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SET FIRE TO OUR BED ☆ "flight" - Printable Version

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SET FIRE TO OUR BED ☆ "flight" - roan ; - 01-22-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — It was no secret to anybody that Roan had draconic blood. Or, at the very least, if they didn't know the term for it, they definitely knew that the boy was different, just like his Mom. After all, not every kitten came out with little nubbin horns and strange little wings with green webbing. Roan had never thought much of it when it had just been he and Roxanne, but now that he was venturing out of the nest more and more often, he had definitely started to notice a distinct lack of these traits on other cats and kittens. At first it had made him feel weird, like something was wrong with him, but then he had remembered what his Mother had told him in the past, about how he was her special baby, and she loved everything about him, including his horns and wings. Besides, it wasn't like his Mama wasn't doing well, and she had lived with horns and wings her entire life! Of course, he didn't know of any of the hardships she had faced because of it, but in his eyes, his mother was the perfect example of a happy adult who was living a good life. So, after he had realized that, he had started interacting more and more with the other kids, not caring that they weren't quite the same. And everything had been fine. Until one day, a question came up that he couldn't answer. If you have wings, can you fly?

It seemed like the answer should've been obvious. After all, he had wings, he should've been able to fly, right? However, for a long time now, his wings had been too tiny for him to really do anything with them. Still, he had been growing at a rather rapid rate, and he was even going to be five months soon... maybe he could fly with them now. So, after about the fifth time he had been asked that question, the child had decided to make an attempt. He had climbed onto a rather large rock on the beach, and stood at the very edge, his small claws digging against the wet rock as he looked down at the sand. It seemed so very far down to a small kitten like him, and he swore he could hear his heart beating in his ears. However, Roan had never been the type to back down from a challenge, and after taking a deep breath, the child threw himself off the rock, frantically dlapping his little wings. Unfortunately for him, they were still too small to carry his body, and the erratic flapping did nothing to help him on the way down, collapsing into the sand below. Thankfully, there was a lot of sand on the beach, and it was soft enough that him getting seriously hurt was a near impossibility. Not so thankfully, there was also a smaller rock down in the sand below, and Roan's leg connected with it as he fell, scraping along the side of his flank.

Once he was down in the sand, the boy was just stunned for a moment, staring forward. However, soon the shock wore off, and there was a stinking pain along his back right leg, having gotten a small scratch from the rock. The boy sniffled for a moment, desperately trying not to cry, before he finally gave in, wailing, "O... Ow! It hurts! Mama! A-Anybody!" The child cried out desperately as tears slipped down his cheeks, looking at the little bit of blood on his leg that marred his cream coat.

Re: SET FIRE TO OUR BED ☆ "flight" - ROXANNE R. - 01-22-2020

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Roxanne hardly ever spoke about her hardships when she had been a kitten, mainly due to the fact that she didn't want anyone to pity her for her tragic backstory and well, those memories weren't the best ones of her younger life so theh hardly ever laid on the tip of her tongue. Sure, she had that one time where she had fucked up horribly and ended up killing an innocent life but she always kept these memories at the back of her mind, they had been mistakes that she was determined to never repeat for those around her that she loved and cared for. She couldn't imagine ever eating someone sentient in front of her family and child now, the mere thought of it made bile rise up in her throat with her body trembling. Though she managed to push away at the thoughts, her mind concentrated on the better things that were happening in her life. How better she had gotten despite all those days where she wished she could disappear into thin air.

Roxanne kept herself rather busy in the morning, she was already putting things in boxes already planning on moving out to a bigger space for her and Roan. Her heart fluttered within her chest as the thought of a certain someone plagued her mind a lot more often than it usually did, she was sure that Greed would like a place to stay rather than just his old room by himself. Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden wail, the fur on her back rising and her pupils narrowing into dangerous slits. It didn't take long for the smell of blood to reach her, the Siamese didn't hesitate to drop everything that she currently had in her paws. Her heart racing with fear, she glanced around frantically before her eyes locked onto the wailing kitten that was her son. Her entire body stiff and bristling, as the draconic feline tried figuring out who had done harm to her kitten, a low growl erupting from her closed maw.

