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the legendary cue // ooc prompt - Printable Version

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the legendary cue // ooc prompt - charactercemetary. - 01-12-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
You never trust a guy named Snake. He was called that for a reason. Unfortunately, Kaito's father, Toichi, did. And it came with some repercussions. We told you to stop, stop taking precious gems- Snake once said, and he didn't listen, as one day they threw him off a roof while knocked out, nearly resulting in his death. No, they caused Toichi's death, and nearly his, he would continue his work until Kingdom come or until he could have stopped those bastards, whichever came first.

He didn't expect what should have been a heavenly sight to appear at his bedroom window. Snake, the rather large-looking black dog, with brown highlights, smirking at the boy. He wore... a white cape, a silk tophat, and a monocle. What the hell? "Well, if it isn't the Immortal Kaitou Kid. Or shall I say, new Kaitou Kid?" He smirks, grabbing a pool cue: one with a silver shaft, encrusted with emeralds, and at the top, before the wood begins: diamonds, sparkling like stars. Ahh, yes, this was your dearest Jii-chan's, wasn't it? Your mentor?" He asks, pointing it at the magician. "Won this, with a spectacular technique your dearest Oyaji taught you, right? For once, you got a jewel honestly."

"You impostor!" The true Kaitou Kid yells, throwing off his sheets and blanket, staring down the mafioso. "It's not Pandora! You have no use for it. Give it back, now." He leaps towards the dog only to have him hop onto a neighboring house's roof. Revenge, the unstated bloodlust for those who burnt his father to a crisp roared in Kaito's ears, his blue eyes narrowing. 

Snake holds up each of the cue's gems, tilting the cue, one by one underneath the moonlight. "You're right." He replies in a disappointed fashion. Using that time, the teen leaps at him, causing a scuffle on the roof of the house. Hopefully it was empty, if not, oh those poor souls that were trying to sleep down below. Despite Kaito's intelligence and trickery, he was thrown downward, grabbing onto the roof of the two-story building. "Wow, this is just like 'Blue Birthday,' isn't it? You're lucky I didn't decide to burn you to a crisp, like your father." He grabs Kaito's paws and throws him over the edge, being very dramatic about the whole ordeal, Lion King-style. As Kaito is falling, he manages to scratch up his chest, remarking that there was nothing to protect him. He crashes onto the ground, though not without an injured leg. The impostor laughs, throwing the cue onto a nearby roof. "Try to get it now. Well, ja ne!" With that, Snake disappears... to somewhere.

Kaito hobbles on his three good feet, keeping the other off the ground. He hops up, trying to get to the roof of the house two ways away from his. He lands on his feet, screeching in pain. I'm lucky that's all I got, could have died... yep, the teen thinks, deciding to sit down, come up with a plan, any plan, despite his chest very much so bleeding.

Re: the legendary cue // ooc prompt - wormwood. - 01-13-2020

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Aurum had cared about his father once. When he had been a very young cub, and Aethelwulf had still at least been pretending to be a decent man. Back then, his father had taught him the ways of being a king, along with the ways of hunting and protecting himself. Aurum had been dazzled by everything his father had taught him back then, and for a while, he had imagined the Aethelwulf would rescue he and Poet away from the evil abuse of their mother. However, that was not to be the case. As time went on Aethelwulf grew to be less and less interested in teaching Aurum anything, and made no effort to even pretend he cared about the suffering that his son endured. Over time, Aurum came to hate Aethelwulf just as he did Judith, and he couldn't even bring himself to mourn the loss that much. After all, it was his own fault for getting invested, and believing either of his parents would ever actually care about him. Needless to say, when Aethelwulf had died, Aurum had felt very little remorse about it, just comforting his brother and ignoring Judith's vicious words whispered in his ear. He had the exact opposite experience from Kaito, who had loved his father so dearly.

Aurum didn't quite get everything about Kaito, such as his dramatics and his friendly but reserved attitude, or the way he naturally gravitated towards more strange social affairs, like Feza. However, just because he didn't understand every aspect of the other didn't mean that Aurum didn't like the kid. In fact, he had enjoyed pretty much all of the time he had spent in the past hanging out with Kaito, just getting to know him and taking in whatever information the male would actually let slip. It wasn't an extensive amount, but it was enough for the lion to want to protect him, and that was really enough. Kaito became yet another name on the extensive list of clanmates that Aurum considered to be practically family, and also considered to be protective under his watchful eye. Thankfully, up to this point, it had seemed as though Kaito didn't really get injured all that often, which Aurum was eternally grateful for. Not so thankfully, it seemed as though that streak had come to a rather abrupt and unpleasant end.

It wasn't unusual for Aurum to be unable to sleep, and it also wasn't unusual for him to decide to go and take a walk when he couldn't. Usually he would just let his paws carry him wherever they wanted to go while his mind went on autopilot, just distressing and allowing himself to slip into a state that would hopefully, blissfully, eventually lead to sleep. However, Aurum's aimless walking was interrupted, when a screech of agony shot through the air. Eyes immediately sparking with recognition, the lion threw himself into the air, wings carrying him quickly as he sought out the source of the noise. Eventually, he came upon Kaito, the proxy's eyes widening considerably when he noticed the state that the other was in. Aurum was frozen for just a moment, his eyes flicking from the clearly injured leg to the bleeding chest. A sigh left him as he stepped up to Kaito, his voice soft as he glanced around, "Kaito...? Kaito, Jesus, what the hell happened to you? You're hurt. I mean, that's obvious... just... sit tight, okay?" The male bit his lip for a moment before raising his muzzle into the air, roaring loudly, "Selby! Moth! Abathur! We've got an injured Tangler!" Hopefully one of them would respond quickly, if not more than one of them.
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