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i need my freedom back // return - Printable Version

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i need my freedom back // return - teef - 01-20-2020

breath ricocheting through tight and hurting lungs, flame licking her aching paws, fire creaping along her body ... she stepped from the fire, pelt black with ash and soot, fire blazing upon her tail tip, chasing up her legs numbly as she put her paws to her eyes and wept. around her she could hear the clamoring of voices and touches ghosting over her skin and fur, her own voice raising in a scream of her own, trying to drown out the voices that only grew louder with each of her vocal refusals. the hands of the ghosts touching her fur, her loved ones burning in a fire that she could not save them from.

collapsed on the ground in her forge, the tigress lay in a hapless state, curled up on herself with paws clamped over her ears, hot tears rolling down her anguished face as she wailed and screamed, crying out so many names and words, pleading some unhearing force just to let her rest. she was sick, so very sick, and the recovery period was the worst that she had ever endured, all of her human memories flashing before her eyes. she had been alone for dsys now, taming the fire that burned her on the inside and playfully flicked across her pelt.

finally, days later, too long to count, the madness ceased and she emerged from the forge she had locked herself in, her eyes more hollow than ever before, her proud stature defeated and exhausted. her voice was thin and reedy if she spoke, relying instead on dipping her head to those who greeted the sickly tigress. she had overcome the sickness and her fire, but it looked like it had cost her years. sitting down on the bank of the river, the ragged woman drank deeply, trying to restore some of her old life and fight back to her aching body. she was a demon through and through, but by the gods, why had she had to get sick? who she was from the past didn't get along with who she was now, and she paid for it. returning back to the main land of the group, she laid down in a beam of sunlight and let her eyes halfway close, waiting.

Re: i need my freedom back // return - Warringkingdoms - 01-20-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Though they hadn't spoken much prior to this- the last full conversation she could recall having with Kade was over half a year ago- Rin still remembered the tigress by name. Though her memory had been failing more and more often as of late, when you had so few faces to recall, it was hard to forget any of them. Spying her lying out in the sun, Rin approached, quirking a brow. The last time she'd seen Kade was at the Pitt raid, and that had been several months ago.

  "...Hello, Kade," she remarked finally, looking over the clearly-exhausted tigress. Actually, the closer she looked, the more it seemed like Kade was actually sick- or had recently been sick. Her haggard form suggested an illness far worse than a mere cold, but Rin would need a far more specific diagnosis if she were to begin treatment. Narrowing her eyes, Rin asked softly, "Can you stomach food? If so, do you need me to get you some?"


Re: i need my freedom back // return - nemhain. - 01-22-2020

Although Nemhain had never met Kade, she did know of the tiger, thanks to Rin's helpful memory banks. However, this didn't mean that she knew the female well. Her and Rin had never been close, which didn't give Nem very much information to go on, not to mention the fact that Kade had seemingly been absent from regular Elysium life as of late. So, when Nemhain sensed Rin nearby and headed for the female she was connected to, she found herself vaguely surprised, and perhaps a bit worried. Although really it was up in the air whether or not the worry was genuinely from the persona, or just an extension of Rin's own worried emotions. Either way, the fenghuang found her way over to Rin's side, settling down beside the magna by folding her long legs underneath her, talons digging far into the earth. She observed Kade slowly, taking in the faded pelt, the sunken in eyes, and the overall exhaustion that hung over the feline. Nemhain didn't need to be connected to her to know she must've been feeling awful, or at least had been up until recently. The sheer waves of exhaustion coming off of Kade almost made Nemhain want to sleep, and the massive bird didn't even need any sleep to survive.

Taking a deep breath, Nem shifted her tail feathers a bit behind her, listening to the soothing clang of the little balances she had attached to her, like piercings. Once Rim had asked her question, Nemhain spoke up, lowering her voice as she chirped so that she wouldn't surprise Kade or upset her further, "Miss Kade... you look exhausted. Weary. Has something happened to you?" A small frown pulled at the bird's beak as she spoke, seemingly trying to figure out what exactly had happened to the tigress while she had been distant. In her pondering, Nem realized, with a rather rude start, that she hadn't even introduced herself. She had just appeared beside Rin in a wave of feathers and air, and had started talking to Kade as if she knew her. Bowing her head a little apologetically, Nemhain quickly rectified her mistake, adding on, "Ah... I apologize. I didn't even introduce myself. I am Nemhain... I am connected with lady Rin. That is how I knew your name." It also felt good to give an explanation of why she was able to pull Kade's name from the air, since she knew Kade wasn't feeling terribly well, and she didn't want to add paranoia into that mix as well.

