Beasts of Beyond
[ DOG NIGHTMARE ❧ LEAVING ] - Printable Version

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[ DOG NIGHTMARE ❧ LEAVING ] - guts - 01-18-2020

//so sorry to be leaving so early, but adelaide isn't really vibing with tanglewood, so i've decided to move her elsewhere. thank all of u for being so welcoming and i hope one day i can come back!!

She was ever curious, inside her residing an insatiable urge for knowledge, for adventure to new places. This was a new world to her and she couldn't help but want to explore it, see all that it had to offer her. With that, she had made a decision, one she pondered over for a long while.

Adelaide liked this place. She did, even though it was wet and muddy and full of dangers. It was cozy, the little town they lived in, and the people there were very friendly. Most of them, at least. Plus she had met Dallas and his friend Johnny! She didn't want to leave either of them, or Abathur, or Crowley. She had known all of them for a very short time, but they were all such intriguing people, ones that she wished she could get to know more.

But alas, her heart was calling her elsewhere.

"Everyone!" she calls, standing at the outskirts of the town. She looks as cheerful as usual, tail lightly wagging behind her, but there's a hint of sadness in the way she smiles. "I have some sad news! Unfortunately, I've decided to leave, so I can explore the world. But, I will miss all of you!" Some more than others, but she doesn't say that out loud.

As she goes on, she waits for a certain face to show up, one that she had quickly grown attached to. She feared how he would react to her announcement.

Re: [ DOG NIGHTMARE ❧ LEAVING ] - dallas. - 01-18-2020

Tanglewood had not been unkind to Dallas, save for one particular hyena that would remain unnamed. They had taken him and Johnny in, fed him, and had even started to give him somewhat of a purpose in life, besides just causing trouble and fighting whenever he felt restless. However, the entire reason Dal had even ended up here was because of Adelaide. The female had seen him, young, hungry, and afraid underneath all of his layers of bluster, and she had decided to bring him to the place where she believed he would be safe, and taken care of. At first, the canine had been annoyed by this, thinking that she was putting her nose where it didn't belong and causing trouble, but as time had passed, Dal had been glad he had been brought here, even if it hadn't been in the most dignified of ways.

Adelaide, although he had only truly known her for a little while now, had come to be like a sprt of proto-mother figure for him. After all, his real mother had passed when he was very young, and his father was hardly the picture of good parenthood, so Adelaide was really the first he had ever met who had cared for him. Even though he never would've admitted it out loud, he ended up caring for her, and had been eager to spend time with her, and to let her get to know Johnny as well. However, as soon as he had woken up that morning and noticed the odd emptiness of the house around him – Adelaide hadn't kept a lot of things inside of it, but there had been a few knick knacks which were now suspiciously absent – he had immediately felt that something was wrong. Pushing himself up to his paws, the injured shepherd padded outside just in time to hear Ade calling out from the outskirts of town. When he wandered over, his heart sank further and further with her every word. His chest grew oddly tight, and it felt like his eyes were burning, a strange lump blocking out his throat. He swallowed thickly, digging his blunt claws into the dirt before blinking the tears away, shaking his head. No, he shouldn't be crying. Crying was weak. Taking a shaky breath, the white canine barked in the most monotone voice he could manage, "Bye, I guess. Y'know. I'll... I'll keep your fuckin' house warm, or whatever..." His voice seemed to crack a little at the end, and he winced, immediately turning tail and racing off back towards Adelaide's old home. He couldn't watch her go.