Beasts of Beyond
SOMEWHERE OUT THERE LOOSE AND RUNNING;; open - return - Printable Version

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SOMEWHERE OUT THERE LOOSE AND RUNNING;; open - return - trojan g. - 01-07-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"] [[ long story short, I've been MIA because of work & I've been busy looking for a service dog, but I'm hoping to have my schedule better soon and we've found a dog, so Moth and I are back! I've also been watching a lot of Disney since my mom got Disney+ so expect lots of Disney song titles from me ]]

She had lost track of time, and it all ran together.

Moth wasn't sure as to what she was doing by the time the month of her absence was over. She had remembered dreams and bad feelings coming her way, thoughts of her old family and home before they all got sick and died, thing she hadn't thought about for a long time. Something had told her she needed to do research into what they had, do research in case in came back in full swing and hit Tanglewood, but it had happened so long ago and she had been on her own for such a long time since all of that had happened, she couldn't remember it. It didn't help that it was something that was traumatic for her, and something that she didn't exactly want to remember, but it had all come back to her in waves.

She had thought about asking Selby for help, asking for what this could possibly be and what it could possibly mean, but instead she had accidentally locked herself away in her own little house, losing track of time and forgetting which day it was. A day turned into a week and a week into a month of Moth simply sitting and reading, remembering and crying, and eating junk she had lying around. When she had finally come out of her trance of it all, she came out exhausted, wanting nothing but to have a good meal and to sleep, but she didn't know where to start, and didn't know why she felt this way. She had only been gone for a few days, right?

She didn't even know it was a new year.

Re: SOMEWHERE OUT THERE LOOSE AND RUNNING;; open - return - charactercemetary. - 01-07-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Kaito hadn't been out and about for a few hours, most likely due to the fact that without Jii-chan, making his heists took a lot more planning on his part. He didn't have any of his cool gadgets anymore, and finding substitutions for them were not easy. After his work was finished, and he managed to get out, he felt tired, popping out his collar and his shoulder bones,

Lazily, his gaze focused on an... older, maybe, lady that he hasn't seen before, and rushes over. "Hello, Miss. How are you?"

Re: SOMEWHERE OUT THERE LOOSE AND RUNNING;; open - return - wormwood. - 01-07-2020

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Moth. Oh God, had he missed Moth. The lion had spent many of the last several days he had been on bedrest just wondering where his beloved sister had disappeared off to, his mind festering with how many awful things could've happened to her. He wasn't about to argue that he missed her even more than Selby – although honestly he thought they both missed her about the same amount – but it still felt awful not having her and her special brand of warm comfort around. He had no idea what Moth had been doing all this time, but whenever he had attempted to go to her house and see her, he had always received no answer, the house seeming cut off from the entire rest of the world even though it was quite close to everybody else. Still, even though searching around the house for her hadn't really yielded any results in the past, Aurum found himself circling around it on his morning walk, stretching his muscles and seeing if anyone needed anything. As he rounded the front of Moth's house, he definitely wasn't expecting to see... well, anything, really. He expected to see the usual dark and strangely grim surroundings he had become unfortunately used to. However, he was stunned when he was instead face to face with none other than Moth, sitting outside of her home seeming... groggy? He wasn't quite sure. Kaito was either there, and the other was definitely mentally noted by the proxy as he rushed over, but he barely spared the feline a glance, his gaze instead focused intensely on Moth in front of him. He seemed to be under the impression that if he tore his eyes away for even a moment, she would disappear again. Once he seemed satisfied that she was real, and not just some figment of his anxious imagination, the lion rumbled softly, "M... Moth? Moth! Oh my god, I've missed you so much... have you been inside of there this whole time? You missed new years!" Aurum's voice seemed to be a mixture of frantic and slightly angry, although his anger wasn't really focused on Moth. Instead it was just all spilling out of him as he rambled, a frown curling at the edges of his muzzle. Part of him wondered if Moth would even notice the bandages that were currently put carefully over the wound in his chest, or if she was too out of it for such a thing.
template by orion

Re: SOMEWHERE OUT THERE LOOSE AND RUNNING;; open - return - selby roux ! - 01-08-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]It’d been a lonely recovery without Moth. She had patched him up and everything, and checked up on him in the early stages, but soon she stopped coming. And while Selby was more than capable of taking care of himself, he’d wanted her to come. After a while, he began to fear that he had done something wrong. Something she didn’t like. Thoughts of Does she still love me? plagued him during short bouts of consciousness. He shoved thoughts like these away just as quickly as they came, but they still appeared. It was hard.

