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the blood, it draws them in // p, maes - Printable Version

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the blood, it draws them in // p, maes - ↝ remy ↜ - 05-04-2018

Remy wasn't sure they liked living in a group like this. It took a lot more effort than they'd expected to really get to know their group mates, and after 17 years of socialising maybe once a month, Remy's social skills weren't the greatest. They hadn't really noticed it before, and even if they had, they wouldn't have cared, but now that they were trying to wiggle their way into this group, it seemed to hinder their progress greatly.

As they slithered along on the ground, hidden in between stalks of tall grasses and many flowers, they contemplated what joining this group really meant. They were a bit tied to it, weren't they? Where they had once wandered wherever they pleased without a concern of who would miss them or what duties they were shirking, they now had to think about those things. Of course, they hadn't made any close friends yet, but they didn't think they could just up and leave like that.

Even if they could, Remy really didn't want to. This group seemed accepting and kind, and Starry had made it clear they were to be peaceful as long as they could. Remy knew others took that as a sign of weakness but they thought it made this group stronger than the war bound ones; it was very hard to remain kind in a world such as this one.

As they thought, they continued on until they bumped into something abruptly. The large boa paused and slowly raised themselves up taller to inspect whatever they'd ran into. If they had eyelids, they'd be blinking owlishly at whoever or whatever had blocked them.

Oh, it appeared to be someone from their group. How convenient, perhaps they could make a new friend. "Hello there. Enjoying the flowers?"

[member=462]MAES HUGHES[/member]


Re: the blood, it draws them in // p, maes - guts - 05-04-2018

Maes wasn't sure how to feel about being in a group, either. Really, he wasn't sure how to feel about any of this, being a former human and what not. It was strange, supposedly dying and then waking up as a canine. Having Roy there with him definitely made things easier, but it was still hard. He couldn't help thinking about all they had left behind. Still, in the hopes of a good life here, he tried not to think about his family.

Of course, it was a lot easier said than done. He did everything he could to distract himself, focusing on trivial things and activities to keep his mind away from sad topics. He had always been the optimistic type--but that was being tested each time a new day started. With every rise of the sun, his paws felt heavier and heavier, like they were gradually being filled with lead. He still managed to put on a brave face, though.

Today, though, had been especially hard. The lab trudged about the observatory, trying his best to keep up his cheerful facade, and failing. Wanting to take a break, he sought out the fields for refuge. It was a lot nicer out now, as the days were gradually getting warmer with the beginning of spring. He sits out among the tall grass and closes his eyes, feeling the wind as it ruffles his fur, chin pointed up towards the sky.

The peaceful atmosphere is cut short, though, as something bumps into him. He turns around to see what it was, caught off guard to see a snake there behind him, peering up at him with slit pupils. "Oh! Hello. I didn't see you there," he says, shifting so he was facing him. He felt bad since this was probably another member and he had never seen him around before. "Yes, I was. They're quite nice, especially around this time of year."

He turns to look down at the snake, giving him a friendly grin. "I'm Maes Hughes, by the way. And you are?"


Re: the blood, it draws them in // p, maes - ↝ remy ↜ - 05-05-2018

Remy couldn't imagine being a human. Of course, it'd be nice to be able to actually pick things up and, you know, run, but after all this time they'd gotten used to living with no limbs. It was a scary thought, being a human; what if they ended up thinking they deserved to own animals who had lives of their owns? What if it all got to their head, and they thought themselves better than other creatures? Remy was just glad they weren't a human, even if they did end up being something that was practically useless.

After all this time doing nothing but travelling, Remy found being sedentary was.. Boring. Even with all the people here, there wasn't much to do unless you were going out of your way to speak with them. Of course, Remy didn't like doing that, because they were possibly one of the laziest boas on the planet.

The dog infront of them didn't seem to be busy, so that was nice. Remy must have interrupted his relaxation or something like that, not that they really cared. He didn't seem bothered by them, so it didn't matter if they had interrupted. "That's alright. This time of year? Have you been here for more than just one year, then?"

Remy moved forward and slowly moved in a tight circle over and over until they were a big pile of scales and muscles. Their head hovered a bit above one coil, pupils trained on Maes. "I'm Remy, I just recently joined this group. It's nice to meet you, Maes."


Re: the blood, it draws them in // p, maes - guts - 05-05-2018

Maes had never really thought of humans in such a light--probably because he was often busy with other, more pressing matters. But he tried not to think about that. Instead, he focused on Remy, not wanting it to seem like he was ignoring him. Plus another friend would probably do him some good. "Oh, not at all. Just an educated guess," he chuckles a bit nervously, feeling a bit sheepish for the mix-up. He glances down at the flowers that were spread out about the field. "It is spring, almost summer, so the flowers are bound to be beautiful," he muses aimlessly.

It's nice to know that he isn't the only newcomer around here anymore. It was weird to see so many people around that he didn't quite recognize, but now hopefully that would change some. Of course, it seemed that people would be continually joining the group. He thought that there would have been some sort of joining system, but apparently not. He still wasn't quite sure how these clan things worked. Anyways, at least he's not alone.

"Nice to meet you, too, Remy," so far it's going well, or so he thinks. He was gradually getting adjusted to talking to animals, which would have sounded a lot weirder had he still been a human himself. But he was a canine now, so these things were a bit more understandable.


Re: the blood, it draws them in // p, maes - ↝ remy ↜ - 05-07-2018

Remy wasn't sure it was really an 'educated guess'; any animal should've known flowers bloomed in spring and thus, looked the best in spring. Although, perhaps Maes was one of those animals who lacked their basic instincts; Remy knew them to exist, because they'd caught plenty of prey who had disregarded the instincts screaming at them to run to instead try to befriend Remy or.. Something like that.

Of course, Remy wouldn't judge based on this; they had gone through hundreds of territories despite the real threat of a predator tearing them to shreds. "Of course. How long have you been here, then?" The snake flicked their tongue out several times after they spoke, as if trying to sniff the flowers.

"I myself just recently got here. About a week ago, I think? It's very odd, living in a group, isn't it?"

sorry for short and late response skjskjssjk motivation machine broke