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FLAMINGO ☆ introduction - Printable Version

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FLAMINGO ☆ introduction - roan ; - 01-09-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Roan Ó Faoláin-Roux was an incredibly well kept secret.

Well, sort of. Rather, Roan had been kept less as a secret, and more of just a pleasant surprise for the others. Truthfully, the only reason he hadn't been let outside of the nursery hut up to this point was because he had been too young, and Rox had been worried about letting her child out to the cruel, cruel world. Sure, he not only had the whole of the Typhoon to protect him, but also two rather big and nasty when they wanted to be crocs, but that didn't mean it wasn't possible for him to get trampled or worse, kidnapped. Still, Roan had turned four months old a few days ago, and the child had begun getting fussy, attempting to sneak out of the hut himself because of curiosity driving him towards the outside world. Roxanne had been forced to relent when Roan had looked up at her with his big, wide, blue eyes, promising his Mother that he would be ultra super duper extra careful if he could just be allowed to go outside. Of course, this had been late at night, when all his Mother had truly wanted was for him to stop prodding at her with his horns, so she had given in, telling him that he could go out tomorrow. The boy had spent the entire night practically vibrating with excitement, not even his strange dreams managing to keep him down for a moment.

The moment that the sun had begun to rise above the horizon, Roan was up and out of the hut he had been kept in for so long, a happy grin on the child's face as he leaped out into the sand, spraying it up in all different directions. He let his bright blue eyes take in the bay all around him as he flapped his small wings, which were still far too tiny to actually lift him up at all. He had little worry about that right now, however, because he was already rushing his way through more of the sand, bouncing around and causing a rather small ruckus that made several onlookers glance over in curiosity. His tiny green horns seemed to glint in the light, and he grinned enthusiastically up at those watching, before his attention was swiftly grabbed away by the appearance of a beetle in the sand. Immediately, the child was on the hunt, his body pressing down against the warm sand as he stalked after the bug. It was several seconds before he leaped, giving a few more flaps of his wings as he pounced upon the bug, only for it to quickly skitter away.

For a moment, the child sat there pouting, clearly disheartened that his first hunting attempt had gone awry, but then he remembered why he was out of his hut in the first place. Brightening back up, the child looked around quickly, calling out, "Hey! Hey, who wants to meet me! I'm really fun t'meet, I promise!" He certainly was a bundle of energy, but he was just a child, what could you expect?

Re: FLAMINGO ☆ introduction - ROXANNE R. - 01-09-2020

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Well, Roxanne hadn't wanted to keep the child a secret although, she had no clue that she was expecting until she had began to gain a lot of weight. It was embarrassing really though she didn't regret having Roan for a single second even if the pregnancy had been a bit more painful than well, any pregnancy she had ever heard of. She loved her child and well, he became the anchor in her life that provided her a form of stability. The only thing that made her worry was the possible harm that would come to her boy, she spent all those nights with him and never left his side, sometimes forgetting to even eat or drink. It made her paws slightly itch at the thought of even briefly leaving him for a quick break, she found most of her sacrifices to be worth it though her small baby was growing and soon enough he wanted to go out to see the world for himself. Yet her heart aches at the slightest thought of him being anywhere else but in her arms, Roxanne had felt so many forms of love yet this one tugged at her heart the most. Motherly love. The kind she never got once from her own mother who never even gave her the time of day just because Roxanne had been born different than her siblings, she had wings and nubs that would soon be horns whilst her siblings had been normal kittens. She had been the freak and frankly, the weakest of the litter. She had felt actual love with Planecrash and Greed, sisterly love towards her sisters and brother, familial love towards all her relatives yet the one she felt now was new and welcomed immediately.

Roan wanted to see the outside world, Roxanne would always tell him that it was much too dangerous for such a babe like him. But, as the kitten grew older well, she couldn't keep him in her protective embrace forever was what she realized. She would have to let him spread his limbs and wings soon, all birds left the nest though the thought pained her so much. It was late at night that she had felt the horns of his son prodding her side, her half lidded eyes gently fixated on her child knowing what he desired the most. She couldn't say no to him any longer and promised that he could outside tomorrow in the morning even if she was inwardly hesitant about letting her kitten see the big wide world that often was cruel. She had struggled to sleep that night having her wing draped over Roan as she gently breathed looking to one of the walls in the nursery hut, she would have to find a new home so she and Roan could live within it. It would be a new start for the both of them.

