Beasts of Beyond
DIFFERENT NAMES FOR THE SAME THING / fishing - Printable Version

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DIFFERENT NAMES FOR THE SAME THING / fishing - bubblegum - 01-17-2020

Re: DIFFERENT NAMES FOR THE SAME THING / fishing - roan ; - 01-17-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Roan was small, childish, and curious, as well as utterly unaware of what had gone on within the Pitt. There were many times where the young boy heard the mutterings of the name of the hostile group, especially when his mother was speaking to someone else, but that didn't mean he knew the meaning behind it. He knew nothing of the cruelty and savagery that the desert dwelling group had inflicted upon those around him, as well as those within other groups. He knew nothing of why Goldie was only around half the time, the leader only sometimes available to play with when the young kitten mewed at his mother. Thankfully, it seemed as though the times were changing, and Goldie would soon once again be among then regularly, with her confidence and her strong voice and her games that made Roan extremely excited to play them. He still didn't know why she had ever been gone, but when his mama had told him that Goldie would soon be returning permanently, he had been over the moon. After all, she was family.

Usually, when Roan went out in the mornings to play along the beach, there was no one out on the sea, save for a couple of more rambunctious crew members that liked swimming or trying to leap over the waves. However, today there was something of great interest to the child on the blue sea – Goldie. Or, more specifically, Goldie in a little boat. Or well, not that little, since it was able to hold the much larger captain, but it still looked small from the shore. Roan was practically bouncing with excitement when he caught sight of the boat many feet away, and he found himself padding up to the edge of the water... only to stop. Even though he had been learning how to swim, he wasn't confident that he could swim out that far... however, he had an idea. A really good idea. Grinning, the boy whipped around to start meowing enthusiastically at Kal, the crocodile looking distinctly unamused, "Kal! Kal, I need you to take me out to see Goldie! I wanna say hi!" The croc seemed hesitant, but Roan wouldn't stop bouncing around constantly, so finally the creature relented, moving forward into the water and floating so that Roan could leap utop his back, crouching down so that he could stay secure.

Kal cut through the water smoothly, and it was a good thing that the sea was fairly calm, at least for the moment, as both the crocodile and Roan reached the boat without much fuss. Roan managed to pull himself onto the boat with a little bit of a grunt, his tiny wings flapping hard to help him the rest of the way onto the vessel. Once he was on, he smiled and ran over to Goldie, chirping cheerfully, "Dia dhuit, Goldie! I got Kal to take me out here so that I could say hi! So... hi! What're you doing?" The child tilted his head curiously to one side as he looked up at the captain, his gaze eventually flicking to look over the side of the vessel down at the water below.

Re: DIFFERENT NAMES FOR THE SAME THING / fishing - bubblegum - 01-18-2020

Re: DIFFERENT NAMES FOR THE SAME THING / fishing - roan ; - 01-18-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — The thought of Captain Goldie as a child... it seemed utterly impossible to Roan. She was so big, and powerful, and confident. The thought of her tiny and still learning everything, like he was now? He really couldn't even form the mental image of such a thing, even though he knew in his head that it had been a reality at some point. Roan, like most other children, thought little of the state that he was in right now. He thought that it wasn't fair, the fact that he was still so small and still had so much to learn. Still, so many adults wished that they could go back to the months where they were just an innocent and excitable child like him. One day, he would probably feel the same, but it would hopefully not be for a very long time. With people like his mother, father, Greed, Ahab, and of course, Goldie, working to protect him from the harsh realities of the world until he was ready, he hopefully wouldn't end up having to grow up as quickly as their Captain did. Quite frankly, if Roan had been able to understand the full scope of the story of how Goldie had ended up as their Captain, the child probably would've been horrified for his cousin, and grateful that nothing like that had happened to him. Still, it was such an unpleasant story that he'd probably never hear the extended cut, at least not until he was much older.

