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IS THAT BEYONCE ☆ invitation + offer - Printable Version

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IS THAT BEYONCE ☆ invitation + offer - redvox. - 01-16-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
It really didn't seem like that long since Vinny had last been within the territory of Elysium with an invitation, the last one being to their holiday dance. However, this one was a bit different, since not only did he have gifts and an invitation with him, he also had an important offer with him as well. Holding onto his large basket of various fruits and pretty flowers, the hybrid trotted up to the main border, glad that he was a little bit more resistant to the cold than he had been due to it snowing within their territory. Placing the basket down on the ground, Vin decided to be a little bit more straightforward this time, considering the fact that he didn't have much time to spare before he needed to get back home to set up for the actual event. Clearing his throat, he called out calmly and loudly, hoping there was at least someone around to hear him, and he wasn't just blabbering to himself, "Hello, Elysium! I'm Redvox, th'leader of the Halls of Hiraeth! I'd like t'speak to your leader, Warringkingdoms! Not only do I 'ave gifts and an invitation for you folks, but I also 'ave an offer to present to 'er, because th'Halls would be very interested in bein' allies." It was a good thing he hadn't just left it at an offer, considering the type of offers Elysium had been getting lately usually had something to do with sacrificing their leader.

Re: IS THAT BEYONCE ☆ invitation + offer - Warringkingdoms - 01-17-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin had meant to attend the holiday dance that the Halls had hosted, but a lot had happened shortly after accepting the invite. She suspected not many other Elysites had attended, given the drama going on within their borders that didn't leave much room for frivolity. Still, they would have opportunities to interact with the Halls in the future.

  So it seemed, here was one now. As Rin approached Redvox, she dipped her head in greeting. The wide variety of fruits and other flora he had with him would be welcome, she was certain of that, and he spoke of an invitation as well. So long as the event was in the next few days, she figured that attending it herself would dissuade the Captain from attacking the coast out of the blue, if he decided to renege on the deadline he'd given her.

  Redvox also had an offer, the mention of which caused her to blink- until he clarified that he was interested in them being allies. With a soft exhale, Rin nodded. Allying with the young upstarts would be beneficial for both sides, and in case the Halls ever got too friendly with the Pitt, being allies would allow her to keep tabs on them. Still, Elysium would probably want to talk about this first, and she had no reason to rush into this without consulting them.

  "I'm open to the idea of an alliance, but I'll need to speak with the rest of the group," she answered after a moment, tugging at her scarf. "I've been meaning to call an assembly this week. At the assembly, I'll open it up for discussion." Glancing briefly at the basket, then at Redvox, she added, "Whatever our decision, I'll send someone to your territory to let you know." Most likely, that someone would be herself, but perhaps someone else would volunteer.

  Twitching her tail, Rin said, "Either way, thank you for the gifts, and for the invitation. What sort of event are you hosting?"

Re: IS THAT BEYONCE ☆ invitation + offer - redvox. - 01-17-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
The magna's response to his offer was... genuinely understandable. After all, he had opened up the discussion of who their allies and enemies should be to the entirety of his group just a few days ago, and he could definitely see where Rin was coming from. As she padded over, he dipped his head in greeting before pushing the basket forward, just to make it clear that the gifts were for them. Once his mouth was no longer blocked by a basket of various items, he offered Rin a smile, saying calmly as he shifted upon his wings, "Don't worry, I understand. I'll be waitin' with bated breath t'see what you guys say. Either way, you're definitely welcome to our event. Th'Pitt is invited as well, but only because they behaved so well at our dance, 'n' I didn't wanna leave out a couple of my old friends. Anyways, th'event in question is a festival! Th'festival of Bertille, t'be more exact. Every year in January, we throw a festival to honor all our different light gods. You and any of th'others can choose t'come on whatever day y'want, since it goes on all week, and we have different events each day... I 'ope that was simple enough to understand?" He offered Rin an awkward little smile, his head tilting to one side. It was a little bit hard to describe the festival in full, but he knew the Elysites would have fun.

( The Festival Hub can be found here! )

Re: IS THAT BEYONCE ☆ invitation + offer - candorosa - 01-23-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Oh, gifts? Were they being bribed?

Lemy approached the duo, blank blue eyes peering at the basket. After a few seconds, he switched his gaze to the...bat-goat? He blinked...Man, that guy's parents must have been down for some freaky stuff. The scent was unfamiliar, though Rin seemed to know the man even if Lemy didn't.