Roxanne had fallen asleep from her lack of sleep last night, her eyes fluttered open realizing that her baby wasn't near her side anymore and she immediately jolted upwards glancing around with widened pupils. Her fur puffed up with sudden hostility until she heard his voice outside did she breathe out in relief, she made her way out of the hut only to see her son playing in the sand. It gave her a feeling of sudden warmth and pride, she was currently raising the boy by herself though she hadn't seemed to mind at all. She knew one day, she would have someone to love and they'd have a family of their own. . . Roan would be a big brother and all would be well in the Typhoon. The Siamese trotted over towards the smaller feline beginning only to lick between his ears "Buenos diaz," She purred quietly deciding to fix his fur up a bit before anyone else saw him. He was her pride and joy, how could she not fawn over him? "character's speech."

Re: FLAMINGO ☆ introduction - Kian. - 01-09-2020

Kian Ó Faoláin
Being the overly fatherly and doting faerie he was, Kian sat upright at the obviously childish voice ringing in the air.  Unfamiliar with Roan, the Irishman grinned and obediantly followed the call.  His sea-green eyes gleamed, quickly putting the connection between Roxanne and the energetic young boy.  "Hello then."

"It's nice to meet you, do you 'ave a name?" He took a polite seat, resting his tail over his paws as he regarded the child warmly.  "'m Kian." Uncle Kian, he would learn soon enough, should he not be mistaken for his twin first.
All your dead end fury is not enough

Re: FLAMINGO ☆ introduction - Sekitan - 01-09-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"] 
Ah this was a walk down memory lane, and it brought an upon bittersweet memories, but the mixed breed kept his distance watching this introduction with the twinge of amusement, and wondering in were in the realms were his family? That is they were all still alive after the outcome of the war, but who knew anymore.  Tail carefully wagging minding the sand, and watching from the distance, he laid himself onto the ground, and watched the hyperactive child bounce around, well, he was different from his own son and that was for damn sure
talk here

Re: FLAMINGO ☆ introduction - MYERS - 01-09-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]Ahab was never born.

Correction: he does not remember a childhood. He was born in a clean white room, swaddled in bandages, thrashing until needles met his neck and he went so, so calm. He was born twice. Three times. As many times as they needed to start over and make something good of his remains. If he was once small, he cannot imagine it. He was born of wires and metal and intravenous tubes threaded into his neck. He was born of pain and disfigurement. And now, he lives.

The bear sees something small and feels - pain? Pity. It can't live alone, like him. It doesn't know any better and could slip and fall off a cliffside, drown in the ocean waters, scale a tree and never find its way back down without a body full of broken bones. He wants to pick up the small, defenseless thing and carry it to safety, back to its den. It never has to die. It never has to be born again with broken pieces missing and doctors sewing it back together.

Ahab wants to hold the child and weep. The world is not kind enough for something so innocent.

But the child is a living thing (he, not it, Ahab corrects himself) that has the benefit of a mother, unlike the many faces of the past that he cannot remember, himself. If the grizzly had a mother, has one, she's long gone - unimportant, blank-faced, nothing but a distant dream. If she is alive, that does not matter. She wouldn't recognize him, anyway. Yet Roxanne carries a presence that speaks of warmth and motherly joy, graciously protective of her son, and as she welcomes him into the open Ahab feels a pang of... Loss. Grief for something he cannot recall, or perhaps only grief at the loss of memory. He banishes the thought with a shake of his pelt. He's too old to be hurting like this.

Ahab regards Roxanne with a slow tilt of his head, gently nodding his chin towards the smaller feline squirming after a beetle. As she stops to groom a cowlick on Roan's head, he can't help a phantom of a smile - just a quirk of his lip, but enough to ease the rugged features that led many to avoid his direct gaze. "...Your son?" It's barely a question. Clearly she's a doting mother, but it would be rude to acknowledge the child before greeting his parents.

Re: FLAMINGO ☆ introduction - guts - 01-09-2020

He was never a child himself. While Ahab has no memory of it, he is certain that he was not small, nor did he come from a mother's womb. He was created with the heart of a stone, quite literally. His kind was made from a Philosopher' Stone, an artificial human as they called them, a creation against nature that wasn't meant to exist. But here he was anyway, existing.

