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chasing into the spring breeze - invite - Printable Version

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chasing into the spring breeze - invite - fulzanin - 01-16-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
Had she ever, in her entire life, extended an invite to someone before? No. Never. Invitations were for those with actual social and diplomacy skills. Aslisk barely had correct social skills, and her methods of diplomacy were closely linked to her methods of violence. But, she was regent, she was second in command, it had to be expected of her to deal with external affairs. No knowledge of the subject. Apparently gifts were usually accompanying invites, or so she had heard when she'd demanded answers of a random member of the Halls. So, with her, the wyvern had dragged some prey with her. It wasn't anything spectacular, a young adult fawn, but it was fresh prey nonetheless - and certainly caught prior to arriving at the Pitt's territory. The wyvern landed upon the border, or at least where she figured the border to be. Her webbed ears were raised, and attention prepared for whomever would be the first to arrive and question her presence.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: chasing into the spring breeze - invite - gael - 01-17-2020

Paws dipped in the ink of his mixed fur trotted forward, darkened ears perked curiously at the sight of a stranger waiting on the border.  One he failed to recognize but Gael knew the scent of the Halls of Hiraeth, at the very least.

Tension he may have felt melted away at the reassurance of unlikely aggression.  She may not have directly accompanied him but Gael often expected Aine to pop up and he loathed danger coming her way.  The Halls of Hiraeth ran under the command of Redvox, whom stood among those he trusted to care for his daughter.

His hazel eyes glinted gold as he studied the wyvern, fresh prey at her side as a likely gift -- an unusual gift, but a gift nonetheless he suspected.  Diplomacy came naturally enough to the vulpine, due to a formal upbringing, though Gael would never refer to himself as friendly; simply polite to his allies and neutrals.

"What can I help you with?" He inquired lightly.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: chasing into the spring breeze - invite - fulzanin - 01-21-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
Catching prey wasn't the hardest feat for Aslisk to accomplish. Really, it paled in comparison to the diplomatic demeanor she was going to have to present soon. Back home she was just the 'keep people in line' person. Now? Now she wasn't of that category despite the rank almost being the same in many different aspects. Strange world. Strange world that was foreign and still made Aslisk's head spin to try and comprehend. Her tail swung behind her in a form of working out a brief surge of nerves. It'd be gone shortly, buried forcefully. "I'm Aslisk, regent of the Halls of Hiraeth. We're doing a festival for.. of some sort, back home. The Pitt's invited to attend. I've also brought this thing here, it's food. A gift. I guess." Aslisk answered. She used a wing to nudge the fair sized article of prey forward, talons curling to keep herself from tumbling over due to the disturbed center of gravity. "Elysium's being invited too." The wyvern added after a brief pause, remembering why Redvox hadn't been the one to extend this invite. Honestly, the regent was just waiting for one of those dinky events to end with an all out brawl, and she'd laugh. Now wasn't the time for such 'atrocious' thoughts, and so she saved them for later. "Not sure what exactly the events are, but they're probably... along the lines of fun."

//link to the festival hub!

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: chasing into the spring breeze - invite - aine. - 01-21-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Another invite from the Halls?  The Halls?  The petite vixen could have squealed in excitement.  If a loud noise like that even existed within her.  Beaming with the full force of the sun, Aine practically barreled into her father, to shyly look up from him, to Aslisk, to him.  Hazel hues lit up, the thrilled plea already budding inside them.

"Are we gonna go, da?  Le do thoil?" She rocked on her paws, almost bouncing, eyes flashing back up to Aslisk once again.  Curious.  Still excited.  "How is Mr. Vinny?  An'... Wh-... What's the um... Difference between a festival an' dance?" Whatever it was, a festival sounded just as fun.
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: chasing into the spring breeze - invite - gael - 01-21-2020

His sharp eyes lingered on the wyvern as she spoke, thoughtful.  The Halls' regent -- a higher rank, clearly, albeit one he saw unfortunately pushing someone out of their comfort zone.  The faerie hardly believed Aslisk to be a common diplomat, but worse had come across him before.

Before his mouth parted to offer words in return, a small weight nearly disrupted his balance.  A small weight who could only be Aine, her soft voice ringing with excitement and multiple questions already.  He felt his ear twitch as eyes softened, although he kept his steady gaze on Aslisk.

"I do not believe I 'ave the authority to formally accept your invitation," the faerie stated, slowly more for his daughter's ears.  "But I am sure Kydobi will see no harm in a festival an' I look forward to attending."
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: chasing into the spring breeze - invite - Kydobi - 01-24-2020


[OOC: ]

Although he had yet to be seen, the brute had been listening. Curious to see how Gael handled this. Needless to say he was not disappointed, Gael had always been someone Kydobi felt he could rely on.

Of course, Aslisk was not an unwelcome guest. A member of the hall was a friend to the Pitt, considering their leader was once such. Despite what others may think, there was no ill will towards Redvox for creating his own path separate from the Pitt. Perhaps there was jealousy from those who could not do the same and instead found themselves forever caught in the webs of The Pitt.

Kydobi would subtlety make his appearance with his usual soft smile and dip of the head, No I would not kind at all. All Pittians are free to attend if they wish.”

His eyes looked to the gift and he would smile once more, “Thank you. May i get a name? I’m Kydobi.”


Re: chasing into the spring breeze - invite - fulzanin - 01-28-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
Perhaps the only thing that could really warm her heart were young persons. She had kids of her own, back home. Not the Halls, but her actual home. Aslisk missed the two dearly, and wanted nothing more than to return to them and hold them close. The childish demeanor was similar, but different all the same. Aslisk was glad that she had enough experience to keep everything neatly tied down. She certainly didn't need to get a bout of homesickness while doing some task assigned by her leader. The language that came was not one that she recognized. Briefly the wyvern had tried to see if it was close to any of the languages that she knew. Alas, Aslisk drew a blank. Context clues didn't help either, because she'd already forgotten the exact words that had been said: such was the nature of the faults of the short term memory. The other was asking about Redvox. Her webbed ears flicked, and a snort came from her. "He's fine. Probably cold, but we all are. A dance is usually a short get together with music, a festival is larger and longer." Short and simple was the answer that Aslisk provided. Then the other person, the adult present, began to speak again. Another twitch of an ear, signifying that she was listening.

Aslisk had been about to give a reply, but was interrupted by another person. The leader, apparently - ardent, she remembered from her time spent with the Pitt in her earliest days of living in this strange land. Aslisk remembered the term, and it brought annoyance to her mind. Why couldn't all the groups pick one title and just stick with it? The different terms were just another layer of memorization, and that was her nemesis. Despite a small amount of brewing annoyance, he provided confirmation that anyone could go. That meant that she'd accomplished what she came here to do. Good. "Aslisk. You're the new leader, I'm assuming?" A pause broke into her words. It allotted time for her face to briefly scrunch up, turning it over in her mind. Yes, she thought she remembered a different person being in charge. This one must be new. What should she say? On the spot, she couldn't think of anything elaborate or fancy. "Congratulations." Diplomacy certainly was no strong suit of hers, but she managed such in a decent manner. She knew enough to not say something stupid - hopefully - and turn a festival invite into a fight of some sort. That would have been not good, the wyvern internally mused.

TAGS 11/19/19: