Beasts of Beyond
INFATUATION MEANS EVACUATION ☆ spear fishing - Printable Version

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INFATUATION MEANS EVACUATION ☆ spear fishing - dallas. - 01-15-2020

Spearfishing. Fucking spearfishing? Dallas wasn't sure where the hell Miller had pulled this task from, but he hadn't been happy when he had heard it. Not only was he shit at hunting or fishing of any kind, but the canine had never even attempted spearfishing ever before. Still, it wasn't as if it was the most complex thing in the world, so he could get a handle on it. Or rather, he had to get a handle on it. It wasn't as if he could just not do the task. So, the canine had set out to gather the supplies that Miller had suggested, scouring the junkyard while trying his damnedest not to tear up at the unpleasant smells that came with it. Thankfully for him, before long he was able to find an old, sharp, rusted hook, which seemed to be large enough to serve as a pretty good sharp end of the spear. Through a bit more scouring, Dallas was also able to find what looked to have once been part of a walking stick to serve as the handle. After a little bit more searching – this time around the significantly less stinky town – Dal was able to find the last part he needed, a bit of twine to tie it all together. Sure, when it was done, Dallas's spear didn't look like the most high end or high tech thing in the world, but it was functional, and that was all it needed to be. Confident he could at least attempt to catch something now, the canine grasped the spear up in his mouth, and trotted off towards the docks Miller had suggested.

When he arrived, Dallas tried his best to remember what he had heard before about hunting fish. You didn't want to lean forward too much, since if your shadow was over the water, it would spook the fish. You also needed to be quiet, and very, very patient. All of these things were directly against how Dal was as a person, but he really didn't want a repeat of that whole hunting incident, so he was going to legitimately try this time. Perching himself at the edge of the dock, Dal looked on from above, grateful that he was somewhat able to make out the shapes of fish in the murky water. He made especially sure to angle his shadow away from the water, and settled in, clenching the spear tightly between his paws as he got comfortable. It might be a while before something got close. Before long, Dal began to feel border with the position, digging his claws absently in and out of the handle of the spear as he waited for a fish to get close enough. As his eyelids began to droop, he heavily considered just saying fuck it to the entire thing, but then... a large fish got in close. Before he could process what he was doing, the famine shot forward, slamming the spear down on the creature below. And... he was actually successful. A grin split over his muzzle as he lifted the spear up, seeing a very large green scaled fish skewered on the hook, still faintly twitching. His side was absolutely fucking killing him from darting forward like that, but he still found himself mumbling, "Hell yeah. Take that, you fuckin' fish."

Re: INFATUATION MEANS EVACUATION ☆ spear fishing - toboggan - 01-16-2020

In order to keep his stomach full, Leroy scrounged up just about anything digestible that could fit on a plate. The variety of what the canine ate used to be much broader, but immediately upon possessing this form, he discovered that his new taste buds were attuned to finer foods. Fresh prey appealed not to him, nor did expired rations. Such was the cuisine of peasants, and he was no peasant. Rather than the aforementioned gut-churning foodstuffs, the general found himself indulging in tinned anchovies, canned mackerel (of the smoked variation), and conserved tuna. A lot of fish, one may add, and far more than he'd ever consumed to this point. Why fish specifically over the other canned goods his pantry possessed? Hell, Leroy couldn't tell you. Maybe it had to do with the velvety texture of the meat, or perhaps the rich flavour. Their highness in riboflavin and omega-3 acids did wonders for his health as well, and- oh god, he was turning into a toff, wasn't he? Since when did he ever care this much about food?

Whatever. At least the fish he ate wasn't swimming in Tanglewood's repugnant waterways. The rivers, streams, and brooks were all contaminated by the radiation that ran rampant in the crater and its surrounding areas. If the tribe's land flora and fauna exhibited cases of grisly mutations in the past, then chances are the same went for the shit living neath the waves. The wolfhound's insides went fell weak at the very thought of sinking his teeth into a fish freshly caught within the territory. He succumbed to cancer once before, and frankly, he did not plan to do so again.

"I swear," he mouths, coming up to the individual who fished upon the docks, "Miller shouldn'ta given ya that task." Though he had yet to personally meet this male, Leroy was told a list of tasks provided by Miller and the corresponding names that would carry them out. As far as he recalled, spearfishing was supposed to be handled by someone named after an American city. Houston or Dallas or whatever. "Good job on catchin' that fish," he half-earnestly lauds, looking over the shepherd's catch, "dunno if it's edible, though, knowin' the area and it's tendency to majorly fuck up the wildlife." It was quite the sizable fucker, too, which made it a shame on the case of it not being eatable. Leroy wasn't an expert on the matter, though, so the chance of it not possessing radioactive properties still existed.

Re: INFATUATION MEANS EVACUATION ☆ spear fishing - charactercemetary. - 01-16-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
"Is there no way to find out?" Came the voice of Kaito, who had just appeared from... the murky water. He slowly and dramatically walks out of the water, and onto the shore. He shakes himself up, conjuring his own bucket of clean water and dumping it on himself, and then shakes out like a dog. He offers a smile and walks over, as if what he did wasn't the weirdest thing ever. He might get sick, but oh well, it was not the first time something of that nature happened.

He heard of the radiation plaguing this place - a new Chernobyl, he heard it once called. At first, the risks with being here made him want to stay away. If he got cancer, then Kid got cancer, and it'd be easy to pinpoint who he was. However, the people had a sort of alluring charm to them. A home for misfits, caring about themselves, and all sorts of backgrounds. It reminded him of Ekoda, so he stayed.

