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[ SANTA MONICA DREAM ❧ JOINING ] - Printable Version

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[ SANTA MONICA DREAM ❧ JOINING ] - guts - 01-18-2020

She had been walking for a long time. She isn't sure how long, exactly, just that it has taken about two days for her to reach her destination. Well, she didn't actually have a destination. She had left Tanglewood in pursuit of exploration, and she was doing just that, except she hadn't really discovered anything interesting thus far. She had a few encounters with fellow travelers, all of them with stories to tell, and while Adelaide enjoyed listening to them, she was eager to actually experience things for herself.

In the distance, she can see mountains rise up from the ground, reaching up towards the sky with snowy peaks. It's a wonderful sight, one that makes her want to get a closer look. Until a strong smell hits her nose, one that she's unfamiliar with. Her tail wags, eager to find some people, maybe a group like where she had come from. If there was one (or two, considering the Pitt, which she assumed was another group), there was likely going to be another one.

So the maned wolf approaches, stepping aimlessly as she waits to run into someone, nearly passing over the border before she stops. Deciding that she should wait like she had before, she takes a seat, happy to have a moment of rest after the long trek. She was already missing the swamp that she had come to recognize as her home.

Re: [ SANTA MONICA DREAM ❧ JOINING ] - candorosa - 01-18-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Lemy stumbled across Adelaide as he meandered about the territory. Not the smartest idea in his condition but he'd take that over remaining in one place. He paused as the scent of Tanglewood hits him, angling his ears to--Nope, never mind. He couldn't do that at the moment.

He held back his frustration at his situation as he began approaching the scent, idly wondering who was at the border and their reason. Official business, he supposed. He couldn't think of any other reason. Tanglewood didn't visit them. Nobody did; he hadn't even seen heads or tails of the Typhoon. Were they shy neighbors? Seriously, why bother--

Lemy's internal monologue was cut short once he spotted Adelaide. A stranger, then. He watched her for a few seconds then continued his walk over to her. "Heya, heya!" He greeted her with a cheerful grin, hiding his wince as his back began aching at his sudden motion. "How's it goin'? Need anythin'?" he asked with a tilt of his head. He began rummaging through his cloak, brightening up once he found what he was looking for.

"Here!" Lemy pushed a little blank notebook at her, along with a stub of a pencil. "Can't really hear ya right now, so can ya write your answers here? Please? Sorry 'bout that!" Despite his nonchalant visage and the evident cheer in his tone, he felt angry. But what else was new?

Re: [ SANTA MONICA DREAM ❧ JOINING ] - Warringkingdoms - 01-18-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin first noticed, when she approached the newcomer, that she smelled like Tanglewood. She also seemed tired, though that was understandable given the distance she would have traveled from there to here. Perhaps she came with a message? She'd been meaning to visit to check on the medic- Leroy had said he didn't know anything about said medic's status, so she assumed no news was good news, but it would be proper to check nonetheless.

  Walking up to the stranger, Rin remained silent as Lemy spoke to her. Lemy really shouldn't have been out and about with his injuries, but telling him to go back to the town was pointless- he wouldn't hear her anyway. She made a note, internally, to apologize to him directly once he'd regained his hearing; right now it wouldn't do much good. With a shrug, she turned back towards the stranger. "If you'd like, you can tell me your answers and I can write it down for him," she added, twitching her ears.

Re: [ SANTA MONICA DREAM ❧ JOINING ] - nemhain. - 01-19-2020

A traveler. Travel had been something that Nemhain had once dreamed about, back in the days when she had been nothing but a silent observer, waiting for her life to truly begin. When she had felt truly adventurous, she had considered what she would do if she was completely, utterly, and totally free. With no limits, allowed to go wherever she pleased and interact with whoever she liked. She had little knowledge of the world outside of Rin's memories, so her fantasies had often been cut short by lack of information, but they had certainly existed, at least at one time. Nowadays, however, that dream was gone, shoved into the darkness where Nemhain had come from along with many other silly and frivolous dreams she had. Being a traveler just wasn't practical, when she wasn't sure how far she could get away from Elysium's mountains before she just finally died, fading from existence completely. Thinking of the loss of her dream was sad, but it was also a reality that Nem had learned to face some time ago, so she thought little of it as she landed beside Rin, intrigued by the Tanglewood scent at the border. Cocking her head to one side as she observed the maned wolf, the fenghuang chirped deeply, "...Greetings." The important questions had already been asked, and it didn't seem necessary for her to introduce herself yet, so that was the only word that left her beak.

Re: [ SANTA MONICA DREAM ❧ JOINING ] - guts - 01-20-2020

She's happy when she saw someone approach, a stranger like she had expected. Her tail thumps against the ground, eager to meet someone new, to settle into a new place and thus experience new things. That was what life was about, she had decided, living it to the fullest and doing everything you could before the grim reaper caught up to you. That's how she wanted to live this new life of her's.

It was a delight to meet someone with the same upbeat energy as her, even if it hid some less than favorable emotions. She did the same thing, so she couldn't judge. If she knew, anyway. When he pulls out a pad of paper and pencil, though, she falters. She had never tried to write with her paws and she wasn't too excited to try.

Luckily someone else came up to save her. "Yes, please!" she says with a bob of her head. Now that that was settled, now for why she was here. "I'm here to join! Wherever this is, anyway."

She acknowledges the last person to come with a nod, tongue lolling out the side of her mouth. "Hello!"


Re: [ SANTA MONICA DREAM ❧ JOINING ] - Warringkingdoms - 01-20-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Of all the reasons Rin expected the stranger to give, wanting to join was not one of them. Certainly she wouldn't complain about Elysium gaining a new member, but it wasn't often creatures came from Tanglewood, or any other group really, wanting to switch allegiances. It was possible the newcomer wanted a dual alliance, but Rin figured she would have mentioned that if that were the case.

  Writing down she wants to join on the paper, Rin then shifted the paper so that Lemy could read it. "This is Elysium," she said, turning her head to look back at the newcomer. "And yes, you can stay here. If you want to officially be a member, you can be sworn in at the next meeting." Twitching her ears, she continued, "What's your name? I'm Rin."


Re: [ SANTA MONICA DREAM ❧ JOINING ] - nemhain. - 01-22-2020

Well. This newcomer certainly was... perky. Air headed may have been what Nemhain would've used to describe her, if she was a less kind female. However, she was fairly kind, so she kept her mouth shut, just watching the interaction between her user and Adelaide curiously. She frowned a little when they weren't provided a name, but didn't decide to press further, considering Rin had already asked. Instead, the massive bird decided to offer her own, her voice still quite commanding as she spoke, "...I am Nemhain. I am glad to welcome you into Elysium, as well." Hopefully, her offering her own name would be enough of an exchange to learn Adelaide's, since she didn't particularly want to have someone she only knew as "lady Blank" in her head. Although perhaps she should've been trying to break that habit somewhat anyways. After all, everyone seemed to find it rather weird, the way that the fenghuang referred to those around her as lady, and sir. She had just thought of it as being considerate of the others, and also perhaps a sign of her somewhat servitude towards lady Rin – although Rin did not seem to like to think of it as 'servitude', something that very much confused Nem.

Re: [ SANTA MONICA DREAM ❧ JOINING ] - candorosa - 01-22-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Lemy eyed Adelaide for a moment, then turned his attention to the paper. He wasn't thrilled about having Rin translate for him but he swallowed down his complaints.

Joining, huh? He glanced back to the former Tangler, features pulled into a curious expression. "Wooow! Really?! How come, huh? Did Tanglewood bully you too hard? They're real mean to me whenever I visit, buncha jerks," Lemy sniffled, wiping away an imaginary tear. An exaggeration on his part, but from his perspective, Tanglewood seemed to be inhabited with individuals with similar personalities as his; unpleasant and rude. (Except Aurum and Bink. They were okay.) He'd ought to bother them some more once he was healed up.

"Anywaysies, welcome, welcome! This over here is our super-wise, suuuuper-considerate leader Rinny; and this is her stalker Nem," he cheered, pointing at the two with his tail, the motion itself sending jolts of pain through his body. They might have already introduced themselves but who cared? They deserved all the jabs he could give. "And I'm Lemy!" He finished with a beam. Ugh, he hoped someone had asked for her name.

Re: [ SANTA MONICA DREAM ❧ JOINING ] - guts - 01-25-2020

Elysium? What a lovely name! She definitely liked this place already, with it's nice title and the friendly people. She hoped that maybe she would stay here for the long haul, make it into a home she would return to after her explorations.

Her tail swings side from side happily at the news that she was welcome to stick around, a large smile on her face. It becomes sheepish, though, when she realizes that she hasn't told them her name. With a small 'oh,' she chuckles, lightly smacking the side of her head.

"Sorry! Silly me, I always forget to introduce myself!" she says. "My name is Adelaide, it's a pleasure to meet you all!"

When Lemy goes on about Tanglewood being mean to him, she gives a halfhearted shrug, though her smile doesn't falter. "No, no! They were very kind to me! Sorry to hear they weren't the same to you." It does bother her somewhat to hear that they had been unkind to someone, someone that wasn't even from the Pitt group she had heard about. Were they just rude to everyone else and she didn't realize? She didn't want to think it, but perhaps she had been misled.
