Beasts of Beyond
clumsy + intro - Printable Version

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clumsy + intro - toboggan - 01-17-2020

The world, as the minuscule vixen had been informed, was not a kind place. There were bad people. Bad people. People who took, people who killed. People who forced others to do bad, and people who didn't want others to do good. People that didn't listen, people that didn't work. So many bad people were out there. Like the swamp people, those were a bad people. Luckily for Noor, she was a desert people, and the desert people were good people. She was told so, and that was a fact she could live comfortably by.

Today, however, she felt that a change was in order. Being a good little girl? There wasn't anything more boring. The rules were all so limiting! No hitting your Mercede in the nose, no biting Sweeney's tail. She wasn't even allowed to pilfer Juno's toys, for Pete's sake! These totalitarian mandates utterly inhibited the child, who knew that she could be capable of so much more if only the adults treated her like a big kid.

Well, she had it with the rules. If living by the book was so boring, then perhaps she'd pursue another path. A path shrouded in wickedness, iniquity, pain, devilry, and sin. A path so nefarious, nobody would ever expect good from her again. And all of this was going to start this very day.

"Fuck!" the tyke cries, a word that was taught not to be used in any scenario whatsoever. "Shit!" she bellows, "Piss! Ass!" One or two slurs are thrown into the mix, too. At this point, she must be the most rotten person in the whole entire Pitt - maybe even the worst person to live here in all of history. And, for that, she was proud.

Re: clumsy + intro - fulzanin - 01-17-2020

decisions to decisions are made and not bought
When it came to morals, Astiar was unaware of them. He was unaware of many things. How the groups interacted was beyond him - and how groups were usually bound by region were equally so. He was aware of the swamp people being worse by even his standards. They chased him off of food, and then didn't even eat it. They bit him, and threw fire at Kydobi. The term 'bad' didn't exist in the cicada's mind. Words as a whole did not. Sometimes if there was a simple enough word, the tone would grant him some form of understanding. It was a coin toss in truth if the bug would understand. There were concepts, yes. Bare and simplistic concepts that blossomed from the simplistic mind of an insect that controlled a gargantuan body. Those concepts he could grasp. They had to be so simple, narrowed down to the most basic concept for his intelligence to comprehend. His awareness was miniscule. Such a simple mind couldn't understand many things, and so many things did not grasp his awareness.

What Astiar could grasp was noise. And, right now, there was someone being very very noisy. Shouting. He couldn't understand the words, or how vile they were. They were simply noise to him, noise that he could not understand. It attracted the attention of the dragon. He came over, strides stuttered from his injured leg and chest. Long and segmented tail was being dragged behind him. Slowly he craned his massive head down. New face, someone Astiar had not seen before. He chattered and buzzed. No disgust for the vile language that tumbled forth from the smaller creature before him. The only thing the dragon could convey consistently was being panicked, or being curious - and the latter was the current tone to his nonsensical noises. "SMALL NO FOOD," came the only words from the behemoth; a mental screech. No, he didn't understand, but he was curious. Small things were cute by the standards of many. Such even extended to the basic minded Astiar, who kept his head lowered and continued chittering away in a manner that almost could be considered to be awed. The vulgarity of the words went right over his head. Most things did. Instead he added on his own layer of noise, happy that someone else was being noisy even if he did not know the reason for the noise in the first place.

control yourself and take only what you need from it

TAGS 9/4/19:

Re: clumsy + intro - gael - 01-22-2020

Indifferent, the golden gaze that belonged to Gael -- known among the Pitt as a father who doted on his daughter.  The vulgar child shouting to the wind belonged to others.  However the Pitt viewed him, Gael offered no fondness for other children for he protected his own first and foremost.

A quick secession of words disapproved by others and Gael made a simple mental note.  He felt no biased dislike for Jervis' children -- he simply found most other children not worth his time.  He cared for Aine and set his mind and paws to other tasks.  In Noor's case, he deduced her behavior as signs of her becoming a potentially undesirable influence on others; Aine specifically, who he held standards for.

In his experience, the faerie observed children dismissive of reprehends; depending on the child individually, naturally.  Noor, Gael decided, would respond rebelliously.  The effort would be wasteful.  Instead, the vulpine inclined his head, darkened ears twitching -- the only outward sign of his immense discomfort for Astiar's new ability to barge his thoughts into others' heads.

Inky black paws settled to an absent halt.  "Has somethin' upset you?" He posed the question idly, eyes blinking absently.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: clumsy + intro - aine. - 01-25-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Stumbling over her paws, the petite vixen nearly ran into her father, as she seemed prone to do.  A dutiful duckling.  Her father always found something interesting though!  She giggled sheepishly and popped her head out from behind him, hazel hues locking curiously on a younger child.