He found himself lingering near her home, uncertain of whether or not to come closer. Surely if she wanted to see him, she would have come before? Still, Selby wanted to see her, so here he was. A sudden commotion caught his ear, and he quickly approached, surprised to see her with Aurum and someone he had never seen before.

He stayed behind for a moment, not wanting to overwhelm her. “Hi, Moth. I missed you.” He paused, swallowing a little awkwardly. “A lot.”

Re: SOMEWHERE OUT THERE LOOSE AND RUNNING;; open - return - trojan g. - 01-09-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: Times New Roman;font-size:11pt;text-align:justify; color: white"]It was odd, the first face she had seen when she stepped out of her house being one that was new, one she was sure she hadn't met before. Surely there hadn't been too many joiners in the week she'd been gone, right? There couldn't have been, she would have heard about them somehow, would have heard them outside of her house, due to where it being usually plenty of foot traffic came through it. "Er, hello." The adult would speak to Kaito, about to ask for his name before she was suddenly interrupted by a familiar smell and sight, confused as to why Aurum was suddenly super close to her, intently staring at her as if she wasn't even real.

She hadn't changed bodies right? Moth looked down at her paws quickly, noting they were the same color they had been for a while now, and noted that Aurum seemed to be the same size he'd always been - albeit seemingly larger now that he was so close - and realized that, no, she hadn't changed bodies, and she listened to his words, brows furrowing before she shook her head. "No, that's not right..." She would murmur, looking towards her brother for a moment, "No, it's still December, Christmas is in a couple days right? Why would you joke like that...?" She'd drift off, leaving her question where it was as she noticed Selby lingering for a moment before coming quickly over, staying behind before speaking once more, confusion covering her face at the way he spoke, and at his wounds. They were healed... how? "I've missed you too Selby, but it's only been a couple days? H-how'd you heal so fast?" This was all confusing for her, and despite Selby's best attempts at not overwhelming her, all of it was, and she'd swallow for a moment, trying to catch her breath.

Re: SOMEWHERE OUT THERE LOOSE AND RUNNING;; open - return - wormwood. - 01-10-2020

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
It wasn't exactly surprising to Aurum that the next to arrive at Moth's little return was Selby, considering he had very much been present for their little gushing of feelings to each other when Selby had first been injured. He glanced sympathetically over at the male, very much able to imagine how he was feeling, before he returned his one eyed gaze to Moth. Part of him wanted to step away and give them some privacy, but a larger and slightly more selfish part of him decided to stay, mainly because he had missed his sister a hell of a lot too.

He watched as Moth's face flicked through several different expressions at once, clearly a little confused over the worry and relief that both Aurum and Selby had in their voices. When Moth spoke up, Aurum found himself pausing, a great deal of different feelings passing through him as well. A soft expression came to his face after a moment, one that seemed to be not quite pity, but definitely something very sad. Moving forward a little bit Aurum pressed his forehead against his sister's shoulder, rumbling softly, "Moth..." He seemed to be at a loss for words for a long moment, struggling with how to explain to his sister how long she had been gone. Eventually he just sighed heavily, his claws digging into the ground beneath him and pushing up dirt, "Moth... you haven't been gone a week. Nobody has seem you in a month. You missed Christmas. And New Year's Eve..." He couldn't imagine the shock Moth must've been feeling, especially if she hadn't even realized how much time had passed, but he needed to be honest. If he just played along to spare her feelings... well, not only would it be lying right to her face, but it probably wouldn't work very well, considering Christmas had passed weeks ago. Hopefully she'd be able to remain somewhat calm despite the circumstances, with both he and Selby here to support her.
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