It took her a moment to realize that nobody had hurt him, her body loosened and her pupils widened as she looked him over carefully. God, she finally let out a soft breath escape her and she pressed her nose to Roan's forehead "Que paso mi corazón?" Her maternal instinct kicked in, she didn't hesitate to place small kisses onto his face only to spread her wings and wrap them around her child to try to comfort him. Of course, she would have to deal with the cut but first she wanted to make surrender that he felt safe before he would ferl the possible sting of marigold poultice on his scratch. She continued to speak to him in a gentle, soothing voice "Estas bien mi pequeño?" Roxanne started to hum a soft melody, she didn't like seeing Roan hurt but she knew that eventually curiosity would have pushed him to attempt the feat that was known as flight.
"character's speech."

Re: SET FIRE TO OUR BED ☆ "flight" - guts - 01-23-2020

The wonder and curiosity of childhood was something he didn't have the opportunity to experience, though he had admittedly been awed at the new world he found himself in when he was first created. Just made and with no knowledge of the world, he had no choice but to follow Father, to do as he was told. He trusted him in those days. Sure, he was selfish, it was just in his nature, but he wanted to stick to his side, if only because he had many things to learn.

Now Greed had centuries of experience under his belt, years upon years of watching things being built only to crumble back down into nothing. He had seen birth and death. It was tiring, sometimes, to carry the weight of it all. It brought to him a pessimistic nature, one that would come back to haunt him no matter how much he tried to look on the bright side and hope for the best. He knew that, in the end, good things didn't last long.

Aimlessly wandering about the beach, having just come from the tavern to have a little fun (not that kind, he was spoken for now) and hear the latest gossip, he's stopped when he hears a wailing nearby. Ears swiveling around, he makes his way towards the source of the noise, a frown pulling at his face when he sees Roxie's kid, Roan.

He's hesitant to approach, watching as his girlfriend coddled her son, the jaguar shuffling his paws as he felt suddenly out of place. He still felt bad about the way he acted when he first met the kid. Still, despite the feelings he was experiencing, he forces himself to trot over.

"Hey, is the kiddo okay?" he asks, purple eyes studying Roan behind the shades. Hopefully he didn't scare him, on account of how he acted when they met, or made him angry, even. He wouldn't blame him if he got upset.

Re: SET FIRE TO OUR BED ☆ "flight" - roan ; - 01-24-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Thankfully for Roan – and really thankfully for any poor unfortunate soul that was around to hear Roan's cacophony of pained wails – he was not left alone with his pain for long. Tears had been slipping, fat and wet, from the corners of his eyes, dampening his cream fur and leaving it an uglier tan color, when his Mother rushed over, all big worried eyes and motherly aura. He looked up immediately when he smelled her scent, his wailing silencing to mere whimpering as he squeaked, paws reaching out, "Mama... mama!" Soon enough, the boy was being pulled into his mother's warm and fluffy arms, Roxanne leaving soft and chaste kisses on his head and face as wings encircled him. He was still crying, but gradually his whimpers and sobs silenced, becoming nothing more than soft sniffles of pain that came along with the occasional tear. It took several long moments of Rox's gentle humming for Roan to finally calm enough to focus, the small kit blinking up at her in confusion before he processed her words. It wasn't the Spanish that was foreign to him, but rather the fact that he had completely zoned out, distracted by the pain of falling and the cut on his leg. He was so used to being utterly enraptured by his Mama's words, listening closely to any questions or soft requests that she had for him, all in an effort to make sure she was happy with him. Proud of him.

Roan's heart sank as he thought to himself, eyes filling up with renewed crystal blue tears, I bet Mama isn't so proud of you right now. Can't even fly. He shook his head at that disapproving and tutting voice in his head, a soft whine leaving him. Looking back up at Roxanne, Roan hesitated for only a moment – mainly to once again go over what she had said to him before he had completely blocked everything out – before he finally spoke again, voice thick and scratchy from crying, "I'm okay, Mama. I'm okay, I promise. I just... I wanted to see if I could fly, and I fell down... im sorry. Lo siento mamá, debes estar tan decepcionada... (I'm sorry mama, you must be so disappointed)." He sniffled a little bit more before once again attempting to get up, pushing upwards with all of his four little paws. However, there was a sharp sting of pain from the cut in his flank, and soon enough he was falling back down into the sand, thankfully prevented from getting any in his eyes by his mother's caring and warm grip.

When someone besides his mother walked up to the scene as well, however, Roan felt shame and embarrassment come over in a wave over his small form. He was really being a crybaby. He wasn't supposed to be a crybaby, he was supposed to be his mama's strong boy. Ashamed of himself, Roan took a deep gasping breath inwards, letting it hang in his small lungs for a moment before he let it outwards. It put him slightly at ease, at least enough so that he could look up at Greed, eyes gleaming, "M'okay... I'm fine. I just jumped cause I was trying to fly. And I fell..." The kit then gave a little dip of his head, burying his face back in his mother's chest. The other kids were going to laugh at him.

Re: SET FIRE TO OUR BED ☆ "flight" - ROXANNE R. - 01-25-2020

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
"Mama... mama!"

The whimpering of her kitten absolutely tore at her heart strings, she didn't hesitate a single moment at comforting him in his time of need. She could feel his body shaking with the sobs that he released, his nose pressed to her chest, Roxanne keeping him close the whole time. Finally hearing the reason he had gotten hurt, she could breathe at last only to frown at his last few words that made the pain in her heart even greater. She would smile sadly at Roan with a light shake of her head before she would speak to him in the gentle tone she always took whenever speaking to her child "Mi corazón, why would I ever be disappointed? You are literally the greatest thing to have ever come to my life, everyday I see you go outside. . . My heart swells up with pride. The day you were born, I couldn't have been more blessed or prouder to have you as my son. Roan, yo te quiero con todo mi corazón y nunca voy estar decepcionada contigo." Roxanne nuzzled his head gently, placing a few more comforting kisses on his face. She would let out a few quiet purrs though her ears twitched at the sudden sound of heavy pawsteps and shuffling, she would turn her head around to see it was her boyfriend, Greed. She was happy to see him but a part of her was slightly uneasy, she didn't know how Roan would react to the jaguar after their first inconvenient meeting. Remembering the day made her inwardly wince, she let out a soft gasp when Roan nearly fell becoming more concentrated on her son rather than her own partner.

Roxanne's ears perked forward watching Roan explain to Greed what had happened to him, she felt relieved that her son wasn't mad at the jaguar or else it would have been a lot harder having the larger male around. Roxie slowly removed her wings from the small kitten draping them at her sides, her nose pressed to his forehead letting out a soft hum. "Mirate. . . Mi niño pequeño, eres mi mundo entero." She spoke with a warm smile on her maw feeling rather proud that Roan had decided to keep that one day in the past, she glanced over towards Greed once more. Man, he was awkward around kids though to be fair, he had nearly threw a tantrum when Roan had first went outside of the hut so she assumed that was the reason. She motioned for him to come over with a movement of her wing only to mouth 'give him a hug', surely that wouldn't be asking too much of Greed. Would it? She didn't think it was, besides, she would have to get some marigold for Roan's cut before it got infected or any of the sort. She took a deep breath turning her attention to her son saying in a quiet voice "Mijito, voy agarrar algo para tú herida. Quédate con Greed, ahorita regreso. Si te da problemas deme a mi y yo hablo con él, es mí novio." She offered a light smile, she didn't want to leave him alone for a single moment but she knew if she didn't  treat the wound soon enough it could catch bacteria and possibly get infected.

She slowly unwraps her paws from around Roan giving him a few quick kisses only to turn her gaze to her boyfriend nudging him with a wing "Keep an eye on him," There was a bit of a pause before she would add in a quieter voice with a raise of her nonexistent eyebrow as she finished "You better not teach him anything bad while I'm gone or so help me," Maybe she was quick to judge or maybe not. She just didn't wish to come back hearing her son say something that wouldn't be appealing for a four month old to say, she gave Greed a quick peck on the cheek only to spread her wings to retrieve the marigold from her room. She probably should have a satchel for these kind of situations then again she never expected Roan to get hurt during his outings seeing as he mainly listened to her. A sigh escaped her slightly parted jaws, she got to her hut moving past most of the boxes eventually rummaging around for the herb.

1: I love you with all my heart and I'll never be disappointed with you.
2: look. . . My little boy, you are my whole world.
3: Son, I'm going to go get something for your wound. Stay with Greed, I'll come back. If he gives you any problems tell me and I'll talk to him, he's my boyfriend.
"character's speech."

Re: SET FIRE TO OUR BED ☆ "flight" - guts - 01-29-2020

He can't help the pang in his chest at the sight of the kit's watery eyes, a frown tugging at his mouth. He doesn't understand what they're saying, given that he had never sat down and learned Spanish, so he silently stands. When she mentions her name among a string of words he doesn't understand, he perks up, unsure how to feel considering he didn't know what she just said about him. Hopefully good things.

