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taking care of things ☀ private - Printable Version

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taking care of things ☀ private - arcy - 05-05-2018

Izuku ... definitely hadn't adjusted to his injuries well. Or -- he could deal with the regular injuries just fine, had got those a lot, but it was just ... his eyesight. He couldn't really see -- largely, it was just red, though Izuku would sometimes see the light changing. It usually gave him a nasty headache, though, so he tried to keep his eyes tied up with one of his bandannas. It wasn't the greatest solution, but it was better than nothing. As it was, Izuku was glad he could pick up on anything at all through the red haze his eyes currently seemed to be.
On this particular day, or hour, however, Izuku is outside. Is he supposed to be outside? Probably not, especially with how fresh his injuries were, and he was still just a little lightheaded. He didn't really care, though, so there the maine coon is, head facing his paws as he rolls a little ball of snow under them. If it didn't hurt to move the area around his eyes so much, they'd be narrowed in concentration, but as it was now, his expression was just sort of ... blank. The whole injury thing didn't bother him too much -- he'd gotten hurt a lot in the past. Most of his problems revolved around not reopening his injures and also the fact he couldn't see. Not ... great.
Izuku's not quite sure what he plans on doing with the snow, though. Just rolling snow under his paws while fretting about squishing it by accident was getting old, but there's not a lot else he could do. A sigh escapes from the fluffy maine coon. Like, he really couldn't just ... leave and go explore or anything, you know? Even once his eyesight returned, he'd probably have to be supervised for at least a little while. I mean ... he probably wouldn't listen, being a rebellious teen, but the point still stood.
//hi welcome to shitty starter hell pls enjoy urself [member=215]london r.[/member] (i wldve tagged ur main too but id feel bad lmao)


Re: taking care of things ☀ private - london r. - 05-06-2018

London had often found herself wandering about the lovely snowy landscape that she now called her home, though usually she didn't stumble upon just one of her clanmates alone. Or if she did, by the time she had made it to where they were, a couple others had already arrived, or were not too far away from arriving. Not that she minded at all, it just made it more difficult to know anyone personally. For someone who had grown up with just five other's in her life for the longest time, one wouldn't really expect it, but it was a familiar sensation for the girl, as four of those others were children, and her litter mates. One could never be truly alone with those guys always following her about. Where one was, the others were sure to be close by. Well, except for Harvey, he always liked to do things by him that he could come back and brag about it. The girl was certain half of the things he said he'd done on those walks had been lies, like the time he said he'd caught a bat, when it was far more likely that he'd probably just stumbled upon it's corpse and decided it sounded cooler if he said that he'd killed it.

This time, however, as the girl began to approach Izuku, there were no others that made their presence known. How strange, usually there was at least a rustle in the underbrush or a crunch of the snow that betrayed footsteps. Wow, perhaps for once everyone else was busy? That would be a first. She'd have to try and make the best of this opportunity. Blue eyes would focus on the green hued feline, trying to find something to talk about since she doubted she'd have this chance again. That was when she noticed the small ball of snow he was rolling with his paw. Hmm, perhaps she should start a snowball fight? Oh, but he was pretty injured wasn't he, then perhaps not. She would feel absolutely terrible if she ended up hurting him further. No, perhaps that was not the best idea, but there was something else involving rolling snow into spheres that they could definitely do. "Is that an army of miniature Snowmen? Are you trying to take over with them?" the girl would ask, obviously kidding around. Her clear blue eyes shone with Mirth, though it wasn't like Izuku would see that anyway, but there was laughter in her voice as well.

Re: taking care of things ☀ private - arcy - 05-06-2018

Izuku was more used to being approached by clanmates than he was with being left alone, in all honesty. Or, actually -- that was controversial. Being approached was still very jarring, especially without the warnings he usually had, but it happened enough that the first to approach only spooked him a little. None of the others that followed did -- where one appeared, others usually followed. Sometimes they just ... didn't, though? It was weird, all n all.
With all of this in mind, Izuku can't help but jolt as he hears London's voice, ears turning somewhat nervously. He'd heard her approach, of course, but he hadn't expected to actually be spoken to. He wouldn't oppose the company, though, if only because he needed some sort of distraction.
"Hi, um, London!" Izuku chirps, with a note of uncertainty in his tone. He hadn't interacted with her often, so he didn't know the Clouded Leopard's name nor voice very well. She His maw curves into a cheery grin, tail giving little wags as he hears the jokes. Take over? With snowmen? That'd be fun. "If they could move, sure!" Izuku chirps, grin widening. Did they really look like snowmen? Izuku sure doesn't know, he was barely sure what shape they were in. He attempts to give the sphere a curious look, only to fail miserably because he'd just sort of ... forgotten. That he couldn't see. At least he'd only have to deal with it for a while longer, hopefully. "... Do they really look like snowmen? At all?" Izuku says after a long pause, nose scrunching just the slightest. He only holds the expression for a moment, though, because it kind of ... hurts. Oh well.
//big ol mess sorry
