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secret in the moonlight // thievery - Printable Version

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secret in the moonlight // thievery - charactercemetary. - 01-19-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Another time for a heist, though he hadn't expected his life to be flipped on its head in such a short time. Aurum brought up how his eyes changed in the moonlight, though Kaito had just hoped that the lion had been seeing things, that his sight wasn't as good as when he had two eyes.

Yeah. That must be it. Boy, did that give him a scare! His eyes, looking like Pandora? No way! Pandora was a gem, not a person. And as long as the Stone of Immortality remained, he needed to do this. His mind wanders, wondering if that's his sole reason for becoming a phantom thief - of course not, Oyaji was the first Kaitou KID. I need to keep his legacy - that he only did this because he felt pressured to. He remembered how Jii-chan grabbed his wrist, sobbing for his late master, and deciding to take the "Young Master" into an apprentice.

And then he disappeared. Damn Snake. Why did they have to die, while this guy searches for Pandora so he could live forever? It wasn't right. But, first thing was first: get Pandora and destroy it so that Snake didn't have a chance to come back from the dead once the blow was delivered, or when some form of justice was carried out.

Serious eyes, a poker face, red and blue mingled together before Kaito put his monocle on. Suddenly, in his right eye, the color fades. Right. He clasps on his cape, leaving his tophat off. Instead, he opts for a black cape that covers all of him. He gently touches it with his paw before he dashes out of his secret entrance.

He shifts into a different from - a brown tabby - so if one saw him, they wouldn't know it was him. Unless they caught his eyes. They stayed the same. He darts between NPCs, sliding to the house where the malachite charm was. This thing could apparently convene with spirits. Was it the one he was looking for? If it could convene with those who failed to search for Pandora - or, just the dead in general, - why wouldn't it work?

He stands in front of the door, swiftly conjuring his hat and throwing his cape off. He puts it up, running a paw across the rim. "Ladies and gentlemen, it's a show time!" His voice is loud, yet, oddly childish and mischevious as he calls out his usual greeting. Then he slams the door open, darting in.

// feel free to reply before [member=5729]INDIE !![/member] does

Re: secret in the moonlight // thievery - wormwood. - 01-20-2020

Everything stays, right where you left it.
But it still changes, ever so slightly, daily and nightly.

These encounters were beginning to get pretty fucking annoying. Normally thieves were, you know, thieves. They were silent, observant, and they got in quickly and got out the same. However, with this new asshole on the scene, he liked to cause as much of a fuss as possible, and then beat them all out just by using powers and shit like that. And as much as Aurum might've loved to knock the kid down a peg by using his own powers on him, that wasn't really a practical option. Aurum's powers were much more of the deadly variety, and considering that the thief hadn't actually hurt anybody yet, he didn't particularly want to kill him. However, this didn't stop the proxy's blood from boiling when he noticed what house Kid was going into. It was Indie's house. One of his best friends. One who had only recently returned, and was now all alone after her son hauling all of his shit to another house because she wasn't around. And now here Kid was, trying to steal something from inside the building. If Aurum had been a less merciful man, he probably just would've said fuck it and hurt the kid right then and there. However, he was a merciful man, and so instead he held himself back, making his way over quickly with long strides and the occasional quick flap of his wings to carry him along. He still had no idea of the thief's true identity, and although the other was in a new body, it was pretty clear it was the same thief, given his flamboyance. Aurum wouldn't have expected it to be Kaito, even though the boy had certainly been acting strange when he had fled his home following their game of battleship.

Once he reached Indie's house, Aurum let out a frustrated sigh, roaring loudly from the front, "Indie! If you're in there, please be careful! I don't want you to get hurt!" Sure, the thief didn't have a track record of hurting those that he was stealing from, but that didn't mean that track record couldn't be broken, and Aurum really didn't want to be the one to see Indie suffer because of it. Once his voice had hopefully reached Indie's ears, he quickly followed after Kaito inside of the house, intent on trying to catch the other once again. He doubted it would go well, but he did have at least one power on his side that the thief hadn't seen, and actually wasn't based on mutilation or injury. Once Kaito was in his sights, the proxy straightened up a bit, his eyes narrowing. He rumbled softly, his wings spreading out into an intimidating figure as he spoke from a few feet away, "Kid, this is really starting to get old. Just turn yourself in and you won't get as hard a punishment. If you keep doing this, things are only gonna get worse." His tone was very firm, and he sounded like he was using a mix of his Dad voice and his proxy voice.
template by orion

Re: secret in the moonlight // thievery - beatae - 01-20-2020

  time had gone by, but indie had kept track of the days. the letter had promised a week until something would occur, and she had kept a close eye on her belongings any chance she had. the thief was lucky she had better things to do than sit in her house and watch for strangers entering; like watching her cubs and keeping them safe.

she had been keen on staying home today, though, until brynn practically dragged her out all the way to the library for some stories. her little cub had thankfully fallen asleep eventually, and indie was carrying her back to rest when she heard the commotion. her ears pinned back against her head, she quickened her pace and stopped beside aurum, placing a now-woken brynn in front of her. "if you don't fix this, i am going to hurt someone." her voice was steady, yet held so much contained rage. she lashed her tail, watching kaito break open her door. she wondered if he had been watching her... of all the times in the day, a half hour being gone and he dives in.

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