With his lack of experience of a childhood, he never really knew what to make of kids. A part of him envied them, maybe, a part that desired a normal life like any human had. He wished he had a normal family, people who didn't just use him for their own benefit, to do their bidding for them. He would never be a slave, never again. He had his own goals and dreams to fulfill.

He comes across the scene in the most inopportune time, just as those words left Ahab's mouth. "...Your son?" he hears and when he sees who it's directed at, his mind blanks. He hardly looks over at the actual kid, too dumbfounded to actually take a second and think about it. Then he's angry. His face flushes as he clenches his jaw, suddenly tense, uncharacteristic of him.

Greed stares holes into Roxanne. "Who's is it?" he asks in a deep tone, how he was feeling clear in the way he spoke. As much as he wanted to, he wouldn't explode just yet, not until she answered. Then he would throw a temper tantrum, Roan's presence be damned.

Re: FLAMINGO ☆ introduction - SÉAMUS - 01-09-2020

Séamus Ó Faoláin
A memory of two lively boys played in the back of the faerie's mind.  A pair of brothers saying hello to their crew for the first time, their parents standing by with fond eyes -- a nontraditional family, but Séamus always cared deeply for his children.  Wherever they are...

Returning from the Pitt to learn of a young, energetic son, caught him off-guard.  Guilt came to him rarely, but the Irishman had known it with Keona, and he knew it with Roan -- he felt his mission had been important of course, he still had been woefully absent for the boy's first moons.  A spy's misfortune.

Hearing the vibrant voice call for attention, Séamus came trotting along.  His perked ears flicked at questions poised and smiling greetings traded.  Obvious ire in Greed's voice particularly, the Irishman tilted his head.  "He is my son," perhaps only obvious from the splashes of green across the young lad's body -- a reminder that many of the Ó Faoláin's possessed eyes of the same color.

His eyes return to the boy, warming considerably. "Dia dhuit, Roan." Another nontraditional family, but the boy would know the love and care of two parents.  "Kian is my brother, your uncail."
Word of mouth there's a snake in the garden

Re: FLAMINGO ☆ introduction - ROXANNE R. - 01-09-2020

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Roxanne smiled at her boy before her gaze drifted over to Kian, who she admittedly mistook for Seámus upon first sight until he introduced himself. She decided to give Roan some space after she felt that he was now presentable to all of those around him, she offered a small nod over to Kian before her attention diverted over towards the large bear that had recently joined only to take in his question. Her son. She opened his jaws as she spoke with much pride "Yes, he's my son. I very much cherish and love him, a mother couldn't have been any prouder." She purred at last only to turn her gaze to her son gently speaking to him "Introduce yourself, sweetie. Don't be shy," Of course, by no means was she rushing her child to speak if he didn't feel comfortable about it. She thought everything was going rather well until she heard hear large pawsteps, she could feel her insides churning from within since she had caught the scent of someone very familiar. Oh, she was well aware that he would be pissed to see her with a child. Did she regret it? Not really. Had she wished it had been with someone else rather than Seámus? Very much so but, all things fell in place and she didn't have much control when she had that one night stand.

"Who's is it?"

She turned to face him with her own stern expression with fluffy tail lifted, the fur along her spine slightly prickled. He didn't have much of a right to be angry at her, it wasn't like they had been together or none of this would have occurred to begin with. Her pupils turned into dangerous slits as her tail lashed to the sides, she didn't know how to feel but she wasn't going to let Greed be mad at her for something that actually brought her happiness despite the circumstances and the sacrifice she had to make to conceive Roan. "Does that really matter right now? He's my child and it doesn't matter who was or wasn't his father, Greed." She should have known better than to take that jab at the jaguar but, she seriously didn't want some shitfest to unfold on the first day that she had permitted Roan to go outside. She inwardly groaned as the father of her kitten showed up, claiming the kid as his own. She let out a frustrated snort as she returned to her son's side rather protectively, she'd bite anyone if they even tried to ruin his first day outside. "character's speech."

Re: FLAMINGO ☆ introduction - guts - 01-09-2020

Ouch. She was right, he didn't have the right to get all up in arms, but he couldn't help himself. He cared about her a great deal and he couldn't stop the whole thing from getting under his skin.

He narrows his eyes at Seamus, silently seething at the confession, especially how carelessly it was said. Everyone should care about how he felt, right? His mood sours even more at the words that leave Rox's mouth, a scowl on his face. So, she was going to be like that. He lowers his eyes, staring daggers down at the ground as fire burned inside his chest, even a hint of shame crawling it's way in. Okay, if they wanted to make him look like a fool, then he would just fucking beat it.

"Fine." the black jaguar grumbles. He doesn't even give Roan a glance before he turns away, angrily walking away, probably to sulk in his room. He didn't know all the details, so he naturally assumed that they could have been together. So she had gotten over him then? Was she just stringing him along like a puppet on a string? Either option left a bitter taste in his mouth.

So why not drown it out with some of the tavern's alcohol? A retreat into his room forgotten, he changed gears and made his way towards said building.

/out + rip greed

Re: FLAMINGO ☆ introduction - roan ; - 01-09-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — It's sort of... stunning, really. One moment Roan was dashing through the sand, halting only to shout out his clumsy call for introductions to the world, and the next minute he was positively surrounded by new faces. The first, unsurprisingly, is his Mother, with the usual warm and loving smile on her face. Even if Roan didn't truly fully understand the grand extent of how much his Mother did for him, he knew he loved her dearly, and she loved him dearly as well, and that was enough for him, even if there would one day be a day where he felt he could never repay Roxanne for everything she had done for him. As his Mother began to lick behind his ears, flattening out the little tufts of hair that stuck out messily from around his horns, the boy squirmed a little, squeaking out, "Buenos diaz, mama!" Despite his squirming over the sudden pampering, he sounded quite happy to have his mother around, which he even demonstrated by pressing back a little into her fluffy chest, a smile on his face.

However, Roxanne is hardly able to hold the child's attention for long, mainly because of the variety of different faces who show up quickly after her, the first being Kian, then Ahab, then a rather angry seeming man, and his father, Seamus. All with another unfamiliar face watching from a distance. Roan was so caught up in all of the excitement that the kit nearly didn't remember what he had gathered everyone around to do. He hadn't even said his name yet! He isn't quite sure why the big dark furred man was so angry, but it seemed as though his mama had it under control, so he focused his attention instead on Ahab and Kian first. Following his mother's soft nudging, the child pushed himself back up to his paws, his tail flicking excitedly behind him as he puffed out his chest, "My name's Roan Ó Fao... Fao... Faoláin-Roux! Roxanne's my mama, and my papa is-" Despite his stumbling over the pronunciation of his first surname, the child still seemed quite confident and focused on the task at hand. That was, of course, until his father actually appeared. It wasn't as if he didn't know Seamus or who he was, but thanks to his father's rather nontraditional career choice, Roan had only gotten to see him a few times before this point. As a result, immediately the kid found himself rushing at his father, moving to throw his small paws around the older male in a hug, "Seamus! My papa is Seamus! Dia dhuit, papa!" The young boy wasn't truly aware of what those words meant yet, but from what he could understand they were some sort of greeting, and Roan was always quick to replicate whatever his parents said.

After a moment of hugging the other, Roan pulled back, a happy lopsided grin on the child's face. His blue eyes went nearly comically wide at his father's next words, and he turned around, his eyes seeking out the male who had been identified as Kian. Once he caught sight of the other, he bounced a little, his back paws spraying up sand from beneath him as he attempted to stay upright to clap his paws. As he did so, he spoke excitedly, "Uncail? Oh, I'm so excited to meet you! Dia dhuit, uncail Kian!" Roan had known somewhat from previous conversations with his mother that he had plenty of family all around, but he hadn't exactly had a chance to truly meet them before now, so he was plenty excited.

Roan's excitement, however, was also short lived. As the child was excitedly bouncing, he heard his mother's tone change from nearby, her unusually harsh words directed towards the black jaguar who had come over earlier. Looking over, Roan blinked in mild confusion, listening to the conversation but not truly comprehending what was going on. What did it matter who his father was? Seamus was a good papa! Sure, he had been gone for a little while after Roan had been born initially, but he had come back, and he hadn't been anything but sweet... why was Greed so upset? Roan watched with a frown as Greed stalked off, away from both the conversation and the event that was going on. Tail drooping behind him, he turned to his mother, his voice soft, "Mama...? Did I do something wrong? Why is he leaving?" The child didn't understand how he had messed up his first real venture out into the outside world... had he said something that Greed didn't like?