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ENJOY IT TOO / gift for aurum - Printable Version

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ENJOY IT TOO / gift for aurum - spacexual - 01-08-2020

Re: ENJOY IT TOO / gift for aurum - wormwood. - 01-08-2020

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Usually, Aurum was the one giving gifts to others. It wasn't that people disliked him or actively tried to avoid giving him gifts of any kind, rather, it was that Aurum just enjoyed giving others gifts. He enjoyed seeing the way that their faces lit up when you gave them something particularly nice, and he loved the sheer warmth he could feel radiating from them in waves as they embraced him or thanked him. Christmas time was like a dream to the lion, mainly because it gave him an excuse to give others gifts without needing to figure out some particular reason for it. However, Christmas had come and gone, and while Aurum had enjoyed the company of others quite a lot during the holiday season, he hadn't exactly had a chance to give others presents. He wasn't sure why he had been so busy for nearly the whole of December, but it had very much been a busy month, and he could never find the time to just drag him self away and make or find gifts. He had intended to just save his energy up in January and give everyone late presents, but given what had happened with Uriel and his rather common exhaustion since, he didn't really think he'd be getting around to fulfilling that plan any time soon. The best he could do was doing small things for others, since usually that didn't involve pushing himself to create something or do physical activity with his aching and still healing chest. The most recent example of this had been collecting bones for Vathmos's collection, of course, but there would hopefully be more to come.

Needless to say, when Roy had warned Aurum away from looking under his bed, the lion had certainly been... curious. He wasn't sure what exactly his son could want to hide from him. Perhaps a diary or a journal of some kind that he wanted to keep private? All of the awful teen books and movies suggested dirty magazines or something of an equal perverted nature, but considering they were animals and Roy hardly seemed the type, Aurum had quickly ruled that out as well. It had definitely chewed at his mind for more than a couple of nights, but he had still obeyed his son's wishes, not wanting Roy to think that his father didn't trust him. When Aurum heard the familiar sound of the tiger's voice call through the air, he found himself perking up, having been sat outside to the tavern talking casually with a couple of npcs. His first reaction was a vague sense of anxiety, worried that something had happened to Roy, but given how happy he sounded, the proxy doubted that was the case. Moving over to where the boy was practically bouncing with excitement, Aurum blinked at the crown of clovers upon his head before smiling slightly. A chuckle leaving his throat, the male said as he sat back on his haunches, "Yes, Roy? What've you got there?" It didn't even occur to him that the crown could've been for him, instead figuring Roy was just excited about it and wanted to show it off to his father.
template by orion

Re: ENJOY IT TOO / gift for aurum - spacexual - 01-09-2020

Re: ENJOY IT TOO / gift for aurum - wormwood. - 01-10-2020

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Although Aurum wasn't often on the receiving side of gifts, that didn't mean he wasn't happy when he received them. In fact, he was usually quite overjoyed when he received a gift from someone he truly loved and cared about, because it made their love into something tangible, even if it didn't need to be. So, when Roy looked up and smiled warmly at him, moving the crown from atop his head, Aurum found himself blinking in surprise, a warm smile spreading slowly across his face as his son explained that it was a gift. The lion spent a long moment just staring down at the lucky crown, not so much judging it as he was just admiring it, and taking in what Roy had done for him. Sure, to some it would be a relatively small gesture, and he was sure there were even some who would brush it off rather rudely, but Aurum was far from one of those kinds of people. Instead, he carefully hooked his claws around the edge of the crown, lifting it up and placing it atop his own head. It took a little bit of effort to get the halo of clovers to stay firmly utop his head, especially with his wild and lush mane there, but he managed to do it. Once he did, he chuckled before moving forward to embrace Roy, his warm and fluffy arms moving up to pull the boy closer, into his mane. With Roy securely pressed up against his front, Aurum touched his nose lovingly to the tiger's head, speaking softly as he let out an affectionate chuff, "I love it, Roy. I'm sure it'll bring me so much good luck in the future... thank you for a wonderful gift, son." He sounded utterly overjoyed, and in all honesty, he was. Just the small gesture was enough to make his heart twist, a lump forming in his throat.
template by orion