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SINCE WE'VE BEEN ALRIGHT ☆ o, plant display - Printable Version

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SINCE WE'VE BEEN ALRIGHT ☆ o, plant display - redvox. - 01-17-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Errapel... Errapel was an interesting goddess in that she tended to be a divisive one. Among those that had lived within the Halls before the fire, there was sort of a split opinion on the leopard goddess. Some thought that all medics needed to worship Errapel, due to the fact that she was the under light goddess of health and seasons. However, there were also plenty of them that believed that clerics didn't need, to worship her, and could still do their work just as well without this faith. Vox tended to agree with the latter group, considering he had known plenty of fine medics and clerics that didn't worship or even believe in Errapel, but were still quite skilled at their jobs. Regardless of all of this, it had been a little bit difficult to come up with some kind of event to honor Errapel. After all, how were you supposed to honor a goddess of health and seasons? Host a medicine class? That hardly seemed very fun for their visitors. So, he had come up with something that more encompassed the "seasons" side of what Errapel presided over.

It had been loads of work, rooting through the plants in the hydroponics lab and getting a ton of the growing plants to put them in pots, but it was definitely worth it to see the end result. Now there was practically a maze of beautiful plants and foliage carving a path from the town hall all the way to the fortress. Vox had no doubt that he would eventually have to drag them all back into the hydroponics lab so that they wouldn't be viciously killed by the next snow storm, but for now the sky was clear, and the display was free of that fear. The final touch was, of course, the shrine that was dedicated to Errapel. The wooden carving was placed in the middle of the large walkway display, right between the fortress and the town hall. It bore a carving of a leopard, standing atop a sickbay bed while leaves fell around her. It was probably one of the most complex carvings, and the hybrid found himself smiling happily as he sat down in front of it, stretching out his wings and calling happily, "Those of you 'ere for the festival, gather 'round! Today we're gonna be honorin' Errapel, the light goddess of health 'n' seasons! This entire display is made up of plant life from our own lab, and is meant t'be a beautiful walk between two of our main landmarks!" Hopefully the others would enjoy taking in the beautiful plants and foliage all around, and perhaps it would encourage some communication.

Re: SINCE WE'VE BEEN ALRIGHT ☆ o, plant display - fulzanin - 01-27-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
The gods of this place were... something, alright. A whole festival dedicated to them was equally something. Aslisk hadn't attended many festivals or parties before, especially not back home. There weren't any holidays for the goddess that the featherbrains worshipped. Aslisk didn't think that they even did particular worship towards their goddess. Parties were a different manner. Did the races between the cities count, since they were giant gatherings? Aslisk wasn't certain. What about the human holiday that they were beginning to incorporate? The one about giving gifts - the one that she'd just missed. Wasn't really worth thinking over all that much because she wasn't there right now. She was here. This stupid place. This place that she hated. On the days where homesickness claimed her harshest the wyvern wanted to do nothing more than torch the entire place. She wanted for the feeling of longing for home to be shared, for it to not just be her that was having to deal with it. Misery loves company. Aslisk knew that stupid human saying, and she absolutely hated it. Her desires to make such a statement a reality was shoved down as many things were.

Her burnt form trotted over. Webbed ears were perked to listen to the Harbringer. Health and seasons. The featherbrains really would like this god, wouldn't it? Their planet was eternally summer and sickness rarely ever happened. Similar. The plants didn't make sense to Aslisk on the barest level. Why were plants here? She wasn't certain. Probably had something to do with seasons, a deeper thought to apply reasoning to the display before her. Ichigo would have liked this, Aslisk notes. Ichigo would have liked to look at these plants, and hear about a goddess of health when she was always so sickly. Her jagged teeth clenched. Again it was shoved down. She'd deal with it later. "Well. There sure is a lot of plants here," Aslisk huffed. Red eyes surveyed the pathway - she probably couldn't get too close or else her uncontrolled flames would probably make the beautiful sight meet an early end. "They're good looking enough, I guess. What's happening once this event is over? Replanting them? Or are they just going to stay here?"

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: SINCE WE'VE BEEN ALRIGHT ☆ o, plant display - redvox. - 01-28-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Of all the people that Redvox had expected to be first at this event, Aslisk had certainly not been one of them. Sure, Aslisk was regent partially because of the fact that she was fucking everywhere, but this just didn't really seem like her scene. Errapel hardly seemed like the type of goddess the wyvern would've been excited about celebrating, considering her seeming hatred for being taken care of, along with her constant battling against the seasons with her flames. Of course, unbeknownst to Vinny, she did have her own reasoning for why she was here, and it probably wouldn't have surprised him much to find out it was because of family. Even though his regent had a constant habit of keeping absolutely everything close to her chest and not letting anybody in, she occasionally did slip up, and that's where Vox got to see a very genuine side of her. He knew that she must've been hurting, being away from her love and family especially at such a happy event like the festival, but he didn't want to remind her of that. He wasn't too eager for her to lash out again, or close herself off even more from those around her. So instead he just offered her a smile when she came over, his little sharp bat fangs glinting in the midday sunlight.

