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live forever with you around - carts - Printable Version

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live forever with you around - carts - fulzanin - 01-19-2020

Slowly she would pace, antennae flicking back and forth. Her blue gaze was focused on her paws, hands, whatever they were. Moving on two feet was odd. She wasn't sure how to do such a thing, but was managing rather well for again being thrust into a random form. She didn't have any mirrors to use, sadly. Feza probably did have a mirror somewhere within her chaotic home but it's location was beyond her. Slowly she moved her paws before her face. Beak like face. Herbivorous mouth now came from the front of her face, with a beak. Perhaps it was omnivorous. Feza wasn't sure. She'd tried to eat but only wound up failing because she had no idea how to eat with a beak. Did she know anyone that ate with a beak? Feza didn't think so. Maybe that Bink fellow that she'd met recently. Maybe he'd know; if she saw him around she would certainly ask. Eating wasn't top priority, Feza wasn't exactly hungry. There was a separate feeling that was coursing through her. Restlessness. She wanted to do something. A new body meant a different supply of energy. No longer was she in the body of a worn down snow leopard, or a dragon that had to use ice elementals to survive. This was a different body. A natural body. One she hadn't used yet.

It meant no one knew who she was, and she could do what she liked. Feza wouldn't do anything malicious, no! That wasn't the kind of person she was, not even with her own interests in mind. Instead of throwing a party for everyone, what if she threw a party for herself? What if she just went outside, and had a good time? No one would know that she was selfishly acting for herself for once. Nobody would make the connection! The only similar colors were blue eyes and yellow spots, but the Hypsilophodon figured no one would really inspect her that closely. She paced before her mounds of materials, eyeing them while considering. What was she going to do? What was there to do? What would she have fun doing? Other than throwing parties, of course. A break was in order. She wanted a party for herself. She wanted one all to herself. She wanted to have a fun time, for herself, and not sit down and cry after when no one attended. Squinting her eyes, Feza tried to banish those awful, lack-of-festive ideas. She didn't want to think about it. She shoved them down - that was for her snow leopard body to handle. This was a new her. This was a different person. She was different. She needed some joy of her own for once.

Before her massive get together party between allies, Feza had been in the midst of constructing a cart. Some spare materials were still laying about. The Hypsilophodon sped over to the remaining and skewed items. Thumbs allowed for easier work, picking up the materials. A smaller cart. A funner cart. For her, for herself, not to transport festivity to the masses but instead to have a good little bit of fun. Rope, wires, pipe cleaner, and wrapping were all carefully used to make what modern persons would say to be a horrific replication of a skateboard. The hypsi stared down at her work, breathing a little hard from how swiftly she'd been working. It looked nice. She liked it. Carefully she hopped inside of such, tapping around to ensure she wasn't going to fall out the bottom. When her head raised again, her eyes caught that of one of the many cardboard boxes that lingered around her home. And, in her mind, it was staring right back at her. "I.. I can have a break, can't I?" Feza softly whimpered. To her, and to her alone, these boxes were her gods. They told her what she could and could not do. If she failed, well, why else would all things awful in the universe exist? A broken, a deteriorated mind Feza possessed, no matter what body she was in. She could hear the noise of disapproval. "Just one day! Please! Please!" The Hypsilophodon hopped from the cart and moved closer. Faint whispers, they said no, they continued to insist. She could not come before her one task, or her gods would become angry. If they became angry, who knew what they'd do to everyone else.

Breathing hard again, the black and gold creature stepped back. She wheezed, arms raising to grab her antennae. She tugged hard, unleashing a bird like scream. "I am taking the fucking day off whether you like it or not!" The words were flung from her mouth with fury, and she jabbed a talon tipped claw at the box. It did nothing, it did not speak more. She defied them once. Feza felt like she would regret doing so. She always did. She always would. She was bound to them, and she was the only thing keeping their wrath from pouring down on the rest of the group. Feza hoped that they would at least take all her prior compliances into consideration.

Carefully the Hypsilophodon opened one of the windows of her home. She tossed the cart out of such, not wanting to be seen leaving this home. No connections, she couldn't be seen as selfish. It would ruin her status if she did so, her status of being the party thrower. The one who was always smiling no matter what was going on in the group around her. A forced sense of obliviousness, one that meant she was always ready to have fun. Carefully Feza scrambled out the window after the cart, plopping down on feathery rump. "Okay. Okay. Fun time. It's gonna, it'll be super fun, yes." She reassured herself softly. Briefly the cart was checked over to ensure that it's structural integrity held up - of course it would! Feza expected nothing less of her craftsmanship. She wheeled the cart off. Soon she had hopped up on top of it and was speeding around at.. honestly terrible speeds. Still, it was fun. Spare not being able to steer. There wasn't anyway to steer a crudely created cart. "Oh, oh no," came the realization when she almost went flying into some poor passerby. Her head swiveled to watch the poor NPC, antennae lowering as much as they could when the wind was the greatest controller of their location. Her head turned back around again, just in time to be ejected from the cart upon hitting a lose stone.

It was then Feza realized that this body didn't have wings. She slammed into the side of a nearby building. Comedically she tumbled back to the ground. The world was spinning, but a grin was present on her beaky face. That was absolutely exhilarating. The Hypsilophodon raised herself back to her feet, hopping in an excited manner. She went scrambling after her cart that was a few meters away, delighted to start zipping about yet again. "I hope this didn't break, I don't think I brought anything with me to fix it with," the black and gold creature clucked, carefully rubbing against the crude sides of the thrown together cart.

Re: live forever with you around - carts - wormwood. - 01-20-2020

Everything stays, right where you left it.
But it still changes, ever so slightly, daily and nightly.

The appeal of just wanting to be someone else for a little while was not lost upon Aurum. Not so much now, since he found that he very much liked being himself and the relationships he had with the people around him, but more when he had been a child. When he had been just a cub, he had lived in a home that seemed to be a constant, neverending cycle of hostility and negativity, where the only reprieves he was able to find were spending time with his brother, or his head up in the clouds in the world of a story. Very often during these daydreaming sessions, Aurum would allow himself to just slip into the narrative that was going on, imagining himself as the adored hero of the story that was loved by all. Or even, occasionally, he would imagine himself to be the interesting and attractive love interest, racing off into the unknown with a handsome man that would make him happy and would make the entire world seem a little bit brighter. Those particular fantasies had started to happen more and more often after his first boyfriend, when he had gotten the briefest glimpse of what the world could actually be like with someone who loved him in that way. Still, as much as he had loved those brief fantasies, they had never really been the escape he had craved. He wasn't the brave adventurer, he was the farm boy watching from the shadows. He wasn't the brave love interest who could go toe to toe with the hero, he was just the damsel in distress trapped up in the tower. The escape had been nice, yes, but it hadn't been the answer that he needed. That had only come when he had actually gotten away from what was causing the sadness, and the need for escape. And that was something that, inevitably, Feza would probably one day learn. However, for the moment, it seemed as though she was still in just the temporary escape phase.

Although Feza had been so overwhelming confident that she would be unable to be recognized in her new form, there was one little factor that the guardsman failed to take into account, and that was clairvoyance. The ability to see auras was something that had come to Aurum when he had first rediscovered that he was an angel, and it had been... disorienting, to say the least. When he focused on people, he could see the bizarre and wavy outlines of their personalities and very beings, and it was definitely a little disorienting, since everyone could be so different. Feza, for example, had a very distinctive aura about her whenever the proxy found himself focusing. It was light, and bubbly, and seemed to be constantly moving, a bright pink ring of fuzz around her that reflected her constant and ever moving soul. It was how the lion was often able to identify Feza, even when she took on some new and strange form that nobody had ever seen or even heard of before. However, this was usually also because Feza was freaking out a little as well, and called attention to the fact that it was her within the body. It had happened with her dragon form, and he had figured it would happen again, with Feza loudly announcing that she didn't know what had happened and perhaps asking someone for some assistance or a mirror. This time, that didn't seem to be the case. Instead of seeking help or announcing that it was her within the new and strange dinosaur body, she had instead decided to just focus on what her newest antic was, and given how new and strange the body was... well, there was no way that she hadn't noticed it yet. Which meang that she had to be keeping her true identity some sort of secret. For what reason? Aurum truly wasn't sure, but if Feza didn't want anybody to know that she was Feza, the angel certainly wasn't going to spoil the fun for her.

