Beasts of Beyond
As nightly she plays with fire, ignoring intent| joining - Printable Version

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As nightly she plays with fire, ignoring intent| joining - Sekitan - 01-08-2020

A femme fatale of the public, dressed in wickedness
If this shallow love is what you call love
There was a very thin line of been reincarnated as new purely repurposed soul, and becoming a demon, or some form of death related omen, to haunt all of humanity and its creations into the next eon.  Some people pass into the afterlife quietly, without a qualm at peace with their choices of what they had made in life, but some made enough noise to echo for the rest of the time.

Regina was unfortunate to never even come close to that,  history had made sure her name was run through the mud, burned, and forgotten only to be remembered in hushed whispers around the fireplace, and in texts so ancient and fragile that those who find them were afraid of breathing on them, would cause more harm than the state they were in.

The golden tinted serval feline, her gait light and agile, her eyes a rich golden amber hue narrowed into slits, after finding that she awakens in this body, apparently, the gods were merciful or she was finding out that she had no choice but to serve the rest of her time, whatever sins that she had committed in the span of her sovereign.  Her slim tail slowly swishing behind her.

Her jewelry always accenting and glinting sharply in the sunlight, has the woman carried on with her head raised up high, unafraid, but uncertain of the land that she was now walking into.  This was not her own, her own time had come and gone.

For all she knew, she might have become some sort of ghoul, of which wouldn’t have surprised her, for she would love to haunt those who played her wrong, all those years ago. Especially, their remaining ancestors.
"speech here."

template by orion

Re: As nightly she plays with fire, ignoring intent| joining - Kydobi - 01-09-2020


[OOC: ]

The man would know a little something about rising up from the dead into a world that felt so strange. But unlike her, he had been in this world prior to his fall and quickly adapted to it again.

The would-be Ardent was once again, the first to come across a newcomer. He had taken it upon himself to keep close to the borders. Making sure that they were all well scented and marked. Tanglewood was not a joke to him and perhaps he was becoming more and more paranoid.

It was hard to miss her with all her jewelry and gold. While he had never been one for such grandiosity, he had grown up as royalty for the first year of his life and learned to appreciate the beauty in... beauty.

Besides, they could use all the recruits they could get. He couldn’t help but notice that thing about her. Was she too royalty? It took one to know one, although he wasn’t such anymore. Still, he was slightly amused by her confidence but on the other paw... irritated by it.

The large brute would walk up to the feline, trying not to scare her with such a large size difference. For once he lowered his rather regal posture to ease their conversation.

“Hello ma’am. May i ask what you’re doing here?”, clearing his throat he would say, “I’m Kydobi.”


Re: As nightly she plays with fire, ignoring intent| joining - Sekitan - 01-09-2020

A femme fatale of the public, dressed in wickedness
If this shallow love is what you call love
"What I am doing, is waiting for someone to show up, and I am surprised to see a black panther here in this part of the world, where one belongs in the jungles. Not in this barren wasteland, of sand and ruins." Regina spoke calmly and carefully, her words moving and flowing like silk but were sweet has honey, detecting the slightest of accents from lands far from here.  She sat back, still straightening her spine, has she took in this newcomer in all of his glory sort of speak.

Kydobi had a long way of startling her, Regina was not exact to be startled for much longer, except perhaps prior to her death, was the only time that was allowed. "I wish to join." she said without much thought, not wasting any time left explaining what she was doing here, all alone.  Even with her jewelry, of which in her time was a symbol of power and status, perhaps it meant nothing here, she wouldn't know.

template by orion

Re: As nightly she plays with fire, ignoring intent| joining - Kydobi - 01-09-2020


[OOC: ]

Very few here would care for her jewels. Majority may take them as greed, conceit, or just a simple fashion statement. Of course, her comment on their territory showed how much she knew of it.

“There is a jungle.”, it was the one thing he sought when he first arrived on these lands. Jungle was home. Jungle was all he really knew. It was what he felt most comfortable in.

“Of course were in the process of restoring it. Recent battles have left us with some repairing to do.”, both external and internally. The clan needed some healing and it was up to Kydobi to do it.

He figured she had a desire to join, if not... he probably would’ve given her some food and water and had her be on her way.

“Well lucky for you I came.”, he assumed he had the power more than anyone to let someone in, “So tell me what you have to offer us. How would you be an asset to us?”


Re: As nightly she plays with fire, ignoring intent| joining - Sekitan - 01-09-2020

A femme fatale of the public, dressed in wickedness
If this shallow love is what you call love
To her that question of what she could provide to this group, sounded a lot like a mocking question but it was not the itent of Kydobi, and even she knew that, if he had his head that far up in his ass, she would have noticed and took a moment to answer his question. "even a warring kingdom, there has to be someone who can wager peace when the time calls for it, no? You are going to need a mediator one of these days, and that time will come eventually, when the world comes again to strike against what little you have. What would you do?"

template by orion

Re: As nightly she plays with fire, ignoring intent| joining - Kydobi - 01-09-2020


[OOC: ]

Kydobi inhaled, her idea of the Pitt was off. Not totally, very recently her view of it would’ve been correct but Kydobi has been put in charge and he planned on changing it.

“You’ve probably heard tale of us, but let me tell it straight from the horses mouth. We are not a warring kingdom- anymore.”, he flicked his tail, “Not only that but trust me- I’m a diplomat. Not a crazed tyrant like the former leader. One thing you’ll find quick is that not matter how smooth or silver your tongue is. No matter how honest and truthful you are... no one will believe you because you are from the Pitt. Simple as that.”

Kydobi looked at her, he didn’t want to lose the opportunity to recruit, “it’s a world of ignorance. People will point and accuse us of savagery. But truth is we are far from it. But we all understand we are in a world of ignorance, and that we are outcasted because of foolish logic. However we understand that none will fight for another as viciously as a Pittian fights for a fellow Pittian”

Perhaps she would understand.

“Do you have any questions? I’ll be happy to fill in”


Re: As nightly she plays with fire, ignoring intent| joining - trojan g. - 01-09-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 60%;text-align: justify;font-size: 8pt;"]She knew that it was important for her to stay inside, to stay at home, to stay safe. Sweeney knew this to be true, knew one of the few rules that she was meant to follow, and decided 'fuck it, time to break that one rule' and had snuck out of the camp and into the desert. Tongue lolled out of the child's maw as she began to overheat but continued on her way, furious and stubborn dragging herself to the border, to Kydobi. She didn't know the other too well, but she knew Fourthwall trusted him, so that was enough for her, at least for now at this young age.

"Kydoobiiiii," The child would whine as she trekked behind him, head soon aiming to connect with his back leg in an attempt to catch his attention, "I followed you but it's hot and I'm tired, I wanna go back but I don't wanna walk." She would soon notice the one at the border, sparkling jewels wrapped around her body, and she'd peer out from behind the larger being, ears pinning to her head. "Who're you?" She'd speak, eyes squinting.