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a small colony of apples - invitation - Printable Version

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a small colony of apples - invitation - fulzanin - 01-13-2020

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Feza, despite being a guardsman, didn't particularly do a lot when it came to how the group she resided in kept up with external affairs. Her concerns? She wanted every single Tangler happy with a smile on their face. It was her calling in life, the one thing that she could do time and time and time again. Sometimes it got boring. Anything would get boring if it was done often enough. How could parties get boring? Even she, in her infinite party wisdom, did not know. Equally so did she not know who Tanglewood was allied with. Even so did she not know where their allies lived. It wasn't really important in the mindset of throwing a party every single weekend. Outside of the barest notions of Tanglewood's territory Feza did not know the landscape of the islands... island.. whatever it was. Feza didn't know. All she knew was the sea water was super weird, and definitely did not taste good after experimentally drinking some upon her awkward landing.

This little misadventure of a vibrant feline being distracted by ringing a bell constantly was brought by a task she'd been given. To host a party, a great party, a grand party - her talents finally realized - and to invite an ally. Couldn't be hard, right? The snow leopard hadn't thought so, spare getting lost on her way over. This was a group, surely. Feza wasn't quite sure which group this was, as she had yet to interact with any of the other groups despite her guardsman status. By her side was a little self-made basket that she had brought with her. While most allies brought gifts of food and herbs, Feza would never be caught bringing such 'basic' items. Self crafted little trinkets accompanied her noisy presence. Waiting for someone to stop by, yes, that had been her intent. Ringing a bell was just plain fun, though, and Feza couldn't help it. She was unable to sit still, and figured she might as well pass the time while she waited for someone to stop by so she could hand out her invite. Verbally. Apparently her writing skills were lackluster, but she'd settle for speaking out her invite nonetheless.

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Re: a small colony of apples - invitation - roan ; - 01-13-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — The bell at the edge of the territory ringing was not the most unusual thing in the entire world. Or at least, it hadn't been given the recent influx of joiners coming to the Typhoon. However, what was unusual was someone ringing the bell so enthusiastically that it practically made Roan's head spin. Whoever was waiting for someone was evidently either bored or very excitable, and that honestly just proved to make Roan very excited as well. After all, usually those who got border easily or were very excitable were kids, and he was always looking for new playmates! The boy, who had been making rather sloppy sandcastles down by the shore, practically tripped over himself in his enthusiastic race towards where he knew the bell to be, occasionally throwing himself upwards in an attempt to fly with his tiny wings. It never worked, of course, but that didn't mean he wouldn't at least try it. After all, he could never grow up to be big and strong and able to fly like mama unless he tried hard enough.

Soon enough, the tiny feline found himself skidding to a stop in front of Feza, initially wrinkling his nose at the strange scent she held on her pelt. It was thick, and swampy, and nothing like the salty Typhoon scent the child was used to. However, his childish disgust at the scent of Tanglewood was quickly replaced by wonder when he looked up and saw Feza, his eyes growing wide when he saw the female's multicolored bright pelt, along with her huge wings. He had thought he was interesting looking with his green wings and horns, but Feza? Feza was amazing? Practically shaking with excitement, the boy leaped up to his paws, grinning excitedly at Feza, "Hola, miss! What are you here for? What's your name? My name's Roan! You've got really pretty wings... and your fur is so bright! Did you paint your fur? Can you paint my fur? I wanna be that bright!" Words were flowing freely forth from his muzzle before he could truly complete his own thought process, too overwhelmingly excited. If it was anyone else, Roan might've been disappointed it wasn't another kid, but Feza was fascinating enough that his disappointment was completely forgotten.

Re: a small colony of apples - invitation - ROXANNE R. - 01-13-2020

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
The ringing of the bell was a way to alert everyone of a possible joiner yet it had rang many times causing Roxanne to get a bit of a headache though that didn't stop her from following after Roan with both of her ears perked forward with slight interest. The Typhoon was much livelier than before and it made her happy knowing that the clan was growing, she knew it would grow more in the future too or so she hoped. Eventually, Roxie knew that she wanted to simply take a slower pace in life and start a family of her own yet she seemed pretty content with her only child as of right now. The mutated Siamese cat eventually heard her son starting to introduce himself to the stranger that her eyes soon landed on, her whiskers twitched at the interesting colors of the stranger and she had a blink a few times from how vibrant Feza was. Suddenly, Roan was asking the Tangler if they colored their fur and if they could color his. Roxanne wasn't too against it as long as it made Roan happy but another part of her didn't want to see him growing up too quickly for her.

She turned her gaze over towards Feza offering a soft smile, she would open her maw to speak with a slow nod of her cranium "Hi there, I'm Roxanne, mother to this lovable bundle of joy. He already asked the most important questions," So she needn't say anything else, she would sit in the sand curling her tail around her forepaws feeling her heart soar with pride at that very moment. He was doing so well, she was glad that she had finally decided to let him go out into the world but, she was also worried that she wouldn't be there for him on time. She pushed the worrisome thoughts away still waiting for Feza to announce their business upon their arrival to the Typhoon. "character's speech."