A full grin spread across Roan's face at his cousin's questioning, his entire small body seeming to wiggle excitedly as he answer, "I'm good! I'm happy, cause it's really sunny out today! Kal likes it too! It keeps him nice and warm." He was still smiling as he glanced down at the croc, who remained floating at the top of the waves to soak in the sunlight upon his scales. When Goldie mentioned fishing, Roan's eyes lit up with curiosity, his blue gaze moving over to the shifting waters splashing against the side of the boat, "Fishing...? I like fishing! I mean, mama says I'm too small to do it yet, but I've watched other people fish! It looks really fun... and Kal will really like you if you give him a treat! Although I bet he already likes you lots." He glanced over at Kal, as if expecting the scaly beast to answer, and the creature just snapped his teeth in a sort of greeting, before falling silent once again. Roan nodded his head obediently at his cousin's warning about the waters, and he subconsciously moved a little closer to the point of the boat where Kal lingered nearby. He knew well that the crocodile would catch him and defend him from the waves with his life, if he really needed to, so it felt like the most secure location to be at, at least at this time.

The kitten watched intently as Goldie moved closer to the sea, her eyes focused on whatever movement that he was unaware of. His entire body tensed when she drove beneath the waves, his eyes widening as he put his front paws on the lip of the boat, looking down below. He could see little below the sea except for movement and splashing, and suddenly the captain was once again in the boat with him, this time with a fish clenched tightly in her jaws. An impressed gasp left the boy when he saw the size of the salmon, and he found himself bounding over to look at it, taking in the still wet scales. When he heard Goldie, he blinked before shaking his head, saying softly, "No, I haven't had one yet! I've had some fishies, but not a salmon... is it really that good?" He questioned curiously as he sniffed at the creature, trying to determine if it would taste good based on smell alone. A lesser feline or other creature not acquainted with the smell of fish or the sea might've recoiled away, but Roan had grown so used to the common scents around the Typhoon that he found himself unphased.


CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Roxie usually found herself tidying up her living space in the morning whenever Roan had decided to go outside to play, this mainly became a habit of hers so she didn't end up tripping on any of his toys. Especially those tiny toy blocks that could be put together, she hated stepping on those and the thought made a giggle erupt from her mouth as she began to organize her child's toys into his corner. Soon enough, he would have a little play area of himself and well, that could be any day now though Roxanne would have to move from her home to a much larger one. A nice cozy place for her and Roan, maybe someone else would move in too but that was to debate another time. Once she had finished cleaning up, she would glance around feeling quite proud of herself recalling how back when she was younger, well, she never gave two fucks about how her home looked though Roan definitely had changed that for her. Well, it would be best if she checked on her son as she made her way to the entrance of the hut only to winced and stop in her tracks. She had forgotten one of those dumb Legos on the ground, she hissed in pain picking it off from foot and threw it on top of her bed. She hated those things. Roxie let out a snort, stepping out onto the sand taking in the warmth of the sunlight.

She frowned noticing that Kalayavan wasn't basking in the sun with Roan playing around him, she glanced over to the rainforest for a moment wondering if the boy had wandered off into it once more. The sound of jaws snapping caught her attention, her mismatched gaze locking onto a boat that was off in the distance noticing that one of them was her niece. It didn't take her long to realize the large figure next to the boat and the little one within the boat with her niece, she sighed quietly with a roll of her eyes "Oh, honey, you keeping your mama on her toes." Thankfully, they weren't too far for her not to just fly over. She spread her wings slowly taking to the skies with a shake of her cranium, with a few flaps of her wings, she was already upon them. She slowly glided down landing on the edge of the boat nearly slipping into the water since she hadn't balanced herself properly. Roxanne offered a small smile "Hey Goldie," Her gaze turned over towards her adventurous child with a light shake of her head, amusement dancing in her eyes "And you silly boy." Rox slipped into the boat, she cast a glance over to Kalayavan only to say with a bit of laughter "Look at you, such an obedient boy." Boys will be boys, she supposed.
"character's speech."