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Meant to Stay Hid ❀ Poetry - Printable Version

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Meant to Stay Hid ❀ Poetry - RB Graveyard - 01-22-2020

EULOGY - Female - Bengal Tigeress - Tag - [member=8943]Eulogy[/member]
The woman had walked to the library, a soft hum upon her lips. Stepping through the rickety doors, the cathedral like ceilings lifting her spirits. Eulogy's eyes grazing over the shelves and cases, she picked the empty book from out of the small bag she made specifically for a couple books. She had mad the small bag when she was sowing the cover up; making those last few stitches that would secure it to the paper.

Her paws moved vigorously over the paper as her thumb, yes the woman had thumbs; very rare, and four fingers grasped the hardened charcoal stick. Eulogy had been writing for a while now and she had no intent on stopping. The tigress loved writing, it was one of her favorite things to do. She had tried carving for a bit but like a boomerang, the thing she loved most came back to her.


The title read In Your Arms , the calligraphic swirls and dashes upon the words made the page look almost.. graceful. Setting down the charcoal stick, Eulogy stretched out her paw. Though it would ache, this would give Eulogy a moment to step back and look at her poem. The poem was short and sweet, it only added to her gentle appearance per say. With a soft smile she read over her poem, fixing any words she might have misspelled.

Your love's a gathered storm i chase across the sky. A moment in your arms became the reason why you alone are my light. I'd do anything to feel you in my arms tonight.

The smile stretched across her face, this was a good poem, to her at least. She turned the page and set the stick down onto the paper, words wrote down in a fluid motion.
Poem credit goes to Shane Koyczan

Re: Meant to Stay Hid ❀ Poetry - wormwood. - 01-22-2020

Everything stays, right where you left it.
But it still changes, ever so slightly, daily and nightly.

There had been a time, when he was very young, where Aurum had loved writing. Well, less writing, really, and more... imagining writing. He would write long and elaborate stories, featuring heroes and villains and justice and adventure, but they would all be stored inside his head, never to grace an actual page. Even after he had learned how to read, he had never attempted putting the words to paper. After all, they were just silly little stories, written inside his head in order to help him relax or escape from the hardships of the reality around him. There was no reason that he needed to share that side of him with the world. That sad, scared little side. He would rather just let the stories linger inside of his mind, where he could endlessly expand upon and enjoy them, all on his own. Hell, he still expanded upon them sometimes even now, although nowadays it was less as an escape, and more just because he enjoyed doing it. He enjoyed letting his mind drift off for a little while, thinking about random shenanigans and brave heroes, usually while he was laying beside Roy, just enjoying his son's presence while the day went on.

Even though he had a deep love for books and stories, Aurum had honestly never read much poetry. Back when he had first been learning to read, the rhyming and elegant writing had always just led to him becoming frustrated and confused, and even now that he was an adult, he didn't truly see the appeal. Although he supposed it could be a sort of vent for feelings, just as his own mind stories were for him. Either way, when he stepped inside the library and caught the scent of Eulogy, he found himself vaguely intrigued. It wasn't that he had never seen her at the library before, but usually she never seemed tk linger long, at least not while he was there. He found himself drawn over to where she was, padding over and clearing his throat to let her know of his presence. Tilting his head to one side, the proxy mumbled as he sat back on his haunches, looking at the piece of paper carefully flattened out in front of her, "Eulogy...? What are you doing? Hoping to add to our collection?" His words were kind and conversational, and he tried not to look too closely at her flowery writing, just in case she didn't actually want it read. Although, if she didn't want anybody to read it, he doubted she would've been writing it inside the library.
template by orion

Re: Meant to Stay Hid ❀ Poetry - RB Graveyard - 01-23-2020

[div style="background: #646160; padding: 8px; ext-align: justify; color: #D3CECB; padding: 8px; font-family: Courier New;"]EULOGY - Female - Bengal Tigeress - Tag - [member=8943]Eulogy[/member]
[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; color: #646160; padding: 8px; font-family:Courier New;"] Eulogy wrote down the next set of words as they came with a gentle tilt of her head, the new words made her smile but they also made her eyebrows furrow. She sat back and looked at the new poem before her; her ear flicking in acknowledgement at Aurum's appearance.

Look at an avalanche, and see that we are at our most powerful when we let go. Look at a flower, and see that we are at our most beautiful when we open up.

"Hello Aurum," she gave a smile, her rosie pink gums almost visible. "It's always a pleasure to see you. I hope you'r doing well." Ya bruised bum. Eulogy gave a small chuckle. She followed the Proxy's gaze down to the little note book; the leather binding shifting as she moved a little. "Yes actually i am," the gentle smile hid its self away as she finished writing her last words."Im writing a little poetry," she cooed. "Would you care to join me? Or perhaps you'd only like to read it."

The tigress pushed her the leather binded book over to Aurum, her thumbs gracing the bottom page. Eulogy rummaged around in her bag for the small stamp she had made post-making of the bag and book. The small smoke like tiger, no colouration; no need, was a small and delicate thing but if you threw it or stepped on it, it probably wouldn't break. The stamp was, in fact, without a doubt, her insignia. After Aurum was done reading it, if he wished to do so, she would stamp it and put it among the many books within the library.