He could have sighed in relief when she finally turned to him and spoke in a language he could understand. Keep an eye on him. That was implying something he wasn't too excited for. Brows furrowing, he opens his mouth to speak, but she's already going on, warning him not to be a bad influence. He can't help but grin.

"You hurt me, Rox. I'm the definition of innocence." said the jaguar, lifting a paw and holding it to his chest as if he had been wounded by her words.

Greed's face heats up at the kiss to his cheek but he manages to play it off, watching her leave with a smirk. Now it was just him and Roan. Great.

Coming closer to him, he takes a seat next to the kitten, curling his tail around him comfortingly. Then he's silent for a moment, stiffly trying to figure out what to say. "So," he starts, then clears his throat.
"how's life? Aside from the uh, y'know."

He cringes inwardly at his awkwardness, but otherwise keeps a straight face. He didn't want to leave a bad impression on the kid, considering he was dating his mom and he wasn't too eager to screw up what they had going. It was what he had been hoping for for a while now and it was too early to go and ruin it by being a douche to her son, intentionally or unintentionally.

Re: SET FIRE TO OUR BED ☆ "flight" - roan ; - 01-29-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Truthfully, it was so far from unusual for Roan's mother to shower him in affection and kisses that he really shouldn't have been effected by her actions as he was. Perhaps if he was just a mite older, he even would've been thrashing and protesting at the prospect of being coddled, whining at his mother and denying that he felt hurt at all. However, he was still in that ripe age where his mama was his everything, and as she began to plaster all over his face with kisses, the kit nearly felt like bursting into tears. Not ones of sadness or hurt, however, but comes of joy and pride, because his mother wasn't disappointed in him, and she was glad to have him as a son. It directly soothed the conflicted and wailing thoughts going on in the kit's mind because of his failure to achieve flight, and he found himself leaning into her embrace, burying his face in her fur as his tiny legs came up to grip her. He was far too distracted by the heat of the moment to even remember how unkindly Greed had first treated him, and instead he was just babbling to his mother in relief, "Im so happy you're not disappointed in me, mama. I love you so much, and I just wanted to impress you... I wanted to show you I could fly, like you could. But I guess my wings need to be a little bigger for that..." He supposed he should've known that, given how small his little green wings were in relation to the rest of his body, but he was only a child. He didn't realize how the actually physics of flight worked, at least not quite yet. He assumed that his mother could just fly because of her inherent magic, or abilities.

He felt his mother's warm and wet nose press to his forehead, and new huge tears welled in his eyes, slipping down his cheeks as he mumbled softly, "Tú también eres todo mi mundo, mamá. (You're my whole world too, mama.)" He thought that perhaps there would be a day, where he wouldn't be his mother's entire world. Where one day perhaps she would move on, and she would focus all her attentions on Greed, or perhaps some other kits that she had in the future. However, deep in his heart, Roan knew that wouldn't be the case. His mother was a wonderful woman, and even as she became older, and became closer to Greed, and even possibly had more kids, he knew that he would always be beloved to her, because they were mother and son. There was no further proof of that than today, when his mother dropped everything just in order to be able to help him calm down, and to patch him up. It felt like his heart was growing ten sizes, which was especially impressive considering he was a child who wore his heart on his sleeve around ninety percent of the time. Maybe that would come back to bite him one day, but for now? For now he was just happy to feel everything, and to enjoy every day, learning new things and meeting new people. There was no knowing what the future would bring, and today would certainly be a day that would go down in some amount of infamy in his mind, but he would also look back on it as a learning experience. Something that would help him one day, far in the future. Or not so far, depending on how his wings grew.

When his mother finally pulled away, reassuring him that things would be fine and telling him about how he needed to stay with Greed until she returned, he found himself nodding before she even finished her sentence. He and Greed had been far from starting off on the right paw, but that didn't mean that he hated the older male – hell, it was debatable if he was even capable of hatred – and he could tell that Roxie liked him. Anybody who his mother liked so much couldn't be that bad, and he knew it. Or at least, as far as his memory went back. He had no basis to compare Greed to, since it wasn't as if his mother spoke often about her exes. That would be a conversation that would just end up in hurt and confusion. So instead of focusing on such a downer thing, Roan found himself giggling when Rox told Greed to behave, warning him not to teach the boy anything that she wouldn't approve of. It was the first time he had truly giggled since he had fallen, and it seemed to ease the pain of the cut on his leg somewhat. It was said that laughter was the best medicine, and even if that wasn't necessarily true in a medical sense, it was certainly enough to distract a young boy from his problems.