Once out of this thought, the Turkish Angora gracefully walks over, before hopping on the docks and staring down at the scaly creature Dallas caught. Ugh... fish. It had to be fish? Oh, he managed to make his own spear, too, though. "Though, I agree with him," Kaito jams a paw back, pointing to the wolfhound casually. "Nice work, especially for being injured."

That's when he loses his cool, eyes going wide as he catches sight of the possibly irradiated being's eyes. He nearly jumps out of skin, "D-damn fish! Good job!" He yells, bolting off, to the end of the dock, where he didn't have to see such an accursed creature.

Re: INFATUATION MEANS EVACUATION ☆ spear fishing - THEM - 01-17-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]Honestly, he could've given Dallas any old job. Take out the trash at the tavern, paint someone's fence, whatever. But when somebody demanded that he take it easy on them, limitations be damned, he would make them regret asking for leniency. He wanted to see Tanglewood work, if only so they could still function when somebody threw a wrench into the system - any obstacles would be overcome by a team that knew its strengths and improved its weaknesses continuously, utilizing the best members for the job. They wouldn't ask what they should do to solve a problem, because they'd already have an answer at the ready.

Of course, spearfishing wasn't much of a tactical skill. He was just feeling a little pissy, that day.

"You're doing well." Rare praise, but genuine enough by the looks of it - Kaz peers over the edge of the dock, watching a few catfish scatter under the sight of his shadow. He hadn't attempted fishing in a long time. Things were different, back at home, and it had been a useful skill to keep his family fed and healthy. Now it was more of a hobby, something he didn't have enough room in his self-made schedule to bother practicing. Better to see someone else pick up a new trade and give them something to do with their free time. "Try not to stretch your wound too much - stand on the opposite side of the dock, where there's already a shadow cast. You're less likely to stand out against the surface of the water, so you can keep better watch, and won't have to lunge as far to get to them."

Kaito has... A poor reaction to Dallas' first catch, but he'd seen people act squeamish around far less. He'll give the guy a break, this time - catfish weren't exactly pretty to look at, less so impaled on a spear.

Re: INFATUATION MEANS EVACUATION ☆ spear fishing - dallas. - 01-17-2020

Dallas honestly didn't expect much fuss over him just spearfishing. He especially didn't expect so much fuss that the damn leader of the group he was living in came over. Hell, Dal hadn't even met the guy yet, and he found himself freezing a little when the wolfhound approached. Thankfully, he managed to recover quickly, listening to what Leroy had to say. The area and its tendency to fuck up the wildlife? Damn it, he had went through all this trouble to catch a fish like he had been told, and now it was possible they couldn't even eat it? The shepherd found himself nearly pouting, looking over only when Kaito emerged from the water. He blinked slowly at the feline, slightly stunned by his sudden appearance from the very water he had been fishing in... he supposed it was lucky that he didn't spear through the poor guy's head. A sigh leaving his lungs, the canine nodded before barking, trying to keep the grumble out of his voice, "I didn't realize... 'bout th'fish, I mean. I dunno if there's some way ta tell if they're good're not. Not exactly an expert on fuckin'... whatever this place has goin' on. Th-Thanks for th'good jobs, though..." Dallas found himself looking away a little bit awkwardly, shifting the spear between his paws. He definitely wasn't really used to praise, and to get it from Leroy? That was certainly nice. Coughing a little, he continued, "Er, you, big guy... you're th'big man in charge 'round 'ere, right? I dont think we've met... m'Dallas." That was... about as polite as a greeting you'd be able to get out of the boy.

After that little moment, Dallas prepared to wrench the fish off of the spear to catch another one... only for Kaito to jump back in what could only be described as horror. Dal found himself raising an eyebrow as Kaito rushed down to the other end of the dock, a soft snort leaving him. He refocused on his task, and was just done dropping the catfish down to the dock when Miller approached. Looking up, the canine felt a faint bit of heat on his face, beneath his fur. More praise, great. Taking a deep breath, he mumbled as he listened to what Miller had to say, moving over to the position the older male had indicated, "Opposite side... yeah, alright. Uh, did y'know that these fish are all irradiated 'n' shit? Or do ya have some kinda method t'figure out which ones won't melt our insides?" He didn't really sound annoyed at the task that Miller had given him, just genuinely curious over whether or not Miller had understood the risks involved. For the most part, he was ignoring comments about his injury, trying not to focus on it and let the pain get worse. It was healing, but to say that this wasn't exacerbating it? Well, that would've been a lie.

Re: INFATUATION MEANS EVACUATION ☆ spear fishing - Vathmos - 01-17-2020

Vathmos would normally be asleep at this time, but the loss of her bed had left her restless the last few days. She had resorted to sleeping on her couch with a blanket until she made a new one, but light came into that room much easier and woke her up earlier. Nevertheless, she was following her routine. She had already hunted for herself yesterday, so today she was hunting for Tanglewood. So far, she had been successful, a raccoon hanging limp in her jaws.
She was trotting back to camp when she heard the chatter, and could pick out Dallas' voice. Ugh. She should just keep going. Her ears perked to list. Hm? They were talking about food? Okay. She'd bite. The hyena turned, approaching them and appearing from the trees. Her eyes locked on the tool near Dallas, causing her brow to furrow and head to tilt. What was that? He used it to... catch a fish?
Weird. Fish weren't worth the effort. Better someone else to do it, she supposed. Vathmos set her raccoon down on a tree root, making sure it stayed in place before moving any closer.
"The fish?" Her eyes glanced over it. "Looks fine to me. I'll eat it if no one wants it." Food safety wasn't a major concern for her. Vathmos lived in ignorance of the effects of the radiation. The meat was fresh, so it was good.