Re: a small colony of apples - invitation - fulzanin - 01-14-2020

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The first to approach the rapid noises of a bell being rung was a small child. What were they? Didn’t really matter. They had wings! That was cool, it brought a smile onto the snow leopard’s face. Her tail swung and curled behind her, an absent motion that filled the brief silence. Blue eyes observed, and perked ears listened to the words that the youth had to say to her. Cute, her mind suggested. Weren’t most young things cute, though? Her mind briefly derailed, attention being ensnared by the other’s words. Painting? He wanted to be painted? Painting was fun, she could add painting to the party, maybe, if she was quick enough. “I’m Feza! I’m, I’m the Guardsman and self appointed party thrower of Tanglewood.” Feza’s wings fluttered, shifting by her sides. How much she loved her self appointed title. It held more weight to her than Guardsman did, for sure. “Well, I’m not, I’m not painted. I’ve probably got some uh, some harmless fur paint back home though! I’d just, I’d need to, I’ll need to uh, know what colors you’d like. I’ve got lots of colors back home.” The words poured from her mouth in a similar manner, another similarity between the festive feline and the audience her parties appealed to.

Attention again shifted, this time to another adult that came to the scene. Feza was hardly definable as an adult. Her small size, high pitched voice, demeanors, and expressions all screamed the mark of a young creature. However, the vibrant feline certainly was mature in age. Certainly not in spirit. Childish parties were her favorite, her calling, and childish things were often found in her festivities. “Oh! Uh. Right, right, right. I uh, I came here! With gifts! Very festive, they’re super festive gifts, y’see. And, and uh. An invite! To a party. Yes. I’m throwing a party over at Tanglewood. You’re invited. The whole group is. We’re gonna, it’s gonna be a great time.” The snow leopard raised a paw while she rambled on and on. A grin presented itself upon Feza’s face, and a small bounce accompanied the end of her words. She’d never actually gone and given an invite to an event before. Excitement shot through her veins making it near impossible for her to stand still, and so her small bounces continued.

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Re: a small colony of apples - invitation - roan ; - 01-15-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Self appointed party thrower of Tanglewood. The words were enough to make Roan practically vibrate with excitement, a look of shock on the young boy's face. People could have titles like party thrower? He wanted to be a party thrower! Perhaps he could ask Feza to take him under her wing and teach him how to be the official party thrower of the Typhoon. After all, they were allies. It could be like a student exchange program, or something like that! The child was broken from his many frantic internal questions when Feza explained that she was not, in fact, painted. That was enough to surprise him, because he hadn't even known snow leopards like her could come in colors like pink! Sure, he had his little green nose and details, but his entire pelt wasn't drenched in a neon green. Listening intently to what she had to say, the male spoke with a happy little lopsided grin, "My favorite color's green! Although my wings and stuff are already green... so maybe blue! Blue and green go well together, right?" After all, parts of him were already a faint blue grey thanks to the fact that he was a blue point siamese, but to be a nice bright blue mixed in with the green? He would look so exciting then...

When his mother approached, Roan tensed up for a moment, worried that he had rushed off into her another situation where he would be scolded for doing so. Thankfully, Roxanne seemed relaxed, just smiling at him before speaking to Feza. Smiling as well, Roan bounced over to his mother's front, settling to sit down between her front paws as he listened to what Feza had to say. As the Tangler spoke, the boy's eyes zeroed in on the gifts that she had brought, while his mind was alive with thoughts of what kind of exciting party Feza could've been throwing, "A party...? Oh, a party! I haven't been to a real party yet, mama! Can we go? Can we, please?" It seemed to totally go over Roan's head that the entirety of The Typhoon was invited to go, but all he was really focused on was himself and his mother. His blue eyes were wide and hopeful as he looked up at Rox, hoping that she would agree to have them both go together. Besides, it could also be a chance to see family! After all, from what he could remember Seamus telling him, he did have family in Tanglewood as well.

Re: a small colony of apples - invitation - Keona. - 01-15-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
Another party.  The first since the new year.  The tiny Priv- no, Dealer now, flicked her ears as she arrived on the scene.  Her pale, sea-green hues followed the vibrant, stuttering voice dutifully.  Since the Typhoon and Tanglewood were allies, she quickly decided an affirmation may be in order.  Her tail flicked behind her and she waited quietly as Roan finished speaking, his plea no doubt directed to Roxanne specifically.  The petite feline could not remember ever bubbling with such excitement for a party.

Perhaps she was too introverted.

Keona squared her shoulders and nodded towards Feza's direction.  "Aloha," she offered in her quiet voice.  "'m Keona, the Dealer 'ere.  We appreciate the gifts an' invite.  There's no reason for us not to attend, so the Typhoon will be there." Polite to a tee, but the petite fae simply lacked the same vibrant excitement for large social events.  Feza still deserved a thank you though.  Putting together parties... It couldn't be easy work, even if it was someone's obvious passion. "Mahalo nui loa."
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: a small colony of apples - invitation - fulzanin - 01-16-2020

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Seeing someone just as excited as her about a party? It really made her day. The vibrant feline bounced on her paws, delight surging from her. Yes, the other was young, but it was not as if her parties were tailored for much other than young persons. Her festive ideas usually aimed towards younger people, people with a similar mindset to her. She knew what she liked. Surely other people's likes were similar? "Blue 'n green do go together, or so I'd, I'd would say." Her answer was accompanied by a smile, and a small squint - likely mentally picturing the colors. Ears swiveled to turn to the next to approach. "Oh, that's great!" Happily the snow leopard chattered upon the confirmation of the invite being accepted. Her fluffy wings spread a little, aiding a delighted motion that shifted her entire form. "It'll be at the, at the tavern. In Tanglewood. Can't, can't really miss it." Feza elaborated after a brief pause, realizing that stating the location would likely be important. Her face then momentarily scrunched up, and she glanced over her shoulder. "You.. wouldn't happen to know the direction back to Tanglewood's, to Tanglewood's territory, would you? Ah, never- nevermind. I'll find it. Hope to see you there!" Feza was quite the rambler, words spilling rapidly from her maw. One last push forward of the gift basket she had created before she launched into the sky, heading back in the general direction she'd come from.


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