As his mother walked off, Roan turned his attention towards Greed, the older male definitely seeming a lot more awkward now that the two of them were alone. Not that the dark furred feline had seemed particularly suave to begin with, but now it was really obvious. It made Roan want to giggle more, but he held himself back, mainly so that he wouldn't hurt the other's feelings. After all, Greed was finally being nice to him now, and it would hardly be good for his mother if her boyfriend and son didn't get along. Listening to what Greed had to say, the tiny draconic feline blinked his blue eyes for a moment before he began to giggle, his voice light as he finally spoke, "Life is fine! My leg hurts a little bit, but aside from that I've been fine. I'm making lots of new friends around here. They like my wings, and my horns. I don't know why they don't have them, but it makes me feel special... I'm glad that mama has a friend like you." Roan didn't quite get the concept of boyfriends and girlfriends just yet. He had heard the basics from the ramblings of older apprentice's gossiping about crushes and their parents, but he still only knew the barest minimum. For the most part, he just assumed that Greed was a close friend of his mother's, whom she trusted enough to watch him.

Re: SET FIRE TO OUR BED ☆ "flight" - salem - 01-30-2020

[div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | Strange, Salem knew something of being.  The dark-furred feline lived with a pumpkin atop his head.  Only his eyes gleamed from the silts, his shadowy ears popping out the top.  Curious glances and questions plagued his day to day life.  Most seemed content with simply wondering without pushing however.

He found charm in the nubs of horns growing on the kitten's head and little green wings sprouting from his back; another unique crewmate.  He found peace knowing the boy only cut himself a little; a merciful injury where a bone may have been broken instead.

Vine-wrapped paws brought the beta forward, a black tail curling curiously behind the small feline.  He smiles, a soft expression barely visible through the pumpkin's grin.  His head tilts, resting on the side.  "Taking that leap was very brave," he murmured approvingly.
[align=center][Image: aRoGvVP.gif]

Re: SET FIRE TO OUR BED ☆ "flight" - ROXANNE R. - 01-31-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
She sighed in happiness when Roan began to feel a lot better after all she had said to him, she meant every single word that slipped out of her mouth. It all came her heart, she didn't want her love for child to be kept a secret from the world, in fact, she wanted everyone to know how much she valued him above herself. She had already made sacrifices to be blessed with such a big hearted child to call her own, Roxie would continue sacrificing if it meant he would have a promising future.  Hearing what he said instead warmed her heart to the point she was certain that it would melt right out of her chest and onto the sand, she couldn't help but nuzzle Roan with a loud purr erupting from her maw causing her whole body to vibrate with a sudden warmth "I'll never be disappointed in you, darling. But yes, it's definitely a lot smarter to let your wings grow. One day, your wings will be big enough and when that day comes. . . I'll be there for you, proud as ever. You are my pride and joy," She finishes with a delicate kiss placed onto his forehead, she knew that one day she wouldn't be able to fret over him when he was older and had his own little group of friends. Though admittedly, she'd still do it regardless since that was her kitten in her eyes. So, Roxie would try to baby Roan as much as she could at the time.

Hearing him return the saying of her being his entire whole world made her heart ache immensely, how did she ever deserve such a son? What had she ever done to deserve anything she had today? She supposed it was best not to question it at all, she knew that the only thing that mattered was the present where she could spend all the time she wanted with her loved ones. If she had to be honest, she didn't expect Greed to return or let alone feel so strongly about her after all those months of being apart, Roxie had been so sure that she had moved on from the jaguar but upon the moment she saw his face. . . Well, it ended up with her falling in love all over again. Love was an odd thing yet, it had made her feel something she never experienced back in the streets she once walked. She felt wobbly yet secure whenever she was with Greed, she loved it whenever he wrapped his arms around her with his nose tucked into her neck, she loved being with him. And what made it better? He loved her too. He was never verbal about it but once those words slipped out of his mouth that night, well, she had been a mess. She recalled how she hadn't been able to rest that night unable to believe that she had someone to call her own.