At Aslisk's speaking, the harbinger found himself snorting, shaking his head a little bit when he heard her blunt little statement, "Well I'd hope there were a lotta plants, or I royally fucked up this event." He kept a close eye on Aslisk as she moved around, just to make sure that she was being careful. She seemed to be aware of the fact she needed to be cautious with her flames around such flammable weak life, but Vinny still felt himself shudder a little whenever she flicked her tail the wrong way. His attention was wrenched from his pyrophobic anxiety when Aslisk spoke up again, the wyvern questioning him about what they were going to do with the plants once this little event was over. Blinking, he gestured with a large wing in the direction of the hydroponics lab, "Most of 'em will have to be dragged back ta the hydroponics lab, since that's where they'll thrive, but a couple'll stay out here. The plants 'ere in th'Halls seem t'be weirdly resiliemt, so if we end up leavin' a couple buried out here in the ground, I'm pretty sure they'll be alright." Or at least, he very much hoped they would be alright. If hey weren't, he would feel pretty awful about indirectly murdering a bunch of poor plants.

Re: SINCE WE'VE BEEN ALRIGHT ☆ o, plant display - fulzanin - 02-03-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
Aslisk had moved closer to one of the plants while Redvox pondered and spoke. She nudged it with one of her wings, leaning her head closer. Mindful to not allow her horns to get close - certainly not wanting to catch the entire display on fire with her flaming horns. They were pretty. There were lots of them, too. Many she hadn't seen before. The unknown plants constituted a mass majority of the plants that she saw in the display. Her head pulled away after a brief sniff, webbed ears flicking a little. "I've seen events worse than this one for sure. I think you could've used maybe one more plant and it might have been considered decent," the regent chided. Her sharp words lacked anger behind them - playful bashing it was, truthfully. It wasn't as vicious as most of her cold and jagged words were, but instead were lighter and more pleasant. Her flaming tail curled behind her and pointed further away from the display. Mindful the wyvern was of her uncontrollable flaming points, keeping them as far away as she possibly could from where she was looking at the display. Ichigo would have liked this. She probably would have tried to taste some of the plants, given her herbivorous status. The thought was somewhat humorous to Aslisk, a soft snort sounding as she stepped away from the display.

Hydroponics. What in the name of Nitis was that. Her burned and scarred face scrunched up in confusion when the word registered in her ears. Aslisk did not even have roots of the word to turn to in order to attempt to understand it. The entire language was foreign, and her confusion remained on her face for a few moments before Aslisk removed the expression from her face. "Nakumeykik- the hask is a hydroplonti-" The burned creature sucked in a breath to stop her confusion from verbally displaying itself. She shifted her weight and lifted up her head a little more. "They probably will be, since they're hardy things." Aslisk rumbled, her red gaze flicking back to the plants. Her talons twitched. An impulse thought won out, and poured from her mouth quickly without having another moment to consider her thoughts. "I don't suppose there's any chance that I could take some of the extras?" Her teeth clenched together, talons curling into the ground beneath her. "I have plenty of bowls to use to try and grow plants in after this event is done,Not like I can actually walk through the display because of all the lusluing fire." The wyvern then added in a nonchalant manner, disregarding her impulsive words that had been thrown from her maw moments prior. She wanted to claw at her eyes in absolute unbridled fury for saying such a thing. A jagged and weak hiss parted from her clenched together teeth, flames flickering between the gaps. Another deep breath, regaining her senses from the surge of fury. "Not like I can lusluing walk through the display anyways, I'd probably catch it on fire."

