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nocturne ☀ defense training - Printable Version

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nocturne ☀ defense training - arcy - 05-05-2018

Izuku found his weekly task ... very problematic. First of all, Izuku was not a good teacher. Second of all, Izuku did not know anything about defense. Even as a human, he'd been a little more offense-based, and as a cat he just ... couldn't fight at all. He'd tried to do training in the past, but none of it clicked? He'd done a little better after he'd gotten somebody else to show him some stuff but it was. Still not great.
Izuku, however, had not been able to bring himself to ask for a new task out of pure guilt and anxiety. Harrison had looked bothered enough by Cry's rude refusal earlier, after all -- and Izuku hadn't been able to let him down. Not doing the task would be a little contradictory to 'not letting Harrison down', as well, so Izuku was. Kind of stuck. So he'd done some research -- literally, he put aside all other endeavors and studies to do his best to get this down. He could probably just have everyone pair together and do some exercises together if need be, though. Like sparring, but more careful. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense? He's not sure how even the tides would be, but if somebody paired up with somebody on a different strength scale, they could share tips and stuff. Then Izuku wouldn't have to even know what he was doing!! He'd just have to call it together!!
"Um -- gather for defense training, please!" It was only after Izuku speaks that he feels just ... regret. Not a lot of people would show up, probably. But ... oh well. If only a few of them showed up, it could still be beneficial. His head is ... kind of spinning though. He hates this. "Um -- this is sort of a rushed idea, because I'm not ... great with defense, either, but the basic idea is that this is kind of like sparring? Um, you pair up with somebody, and one you goes on the defense. The other goes on offense and tries to break through your defense and tries to give you tips on how to improve," His paws are shaking. This was a dumb idea, he should have thought of something else. It was far too late now, though, and he was stuck. He ... doesn't think he'll be judged too badly though. Oh well, either way, he has to explain the rules now. Not that there were a lot. "Um -- try not to get too intense or anything, and don't hurt anyone too bad. Some scratches and stuff are to be expected, though -- I'll try to give them all a look over once this is all done." Izuku planned on participating in this himself if anyone approached him, for his own sake, but he still he still had stuff to do. Both as the host and as Tenderfoot -- getting little injuries cleaned up was just. what he'd do. With this, Izuku leaves whoever may end up gathering to pair up on their own. His paws are still shaking, but he feels a little more confident in this whole thing, at the very least.

//retro 2 injuries because Obviously
izuku is doing his best here and So Am I. unfortunately, tho, his ideas are limited by how Not Smart i am.


Re: nocturne ☀ defense training - cry - 05-05-2018

  That dumb kid... She knew this would happen. The kid knew nothing about society or how the people around him ticked. He was a kid! The whimpering sniveling snitch of a kitten that Jacob foolishly pulled out of the snow like a vegetable was a selfish self centered kid just like every other kid! He could be as kind or c-cute or whatever as people wanted to preach he was. He was still a kid. Kids simply just didn't grasp things like this! Look at any school, like. ever. Self centered. Timmy pulled my hair, teacher!

  The idea of having a child run a self defense class was insane. None the less, a boy that had absolutely no idea how defense worked. He openly admitted it. Right there. First sentence. Way to be a strong, independent teacher. She could hear Lotus laughing in the back of her mind. It was hysterical. That dumb old man could never take a joke anyways. She could even hear Willow's tiny giggles in the back. It was adorable next to her dad's foghorn...

  She guessed she had to be some sort of hero or whatever. She hated the word. In all her time with the organization and keeping people safe, she refused to be called a hero. She was no hero. She wasn't wearing underwear and a cape expecting praise at the end saving a cat from a tree (a little ironic of a metaphor for the state of this world). No... she always worked from the shadows. She preferred being seen as just Kailey to her family. Because that was who she was. Except... not anymore. The loving, lazy sister known as Kaitlyn died when she got sucked through that portal. It was as simple as that. She's dead. She probably won't ever be coming back. In exchange, a shell of a raven flew out the other side. She was a husk of her former self. She had nothing left to fight for. The wasn't anything to fight for.

  The raven slowly walked (walked? Ravens don't walk, stupid) over to the cat. He seemed to be working up quite the nervous sweat. He clearly had no idea what he was doing. Honestly, that was a terrible set up. Cry tilted her head, blinking owlishly at Izuku. What about those that don't know how to fight at all? Are you going to let them get beat up and say 'learn to throw a punch'? It was rude, but a legit question (Besides, when was she ever nice? Nice never got anything done). The raven hummed, crossing her wings and tapping her beak. She was helping, promise. Cry was never good at words. She normally left that to her mom. He loved to talk, and often reveled (if blushed a little) with extreme amounts of attention. Though, in the present, she was left stranded with no people skills. She was screwed, but she'll deal with the consequences later.


Re: nocturne ☀ defense training - guts - 05-05-2018

Aizawa had once been good in combat, his skill balanced on both offense and defense. But that had been in the past. It was when he was still a human, with society's expectations heavy on his shoulders, and his students staring at him with anticipation. Everyone expected him to do well as a hero, as a role model for future generations of saviors. Now, though? People only expected so little of him. Smile to the new people, be welcoming--all that. It was a lot simpler.

Apparently, they also expected him to be strong, just as he had been. He wasn't sure if he could anymore, having changed appearances so much. He had been lucky enough to adjust to walking on his new extra legs. Now, he just needed to learn how to fight and defend again. While his mind was still battle-ready, his body was lagging behind. He had to mold his ideas into a new shape.

The lion strides up just as Cry goes on, speaking about those who were less fortunate with their skills. Of course, that wasn't what they were trying to do here, that much was clear to him. He had spent a long time teaching such things as this. But he didn't speak. He only focused on Izuku, his gaze both encouraging him and daring him to speak up for himself, to calm his obviously frazzled nerves and get on with it confidently.


Re: nocturne ☀ defense training - london r. - 05-05-2018

Combat was something London had always done her best to avoid. She had always preferred other activities, although she had gotten into a couple play fights with Harvey. Her brother had always been so stubborn, even when it was obvious he was wrong, it seemed like he had just been daring her to attack him anyway. Most of the time he'd instigated the fights, but if he'd made Bennett or Alexis cry with that temper of his, she would be the one flying at him. Maria always broke things up though, scolding the both of them for being childish and once again reminding London about her blood condition. But she was always fair, inflicting her wrath upon both of them equally. She'd even suggested different ways for them to settle their conflicts, like karaoke, dance battles, which London had rather enjoyed as she'd been good at those, and other things like flipping a coin, tree climbing contests, and board games like checkers or chess.

But she supposed not all conflicts could be solved in that way, violence was inevitable. That was why, when a defense training was announced, the girl would make her way over. The girl seemed a little nervous, and rightfully so. If she ended up being unable to block an attack for whatever reason, things might not turn out so well for her. Perhaps this was a bad idea after all, she wouldn't wish to inconvenience her clanmates. But her resolve was stronger than her doubt. She needed to learn, and it was better to start with such things now rather than pushing it off for another day. "I would like to participate, it sounds like fun." the girl would say, her soft, British accented voice betraying her nervousness. London did her best to ignore Cry's not so nicely phrased question, doing her best to ignore the offsetting mood the raven seemed to be in, and instead just prepare herself mentally for blocking attacks.