangle was to accept him back.
But Leroy, in his time as leader, has done much more than Crow had - he is absolutely an improvement. Though she calls him out for not doing such, he has, on occasion, doled out discipline to her and others, mainly in ICCHAT. She's not sure she trusts his judgement, but he's done fairly well. Even other than Crow, she's seen much worse leaders. She's just wishing for him to be honest about how he came by the position, instead of pretending he's someone he was not. If the rest of Tanglewood wishes to fall for it, they can feel free. She will accept his leadership, but she will not believe what she feels is a bold-faced lie.

Another bastion of mixed feelings - she likes Aurum much more than Leroy. She's witnessed him working to attain his status, and is happy for him. She thinks he deserves it, didn't simply walk into the position. Snarl can admire the work he puts in, relate to his constant need to be getting things done, the fact that he just can't stop.
She's of mild annoyance of his mother-hen nature. She thinks, he doesn't trust her to get things done, that he doubts her skill. That she's akin to a child, compared to him - and she hates that he thinks such [so she perceives]. That he thinks he needs to worry, fawn over her. Keep her from doing whatever's fun. That he's so controlling over what she wants to do, that ol' Wormyboy thinks he can stop her. It's not just her, either - he tries to control what others do, too. Roy, his son - she's uncomfortable regarding him in relation to Roy, as well, for completely different reasons - can scarcely do anything without being helicoptered over. He needs to have freedom. Aurum needs to know when to step the  fuck back.

Re: A STRONG PERSONA || Snarl Heart Chart - RB Graveyard - 01-24-2020

They haven't had too many encounters, but could you throw Eulogy in there?