Yet, even if there was a possiblity of her and Greed deciding to expand their currently small family, she wouldn't be against it. There would be new cubs to love, raise, and take care of like she had with Roan. Though, she meant it when she said Roan was her entire world, he was her first and only son at the time. He didn't know it but he kept her happy and always proved as a way of emotional stability for her, she loved him. She didn't think she could ever see herself separating from Roan, she simply didn't wish to imagine a world without her beloved child. She held onto him so gently in that moment, she would hum for a moment only to giggle lightly as she would purr with a warm gaze "Te quiero con todo mi corazón, mijito." She said at least with a slow nod of her cranium, even now, she didn't want to leave him but she knew that it would be for the best since she needed the marigold for his cut.

"You hurt me, Rox. I am the definition of innocence."

At this, she would let out a snort feeling her own coy grin spreading onto her face with a raise of her nonexistent eyebrow "Oh baby, if your name wasn't Greed it'd definitely be Lust," Now, she didn't know that he and his family were all named after the seven deadly sins but maybe she'd learn that another time for now, she was just poking fun at him to try and get him all flustered in public. She loved doing that hence why she had been so keen on giving him a peck on the cheek, Roxie wasn't always eager for public displays of affection in case it ever made Greed uncomfortable but if it didn't well, she'd have to problem whatsoever kissing him whenever they were at the tavern. Roxanne might not like the place for her own reasons but if her partner coaxed her enough, well, she was there but the moment anyone made any eyes towards Greed. Well, she was never hesitant in giving him a few eager kisses. He didn't seem against it either and often returned said kisses. When she left Roan with Greed, it definitely had been out of trust and to see how Greed would fair with a child, almost like a small test.

Once she had found the marigold, she grabbed quite a bit of it finding a small chest, she would place the flower into it before taking to the skies once more to where Roan and Greed were waiting for her. She lands on the sand only to realize someone else was there though before she could say anything, her gaze travelled over to the sight of lover and her son. Seeing the two of them conversing made her feel good, a smile tugged at her lips only for her to greet Salem "Hola," Roxanne moved a bit closer only to brush against her boyfriend catching onto what Roan had said about being glad that she had a friend like Greed, she had to stifle a snort at the fact that her own son had just friendzoned her own boyfriend. It was cute in a way, especially since Roan didn't have much of a concept of what boyfriend and girlfriends were. She nudged Greed saying with a giggle "Thanks, best friend." However,  he acted she wouldn't know but she was already chewing at the marigold only to attempt to apply it to Roan's cut after meowing with a soft smile "It'll sting a bit, baby." [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: SET FIRE TO OUR BED ☆ "flight" - roan ; - 02-01-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Another new face showed up to Roan's unfortunate little gathering, although this one always proved to put a bit of a smile on his face whenever he showed up. The winged kit had never interacted with Salem for any extended period of time, really, but the other was always showing up when he was needed, very effective at getting the young boy's mind off of the negatives going on around him. It used to be just because of the pumpkin that the other wore upon his head being distracting enough on its own, but now it was just because Roan liked the sound of Salem's voice, and how soothing the other usually was. The draconic kit found himself smiling, his former sadness and pain forgotten under the praise that Salem was giving him. Sniffling a little bit, Roan wiped out the last of the tears that had been stinging his eyes, his voice firm as he nodded, "It was very brave, wasn't it...? Thank you, Salem! Do you think one day I'll really be able to fly like mama?" Sure, his mother had reassured him that one day he would be able to take off into the sky like she did, but if his friend Salem agreed? Well then of course it was true! Salem was really smart, at least in Roan's opinion.

While the boy was thinking about whether he'd be able to fly and about how smart Salem was, his mother soon returned from her adventure to go and get marigold for his wound. He lifted his head up when she was back in front of him, blinking slightly red eyes before he said proudly, his chest puffed up, "Didja hear that, mama? Salem thinks what I did was very brave." The boy was so caught up in his own pride that when his mother put the marigold paste on his cut, he only winced a little bit, letting out a soft whine at the sting of it. It wasn't so bad that it made him recoil away or anything, especially after the pain of the initial jump, but his mouth still pulled downward for a moment. Once the sting somewhat subsided, he looked down at the cut on his leg, wrinkling his little nose at the scent of the marigold before speaking, "This stuff will help the cut on my leg heal, mama?" He didn't know much about herbs or medicine, given the fact that it was not yet a subject he had gotten curious enough to ask a hundred questions about, like he did with most things. Perhaps this would be the catalyst, and he would be found later badgering Idyll with all of his mundane questions about medicine.