What he was going to do, however, was make sure that she was alright. The lion had been resting outside of his house, sunbathing while he had a bit of free time. His wings were spread out on the ground beside him, his feathers soaking in every day of sunshine that they could get... before he was forced to abruptly yank them backwards. He just managed to pull his wings back in time to avoid having Feza's cart mutilate them, and he watched her go racing by, rapidly losing control of the vehicle that she was in. A soft sigh left him as he followed after the restless pink aura, his large paws carrying him quickly after her path of destruction and chaos. When she eventually crashed into the side of a building, Aurum found himself wincing, a soft hiss of air leaving his muzzle. Although the guardsman seemed to recover from it quickly, Aurum couldn't imagine that it had been a pleasant feeling, connecting with the wall in such a manner. He gave the other a moment to look over her cart before he approached, reminding himself not to use her real name. After all, for all Feza knew, he had no idea who was inside of the strange new body, and she was just an odd and excitable stranger to him. Once he was close, he hesitated before rumbling, "Uhh... hello there. Are you alright? That was a pretty nasty crash you just had, up against the side of that building..." He would've started calling for Selby and Moth if he was in more of a panicked mood, or if it seemed as though Feza had actually been injured in some way, but considering the way that the hypsi was standing there, grinning crookedly as she rubbed the sides of her strange little cart, he doubted that she had been too terribly knocked around.
template by orion

Re: live forever with you around - carts - fulzanin - 01-25-2020

The ability to see the souls of others was a talent that, like many things, Feza was oblivious to. She hadn't had the power, hadn't heard any mentions of the power. The festive female had absolutely no idea that her plans to be seen as someone else was entirely foiled because the soul was the exact same, that she was still the same person deep down. Long antennae flicked behind her, helping her retain her balance. Smacking into a building was disorienting no matter the means she used to balance herself. Swiftly her feathered tail swung behind her, allowing her to pivot and face the lion. This body was smaller than her snow leopard form, but was certainly bigger than her small dragon body. It was an awkward middle ground. Perhaps if the antennae were added into the consideration of height, she'd be quite taller. Feza stopped counting height at the head, meaning that she was technically inbetween the two bodies height wise.

Her first internal dilemma out of the way, she was now presented with a second. Aurum - of course it was him, the Proxy surely had the ability to teleport with how quickly he was able to get around - was coming over, and there was that concerned expression on his face. Or maybe it was something similar to concern. Feza wasn't certain. Facial expressions other than disgust tended to allude her. He was asking if she was alright. It wasn't by name, either, which meant that this was working! New body, different person, she wasn't bound to being as festive as she mentally and physically could manage. "Oh, it wasn't a bad crash. It was a very fes- I mean, it wasn't all that painful." For a moment her voice was a brittle squeak, automatically having raised her voice as she did all the time with her regular body. However, Feza swiftly caught the habit and reduced her voice back to what was normal. It felt odd, even in an entirely new body with practically untested vocal chords.

Briefly her attention returned to the crude cart. She pushed it back upright, long tail swinging behind her to help counter the shoving. "Thanks for asking though, but I'm good." The hypsi chattered. She moved the cart back and forth, mostly to check and make sure that the crude wheels were still working. "You ever seen one of these before? Probably not. Made it myself. It's the best mode of transportation, I can assure you of that. Did you see how fast I was going?" She jabbed a thumb back the way she'd came, and the gold and black creature hopped back into the cart. Feza squirmed a little, trying to get the cart to shimmy a little closer. A grin was present upon the creature's beak, looking up at the Proxy. "It's a little bit too small for lions, which is- it's a shame. Maybe I'll make a bigger one someday." Her head tipped to the side, shuffling forward so the cart would somewhat roll. As much as she tried to restrain it, the rambling simply couldn't be helped. Feza had lots to say, and words just spilled forth without little thought for what, exactly, she was saying. "Gotta work on steering though. I think I almost hit some people."

Re: live forever with you around - carts - wormwood. - 01-25-2020

Man, Feza really was shit at this. It didn't really surprise Aurum all that much, considering the fact that she had never come off as an exceedingly good liar in any capacity, but still. Whether it be the little slip ups about her crash being festive, her strange high voice cracks, or the way that she just wouldn't stop rambling, the proxy really wouldn't have been surprised if someone recognized her even without the ability to see souls. However, if they wanted to call her out on it, then they could feel free, because there was no way that Aurum was going to ruin her fun. The lion had already caused her more than enough trouble in the past, and he really didn't want a repeat of past unpleasant events that ended with her screaming about how she needed to be festive for the group, so he was going to keep his mouth shut. He did have to admit, however, that it was a little difficult to bite back the smile that threatened to curl on his face upon noticing her mistakes. It was just funny, how bad she was at covering up her natural mannerisms. Aurum had no doubt that he would he just as awful at such an odd thing – hence why he had never been particularly interested in becoming a spy or anything along those lines – but he wasn't the one attempting to do it, she was.