Re: i need my freedom back // return - candorosa - 01-22-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]"Ya look dead, lady. Hey, did someone beat you up?" Whereas Rin and Nemhain were clearly worried about Kade, Lemy felt no such thing. Sure, despite his tactless words he did seem outwardly concerned, features pulled into a worried frown, but he knew it wasn't genuine. She was a stranger as well; he had even less of a reason to truly care. Oh well.

"Dunno what they just told ya, but maybe ya ought to go rest in your house, it's safer," he continued on, absentmindedly waving a paw in a circle. Hypocritical words coming from him, and his wounds stung in retaliation for them. Actually--both Rin and Nemhain acted as if they knew the tigress which was simply odd to him. He mulled over his thoughts as he remained silent. He'd ask for her name, but well. Same old, same old. For now, he'd just wait and see what she did.

Re: i need my freedom back // return - teef - 01-24-2020

lifting her weary head, blinking away the darkness edging in her vision, she sorted through her memory for the three faces before her. unsurprisingly, she knew only rin, nemhain and lemy being new to the merc. pawing at her muzzle to clear the sleep away, she yawned and shook her pelt out, "mmm, hello rin. i apologize for my absence in the recent months. i ... haven't been well." she murmured, dipping her head in greeting to nemhain and lemy.

chuckling breathlessly, she pushed herself to her paws, shaking her head, "im alright, i have food in my forge, rin. a pleasure to meet you, nemhain. i guess you could say that i got beat up, though it's been more of a long war than a scrimmage." she murmured softly, licking her paw to smooth down the ruffled fur on her muzzle. "i've been unwell with some rather indecisive memories. i'm in good enough condition to defend the group if i'm needed, or to go on missions." she rasped, coughing into her shoulder, subtly aware of the ash and smoke lingering on her fur.

sorry its short //

Re: i need my freedom back // return - nemhain. - 01-25-2020

Nemhain had decided. Lemy was... annoying. At first she had been faintly amused by his antics, and had understood why he was upset with Rin, but now he just seemed to like being annoying. His words were blunt and irritating, and although he harbored a worried look on his face, the fenghuang found herself heavily doubting the authenticity of it. Nem glared a little bit over at the other before she returned her gaze to Kade, sighing softly before chirping, "I am sorry that you have been forced to go through such hardships, Lady Kade. Although, I am glad to see that you are doing alright now, even if you are still recovering." When the other continued however, along with a rather unpleasant accompanying cough, Nem found herself frowning. Trying not to look like her feathers were too ruffled, Nem shook her head from side to side before speaking, "I do not believe that anything of that nature would be too good for you. It is probably best for you to continue to rest, rather than throwing yourself into danger." Nem's response seemed almost automated, as if she was programmed to offer it, but in reality she meant it with emotion. She didn't want Kade to go out to fight or do some other mission and end up in an even worse state.

Re: i need my freedom back // return - larkspurkit ! - 01-26-2020

larkspurkit !
elysium !
tags !
[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]keep your head up !
larkspurpaw approached with a rather casual gait, moving through the other elysites to the tigress. he didn't understand all the formalities. lady? miss? blegh.

it was just kade.

"i grew up!" lark boasted loudly, reaching his paws up at her. "look how big i got! almost as big as you, right?"


Re: i need my freedom back // return - teef - 01-28-2020

chuckling softly, the woman smiled, "my hardships are nothing, my dear. just the pains of an old soul fighting a newer body. memories just happen to dig themselves up at inopportune times." she murmured, head turning at a familiar child-like voice.

laughing richly, her crackling voice booming in her humor, the woman dipped her head down to lark's, "that you did, kiddo. you're nearly as big as i am, aye. give it another year to a half and you may be taller than me yet?" she chuckled, breathing in his familiar scent. she wished that she would have had some trinket for the youth, but her forge needed airing out before she would dare go back inside.