Beasts of Beyond
IC GAME: MURDER - Printable Version

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IC GAME: MURDER - Warringkingdoms - 01-14-2020

[font=trebuchet ms]Overnight, a curious game had taken shape.

Two pieces of paper were posted- one on a bulletin board within the sea town, the other on the walls of the mountain camp. The papers were identical, each containing a list of instructions and space for participants to mark down their names.


A classic game of assassination, with a twist.

Each person who signs up will be secretly assigned one of the other players as their target. As part of the game, you must "kill" your target by splatting them on the neck with paint. You are welcome to choose any color of paint you like, but please do not choose any color that could be easily mistaken for blood (dark reds in particular). Targets may not be splatted in their own room, but any other location is fair game.

If you are splatted, you may not tell anyone who splatted you. You must tell your "killer" who your target was; your former target will become their next target.

At any time, the remaining players can decide to host a trial, to determine who splatted the most recent victim. If a majority votes one player guilty, that player is "executed" and will be publicly splatted by the referee. Whoever had that player as a target will be given the player's former target. Splatted and executed players may not speak or vote in trials- remember, dead creatures tell no tales.

The last player left standing wins. Good luck, keep your secrets close to your chest, and stay alive!

Sign up here:

Re: IC GAME: MURDER - candorosa - 01-22-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Well, this was interesting. Lemy eyed the paper, rereading the message a second time. The game seemed fun. He could admit that at least. Participating would be difficult given his current condition but fuck it, right? Maybe winning would alleviate his nasty mood. And it'd give him an excuse to brain some people, even if it'd be with paint and not or something. He rummaged for his beat-up pencil and jotted his name down on the line in neat cursive.

Re: IC GAME: MURDER - Mistrim - 01-24-2020

It had been a little while since Mistrim had done anything fun. After the Ferryman‘s attack, Mistrim had...withdrawn to say the least. She felt like now was as good as ever to get back in with everyone. of murder seemed like an opportune moment to do so. She wrote her name down with surprisingly neat handwriting. She honestly didn’t know what the reactions of the Elysites would be to her signing up but it might be a fun surprise for whoever sees her name up there...not to mention it seems Lemy had already signed up.

Re: IC GAME: MURDER - Tena M. - 01-25-2020

[div style="width: 75px; height: 75px; background-image: url(; background-size: 290%; background-position: 75% 25%; border-radius: 100%; padding: 5px; float: left; margin: 0px; margin-right: 1px;"]
Tena Moonspinner
Thank the mother she only had to write her name.  Along a few others words, it was all she could manage.  Reading too.  Her sharp blue hues blazing with deep concentration until she finally had to mutter the request to read it aloud to a nearby NPC.  A game then.  That sounded fine and Tena had always been competitive.

She borrowed a pen and painstakingly wrote her name on the next empty line, fairly certain who the only two names belonged to but not willing to push her luck with her mediocre reading skills.
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: IC GAME: MURDER - nemhain. - 01-25-2020

A game, huh? Games were not entirely unknown to Nemhain, since obviously she knew of them through Rin's knowledge, but she had never actually experienced one firsthand herself. It wasn't as if shadows or personas played a lot, and she'd never had any sort of fun and cheerful childhood that would involve any sort of games such as this. Because of this, Nemhain considered not signing up, not wanting to bring things down thanks to her own inexperience. However, something told her Rin wouldn't approve of such an action, so she found herself stalking over and writing her name down anyways. It was a little bit awkward, given that she was writing with talons, but she managed well enough.