When Feza reassured that she was alright, the angel found himself nodding a bit, his one blue eye still scanning over her in case of any injuries. Truth be told, he wasn't at all familiar with whatever the hell she was now, so injuries might've been a bit harder to find. When he seemed satisfied that she wasn't bleeding out and was just too distracted to notice, the male rumbled softly, "That's good. I'm glad you're not hurt. I doubt Selby would've been too pleased with yet another new patient to take care of..." He then listened as Feza began to ramble and brag about her new invention, a broad grin coming across her beak. Aurum couldn't help but smile as well, glad to see that she was actually enjoying herself for once. Recently, he had noticed that it seemed like she was forcing herself to do things more often than not, and it hadn't exactly been a trend that he had wanted to see continue. Sure, sometimes her events scared or confused the hell out of him, but he liked it more when she had fun making them, and having people participate in them.

Shaking his head from side to side, the lion moved back a little bit once she was back in the cart, not particularly enthused at the thought of being hit by it, even at slow speeds, "No, I've never seen a cart like this before. Seen old human vehicles, but this is... much, much different." And that was... certainly true. This was much more primitive, with no real way to control your speed or what direction you were going. When Feza mentioned that her cart wasn't big enough for lions, Aurum smiled a little bit, shrugging nonchalantly. He wasn't exactly itching to crash into a wall alongside her. He then said, nodding firmly, "Yeah, steering would be... good. I don't really want you sending anybody else to Selby, either."

Re: live forever with you around - carts - fulzanin - 01-30-2020

The Hypsilophodon was unaware, truly, of how bad she was doing. Her slip ups were natural in a way. The natural coverup, the way that she buried how she was so that she could forever be smiling, happy, and joyful. It was deeply ingrained in her mind to raise her voice, smile, be overall happy at every given moment so that she didn't add to the crushing burdens that pushed at everyone. She was oblivious so she could do her task better. If she knew all the details about the horrors of one of the other groups, she likely would be just as fallen as everyone else. That was, in Feza's mind, a great way to ignore and forcibly forget. The same was true for how to naturally behave. She was so used to the months of building up her smiling and bubbly self that brushing the dust off of how she used to behave was a hard task. She was trying, struggling, continuing to obviously slip up with how she was speaking and rambling.

Feza lifted up a hand, wriggling the weird looking fingers that the new body possessed. She even had a thumb! It wasn't like the thumb of monkeys, per se, but it was incredibly close. It allowed for a greater skill with tying things together, such as the hazardous cart that the hypsi was currently sitting in. Feza shuffled to the front of the cart, trying to see if such would help the cart start moving again. "Of course I'm not hurt! The, the cart comes with the most amazing crash prevention you'd, you'll ever see!" Feza squealed, her feathered tail wagging rapidly behind her. The Hypsilophodon's eyes were wide with delight, unburdened. Her hands curled around the front edge of the cart, tapping against the battered bar with her thumbs. "Of course, doesn't really work when, when I can't steer it. It's fine, it's- it's top of the line so it doesn't really matter if I can't steer because it's super fe- good!" The feathered creature chirped, squirming in the cart to reach a more comfortable position.

The Hypsilophodon scooted rapidly, trying to get the cart rolling again. Her antennae flicked, confused as to why she wasn't able to get the cart moving again. Were the wheels stuck? Hadn't she just checked that? Again Feza was scrambling on out of the cart, this time not being flung out by crashing. She began looking at the wheels. It wasn't as if the party thrower in disguise really knew how to work with wheels. She didn't know what had gone wrong. "I just won't go fast is all. That should, that should fix the problem of hurting anyone. And myself." Feza answered briefly. She shuffled around the cart to check another one of the wheels. When she couldn't figure out what had gone wrong with the wheels, Feza had briefly considered using her ice powers to just make a place for her to scoot around with. The Hypsilophodon caught herself - that would give away who she was! If her stuttering, still squeaky, and 'festive' slip ups hadn't already made it obvious, using her ice powers certainly would have done so. Feza settled for using her claws in order to get rid of what looked like a stick - possibly a long rock - that was wedged up in the wheels. Then again she hopped into the cart, squealing as it rolled a few feet before stopping. "See? See? It's- It's top of the line, very well crafted 'n everything!" Feza chattered in delight. She hopped a few times, absolutely filled with glee now that the crude cart was working again. "I still can't steer but it's fine look at how fast this is!" Said the gold and black theropod who, instead of rocketing around at horrifically brisk pace was now slowly wheeling forward due to the residual momentum of hopping in the cart. The slow pace didn't bother her any, delighted squeals coming from her as she rapidly bounced up and down from within her contraption.