He was saying something, who knew what. Lemy watched the hybrid with a polite smile, trying to make sense of the words coming out of his mouth. He failed, just like he'd been failing in all of his past attempts. (Had Lemy been able to understand Redvox, he would have been extremely alarmed at the mere thought of attending a festival meant to honor gods. He wanted nothing to do with that sort of thing--Pluto had thoroughly soured the idea for him.) But man, what was he saying that was taking so long? Was he meeting a fellow rambler?

Lemy waited until he had finished speaking to spew his words. "Wooow! Thanks for the flowers, dunno what you just said but they're suuuper pretty! How'd ya get them in winter time? Ya farmers? Or do flowers just grow where ya live? Huh, huh?" He made a poking motion at Redvox. "Oh! It's our first time meeting, isn't it? Sorry! Name's Lemy! What! About! You! Mister! Goat! Man!?" Each exclamation was delivered like a punch to the gut.

And if the guy was here on important business? Oops, sucked for him. Lemy just wanted to have some fun.

Re: IS THAT BEYONCE ☆ invitation + offer - Cosmic - 01-23-2020

As much as Mercer wanted to tell Lemy to shut the hell up because of how annoying he was, Valerian wouldn’t let him. The white feline silently as ever approached the three creatures, giving a nod to each, a vague twitch of his eye the only sign that something was going on inside of his head. As if he was fighting something... or someone.

Re: IS THAT BEYONCE ☆ invitation + offer - redvox. - 01-24-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Redvox couldn't help the startled feeling that ran through him when Lemy began speaking. He had noticed the other approach the group curiously, and had even noticed the way that the other's eyes had dragged over his hybrid form – evidently confused as to how that happened. However, he had figured that the guy wasn't planning on speaking. Boy, he was pretty sure he had never been more wrong in his life. All of a sudden, Lemy went spewing words out at him so quickly his ears briefly pinned down against his head, green eyes widening. He braced himself, however, reminding himself that this was just a diplomatic little visit with gifts and an invitation. There was no need to get all defensive or startled, Lemy was just... curious. Taking a deep breath inward, Vinny spared a glance at Rin for a moment, as well as a nod to Mercer, another seemingly silent observer that had approached, who seemed a little bit... off. Once he was sure nobody else was desperately vying for his attention, the harbinger looked at Lemy, speaking evenly, "Uh... you're welcome. Th'Halls aren't farmers or anythin' like that. We just live in a really lush area of forest. We've still got a couple'a flowers pokin' their way outta the snow..." Vin found himself jumping a little when Lemy punctuated every word with an exclamation, a soft breath leaving him through his teeth in an effort to calm down, "M... My name's Redvox. Redvox Abramo. Most just call me Vinny, though..." He, of course, had no idea of Lemy's utter lack of hearing. Sure, the other had mentioned he hadn't heard Vin's earlier words, but the hybrid had just assumed that had been because he was a bit too far away.

Re: IS THAT BEYONCE ☆ invitation + offer - Warringkingdoms - 01-25-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]So the Pitt would be invited to the event as well... Redvox's reasoning made sense, and Rin figured that seeing the Pittians again would allow her to evaluate how much of a threat they were now, but she had to admit she was still wary.

  Far more concerning, however, was the idea that this festival celebrated gods. Light gods, he said, which led her to think that they weren't affiliated with the gods that were attacking her and the rest of Elysium, but... it was possible that the pantheons shared a deity or two. Their aggressors had described themselves as "fallen," and the fact that they were possible to kill (when they hadn't been before the dimension shift) suggested that they were telling the truth about that- so they probably wouldn't be part of the Halls' pantheon, but nonetheless she needed to make a note of that.

  As Lemy approached and spoke to Redvox, Rin glanced down at her paws, thinking. If she attended the festival herself, she could figure out what the deal was with this "Bertille," and the rest of their pantheon. From there, the threat could be assessed, and with that information she and Elysium could make their decisions. Offering Valerian a nod as he arrived, she then turned back to Redvox as he explained himself. After he finished, she shook her head and said, "Lemy's been dealing with hearing loss since an incident we had a few weeks ago. He can't hear anything you say."

  With a sigh, she continued, "I'll bring up the festival at the meeting, as well. I don't know if anyone else will want to go, for a couple of reasons, but I plan on attending myself." She nodded in acknowledgement. "Thank you for coming by and bringing gifts. Do you need anything else before you leave?"