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: SINCE WE'VE BEEN ALRIGHT ☆ o, plant display - redvox. - 02-04-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vinny was honestly pretty surprised by how fascinated Aslisk seemed to be with the wide variety of plant life all around her, although it wasn't an unpleasant sort of surprise. She sniffed and prodded them as closely as she could without setting anything ablaze, and while the harbinger could feel his body tense up the slightest bit when she leaned near some of them, he willed himself to be calm. The wyvern was smart enough to know not to set a bunch of their plants on fire and he knew it, so he just needed to chill out. He silently repeated this to himself in his head, gradually feeling his shoulders slump and relax as he did so. When Aslisk spoke up again, the hybrid found himself blinking before he snorted, easily able to tell that there was no real fire behind Aslisk's teasing insult. He had seen her at some of her worst moments when it came to anger, and this hardly constituted even a one on that scale. She was just riling him up for her own amusement, which honestly made him feel more at ease than anything else. At least he was used to that. Shifting around a little bit, Vin sniffed at one of the pretty blooms nearby before he spoke, shaking his head, "Well, I suppose that next time I'll be sure t'go t'you before I go putting together a plant display. Just so that I know when I've used enough different plants, ya know?" He smiled jokingly over at her, wondering what had made her snort as well. Sometimes it was hard to read what was going on in Aslisk's head, despite the wyvern seeming like such an open book at first glance.

It was after this that Aslisk chose to ask about the lab, cutting herself off before she seemed too stupid. It wasn't actually really a bad question, considering Redvox himself hadn't really known about hydroponics until they had discovered the lab on the territory, and he had thrown himself into combing through every book inside. Shrugging his shoulders a bit, the harbinger sort of half assedly attempted to explain, "Hydroponics is... well, it's essentially this human science that th'humans who used to live here were usin'. Instead of using soil, the humans just had the plants growin' upright in these big containers of nutrients. It's all real complicated, 'n' I don't quite understand fully myself, but it seems like th'plants are still growin' fine, so we leave 'em there." That was the best explanation he could really come up with on the fly, without a whole spread of books out in front of him. He was very caught off guard when the regent continued speaking, asking something he had never thought he would hear from her. She wanted to take some of the plants? Vinny found himself in a sort of stunned state for a long moment, just staring at her, before he finally spoke, quickly shaking himself out of his shock, "Uh... yeah, yeah, of course y'can take some of th'extras. We're hardly hurtin' for plants at th'moment, and y'can set up like, your own little garden, if y'want." He hardly saw any sort of problem with it, considering she was clearly serious about not setting the things on fire, and not everything had to return to the lab.

Re: SINCE WE'VE BEEN ALRIGHT ☆ o, plant display - fulzanin - 02-10-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
The plants were very different from those that she was used to. The stalks weren't vibrant orange, the plants didn't make noises other than rustling. They didn't glow or ring or spark and it honestly was quite a surprise to her. They smelled different, too, and overall it helped further her curiosity. The wyvern kept her tail away from the display despite pivoting to no longer be directly facing it. "Mm. Would do you good to do that. I am a plant expert. Marginally." Aslisk didn't keep up with the potted plants that she had back home. They were her wife's, technically. Usually she'd just water them whenever her beloved and adorable love of her life was feeling under the weather. Sometimes she forgot to do such a thing. The plants back home were not hardy enough to take the slightest notion of a lack of care. They'd wilt and wither and die within a few hours if a dousing of liquid was performed too late. They were needy, much like the featherbrains that somehow managed to take care of them. It was one of the few things that surprised her. How could absolute idiots take care of plants that were so horrifically needy? It frustrated her to absolutely no end at times.

Teasing was an easy way for Aslisk to regain her composure after her request had hurdled from her jaws without a second thought. The explanation of the complex word was being given to her. The flaming wyvern's webbed ears twitched as she listened, trying to take in the complexity of the term. Not even the person who was explaining the term to her truly knew the depths of it's complexity. Humans. Of course it was humans, the term swiftly souring within her mind and her jagged teeth again clenching together. "Well, hopefully you removing them from their environment doesn't wind up killing them," she commented. Aslisk then shifted her weight, moving her weight off to the side a little. "I don't want a garden, I just want to... take. One of the plants, yea." She forced her tone to grow more irritated. Caring for something as simple as plants, how absurd it would be for her to be doing such a thing in surplus. Her spiky tail sharply swung behind her, and she cringed as she forgot how close she was to the plant display. Thankfully she didn't touch it, but she'd certainly forgotten for a brief moment. As much as she desired to not set things on fire, it was very easy to forget. Things that she did not have since her creation were easily dismissed for ever a brief moment. "One of the flowery ones." Aslisk then specified after another brief pause.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: SINCE WE'VE BEEN ALRIGHT ☆ o, plant display - redvox. - 02-11-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vinny hadn't sure how, exactly, someone could be a plant expert at only a marginal level. After all, the use of the term expert was pretty damning when it came to "knowing what the fuck you were talking about." Still, Redvox chose not to point this out to Aslisk, just so that he wouldn't attract any unneeded ire from the female. It seemed as though the two of them were actually getting along, with their casual small talk and little joking jabs at each other. It was pleasant, and he didn't want to take a dig too hard and ruin everything. Instead he chose to focus on Aslisk's wandering eyes, watching the way that she looked the plants all around her up and down, more than just a couple of times. It was as if she were watching the plants, just to make sure that they didn't up and walk away, or shrivel dead before her very eyes. Thankfully, for the most part the plants of this world were fairly resilient, unless you were dealing with something particularly special and sensitive, which Redvox didn't really think they were, considering he had been able to drag them all out here without any issues presenting themselves thus far. That wasn't to say that problems couldn't arise eventually, especially if the weather decided it wanted to take a turn for the considerably less pleasant, but Vin wasn't especially worried about that at the moment. The skies were still crystal clear, and unless someone with elementals really wanted to ruin their day, he doubted he wouldn't be able to notice an approaching storm.

Unfortunately for Redvox, it seemed as though he had made a mistake in his innocent rambling about hydroponics to Aslisk. His regent immediately seemed to sour just at the mere mention of humans, and the harbinger tried not to frown, feeling a light sense of disappointment. It was a bit easier with the anger not specifically being directed towards him, but he still felt a little bad for interrupting the calm anyways. He decided to focus on her next comment, nodding his head before he spoke, "Hopefully not. I don't think anythin'll be ruined, though. These plants seem pretty hardy, what with the nutrients goin' straight into 'em and all. They should be fine." He hoped that they would be fine, at least. He didn't know the entirety of the science behind the lab and all of the plants it housed, and who knew which of the plants scattered around them could be vitally helpful, or provide them with food. It was because of this that the hybrid found himself tensing up considerably when Aslisk swung her tail behind her. The flames that licked lazily off her nearly reached one of the nearby plants, and the gat felt a harsh intake of breath hit him, rushing in through clenched teeth. Thankfully nothing happened, and Aslisk seemed to realize her mistake, pulling her tail back around before she spoke up again. Redvox nodded a little numbly, letting out a shaly breath to match his former sharp inhale. He spoke in a soft chitter after that, glancing around, "Well... is there any particular color that y'had in mind for what y'might take with you? That could help me narrow it down to somethin' you'll like."

Re: SINCE WE'VE BEEN ALRIGHT ☆ o, plant display - fulzanin - 02-14-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
Taking in the sight of the plants was a hard feat. After all, the light sensitivity that was ever prevalent when it came to her seeing brightly colored objects was quite troublesome. Looking at marvelous flowers counted, especially those that heavily contrasted the green leaves. Why were all the branches green? It somewhat befuddled her. She was a marginal expert of the plants back home. The ones where they glowed, rang like bells, could be smelled from miles away, grew up in thin shoots all the way up to the clouds, and other oddities. This was... odd. It wasn't the weird odd, for that was what she considered normal. They were pretty even if all the green stalks made it hard for her to tell where one plant ended and another began. "They should be fine, but it's got grubby human hask written all over it. Wouldn't be surprised if it broke oddly one day," the wyvern grumbled. Her tone was soured somewhat, webbed ears twitching in an irritated way. Humans. Loathing poured from her heart at the idea, her talons itching to have one present just so that she could demonstrate how devout the anger was. "Thankfully they're not here. Hopefully time proves for goat-bats to be more competent that the most stupid species to ever grace the universe when it comes to the stupid lusluing functions of plants." A deep breath was taken. There weren't any humans here, and it wasn't worth getting angry about when there was nothing she could do about such a thing. Her tail swung again, now away from the display. Her mind was still somewhat focused on it, and certainly didn't want to cause the whole thing to combust into flames. The human's fault, anyways, for not making it fireproof.

Her webbed ears flicked a little and her head turned away from the display, if not momentarily. What color did she want? Aslisk hadn't even considered that before she'd opened her mouth to ask if she could take some of the plants. She hadn't even thought before sputtering out that question in the first place? What colors would she even like? The wyvern didn't have a favorite. Everything was bright and hurt her eyes, after all - she hadn't ever had a reason to select one color to be above the other's in her mind. She pulled away from the display a little, body pulled along by her wings. "I... don't know." Aslisk admitted quietly, tail again flicking behind her. Now that she was away from the display, her concerns were lessened. "Pink. Or gold. Blue, maybe," the regent then listed off, voice weakening ever the slightest amount. "Just not green. The stems on all them are already green. How unoriginal," the wyvern ended in a huff, seeking to regain her usual disgruntled tone and mostly failing. She would prefer some with, perhaps, red stems. Those had been quite easy to take care of back home. Aslisk decided that if she really wanted some with red stems, she could just paint them that way. With blood or paint? She wasn't sure. The wyvern would figure it out if and when such came to light later on.

TAGS 11/19/19: