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Away. Far away. Further.
He was further than he'd ever been. That was fine. He needed to go far.
He was awfully tired. Maali didn't think he'd ever flown this far, before, but another beat of wings kept him aloft. He had to keep going. He'd landed too recently - there was nothing good in these waters. He could keep going, for awhile. He had to. Another beat.
What had he been taught, never loose sight of the horizon? He'd messed that up royally. Of course he had. What direction was he going? He hoped it was west. The sun was right above him, though, and north was... which way was west, from north? The swan didn't know. He hoped he found land soon.
He was so tired. The waves were too large for him to rest, there were too many predators stirring below. Too many innocents. Lights danced on the edges of his vision. He could fly a little longer. He'd rest in a bit. Just for a short while. Then he'd keep on going. Try and get back, as if there was something there for him.

The sun was setting, when he saw a speck on the horizon. Something. How far had he gone? How long had it been? He was thirsty. He was hungry. He wanted to sleep, to fumble together a nest in the mud. He must be home, now, right? Or, close enough to his wetland. He must be.
Another few flaps, the swan directed towards the land mass with whatever strength he could renew. At the very least, he could land, right? On land, not on water. Deep water, that moved under you, tried to consume you, didn't let you rest no matter how hard you tried.

Entered a steady glide. He was close now. The island was filled with green, and there was a tall podium, a human light-building. The edge looked right, but... it was too small. Maybe he was on an outer island. Maybe he'd find his home soon. He needed to rest, here, at least. He'd be home soon. Find a safe space, away from predators. Try and not disturb any snakes. Dipped, as he got close, making wide circles, trying to find a space - There. He was no hawk - he couldn't break through the branches, dip that fast, but there was a suitable stretch of beach. Touched down, flapped his great wings. Took a deep breath.

Half of the swan wanted to collapse here, dark feathers on pale sand. Nodded his head, struggled to keep it in its natural S and not set back. Maali tucked his wings in close. This water was too salty - he could deal with some, but Maali had already drank too much of that. The thought of it made him even sicker than he felt. Spots glowed amongst the trees, tiny life making its course. He had to find food, some algae, a bladderwort. Something.
He took a deep breath, took a few steps into the rainforest, felt the mud squelch under his feet. This was wrong. He had to figure this out - tomorrow, though.
Finally dipped his head into a pool - not nearly so salty as the true sea. He could stomach this, even if he was still terribly thirsty. Wings began to droop from his sides. He was tired. This forest was cramped. Too cramped. He didn't like it.

// Flew across some stretch of sea, landed on the edge of the main island. Surprise!


Re: RARA AVIS IN TERRIS NIGROQUE SIMILLIMA CYGNO || Joinnig - roan ; - 01-12-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Never had Roan truly experienced the vastness of the ocean blue. Sure, he had been born on the Typhoon's island, and he had spent many a night tucked up against his mother's chest, watching the blue waves from afar, but he had never experienced anything close to what Maali had. He had never left his home, and had never traveled over anything but the sandy earth. Sure, a part of him yearned to learn to swim and venture out into the salty waves, but a part of him was also terrified that he would be dragged down under if he did. The thought of doing something like what Maali had done? Cross the sea, constantly taking only the shortest of breaks before pushing yourself forward? It probably would've horrified Roan, especially since the kit was sure he couldn't survive such a thing. Of course, his wings weren't yet big enough to carry his body, so Maali did have that one distinct advantage over him, along with slight seniority. Still, even if his wings were large enough to carry him around the world, Roan had been taught by his mother to think carefully before he did anything, and he would be far too terrified to attempt a long trip over the ocean.

The sun was beginning to set when Roan started back towards his house, knowing well that his mama would be upset if he came back after it was too dark. He had spent the day exploring the territory, and interacting with the other children that lingered within the group, attempting to form friendships with them. As much as he loved living with his mother, it could be dreadfully lonely sometimes, and Roan wanted to spread out so that he could meet as many people as possible. Lucky for him, it seemed as though he was going to get a chance to meet someone else before he returned home. At first he didn't even notice Maali, the bird having landed a bit of a fair distance away from where the kit was padding, but then the strange salty scent reached the child's nose. The smell of salt alone wasn't anything extraordinary, considering this was the Typhoon, but it was mixed with something else he didn't recognize. The boy's eyes flicked around, glancing wildly through the trees, before they landed on Maali. Both his mother and Ahab had warned him about stranger danger, but this poor stranger seemed exhausted, and Roan could always keep his distance, right...?

Taking a deep breath, the tiny winged feline slowly made his way over to where Maali was, trying to stay as silent as possible. He observed the other for a long moment before he moved forward, a smile breaking out over his little face before he knew it. This poor bird seemed so tired, and maybe even a little bit sad? Roan could cheer him right up, he was sure of it. Crunching leaves enthusiastically beneath his paws so that Maali would notice his presence, Roan made sure to leave a few steps between them as he mewed, "Dia dhuit, mister... are you okay? You seem tired... mama says that people should rest when they're tired. Do you need to rest? I can take you to my house! It's really comfy there, and you can rest really well!" As the child began to ramble off happily, there was the sound of traipsing loud footsteps behind him, as both Kal and Brunhild lingered in the background. Both crocodiles were eying Maali wearily, although Roan seemed completely unaware of the silent threat in their eyes. The two crocs were of course assigned to protect him by Roxanne, but they had no reason to attack. Not yet, at least.


CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Roxanne felt as if she needn't worry as much whenever Kalayavan and Brunhild were always gone usually watching over ver young son. She left her hut briefly noticing that he wasn't anywhere in sight, he wasn't playing around in the sand like he normally did and it was beginning to concern her. Eventually, she picked out the large footprints of her saltwater crocodiles leading towards the jungle, she felt her heart immediately leap knowing that both of the reptiles wouldn't have much of an advantage in a cramped area especially against large big cats like jaguars. Fear filled her heart, she didn't want Roan or any of her beloved family members to be hurt or possibly mauled. She immediately dove into the foliage of the rain forest feeling her pelt bristling with caution, she was thankfully small enough to weave her way through branches that stuck out. "Oh god. . . Oh god, where is he?" Roxanne glanced around frantically before making out a sloppy path with crushed plants and branches, she could only assume that had been her crocodiles, she hurriedly made her way on this path with her nose twitching soon picking up the smell of Roan. The first thing that came into her sight was a large scaly tail, she carefully trended onto it hearing Kalayavan hiss at the sudden weight on their tail and back, she soothes him with a quick brush of her paw finally seeing the young culprit she was searching for.

"Roan Ó Foaláin-Roux."

She rarely ever spoke his full name since she never found the need to until now, her expression was rather stern as her mismatched gaze locked onto him. She stood on top of Kal's head for a moment before she would hop down with a lash of her tail, she wasn't mad at him but she had been worried sick. She didn't know what she would have done if there hadn't been anyone taking care of him or someone large enough like her crocodiles to make such a sloppy mess of the rainforest they were treading within. Her ears were pinned against her cranium as she finally mewed "Mijito, está peligroso aquí. . . No debes estar aquí solo porque luego te va pasar algo y mi corazón no va poder aguantar eso," Her gaze eventually softened towards her kitten, God, she wasn't able to stay mad at him for long as she brought him into her arms only to see that they weren't the only ones there. It was some kind of ebony avian, she titled her head to the side only to frown "Are you alright?" Her whiskers twitched, she had never seen a bird like this in person so the sight definitely fascinated her to say the least. Though that didn't distract Roxie from her son going out in the rainforest without her permission, she sighed quietly reminding herself that he was just a child.

translation: Son, it's dangerous here. . . You shouldn't be here alone because something could happen to you and my heart wouldn't be able to handle it. "character's speech."


Séamus Ó Faoláin
Séamus, having experienced Keona's ever independently wandering spirit in her early youth, knew not to panic when he noticed a distinct lack of Roan within the confines of the bay. Knew not to panic but felt his stomach cinch when he spotted Roxanne bursting into the rain forest in a spot of panic.  Had she been any other crewmate, the faerie may have not thought twice on the sight, but if Roxanne looked afraid, it could only be for worry of Roan.

The Irishman still recalled the day he joined the Typhoon's crew, greeted at the border by none other than Keona who could have only been two moons old at most, barely capable of remembering the proper greeting for newcomers.  When Kian appeared, thoroughly concerned and displeased, Séamus agreed wholeheartedly with the reaction, albeit less vocally than his twin.  She had been, luckily, shadowed by Lucifer at the time, who could no doubt protect her from any danger.

In the same way, Roan never knew an adventure without crocodiles on his tail.  For that, the faerie felt his concern lessen, but he decided to trail Roxanne through the rain forest regardless, quick to catch up and let his sea-green eyes settle on a thoroughly unharmed and safe Roan.

"Roan. An bhfuil tú ceart go leor?" He clicked his tongue then shifted his gaze to the object of his son's attention.  A swan, of all creatures.

"Can we help you, friend?" He looks like he's flown a bit too far.

// An bhfuil tú ceart go leor: are you alright
Word of mouth there's a snake in the garden


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The swan's reaction times were, admittedly, not the best. Especially considering his current exhaustion. It was in the middle of a long drink that he'd heard the snap of twigs, leading him to slowly drag his head up, look in its direction, still taking heavy breaths. He was... not nearly so fast as he should of been. Come on, Maali - step up your game. It'd be ironic if you died, wouldn't it? He wasn't sure what'd even happen. Stared at the approaching feline(?) with  electric blue eyes - oddly bright, despite his tire, almost as if they glowed in the evening shade. An odd thing that spoke to him, equipped with vibrantly green horns and... wings?
The swan had seen cats before - small pets of the humans, often lean and cocky. They had liked to disturb his siblings, prompting his mother into scaring them off. At least, whenever she noticed them. Something in the back of the swan's mind prickled at seeing it, but he'd been too large to be threatened by cats for some time. Aside from that, this one seemed too young - he wasn't so good at at aging mammals , with their absence of baby-down, but this one was awfully small, and the wings on its back, battish, seemed far to small to carry its similarly small body. The subject of wings and horns on a cat, at this point, had slid past his notice - he was far too tired to attempt making sense of it.
He was saying something. Shape up, Maali. What had everyone told you, ever since your hatching? Be watchful. If they'd given any advice to follow, that'd been it. Don't die, don't be injured, even he wasn't completely sure the former could happen to someone like him. Mustered up a slight, wavering grin, as the child talked - he was sure they were young, now - despite worry and exhaustion painted across the rest of his face. Spoke, naturally melodic.
"I am okay, yes - Just tired. I will likely be fine, after a rest. I am not so sure your mum would appreciate me coming to your home." He was about to continue with a line about how humans generally did not appreciate swans, when his eyes were drawn to the growth behind Roan. Crocodiles. His eyes widened as he took a sharp breath in, about to call something out to the kid before he was snapped up, raising white-edged wings outwards - already? Normally it took longer. He shouldn't be here-
When another feline pranced down the back of one, with no fear of the jaws of death below. Spoke sternly, worry written over her face, what he could only assume to the Child's full name. Talked firmly, words he could far from recognize, sharp. Softened her words as her gaze fell onto the swan, delivering gentle concern. As if he was hurt. Maali still stared down at the crocodiles as he responded, waiting for the inevitable.
"I am fine, Madam, Sir, it has simply been a long flight. Am I intruding?" Truthfully, the swan didn't know what he'd do if they denied his presence - he wasn't sure he could much fly, but it was only polite to ask - for your sake, as well, especially as more felines swarmed the scene. He was fine. He wouldn't be hurt. He was too large - and they were all asking whether he was alright. It was fine.


Re: RARA AVIS IN TERRIS NIGROQUE SIMILLIMA CYGNO || Joinnig - roan ; - 01-16-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — At most times, Roan knew when and where to draw the line on his curiosity and fascination with the new. However, it seemed as though this time he had done a bit of a misstep, if the reaction by his mother and father was anything to go by. Roan was caught up for a moment, listening intently to what Maali had to say, and then the next moment his full name was being said in a rather stern tone of voice. His head practically snapped up, and he looked at both Roxanne and Seamus, looking sheepish when he heard their worried words in their various languages. He understood both statements, and automatically felt awful for worrying them, so he quickly moved over to his mother, embracing her in a hug before he spoke, "Mama... mama, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you worry, I promise. I guess I just saw a big interesting bird and I couldn't help but go to it... I'm sorry!" Turning his attention then to his father, he moved to give Seamus a hug as well, "And I'm alright, papa. I'm sorry if I worried you as well..." Roan was usually far from this serious, but both Rox and Seamus seemed displeased with his wandering in the forest, so he knew that he needed to calm down, at least for the moment.

Once it seemed as though he had apologized adequately for running off without permission, Roan stayed between both his mother and father, turning to look back at Maali. The swan had seemed startled for a moment, evidently because of the presence of Kal and Brunhild, but seemed to somewhat be settling now, at least the most he could. Glancing up at his mother for a moment, Roan seemed to hesitate for a moment before he spoke, enthusiastically shaking his head from side to side, "You're not intruding, mister. This is just where The Typhoon lives. So when I saw you land, I wanted to come say hi!" It was a rather simple explanation, but Roan was a rather simple kid, and it was honestly the truth. He had just never seen a creature like Maali before, and his curiosity had been piqued. His paws had started moving before his childish mind really had a moment to catch up, so he hadn't really thought of the consequences to his actions, figuring his mother would be impressed about him finding someone so unusual. While she didn't exactly seem very angry anymore, and seemed like she had been more worried than angry in the first place, he wasn't sure she was anywhere near impressed.


/// is it Legal™ to bump? here's hoping!


[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]In the most literal sense, the bird is intruding - he flew into their territory and landed smack in the middle of it. Though he knows he shouldn't worry so much, Ahab cannot help the prickle of nerves that bundle up tight in his chest. It's an unfamiliar feeling, being so concerned for anything beyond his own survival. Surely a swan on their shore wouldn't stand a chance against his massive claws, but he recognizes that it isn't his own livelihood that concerns him. Strangely enough, it's the kitten and his mother, much smaller than himself and far more likely to be a target of any intruder that was looking for easy prey.

He isn't sure what to make of all that; there's a cold, unfeeling static building in the peripheral of his conscious thought, along with the pressing feeling that he's deviating ever-further from a plan that he never needed to know, or understand. Roxanne and her child were not important to the execution of his original mission. Those goals had long since been met, but he still felt the instinctive urge to adhere to what kept him in line. Another part of him, still vying for freedom, wants to assure that they remain unharmed by any stranger that tread upon this territory. He was intended to be alone in life yet wanted to draw things close to him and never let go. Love was not his language. Family was a myth. Danger was something to hide his treasures from and wait out the storm - not something to lunge at with blind intent to kill.

He was never supposed to be making these choices, was he?

The grizzly quells all of that budding anxiety with a huff. Finding his center, he tethers himself to it, giving pause in his motions until the blanked-out feeling washes over in a passing tide. Then, he focuses back on the present. "Rest?" Ahab tests the words out carefully, pondering the bird's request. Again, all of his trained senses are telling him that this is not safe to the survival of his newly-acquired cargo. And, yet, he is willing to go out on a limb to protect them. With risk comes reward - and his rational mind presses that a swan was hardly vicious in battle. "I... Think it will be alright to let you stay here." The bear cannot help the cautious edge to his voice. "But not in her home. We can find you someplace else to sleep. Is that alright with you?"