Aine only barely understood the concept of infants sitting in a mother's womb.  But she understood well enough to know the younger foxes among the Pitt called Fourthwall and Jervis their parents.  Like her, they seemed doom to only know one living parent.  But she knew... Somewhat... Jervis' death came with justification.  Her mother's... Her mother had done nothing to anyone, only helped.  She still died in the flames.

Despite common ground, Aine, shy and uncertain, had yet to speak to any of the new children.  In fact she was unaccustomed with younger children entirely.  So she lingered behind her father, ears perked.  Besides, this child in particular... Spoke with intense volume, with strange words she didn't particularly enjoy.  Combined with Aslisk who she typically did not mind, Aine's head felt heavy.

"Salut," the child offered quietly, remaining where she stood, half-hidden by Gael.
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: clumsy + intro - CAUSTIC. - 01-25-2020

Caustic never associated himself with children, except when he had to. They were a duality to him- they were potential and untapped talent, perhaps genius he could take under his wing. They were annoying though, not in a gremlin Octane sort of way, but in pure irritation. His mother had tried to chastise sympathy from Caustic about children. Children were ignorant to death and science, but they were not worth Caustic's time.
He was not a teacher. Caustic was a scientist and a legend. His time was spent better in his lab, meticulously testing his formula, administering it in small dosages to watch his lab rats die. Each night, filling gas canisters and grenades with his toxic gas.
Caustic was not obsessed and validated by his fans like Octane was, and the occasional child came to him at press conferences and conventions for his autograph, or to sign their replica masks. Caustic, like the other legends, was just as much a marketing tool for the Apex Games as they were contestants.
Caustic was more popular among older women and the men that identified themselves with his antics- both fan bases Caustic didn't pay any attention to and some he thoroughly despised. Fans were distractions from work. He tolerated it, however, the Apex Games was the one place Caustic could test his experiments, without consequence, so he tolerated it.
He could hear the child's petulant cursing from his tree house, (Tree houses? So stupid.) He couldn't cancel out the noise, and it distracted Caustic long enough from a caged rabbit to draw his attention away. He would have to figure out his own hunting soon. His captures had be be food or test subject, but could not be both.
The wolf turned, walking out and looking down at the subjects. His expression hardened, gas leaking out of his nostrils and the corners of his mouth. Below, they were conversing, and Caustic counted them out in his head. Two foxes, they looked similar to each other- siblings, perhaps. The dragon that greeted him upon joining was there too, and Caustic knew little about them. His mind could draw assumptions but he wanted to study the strange dragon. Cutting it open would be exhilarating.
He took in a large breath as watched the subjects below, opening his mouth to speak- "Can you make that rat silence itself?" No. That was too rude. He needed them to tolerate him, lest they turn on him and try to attack him.
The vixens he could take, but the dragon and Kydobi? Data was inconclusive. He could certainly outwit the dragon, and probably everyone here. They didn't seem to be very smart.
He came down from his home, approaching the grouping, face hardened into a furrowed frown and gas leaking from the edges on his mouth.

"What is all this noise about? It's highly distracting."

Re: clumsy + intro - Mercede - 01-30-2020

diamonds are a girl’s bestfriend -

mercede f. callahan
the pitt
2 months

pronounced: (mur-say-dee)

female - marble cross fox (white, gray, black) - 2 months - Jervis x Fourthwall - no crush - no mentor

mental manipulation
call me your sweet baby —

If Mercede wasn’t off in someone else’s business she was preoccupied shoving her nose into one of her sisters.

Today that choice sister was Noor. What a surprise it would bring. Her sister would fling curses into the air shamelessly, much to Mercede’s disdain.

Ladies did not curse. This behavior was wild and reckless and frankly unattractive to the cotton ball child. Their family had a image to maintain! Or at least not quite an image. They were the best and they needed to act like it.

Noor!” Mercede called out in shock, “How dare you speak so awfully!”

This whole situation was nothing but dramatic and throwing in Mercede would only lead it farther away from reality. She was nothing if not one for these type of scenes. Often she liked to embellish them with theatrics and grand behaviors.

“We are not some foul mouthed fools!”, she squeaked with false anger. In reality she too desired to speak forbidden words. But she was a lady. A princess.

Royalty did not do such things


Re: clumsy + intro - trojan g. - 01-31-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 60%;text-align: justify;font-size: 8pt;"]Sweeney cared not for rules to follow when speaking to others, though she also wasn't a fan of obscenities being thrown out in the wind, care free and with no words surrounding them. She believed that the words should be spoken as flavor added to sentences, making them spicy and fun to think about, or simply more hurtful. Of course, the female wouldn't be using the words in all of her sentences though there would be an occurrence of the words here and there, scattered through her language. Although she wouldn't ever speak the words as much as her sister, Noor, she would speak them on the daily, so long as she spoke that day.

Where they learned this language from one would never know. Certainly not their father, that was for sure.

Padding over a small giggle would come from the oldest child, ears flicking once as she soon sat down next to Noor, nose wrinkling in the direction of Mercedes as she finally spoke, "Noor can say whatever the fuck she wants Mercedes, and there's nothing you can do about it. You're not the boss of us, so don't you dare try to be."

Re: clumsy + intro - toboggan - 02-03-2020

Attention. The focal goal of today's timetable. All of that profane hollering, all of those revolting slurs, they were done with the intention of garnering a crowd. No thespian could put on a show whilst lacking spectators. Because what was a performer without her audience? A pathetic fool, that's what. A pathetic fool Noor was not, however, for the fox's audience had finally made their appearance. Now the real fun could begin.

The child's citrine glare caught the monstrous form of Astiar as he encroached, the creature's vastness nearly causing her to gasp. That thing was almost as big as the tall trees in the rainforest! As soon as he came close, he did some mind-magic trick to speak, though his words made no sense at all. "You sure are big!" the tyke trills with enthusiasm, "And you sure are a big idiot, too!" Perhaps she'd be a bit nicer to the giant lizard next time, assuming that he learnt how to talk properly by then.

Next came a fox, one whose appearance strikingly resembled hers. Be that as it may, there were two significant aspects of him that created a rift between Noor and the stranger. First off, this guy was a grown-up, one with a deep voice and everything. Nevertheless, grown-ups sucked, and that fact alone made the Callahan wary of this one's presence. Secondly, there was a whimsical, magical aura about the male; an aura that felt colossally unnatural. Either it was in the dumb accent which he spoke, or it was simply a hunch she had about him. Regardless, this person was not a fox - he was a weirdo. "Get fucked, asshole!" she blurts, before noticing the child standing abaft the weirdo, to whom she then wails, "You too, asshole! Get fucked!"

Another stranger waltzes into the fray. A wolf. "You know what you are, Wolf?" Noor challenges, "you're a big fat-" (the last word of her insult had to be redacted on account of the fact that it was a word so absolutely horrid, to write it down would be a crime itself). Unbeknownst to the vixen, two of her siblings had made respective appearances in the midst of her tirade. As she finishes up her ungodly insult towards the canine, Noor swings her head around and scans the area in the hopes of spotting any new arrivals. When her line of vision falls upon Mercede and Sweeney, a demented grin sprouts across her face.

Mercede acquired a chance to speak before the true performer could say anything to her. And that chance was completely wasted. She could have said something totally cool, something totally neat - but instead, she decided to speak like an adult and tell her how she should be acting. "Shut up, bitch." She then faces Sweeney, who was making an effort to quell Mercede's idiocy. Smart move. "Sweeney," Noor says, in a rare, down-to-earth tone, "you and me are the only ones here that aren't fuckheads. Everyone else sucks dick."

Re: clumsy + intro - aine. - 02-03-2020

I'll come back when you call me
The room for feeling insulted was overcrowded by simple confusion.  A blink of her eyes.  Then another.  She doesn't like how loud and mean the words sound.  She doesn't like that this fox looks more like her father than she did.  Although, she knew it just meant she looked like her mother with her father's eyes... She didn't have her mother.  She doesn't like... Not liking someone so quickly.  The sensation is uncomfortable and awkward and Aine finds herself at a loss.  Unhappy.

She doesn't answer to the words because she doesn't like them.  She isn't sure what marks a good reply anyway.

She had thought maybe more children meant more friends, but she wasn't so sure.  Frowning, Aine paws at her father's leg lightly.  The petite vixen figures anything is better than the mean words the younger fox was using.  Maybe they could go check on her garden.  Or go read.  And while they did that, she could ask what the words even meant.
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: clumsy + intro - gael - 02-04-2020

I see.  The vulpine barely blinked, finding his attention swiftly turning towards his daughter.  A frown quickly marred his otherwise neutral expression.  Influence concerned him less than the simple discomfort in Aine's confused eyes.

Noor's foul language failed to compare against the simple concern of his daughter's happiness -- nor did it impress or dismay him particularly.  Since Aine bore only signs of a desire to leave, he decided he should possess no concerns of potential 'influence' from Noor -- none his daughter would not resist from basis of her more polite nature.

"If you are done," or even if you are not, "I have work to attend to." A number of tasks bore more productivity than listening to the child yell insults and spit curses. 

"A ligean ar dul," he murmured simply as he turned back to Aine, already nudging her the other direction and towards the jungle, where her garden lay.  Perhaps the day held room for a lesson or two, as well.

// out! ^^'
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby