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python in captivity — o, powers - Printable Version

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python in captivity — o, powers - guts - 05-04-2018

Aizawa had been adjusting to life without a quirk. It was difficult at times, especially when he or others were in need, like when he was drowning in the water. Having his quirk might not have done much, but it may have proved more useful than he thought. They had a weird way of working sometimes. But no, after years of adjusting to having one, he had none. It was probably for the better, too. There was no reason for it, as villains weren't exactly a thing anymore. Sure, there were people from other clans, but to him that hardly counted.

So, of course, he hadn't expected to suddenly develop a new sort of power.

He knew that Izuku had his electricity, which still puzzled him. Why hadn't he just passed on with his quirk? There were many questions which he knew he wouldn't be getting the answers to, and it frustrated him. Even if he didn't know how to use it, at least the maine coon had something. He just had to sit around and settle for nothing. Not to mention that he could no longer fight without it. He had teeth and claws, but it didn't matter since he didn't know how to use them.

So, he had accepted the fact that he wouldn't have many ways of defending himself. At least he had his size going for him. But he felt like an idiot, having to relearn everything again, things that you'd usually learn as a damn toddler. He would have asked someone for help, but his stubborn pride was holding him back. He was as stubborn as a mule, and often times it showed.

That morning, he had woken up surprisingly early, considering how he usually woke up fairly late. Since he wasn't a teacher anymore, he had taken advantage of the fact that he didn't have to wake up at a certain time anymore. But today, he had been one of the first few up and about. It was probably the first time in a while he had felt so energized. Usually he would have woken up grumpy and still somewhat tired, but he was fairly alert. Still slightly grumpy, though.

The lion had been feeling hungry, his sides riddled with pangs of hunger, so he decided to check his traps. He still had to thank Jacob for helping him with them, actually. He'd have to do that later. Either way, he went around and collected all the prey he'd caught, pleased with the amount. He had been near the border when it happened.

The rustling of a bush nearby caught his attention. Aizawa turned, settling the shrub with a wary eye. He stood up from where he had been crouching and watched carefully, on edge. His claws instinctively extended themselves, digging into the snow below. Images of Izuku after he had gotten into a fight flashed into his mind, causing him to pause, his mind rushing. If he had had such difficulty, then what luck did he have? But then again, he was a lot bigger, and he had the physical strength that would aid him. Before he can think about it too much, though, the bush stops suddenly--and then a feline about his size lunges out towards him.

He doesn't get the chance to see what kind of animal it is, the impact of being barreled into sending him flying back. Snow is kicked up as he lands. He scrambles to get up, but before he can, they're already on him, hissing and spitting. They have a crazed look in their eyes, ones that startles him for a split moment. Still, he knows better than to lose his composure. He manages to keep his calm and kicks out his back-legs, hitting them square in the stomach, effectively freeing himself.

He wastes no time in getting to his paws, watching his opponent closely. He doesn't realize that his eyes begin to turn a shade of bright red. A sudden gust of wind appears from behind him and nearly makes him fall over onto his face, forcing the other feline to stumble back. He isn't sure where the wind came from, but he makes sure to take the opportunity, rushing forward as they're recovering from the blast. Aizawa lashes out with his claws, aiming to hit whatever and managing to rake them across the face.

The breeze picks up again, this time from the side. It sends them both rolling to the ground. It continues longer this time, keeping them on the ground. He stays on the ground, caught in the whirlwind of snow. Once it dies down enough, he lifts his head, only to find that they've fled from the scene. His legs are slightly shaky as he stands, his eyes returned to their normal brown color. Now that he's not in the middle of a fight, he has time to wonder just where the random wind had come from.

//kind of rushed at the end rip
td;lr aizawa gets into a bit of a scuffle with a loner on the border and discovers he has the power to control air


Re: python in captivity — o, powers - jacob w.c. - 05-06-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob had never had any sort of powers but he had gotten in a few fights. Most wouldn't think it from looking at him and he still wasn't actively trying to find fights or conflicts. If anything, each time he'd ended up in a real fight had been some kind of accident or someone had tried to hurt him first. Even then, though, Jacob's version of 'fighting' was... sub-par to say the least. When he was little he'd been kidnapped by a different group in the city and his Babbo had to come with a team of other friends and family to save Jacob. While it sounded fairly simple, Jacob had been forced to watch as his family fight the other group, some of which were killed or severely injured in the process. He'd cowered in the corner and hadn't watched most of it but after that day he'd been terrified of doing anything that caused anyone any sort of harm. Jacob knew how to fight. Most didn't think he did but Vito had made sure he knew how to defend himself if he ever got in a bad situation. The only problem was the actual idea of fighting absolutely terrified him. He never wanted to hurt anyone for any reason, even if it put his own well being at risk. Now, if Jersey or Harrison were being hurt, that would be an entirely different situation. Jacob tended to value other's lives over his own and he'd be more willing to step in and stop someone if the primary target was someone dear to him rather than the wolfdog himself.

Jacob had been out on a walk while he reflected on his past experiences, thinking of all that'd occurred in his time in the city. It was odd to think he'd spent a majority of his life there when Snowbound had quickly become his home. His family wasn't here and he missed them all dearly but he genuinely enjoyed the time he spent in this place. Suddenly, there was a strong wind that nearly sent Jacob tumbling but he barely managed to stay on shaking legs. He heard a yelp in the distance and made his way over as fast as he could, which was now at an even slower rate than usual considering his legs protested against such movement after his fall. When he arrived, he saw Aizawa on the ground and a stranger running off somewhere. "Aizawa! Are ya' alright? I was jus' passin' by n' there was some kinda' wind. Do ya' know wha' 'appened? N' who was tha' runnin' off?" The questions came from him without a thought as he hurried to the older man. The healer's eyes looked over him, searching for any sign of injury. He could still remember finding Izuku surrounded by everyone but him just a few days ago and how terrified Harrison had been. He'd been treating the injuries ever since his return but he wasn't sure he'd be able to stand another major injury in the same week. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: python in captivity — o, powers - melantha - 05-07-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt;"]Like Jacob, powers are not something that Melantha has the privilege of possessing. Her father, Cataclysm, is crazy powerful. The one time she witnessed him utilizing them to fight off a hungry bear, Mel was sure Papa was some sort of God. She's older now, though, and she knows that some people are just blessed with being extraordinary. But not she. Her siblings can speak with ghosts and control the elements, but all Melantha is good at is being completely, and utterly normal. There is a part of her that is a little bit jealous of those who can do amazing things; supernatural things. And there is a part of her that has embraced her normalcy. A certain kind of beauty exists in being perfectly, utterly normal. Or maybe she just tells herself that so she doesn't hate herself anymore than she already does.

The youthful huntress passes nearby the scuffle, two or three snow hare carcasses dangling from her crimson-stained jaws. Admittedly, the girl is not in much of a hurry to inspect what is occurring, content to observe from a safe distance while she casually strolls all the way home to dump off the excess food and dine on the rest. Too much time spent alone makes it difficult to reprogram the mind to be mindful of others. Hence, the significant delay between the time she notices a stranger engaging in an altercation with Aizawa and actually moving to do something about it. And she does it quite begrudgingly. Perhaps one of these days she will overcome her antisocial tendencies. Melantha is close behind Jacob when a strong gust of wind nearly knocks her off her feet, but she shifts her weight to her haunches, lowering her body and sinking her claws into the ground so to stabilize herself. "What in the...?" Sudden gusts of wind are not uncommon on the flat, open tundras, but this one seems especially strange.

Melantha leaves the questioning to Jacob as she approaches silently behind him. In her opinion, Aizawa looks perfectly fine so she feels no need to baby him or whatever. But that seems to be Jacob's niche--you know, like, caring for people and stuff. Still, pallid olive eyes sweep over the lion's emaciated figure, checking to make sure that he's alright physically. "Some scumbag, probably," answers the mountain lion even though she knows the question wasn't directed towards her. Does she care? Not really.

Re: python in captivity — o, powers - guts - 05-07-2018

Aizawa, looking himself over, is thankful that he isn't horribly injured. It wouldn't have been good if he had gotten hurt so quickly. But he was definitely slightly sore, and his head was pounding, a ringing in his ears making him grimace. He watches the place where they had disappeared, before looking over to Jacob as he approaches, the crunch of snow under his paws startling him for a moment. Then his fur lays back flat as he realizes it's only the husky. He didn't want any further trouble with anyone.

He just bobs his head, standing up and shaking himself off. He's slightly shaken by the sudden attack, but otherwise he keeps it hidden, keeping his body steady. It doesn't show on his face, but he's slightly worried by the odd occurrence with the wind. "I'm fine. Probably just some crazed animal," he shrugs off the other's concern. He isn't too interested in the attacker, not as much as he is in the weird way the wind was acting. Or maybe it had something to do with him.

The longer he thinks about it, the more he starts to wonder. As Melantha shows up, he gives her a simple nod of greeting, as he's too wrapped up in his thoughts. If Izuku could control electricity and use it to his will, then...Surely he couldn't have something like that, as well. But he also couldn't figure out any other explanation for the wind. "I don't know about the wind, either. happened abruptly, as I was fighting with whoever that was," he points out, though he isn't sure how much help his statement would be.


Re: python in captivity — o, powers - pallid-i - 05-08-2018

"Mister Aizawa! That was so cool!" The kitten scampered over with wide eyes and he stopped next to his father. "Can you do it again? I wanna see it again! Wow, wow wow!!" He started jumping excitedly and expected something big from the lion. He wished he could have such a power, but he was a regular kitten, so the chances of him actually getting any kind of powers were slim.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: python in captivity — o, powers - jacob w.c. - 05-09-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob nodded as the man confirmed all was well. As he looked over the lion, he didn't notice any significant injuries and he let out a soft sigh of relief. He was glad that the strange wind, whatever it'd been, had scared the attacker off. He wondered why someone would do something like that. He knew there were feral animals, although there hadn't been many in the city, that attacked with little to no reason. He doubted there were very many things that could even shake a lion but he was still thankful that all was well. With what happened to Izuku, he'd been more on edge than usual lately. Every day as he helped treat the boy's wounds, he was reminded of how he'd failed to protect him. He knew he shouldn't feel so guilty, there was no way to be everywhere at once, but he couldn't help it. Even if it wasn't possible, he wanted to do his best to make sure no one got hurt like that again while he was here. "Well, 'm glad you're alrigh'..." he stated before his attention was snagged by his son. He tilted his head slightly at the notion and glanced back to the lion. "Do ya' think tha's possible? That you were the one controllin' the wind n' all tha'? I know there are other people that can do tha' kinda' thing but I didn' think ya' had any powers..." —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: python in captivity — o, powers - guts - 05-09-2018

Aizawa had seen what Izuku was capable of, but he had never thought that he had similar abilities. Once he had come to realize he no longer had his quirk, he had accepted that he was like those back home who had no quirks or powers. At least there wouldn't be anyone to discriminate against him for it. But now, it seemed there was a possibility that it wasn't true. Still, he wouldn't be getting his hopes up any time soon.

He looks down at Harrison as he asks him to do it again, not knowing that he really didn't know how to do it. It had just...happened. Maybe it was something that just happened. Either way, he wasn't sure what to tell the kit. "I would if I could, kid," he wishes he could, at least to give himself some closure on the whole thing. He wanted to know if it was actually his doing or some random occurrence they didn't understand.

"There's a possibility. Wind doesn't usually behave like that in a tundra," he says simply, turning his eyes away and staring off into space as he ponders, not noticing as his eyes turn. They start to softly glow red, a sudden breeze kicking up shortly after, though it wasn't nearly as strong as before.
