Beasts of Beyond
SCARED OF THE DARK / JOINING - Printable Version

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[glow=#000,1,400]I WISH I COULD ESCAPE, I DON'T WANNA FAKE IT !。+゚.[/glow]
His nostrils flared as familiar smells made the fur on his spine bristle, he hadn't smelt this place in ages and he would grunt feeling the marsh underneath his claws. The large brute hadn't been in this familiar territory for a good while not since he had led his own group, his tail lashed to the sides at the memory, his snout was lowered to the ground barely touching it. Kliment stopped at the sound of water moving, he could feel the roof of his mouth salivating already, he definitely remembered that smell. His snout scrunched up as a snarl escaped his partially open jaws, he took a few steps closer towards the swamp knowing that he shouldn't be treading in someone else's lands though he began to think about possibly rejoining, there was definitely an opportunity for him to thrive here. They didn't like that there wasn't much cover for him then again he was pretty large to hide to begin with but here, he felt he could at least somewhat hide in the darkness. He stood still near the waters with both long ears perked forward, his nose twitching lightly before hearing the water move around once more. Kliment lunged forward with jaws parted feeling the tough skin of an alligator, he managed to capture its stomach pulling them upwards and out of the muddy water.

He could feel the smaller reptile writhing within his grip, his powerful jaws pressed down onto the soft underbelly. They released a growl once they heard the cracking of bones, he let the gator fall to the ground listening to them hiss before placing his large paw down onto its cranium, the large brute dug his claws into its snout and head. Kliment bit down on their head twisting it slightly until he broke its neck, with an unhinge of their jaws he began to slowly swallow the creature. The tail being the last thing he was slurping up like some kind of spaghetti noodle, he finished off the gator with a low growl. He shook himself off looking around,  he scratched behind his ears with his hind leg, he wondered where the Tanglers were at. He didn't know where he was exactly was since well, he was blind "WE ARE HERE TO REJOIN," They finally spoke with a lash of his tail. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: SCARED OF THE DARK / JOINING - wormwood. - 01-08-2020

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
What the fuck was that.

Aurum hadn't exactly been around for the last time Kliment had been a member of Tanglewood, and as he approached the creature, his one good eye was a wide orb, full of... amazement? Terror? He wasn't exactly sure, just as he wasn't exactly sure what this thing was. He didn't seem hostile. Well, at least not hostile to the members of Tanglewood. He was definitely more than a little bit hostile to the alligators within Tanglewood's waters, if him slurping one up like a wet noodle was anything to go by. Aurum couldn't say he was exactly mourning, since he tended to keep his own fair distance away from the gators at all times – after all, he had learned well just what they could do when one had bitten him shortly after his joining. Still, it was definitely pretty unnerving to see a strange alien looking creature walk up to the territory and take down a gator single handedly, a task that usually took an entire hunting group. Aurum was fairly sure he could take down a gator on his own as well, but certainly not without using his powers and wings, both of which this guy evidently lacked, or at least hadn't used in the process of killing the gator.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, the proxy moved over to the front of Kliment, unaware of the fact that the other couldn't see him. As he cocked his head to one side, he let his eyes take in Kliment's form, along with all of the odd little details. When he was satisfied that he had seen enough, he let his eyes go back to Kliment's face, clearing his throat before speaking, "Hello there, welcome back to Tanglewood. My name's Aurum, and I'm the second in command around here... could I know your name? I'm afraid I wasn't around for the last time you were here..." Or perhaps he had been, and he simply hadn't remembered it. Although, Aurum was fairly confident that he wouldn't have forgotten a creature like Kliment, even if they had only been around for a brief amount of time. At the very least he would've marked them down as an oddity, even if he really didn't have much room to speak on such a subject. Plenty of people regarded him as an oddity, since it wasn't exactly often that you saw a winged lion just walking around. He supposed it was all just a matter of perspective, and how used to something you had become.
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