Re: Meant to Stay Hid ❀ Poetry - Felibri - 01-24-2020

Virgil could not read. She didn't have to. She had never been told that there were good things in books. She was completely and utterly ignorant of liberal arts and literature. Sure, she knew they existed but like many other things, she had been conditioned to hate them.

Virgil had not taken claim of any house yet so she spent her days roaming the town, looking very much like a "wild dog". She slept in logs or when she felt especially daring, under the porches of other houses. By chance, she happened upon the library. When she stepped inside, she immediately felt chills. But, like with her fascination of the overgrown spider Abathur, a morbid curiosity begged her to stay. She pulled one book off the shelf and started at it intently yet she had no idea what it meant.

Her large ears swirled, hearing the very familiar voices of Aurum and Eulogy. "What's poetry?" The painted wolf barked bluntly, trotting over to investigate. Her nose twitched and she leaned in, trying to see Eulogy's poem. "Hmm." She murmured, pretending that she knew how to read.

Re: Meant to Stay Hid ❀ Poetry - charactercemetary. - 01-24-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
"I never knew you liked Shane Koyczan. Personally, a favorite of mine. Do you like 'im, Aurum-san?" Came the boy's nonchalant reply, a shrug of his shoulders as he seemed to appear out of thin air. He had a habit of doing that: trouble and Kaito are never far behind. His tail flickers back and forth, staring at the line before resting on all fours again. He always read books as a kid. It helped develop the mind, give way to new discoveries.

Upon hearing a "hmm", he turns his head towards the painted dog. Right, she had been starving on their border. A low sigh escapes him after he decides to let her in on the conversation he tried to have. "Oi, ojo-sama," he flicks his paw upward to Virgil. "Who is your favorite?"

Re: Meant to Stay Hid ❀ Poetry - wormwood. - 01-25-2020

Aurum had been trying his best not to intrude on the quiet moment. He figured he would just come over, chat with Eulogy for a moment, and then he'd move along with his day. However, it seemed as though the universe had other plans, since the tigress was gently pushing a book in front of him, and Virgil and Kaito came in hot on his heels. He first addressed Kaito and Virgil, blinking at the two before he rumbled, tail flicking from side to side as he leaned away a little from the newly crowded aisle, "Poetry is... it's essentially the written word, just in a rhyming style so that it can usually convey more emphasis and emotion. Well, sometimes it doesn't rhyme... really, there's a lot of different kinds of poetry. It's usually just a form of writing that relies on emotion." That was really the best explanation he could supply Virgil with, considering he had never been a poetry kind of guy. When he heard Kaito, he smiled weakly, "Ah, poetry isn't really my thing. I mean, there's plenty of very pretty poems out there, but I don't really know any of the poets, or anything major about it." the proxy shrugged his shoulders a little at this, seeming sheepish about his own admission.

The lion then decided to turn his attention to the notebook that Eulogy had gently pushed to be in front of him, his one blue eye scanning carefully over the words and phrases. It was very pretty, and he could definitely see the meaning behind it, but he was still fairly sure if he ever tried to write any poetry, he'd bomb and have it be the worst poetry anyone had ever read. Still, he looked up at Eulogy with a bright smile, his voice warm as he spoke, "It's very nice, Eulogy... are you going to donate it to the library? I'm pretty sure we're always welcoming new stock." He glanced down at the rather fancy little stamp that she had plucked out of her bag, figuring that was what it was for. If it wasn't... well, he wasn't sure what it could be for.

Re: Meant to Stay Hid ❀ Poetry - RB Graveyard - 01-26-2020

[div style="background: #646160; padding: 8px; ext-align: justify; color: #D3CECB; padding: 8px; font-family: Courier New;"]EULOGY - Female - Bengal Tigeress - Tag - [member=8943]Eulogy[/member]
[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; color: #646160; padding: 8px; font-family:Courier New;"]Eulogy raised her paw, the wooden stamp clenched between her fingers.

She turned her gaze towards Aurum, yes he had a point. Poetry was still the same written word that she assumed everyone had written before, though Vigil proved that to be wrong. "Yes poetry is, essentially, in its simplest form, still the written word." A small smile rolled off her pink lips, her whiskers frayed as she spoke. "Though i like to believe the poetry is one of the highest forms of the written word, the type of written word that fills us with a unique design of expressions and emotions." she let her gaze dance down to the floor but ever so carefully rising back up to meet the eyes of Virgil. "Poetry is, in fact, the literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm."

Eulogy let her gaze move towards Kaito, the small boy barely reaching her forearms yet herself barely reaching Aurum's shoulders. "Well mo chara daite deataithe, you never asked. " Her words and her smile didn't seem to match, in fact the words themselves sounded harsh but her smile seemed welcoming. Eulogy didn't mean for them to sound harsh, her smile grew a bit bigger as she wen't on. "If you were to ask me, i would have replied with a yes." She blinked a couple times. "If anyone were to ask me anything, i'd give 'em an answer." She wasn't implying that she wanted people to ask her question.

She stamped the book.