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nightlock — joining, o - Printable Version

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nightlock — joining, o - Belladonna - 03-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Long before Belladonna decided to join, she met Beck as he started to gather the pieces of his group together - and now, all this time later, she was taking him up on his offer. The shady she-cat padded through the swamp as rain pounded against her head above, her fur already becoming slicked by the water as it flooded down her coat. She'd made a stupid decision by trying to join during a rainstorm.

But where else did she have to go? her mother was dead, her old clan was hunting her down, and she had no clue who her father was - all she had by her side was a large book of herbs with her mother's writing hiding secrets in the margin, and a small satchel her mother had made for her - already clearly stuffed to the brim with herbs.

She seemed to find what she could recognize as a border - although the scent was muddled and fresh, it was weak as well. She could smell more odd scents as well, very earthen and raw, moist - ah, swamps. Not her favourite. She hoped they had a place for a bath. "Hello? anyone home?" she called out into the freezing cold wind, hoping for the best. She hoped she hadn't just wondered into a death trap.

Re: nightlock — joining, o - COSMIIX - 03-16-2018

Just when she was hoping that it was some type of mutated being, she was faced with a dull coated she-cat and the jaguaress took a deep breath with her hood concealing most of her face. With a twitch of her whiskers, the queen would speak with a curt nod "Not really much of a home, darling." There was a pause as her large python slithered beside her peering at Belladonna with a pair of beady eyes and flickering out their tongue, if that had distracted the tiny feline then Amunet would take it back by introducing herself "Amunet Ghana. What's your name and why are you here?" Her tail lashed to the sides calmly awaiting a response before pondering over how her rats were fairing, they hadn't been very pleased to stay in such an area but, she frankly didn't care at the time until she found her objective. A single mutant creature or if she was lucky, several of them would appease her curious mind. "This is Tanglewood." She finally said pulling her hood down to reveal her two-faced appearance as her mismatched gaze took a moment to examine Belladonna before using her paw to left her snake up towards her until he pleasantly coiled himself around her chest and neck "This is Moses." If anyone was curious of the snake's name and she was certain that Vlad wasn't too far since she had always insisted that he never left her side since, well, he was blind and he didn't know a single damn bastard in this place.


Re: nightlock — joining, o - Belladonna - 03-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]It wasn't long before someone arrived; a pretty jaguar, her features split down the middle - the snake, however, made her flinch a little, but it didn't look like Moses was going to attack her or anything; if she didn't get on Amunet's bad side.

Belladonna would have sat down, but she didn't want to get any more of her coat wet; instead she adjusted the straps on her satchel, and anxiously checking her book was still secured. "U-uh," she stammered nervously, before speaking again. "Belladonna Arbor." she introduced herself, not too sure how to explain why she was there - maybe she was looking for her destiny. "I'm, looking for shelter, somewhere to stay... I believe I might... might be being chased right now."

Re: nightlock — joining, o - valiisi - 03-16-2018

Counterfeit hypocrite, holy shit
[div style="width: 57%;font-family: arial;font-size: 12px;color: #black;text-align: justify;margin-top: -5px;line-height: 95%;"]

Belial was notorious for being a rougher kind of guy, grew up on the streets- but you learn a thing or two about the importance of camaraderie there.  This kind of weather was horrible for his lungs, but the real fun was in trying not to cough. Consider this a test of strength- and his willingness to be knee deep in sopping wet grass. He was mellow by the time he reached Belladonna, and the reason he was here was easily explainable as he was thinking. Walking and thinking, getting existential because he....he's aware he's sort of an asshole, and it doesn't sit that well with him.

It didn't sit well with him because he liked to believe he had control of what kind of person he was - and right now was an opportunity to prove he was as civil as anyone else, despite his standoffish demeanor.

"Hey, girly if yous need a place to stay, I've been squatting here for a while now - I know the ins and outs. Just follow me."
"fuckin......fuck....god I can't wait to have a nice smoke, ya know? Hate this weather, dyin' to get inside."

Can't light one up while it's raining.

"Amunet, you should come too. Weathers shit. Standin' out here is stupid. Just up north I found a nice abandoned shed, sort of. From my experience, it's pretty leak proof....which means we all benefit."  Bel flashes them a trashy grin, fur just as plastered down as the rest of them - which he didn't like. He was a small dog, had to look sharp. Thats the difference between being a little pack leader, and just a mutt who got wet.

While walking, he takes a moment to look back. "And don't sweat it Bella, you got defense. I know how to fight - Amunet is this close to scaring me straight, gay as I am. No ones gunna fuck with you when rolling with us. Promise."

Re: nightlock — joining, o - COSMIIX - 03-16-2018

She was about to speak until Belial approached did she find herself snorting in amusement and rolling her heterochromatic eyes at the canine. He was ridiculous but, he was likable as long as he didn't pester her in her studies and she'd turn to face him chuckling a bit at her scaring him "Oh poppycock, I'm the least intimidating being on this planet." She chided with a mysterious grin adorning her beautiful features only to offer a wink in Bella's direction and would continue to say with a twitch of her whiskers "Are you sure that you didn't drink too much swamp water? Toads infest those waters and well, some of them are quite toxic to the point they make people hallucinate or become mad." Her eyes shone dimly for a moment only to nod slowly as she used a dainty paw to pet Moses over his slender head "But yes, follow us, Bella. I'll provide you with a blanket and some food." Her tail lashed to the sides knowing that Vlad would show up sooner or later and if he was well, she hoped that the big brute was alright. She let Moses slip within her cloak and after that was done, she'd remove it revealing that her face wasn't the only bit that was halved only to let out a soft sigh feeling the raindrops hit her slender form "There we go." She mumbled aiming to drape Belladonna in her cloak and if the she-cat let her then she would take a few steps forward before locking her gaze onto Belial once more "Lead us to your cabin, Bel-boy." The ethereal creature said as a giggle escaped her jaws, her python curled around her neck loosely as he stared at both Bel and Belladonna.


Re: nightlock — joining, o - Belladonna - 03-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Didn't this group just start up? Belial and Amunet seemed to already be buddy-buddy; and if they were, it happened quickly. Belladonna, however, was never the best at social interactions, hence her shyness and insecurity already around the two. It seemed that Amunet wasn't very patient regarding that side of her though, and Belladonna found herself being rugged up in a cloak that was far too big for her; although she appreciated the gesture, mewing a muffled 'fank you' under the wreaths of cloth.

After hearing the back and forth, Belladonna directed her attention to Belial, whom Amunet had asked to escort them - and Belladonna gestured to him, as if to say, 'well, go on?'

Re: nightlock — joining, o - beck. - 03-17-2018

"Who was chasin' ya?" hissed the seemingly-disembodied voice from the entwined trees, and if one cared to glance up, they would identify the question's owner as an eavesdropping poltergeist. Lantern-like eyes slitted in suspicion of pursuers, Beck pointedly refused to scramble down the tree slick with parasitic moss and rain, albeit he inched forwards on the branch to reveal his perched form. Despite his hydrophobic efforts, he hadn't escaped the storm either, all prior fluff and bristle to his pelt now clinging to his bony flanks, where prominent ribs jutted out from underneath soaked fur. Pearly little claws digging into the damp bark and wincing at the slightest raindrop, he was quick to register Bella, her scent, and her mannerisms into his overworked memory, squinting down to catch a glimpse of the creature beneath Amunet's cloak. Sure, they had only been an official group for a little less than a while, but he figured it wouldn't be long until wet heaps of fur found themselves shivering in the swamp. Ears inclining forward, he perilously stretched forwards, drooping bobbed tail wagging in mock delight as he abruptly shifted focus from possible threats to the two's shared offer of assistance. "Aw, just look at ya two, gettin' along and helpin' -- ain't that just the cutest thing?" he cooed with a sickly wheeze, following giggles bouncing off the branches only to be drowned out by a loud clap of rolling thunder.

Shaking out his fur to no avail, the poltergeist's apparition rippled briefly in thought, before he slumped on his branch, draping scratched arms under his chin and offering a wicked flash of sharkish teeth down at Belladonna. "Name's Beck -- and I'm the commander of these weirdos, I s'pose, so, uh, welcome. Or somethin' like that." He cut off his rambling to scratch behind his notched ear in search of anything else to say. After nothing remarkable came to him, the poltergeist gave a rasping whistle from punctured lungs, "I ain't gonna help 'em get ya to our camp though, I've got, uh, business to do. Like watchin' the border." A lousy excuse for why he was hiding from the rising swamp water and had settled himself in the dense canopy instead.

Re: nightlock — joining, o - venus - 03-18-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]"Those who are quite possibly chasing you, what if they attack us too? We're young, weak, and probably wouldn't stand a chance." Pessimism incarnate came advancing towards the gathered Tanglewood members, silvery hued fur catching the sun's rays at awkward angles and sapphire hues appeared to become transparent in the sun's glare. The sight was accompanied by a sharp tone, voice full of distaste and disgust as Venus glazed over the Belladonna who approached with pitiful cries. Something about her current situation taking Venus slightly on edge; cautious of the foreign girl. No one got chased without reason, Venus knew that from experience. So then what had Bella done to aggravate those she could defend herself against? What if she were to do the same to Tanglewood? No one would even really care actually; most of Tanglewood were criminal runaways anyways. What was one more stowaway for the ragtag team?

Sliding their harsh gaze methodically towards those who were already gathered, so adamant on letting Belladonna stay that the silvery Turkish Angora simply sighed through their parted maw and submitted to the collective mentality. "But such is life I guess. Welcome to Tanglewood Belladonna, my name is Venus. Glad to be acquainted." Finally Venus offered the frightened girl whatever the Turkish Angora could muster to fake a smile.

Re: nightlock — joining, o - Belladonna - 03-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]The sad thing was that Belladonna hadn't aggravated anyone by her own actions; it was the mystery around her birth that was the reason they lusted for her head. But that would take a while to explain. "They're weak against a group. They have a mob mentality, they..." her voice started to crack, but if she didn't tell the truth now, it wouldn't help her later. "They... killed my mother for consorting with a demon... and they think I'm the result of her crime."

[ sorry, accidentally posted on my main the first time,, ]