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CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
(it's a greaser AU if the title wasn't obvious enough HANFJGJG)

She sat at the back of the car with a milkshake in her hand not paying any attention to what was going on as her friend drove them to school chatting away about the boys. She rolled her eyes at the mention of men, she wasn't really paying much attention to them even if they always turned their eyes in hers. She smirked at the thought only to sip from the straw protruding from her drink seeing that they were already in the parking lot. They weren't the only ones in the parking lot with catchy colors, her gaze fixated onto a car with a bunch of men wearing leather jackets. One of them in particular peeking her interest, the straw still placed between pearly lips before she was nudged by one of her Pink Ladies as they began to tease her. "Me and a greaser? Y'all batshit crazy, m'father would throw an absolute fit and have my head. Fuck, I don't see whatcha ladies see in em," Yet the whole time she was saying this, she was watching him from the corner of her eye only to stand on the carseat and slide off the car gracefully with a mischievous smile tugging at her lips. She began to make her way to her school no longer looking in the direction of the greasers, she seriously didn't want to get in trouble on the first day of school.

She threw her milkshake away hearing her friends telling her to wait up but she was already walking through the doors with such a confidence. Senior year, it was finally her time to shine, no longer was she that shy freshman that got pushed around. No, Roxanne Roux had grown into a fine young woman and she was ready to climb whatever mountain to get her diploma and graduate. The thought made her heart flutter, she finally arrived at her locker only to pull out her school schedule which she had her combination written on in nice, cursive. She started messing around with the lock until she felt someone rest their hand on the locker she was trying to open. She frowned looking at the culprit saying with a shake of her head "D'ya mind, I'm trying to open it." She felt a pang of frustration as she stood back with her arms folded across her chest. "character's speech."

Re: GREASE LIGHTNING / HUMAN AU - bubblegum - 01-13-2020

Re: GREASE LIGHTNING / HUMAN AU - roan ; - 01-13-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Petite, friendly, and infinitely warm, Roan Ó Faoláin was hardly the type to fall in with any of the usual guy gangs that hung out around school. The brunette was only a freshman, and a rather easily picked on one at that. He was infinitely friendly and charismatic, always willing to talk with whoever would have him, but that unfortunately led to quite a bit of trouble for him, considering those that wanted to talk to him always seemed to be big, and mean. This penchant for getting himself in trouble was how he had met Roxanne Roux, the tough but caring older girl who had been watching over him ever since he could remember. She hadn't been able to look after him at all times, of course, since before now, they had been going to different schools. But now, he was a freshman, and he could spend as much time as he wanted with the girl who he considered to be practically his best friend. His first morning had been frantic, packing up all his supplies, picking out a nice outfit, and saying goodbye to his nice stress free house before he jogged out the door, not particularly keen on showing up to his first class of his first year late. Just the thought was enough to make a shiver go down the tan boy's spine.

When he eventually arrived at school, his first goal was, of course, to locate Roxanne. She had told him earlier where her locker was, but he was having a bit of trouble remembering it, mumbling the numbers to himself as he walked down the hallway, dragging his fingertips over the lockers that weren't already occupied by the body of a teenager. In his wandering, he eventually came upon where Roxanne was, along with Dee and a stranger he didn't think he had ever seen before. Noticing the annoyed look on Rox's face, and the hostile look on Dee's, Roan immediately felt like turning and high tailing it out of there. However, he just took a very deep breath to psyche himself up, before he strode forward, over to where they were. The short male mumbled softly as he came up on the other side of Roxanne, frowning slightly, "Hola, Rox... what's going on?" His voice was soft and timid, before his blue eyes found their way up to the unfamiliar guy. He bit his lip for a moment before he spoke again, gripping tightly onto his bag, "Don't... don't you have your own locker to go to, galla?" His use of gaelic was soft, and exceptionally timid, considering he had just called someone a "bitch."

Re: GREASE LIGHTNING / HUMAN AU - guts - 01-23-2020

He was a trouble child, a nightmare for any parent or teacher to behold. With more siblings than would be considered socially acceptable nowadays, he had to find some way to get attention. His parents were much to preoccupied to care about one of their eldest kids, especially since he was considered the black sheep of the family, the son that smeared their family's name. To hell with them. He didn't need any of them, not when he had his own ambitions in life.

Still, he would have to get through high school, but at least he only had one year left until graduation. After that, he would be out on his own, able to do whatever he wanted. No one could boss him around then. He could get his dream career started. But before all of that, he had to start his first day as a senior.

Greed, after being expelled from his former school for a prank that may or may not have ended up going a lot worse than he hoped for, now had to get settled into a new school, one that he doubted would be any more interesting than the last. At least the guys here were cool enough. His reputation following him, the greasers had immediately taken a liking to him, all of them the same bad boy type as he was.

They all laugh at some comment one of them made, but he's distracted by a car cruising into the parking lot, some fairly attractive ladies seated in the front. But his attention was on the one in the back.

It seemed the intrigue was returned, as they met eyes for a brief moment, a charming grin breaking out on his face. Before he could seize the moment to approach her, she was already walking away, his eyes drifting down to watch the way a certain part of her moved. Real classy of him.

With a new mission, he says goodbye to his new group and makes his way inside, keeping an eye out for the girl from earlier. It isn't long before he spots her, a satisfied smirk on his face as he makes his way over, resting a palm on the locker she was attempting to open and leaning his weight against it, caging her up against it. He's unfazed when she turns around in annoyance.

He hardly has any time to say anything, though, before two people have already come to her aid. He frowns then, glaring at the smaller male at his words, only able to assume that he had called him something unpleasant. Normally he would have put up more of a fight, but he didn't want to have any trouble on the first day. Otherwise Roan would have had his ass handed to him.

"Alright, alright. Don't get your panties in a bunch." Greed says and stands up, removing his hand from the locker and instead shoving them both inside his jean pockets. "Just wanted to say hello to the pretty lady. What's your name, dollface?" He focuses back in on Roxanne, that same charismatic grin from before back on his face, the other two forgotten.


CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Roxie's attention turned over to Dee with a big frown on her face not really knowing why the giant asshole had decided to put all his weight onto her locker, she let out a huff clearly unamused by this. It took her a moment to realize that it was one of those greasers she had made brief eye contact with, she raised an eyebrow at him only to size him up. Surely, if she had to play mean one of her father's tactics would help in this scenario but she held herself back really not wanting to get dragged to the principal's office on the first fucking day of school. She knew that she wouldn't hear the end of it from her sister, friends, and well, her father. She definitely didn't want to disappoint her father with her rash decision of beating some greaser ass, speaking of which, the guy didn't look too shabby either. Roxanne held on tightly onto her binder about ready to push the dude away but her attention diverted once she heard a familiar voice. She turned around to see that it was Roan and her expression immediately brightened up at the sight of her friend, she had almost forgotten that he was starting high school as a freshman. She was happy to see him! At his question, it reminded her that she still had to deal with the riffraff that was standing in her way only to reply back with a shake of her head clearly angry as she spoke in a different dialect than English.

"Éste pendejo sé posó enfrente cuando estaban tratando de abrir mi armario!"

A smile reappeared onto her face hearing Roan call the random greaser a bitch in Gaelic though she was pretty sure that the words probably flew over the guy's head, she doubted that Greed was bilingual which made it all so frustrating and pleasing at the same time. Once Greed had removed his hands from her locker, Roxanne immediately began to rework on opening it hearing the loud click it gave which was such a pleasant sound. The sound of triumph. She clenched her fist at what the taller male had said about not getting their panties in a bunch, she didn't seem to hesitate in glaring daggers at the dark haired man letting out an annoyed sigh followed by a roll of her eyes. Roxanne closed her locker leaning against it, her eyebrows raised at Greed with a small frown etched onto her face. She could barely make out the shape of a dumpster behind the taller man, a devious idea popping into her mind as a smile slowly crept onto her lips. She set her things within her locker closing it slowly before she let her finger slide against the cold metal, she would then speak in a rather sultry tone "Really? All that trouble just for lil ol' me? How cute," Dollface? Ugh, hearing it made her anger spike yet her face would grow warm at the sudden pet name.

'Concentrate Roxie, ya gotta keep ya cool.'

Roxanne drew closer moving her body rather smoothly, her gaze fixated onto Greed until her body leaned up against his "The names Roxanne Roux, hotshot." She purred with her hands gliding over his chest only to rest on both sides of his leather jackets collar, she would take a few steps forward hoping to get him just a bit closer to that dumpster that she had been watching from the corner of her eye. "I'd ask for your name, handsome, but-" The grip on his jacket tightened, a smirk now evident on her dark skinned face as she aimed to push him enough to fall into the dumpster if she succeeded, she would finish her sentence dusting herself off with her hands "I'm outta your league, babe." Sure. That had been awful mean of her to do that but it would be enough to hopefully get the guy off her trail and off his high horse for just a moment, she shrugged lightly backing up slowly to stand beside Roan and Dee "Ya cute, I'll give you that but my ol man doesn't take kindly to dogs hanging 'round me." She reached into her locker grabbing her things, she closed it up turning to Greed once more blowing a playful kiss at him before she turned to her relative and friend "C'mon, class almost starts in a bit!"

Roxanne began to head for her first class, the homeroom, her eyes betraying her as she cast Greed one last glance. She felt an awkward flutter in her chest as she brought her binder closer to her chest. She stepped into the classroom picking one of the seats that were closest to the windows, she always loved to stare off into the distance once she was done with her classwork. She sighed quietly pulling out her journal writing down the date and marking the day as Senior Year with little hearts at the end of it. Roxanne hummed a tune to herself, there was only a few more minutes before class would start. A part of her was anxious about her actions from earlier, she was certain they would backfire on her later. She pushed away the thought beginning to write in her journal about her first day only to get a bit lost doodling a little greaser on the side of her page, she frowned.

Ugh, how frustrating.
"character's speech."


[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]If Roxanne got into a fight on the first day of class, he wouldn't hear the end of it. She was supposed to be a shining example of a star student, the daughter of a teacher who put in his fair share of elbow grease when the Parent-Teacher Association called for somebody to host the annual bake sale. (Not that he was any good at baking, but it was the effort that counted.) He hadn't earned his seniority rights just yet - he'd only gotten the all-clear to work a couple of years back - and the tenured old bastards upstairs had a monopoly on the principal's time and patience. Anything Ahab brought to the office was set on the back burner, dismissed with a brief explanation that it would cost too much, that fundraising was too time-consuming. Already, he wasn't on the best terms with the front office.

What the principal didn't know was that he'd be cheering her on until she pummeled that particular nobody's face in. That was his girl, and if she was going to stand up for herself he'd make sure she had the strength and the willpower to do it right. Luckily he'd yet to be put in a situation where he had to explain where his daughter learned how to throw such a mean right hook.

Beyond the fact that he spent most of his time hovering worriedly over his child, he wasn't exactly a thrilling teacher. Worked right out of the book, kept assignments short and to the point, meandered from his lectures to discuss the life cycle of his basil plant that sat half-wilted on the edge of his desk. Sometimes he'd assign impromptu essays to make up for time lost. His pass rate was high because he didn't have the heart to fail anyone, even the worst of his students - instead he'd stop them after class, ask if everything was alright on the home front. Luckily he floated just above the cut for layoffs, so he kept his history classroom and Roxie kept her Friday milkshakes.

(...Fridays were special. She'd made it through the week, so he'd use his lunch period to bring her something from the malt shop down the street. Sometimes he scribbled a note on the side about making new friends, or acing an exam she'd been fretting over.)

The late bell rings, and he sits up a little, scanning an eye over the class. A few fidgety teens are staring at his eye patch. The rest are watching him turn the pages of his textbook with a hook prosthesis. He liked to mess with them a little, change up the story every time they asked - it kept people on their toes, made them think he was some kind of ex-supervillain that could kill them ten ways with just his thumb. Which, of course, was only enhanced by his usual introduction and various acquired pseudonyms.

Speaking of which.

"Welcome to English Literature. You'll call me Snake - unless the principal's in the room, in which case you're my crew, n' I'm Captain Ahab." His gaze flits back down his textbook as he scrawls a few stray notes into the margins, sighing with a disinterested air about him. Roxie knows his bluff - she told him he ought to pick up the mantle again over dinner last night, saying that he'd better make class interesting if she was going to have to listen to his boring lectures for an hour a day. (An extra hour, on top of his usual ramblings back at home.) He hadn't bothered with the whole 'intimidate to convince the class they're in for the long haul' charade since she first suggested it at the start of his teaching career. "If you did your summer reading assignment, you already know that with a name like that, I'll be killing you all off one by one for the duration of the semester. By the way, I want that right here -" he raps his prosthesis against the desk once, twice, "- By the end of class."

Ahab is aware that he can be... Kind of intimidating. The massive scars digging into his face told stories that he couldn't put to words, punctuated by the pockmarks of removed stitches that dotted each line. There's a roughness to his edges he's tried hard to smooth, but he still caught the uneasy glances that followed him down the halls as students shuffled to clear the way. Hopefully his sweater vest and puppy-dog knitted socks would alleviate that nervousness, just a little. He wanted to help, wanted to care when other teachers didn't. Even if he couldn't contribute edible food to the school bake sale or convince the principal to fundraise for new textbooks, he'd still do his best to try.

"Anywho, with formalities out of the way, I'll hand the mic over." Now that he's picked himself up and scratched out his name (names) on the chalk board, he points a finger over towards the window seats. What better way to break his imposing facade than to be the doting father that made every kid cringe in secondhand embarrassment? Even better, she appeared to be lost in thought, doodling around the pages of her notebook. Time to snap her out of that reverie.

"Roxie!" A few kids jolt at the sudden thunder of his voice, whipping around to stare in the direction he'd pointed and waiting to see who was already getting the reprimanding of their life. The group eases, though, as he grins and gives his daughter a little wave. "Hi, sweetie, hope you're having a good day so far! Y'wanna step up here and introduce yourself to the class? We'll work our way down the rows from there." Hopefully she wasn't about to tell the class that he'd just shoved somebody into a trash bin not ten feet down the hall. He'd heard that commotion, if she couldn't already tell. He wasn't supposed to be proud of her for that, but he'd definitely give her a clap on the back and an atta girl later on.

Re: GREASE LIGHTNING / HUMAN AU - guts - 02-10-2020


This was definitely not the way he had seen his first day going.

He was all ready to make a lasting impression, to carve himself a place in the hierarchy of high school. Yet here he was. Feet stumbling, his back hit the dumpster and he found himself flipping over into the mass of foul smelling trash, his face growing hot at the resounding laughter around him. He growls, jaw tightening as he clenches his teeth, nails digging into his palms when he balls his hands up into fists.

Greed climbs out of his dumpster of shame, marching back over to his group of greasers, who are all chuckling at him, too. They stop, though, when he yells at them in frustration. Running his hands over the front of his jacket, he grumbles under his breath as he shoves past them and towards his first class. He smelled like shit now, but there was little he could do about it. Great.

English. The best way to start off a day that was already shitty. Taking a look around, he realizes the girl that had made a fool of him just a minute ago was here, too. He just sneers and makes a bee-line for a desk in the back, doing his best to ignore the giggles that follow him. Fuckers, he'd show them later.

He plops down ungracefully into his seat, kicking out his legs and glaring holes down into the desk just as the bell rings. Of course he doesn't pay the teacher any mind as he starts off, not interested in whatever generic bull he had to say. He was too busy brooding over his embarrassment.


[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Having a teacher for a parent wasn't all that bad, the only thing she had to go through was more than one lecture a day. Even then, Roxie didn't seem to mind at all letting her father practice his teaching tactics on her, of course, Roxie would make a few suggestions here and there. She was super supportive of her father especially when he participated in the bake sales, she'd always buy a dozen of his baked goods sharing them with her friends. Mainly to be supportive to her father and even if the muffins were sometimes a little burnt, she'd enjoy them knowing that they were made by Ahab and nobody else. Some of his dishes were unique to say the least and she often found herself making dinner for the most part, which she didn't mind at all since she took much pride in her cooking and baking skills.

She glared at her doodle only to begin writing a few crude words around the little drawing of the man, Roxanne bit her bottom lip while angrily scribbling around her small drawing on the edge of her notebook. 'Brute. Barbarian. Absolute ape. Vacuous. Abhorrent. Vul-' Her pencil tip broke at the sudden sound of her father's voice calling upon her, her eyes widened as she turned her attention over towards the English teacher, Ahab, who just happened to be her dad. She could feel her entire face growing hot as most of the students turned their attention over to her, she offered them all a faint, sheepish grin. Normally, she didn't act so off but after her little incident in the halls and being called upon, well, she would be on edge especially since she was certain that her father had at least heard all the commotion. Roxanne knew that it had been pretty obvious with her Pink Lady companions having all gasped and giggled at the sight, the greasers having a laugh at the man she had pushed into the dumpster.

Once more she grew distracted as a horrid stench reached her nose, she would glance over to see that it was the man from earlier. She could feel a sudden tug at her heart though her eyes would fixate themselves onto her father catching only a few of his words, she rose from her seat with the faint smile on her face. She took a deep breath adjusting the collar of her jacket, she would stand at the front of the class. Fuck. Her mind had gone blank, her eyes betraying her as she would continue to look at Greed, she closed her eyes briefly only to reopen them with a new demeanor much different than what she had been a few seconds ago "Hey," She would start feeling her confidence slowly coming back to her as she would continue to speak "As y'all heard m'names Roxie or Roxanne Roux! I was last year's class president, which was a completely neat experience. This is our senior year, so, let's make it a good one!" Well, now that was over she would give a playful salute to Ahab before sitting down at her desk near the window once more. If looking at the greaser wasn't hard enough to begin with then smelling him would definitely kill her. She sighed in soft frustration grabbing at the page in her journal, tearing it out as softly as she could only to crumple it up and stick it in her backpack.

Maybe she could apologize during lunch? Or if there was footage from the halls, she'd likely apologize in the principal's office. The thought made her heartbeat go fast though she knew that she deserved whatever was coming to her that day, she had heard the yelling in the hallway that she had assumed was the wounded man and well, if she was deathly honest; she was a bit worried. Moreso for her own friends wellbeing than her own. Her anxiety spiking just slightly as she gripped onto her journal, her eyes glancing to the large windows just barely able to make out the reflection of those in the back row. You've really fucked up this time, Roxie. She thought to herself resting one of her dark cheeks against the palm of her hand as she dedicated all of her attention back to Ahab. Maybe after introductions, she could go to the bathroom and just hide. Surely, that would work for a few minutes right? Ugh.

This would be an interesting year, she could feel it. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: GREASE LIGHTNING / HUMAN AU - roan ; - 02-10-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — It had all just happened so fast. One moment Roan was glaring straight at Greed, his usually soft blue eyes hard and cold as he willed the other to just go away. He didn't say anything directly to the other teen, mostly out of a need to not play the hero. He didn't want Roxie to be angry at him, thinking that she needed rescuing or something like that. However, she soon definitely proved that she didn't need rescuing. Greed was upright one second, and flying backward into the trash can the next, a shout of confusion leaving the male. Roan's eyws widened considerably, his hands flying up to cover his mouth as he watched in a mixture of horror and amusement. On one hand it must've been horrible, falling back into all that trash and filth, but on the other hand... Greed had been being sort of a dick. It was his own fault he had ended up in that position.

That was what pushed Roan over the edge, making the younger teen began to giggle and full body laugh at the incident in front of him. The other greasers were also laughing at their friend, but Roan's overwhelmed Ryan's shrill giggles stood out against the crowd, something he realized quickly and promptly shut down. He was blushing horribly when he covered his mouth again, trying to hide the grin that definitely wasn't beneath. He found himself just sort of staring for a long moment, before Roxanne spoke up again, and he looked over, snapped out of his trance. He blinked at her for a moment before nodding. Before he followed after her, he waved at Greed, saying with a laugh, "Bye! Sorry about your clothes!" He wasn't really all that sorry, but he couldn't imagine how hard it would be to get the smell out of the fabric.

Following eagerly on Roxie's heels, the male found himself smiling once again once he was inside the safety of Ahab's classroom. He knew Ahab well, having known Roxanne's father ever since he had first met Roxie herself. He quickly moved over to his seat near the corner of the room, sitting down at his desk and pulling out his sketchbook. Near immediately he began to flip through the pages, finding a suitably empty page and beginning to do a design of flowers and leaves along the edge. He did this with nearly all of his notes, just so that he could enjoy the intricate and beautiful designs whenever he was reviewing and studying. He nearly became so absorbed in his sketching that he almost missed Ahab's announcement to the class, but the older male's voice was so deep and commanding it was nearly impossible to ignore, and he tilted his head up, smiling a bit when he noticed what their teacher was saying. He giggled a bit when Roxanne got up, knowing just how embarrassed she must've been by the gesture. Thankfully, Roxie had always been a pretty good improviser, and soon enough she was introducing herself in her own flamboyant way, ending with a playful salute. Roan felt a crooked little smile on his face as he let out a little teasing whoop, "Yay, Roxie!" He knew Rox would probably want to throttle him for that later, but it was worth it, just to see a few little smiles throughout the crowd.

Humming softly under his breath, Roan looked back down at his notebook, continuing his pattern before noticing the stench that was filling the room. He immediately pinpointed where it was coming from, wincing when he saw Greed sitting nearby, looking very aggravated. His conscious immediately came raging back at him, scolding himself internally for laughing at the other's suffering. He tapped his pencil down gently against his notebook for a long moment before raising his hand, saying softly, "Ah- Snake, can I please go to the bathroom?" He didn't even wait for an answer from the older male before he was up and on his feet, moving outside. His feet carried him on instinct towards his locker, where he knew he had a couple of pairs of clothes, just in case of a prank gone wrong or a rainy day. Greed was a little bit taller than he was, so the fit wouldn't be perfect, but he figured the other would appreciate short clothes more than soiled, trash covered ones.


[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
"Yay Roxie!"

She felt her face grow hot with embarrassment as she shook her fist playfully at her friend, she returned to her seat with a huff hearing a few giggles erupt from the once silent crowd. She liked it when school wasn't so stressful and everything was so calm on the first day of school or in her case anyways, she couldn't say the same for Greed unfortunately. Hell, maybe she should have gotten his name before dunking him in the trash can. She bit her bottom lip at the thought with her fang sticking out a bit though her attention wavered as she heard Roan finally speak up asking if he could go to the restroom. Agh, it must have been the guilt eating away at him too as it was her.

Her mind nagged her the entire time, the smell of filth invading her nostrils and making her wince. She was the cause of this, she ducked her head in slight shame as she glanced down at the empty page on of her journal, she would tap the eraser against the lined paper. Finally, she would rise from her chair raising her hand slowly to the air as she spoke with a slight choke on her words "May I also be excused? I forgot something in my locker, aha..." Which was a huge lie coming from her lips, Roxie hardly ever forgot anything from her locker but if it meant slightly redeeming herself from her heinous crime then she would risk it. She offered an apologetic grin to her father slowly following after Roan, she was already heading for her locker.

Roxanne knew that she had some sort of cologne hiding in the outskirts of her locker somewhere, she remembered snagging it when the greasers hadn't been paying attention. She forgot why she had even taken it to begin with as she sprayed it onto her wrist, Roxanne could feel her heart flutter at the smell. Now, she remembered. She slid it in into her Pink Lady jacket only to glance over to Roan closing her locker behind her saying with a small frown on her face, guilt evident in her warm, caramel eyes "Maybe dunking a greaser was a little much for the first day of school..." She would lean her head back onto the locker with a soft groan.

She admits that she went a bit too far and well, she was in the wrong for doing that, then again it was a bit of an instinct for her to ward off any men that would hover near her. She was a prideful Pink Lady, she wasn't some leather jacket, oilheads consort or girlfriend, no, she was somebody who was going places after high school. Roxanne would grab a textbook from her locker knowing that she would have to bring back something so nobody would believe she was telling a lie even if it was deathly obvious, she could already imagine the scolding she would get from her dad once the day was over with. Hell, a part of her didn't even want to go back as she hold onto the textbook feeling the cologne she had stuck into her pocket prodding at her side.

"Well, with the shit I got here, he won't stink anymore so that's a plus." She would frown just a bit wishing she could give the guy some clothing but she hardly ever carried around anything that was large enough to fit someone who was much taller than her. She removed her jacket examining it for a good moment, well, if the clothes were short then she could offer her jacket. Even if the thought made her ego and pride deter quite a bit, she wrapped it around her waist figuring that they would have to forsake their things to the stranger but Roxie knew how to play it cool. She was a Pink Lady, she could easily make it seem like Greed and her were a thing if she really wanted to.

The thought made her fake a gagging noise but, she would have to shove her pride down to do the right thing. She would walk into the classroom waving briefly with the textbook in her grasp but she was already making a beeline towards Greed, she was already pushing her hair back with a hand. She would get his attention one way or another, she would place her hips onto his desk taking out the cologne only to say in a soft voice "Baby, you forgot your cologne. You're lucky, I look out for you, babe." Her voice sweet and full of affection even if it was brief, if her being on his desk didn't get his attention she would attempt to brush her fingers under his chin to get him to look up at her hoping he would see the cologne, she would lean forward to give him a soft peck on the cheek "So forgetful, handsome." She would then make her way to her desk knowing that the greasers and the ladies in the room were gawking at her. They knew what she did yet here she was acting like nothing had happened and in her own dad's classroom.

Roxie wouldn't hear the end of it at home. But despite the heavy stench of garbage, well, she wouldn't mind kissing him again even if she'd never openly admit it. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]